13 *Self harm*
Oh my it took me a century to update but here it is i seriously doubt if you still remember what happened previously in the story😅 and yeah if you are giving it a read plz leave a vote too 💜
Hoseok's p.o.v
I went into the room and saw y/n lying there with an IV drip attached with her arm. Eyes never leaving hers. She was just laying there still wearing the typical hospital clothes.
Flashbacks came back as he shivered shaking his head to to let those thoughts taking control of him again.
"Who are you Y/n?" Hoseok questioned to unconscious you.
His mind was clouded with questions.
"How do you know yoongi hyung?" Hoseok again questioned.
He took a seat next to her in the small room her laying on the bed with that drip was doing nothing good to him he was lost in his thoughts.
He was still deep in his thoughts when someone opened the door he looked at the door to see jungkook entering his eyes also fixed towards her body.
"Kook?" Hoseok took jungkook out of his thoughts.
Jungkook sighed and look at hoseok with hooded eyes.
"Hyung do you know where her house is or where is her phone? I need to contact her parents" jungkook said taking out his phone.
"No as i said she didn't had her phone when we came back and umm i just know the street where she lives not exactly the house should we check into the company addresses i think she must have given it there" hoseok suggested
"Hmm you are right" jungkook replied.
"Everything's alright?" Hoseok exclaimed.
"We can hope so" jungkook said
"What do you mean by that?" Asked hoseok a curious-shocked expression on his face.
"Umm hyung will it be alright if i come in the morning? Will you be okay here?" Jungkook asked.
"Hmm i said I'll be okay you should head home" hoseok said.
"Okay then see you in the morning I'll bring meeshi too" jungkook replied going out of the room.
"Hmm but what will you do about her parents" hoseok asked again.
"Don't worry I'll check into company make sure to get some rest hyung" jungkook smiled non-chalantly and made his way out.
"Night hyung"
"Bye kook" hoseok said and again closed the door went in to sit.
In the mid of night hoseok almost fell asleep on the small couch shifting uncomfortably here and there.
When he again got the same dream or should he say nightmare.
"Hobi i promise you won't be lonely" a pale boy stained with blood was in between his lap.
"What are you talking about... Just stay here ambulance would be here soon" he replied crying and wrapping his arm tighter around the older boy.
"No just ... Make sure to .. continue your studies and s-stuff" he said a little smile crept on his face.
"Hy-hyung don't! you are my only family why have you done it" he said hugging him while crying his heart out.
Soon the siren of ambulance was heard.
"Thanks hobi" with that the pale figure closed his eyes.
"No no hyung open your eyes!"
"Open you eyes!"
"Open your eyes!" With that he suddenly woke up his forehead drenched in sweat as his breath was heavy he sit upright taking in his surroundings.
He again looked at you as you were still laying there.
"Guess it was again that dream" hoseok said to himself as he took sharp breaths and stood up walked over to the bedside and took a water of glass from teh jug the nurse had placed there before.
As he was drinking water he notíced something on y/n.
He squinted his eyes and took your hand pulling the sleeve higher.
"Oh god" he gasped
He saw all the cut marks, bruises and fresh wounds on your arms the ones that you probably made with those blades.
He took the other arm and there were the same marks.
Though the wounds healed but they still left their marks and that's why you always wear a full sleeve shirt.
As he was still examining your arms you shifted in your state causing his attention on you.
"Y/n?" He softly asked.
"Are you awake?" He again questioned.
Your p.o.v
It was like i was sleeping for so long i didn't know how much but when i woke up i saw hoseok.
"Are you awake?" His words caught my attention.
What did he meant by that and where am i shit i have to get home
I suddenly sat up straight but regretted when i felt a sharp pain in my head.
"Hey hey hey y/n" hoseok again said concerned crouching down.
"Stay calm we are in a hospital you fainted .. again" the last word came out calmly as he started to pour water for me.
"What happened how am i here?" I asked almost confused taking in the small yet wide hospital room with a couch on the left side and a drip stand right beside my bed.
"Here" he gave me the glass "drink water you must feel thirsty" he said in a way calm voice or i should say hurt voice?
I looked at him confused why is he doing all these things!
"Uh thanks" i took the water and took a sip but it felt bitter i think it's because of the fever.
"Are you okay now?" He asked again looking at me.
"Yes i guess" i replied seeing the drip insertion on my hand.
"Where is your phone? I mean we have to tell someone about you at your home your parents must be worried" hoseok enquired.
Huh parents ? Worried? I bet they don't even know if i was home or not.
"Y/n?" He asked again taking me out of my thoughts.
"I have to go home now" i replied blankly trying to take off the needle.
"No no you are not recovered beside we have to ask Jin for his permission for you to leave" hoseok said
"Jin?" I asked confused.
"Hmm he's the doctor also my friend he treated you at my house and here too" hoseok informed.
"Oh" all i said was oh I don't know what to do.
"Give me your parent's number i should contact them or take this phone" he said taking his phone out.
"Umm i guess it's fine they will be fine" i replied and sighed.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Then take rest" he said giving a slight smile.
"But what about you. You should go home" i said guilty that he is in so much trouble because of me.
"Its okay for me i can wait for the morning" he said smiling.
"No i will be fine" he said again walking up to the couch.
"Take some rest" he said while sitting down.
I didn't replied instead lie down again. I don't know what to do besides that injected needle wasn't of any help. I felt sorry about him for getting him in so much things what is happening with me why am i even alive.
I sighed hardly again. I hate myself.
Hoseok's p.o.v
I was worried about her wounds but i don't want her to get nervous again i took a seat and she lied again a lot of things were going on my mind.
I relaxed my posture and again look at her.
Soon i heard small snores i think she fell asleep again it's because of the medicines but she also needs rest i guess she's fine now.
With that he also fell asleep again.
Time skips...
The nurse entered the room at 6 a.m. seeing both hoseok and y/n sleeping she took a check on yoh and got relieved your vitals were now stable so was fever. She carefully took out the needle causing you to hiss at the a sudden stinging pain.
"Ahh sorry i didn't mean to" she immediately apologize seeing y/n opening her eyes.
"Uhh" i looked at my hand and slightly rubbed it.
"Its okay" i said to her.
I looked over to where hoseok was lying and i just felt more bad about it.
"Are you okay miss? Should i call the doctor?" The nurse asked.
"No it's okay I'm fine now" i replied.
"Okay then I'll come back soon" she said and walked out.
I again looked at hoseok and this time i got frustrated why is he like this why is he caring for a person like me? Why did he stayed here? Also the hospital wasn't of any help to me the flashbacks of when i was constricted to the small hospital room for days came back i held my head hugging my legs tightly laying on my side.
Hoseok was now awake he looked over in the room massaging his neck as it was paining of the posture he slept he tilted his neck back and forth but then he saw y/n laying on the opposite side hugging herself this made him worried is she okay? He thought.
He stood up and walked over to her bed.
"Y/n?" He called lightly but got worried when he saw that she was tugging on her legs to her chests so hard that it barely seems she was relaxed or not or if she was even listening to him.
He quickly walked to the opposite side of the bed but she didn't seem to notice him yet still.
"Y/n is everything okay? Are you hurt?" His eyes shown pure worry. "Should i call the doctor? Y/n?" He placed a hand on her shoulder to which she flinched and opened her eyes almost teary as she saw him.
"Are you okay?" He again asked worriedly. His hair disheveled and his voice sore as he just woke up.
"Why are you like this?" I asked almost on the verge of crying.
He blinked his eyes twice.
"What do you mean? Have i done something wrong?" He asked completely unaware.
"Just leave me on my own i am fine and i have to go to my home now" i said almost standing up but regretting the fact how harsh again i was with him instead of thanking him i was again having such a panic situation.
Just as i was about to walk to the door a man knocked and entered the room.
A tall young man who was wearing a doctor coat with a stethoscope hung around his neck. His glasses which were rested on his nose bridge and was wearing a smile but it soon vanished when he saw me i mean saw me standing?
"Morning Ms Y/n i assume you are fine now" he said with a smile.
"Jin. Kim SeokJin the doctor attending you" Jin said with a smile.
I didn't replied i don't have any words should i tell him to let me go or should i thank him for treating me.
"Are you going somewhere?" He asked again calmly.
"Hello hoseok" hoseok who was in a thought of why she behaved like that got out of that situation and looked at Jin.
"Morning doctor" hoseok greeted.
"Morning" jin said and motioned y/n to sit on the bed.
"Hmm so your fever got down and also for the fainting situation i think you are better now" jin said as he took a hold of his stethoscope.
"Can i go home?" I asked looking at him.
"Oh i see you speak too" he said in a joking manner and then it hit me it was the first time i spoke up from the moment he walked in
"Well first take deep breaths" he said as he placed the stethoscope on my back i did as he told me.
"Is she okay now Hyung?" Hoseok asked.
"Hmm" he took a few notes and then looked at him "for now she's fine but i think she has to come again i assume she needs a proper checkup" jin suggested hoseok.
"Oh we can come?" Hoseok questioned me.
"Why i have to come again exactly?" I asked panicked.
"Ahh nothing to worry about just general checkup" he replied ever so calmly.
"And you have to stay till midday so we can have a check on your fever conditions" he said.
"But i have to go on work" i protested.
"It's okay jungkook has deal with it" hoseok replied.
"No i have just started I can't have a holiday like this" i again replied.
"Ms Y/n don't get too much stressed over work if hoseok is telling that they have dealt with the day then you should take rest" jin replied.
"No buts just take rest, you need plenty of rest" jin said.
"What did he meant by plenty of rest?" Hoseok thought "why is he behaving ever so calmly"
"Umm then i should go hoseok can you come with me?" Jin asked hoseok who was standing with his hands crossed over his chest.
"Sure' hoseok replied.
They both left the room and now y/n was only left in the room.
Jungkook's p.o.v
Last night i came home and went to my room. Then i opened my laptop and sent an email to ask for y/n's house address. Thankfully i got it but i was still confused on to tell her parent's about her condition or ask Jin hyung first as what he told about her wasn't giving me her any good relations with her family.
I took a bath and went to sleep.
In the morning jungkook got up and just smiled to himself, yesterday's event him with meeshi came into his mind and he went to freshen up.
Be messaged her a "good morning"
And started to do his breakfast then it hit him.
"Shit hoseok hyung" he said while sitting on the table with his parents.
"What is it jungkook?" His mother asked.
"Ahh mom can you have breakfast ready for two persons a real quick?" He said quickly drinking up his juice.
"Sure thing but for who?" His mother asked again to which his father also looked at his son.
"It's for hoseok hyung and uhh for a new friend of mine" jungkook replied standing up.
"Uh okay" she replied and called for the maid.
"Jeon?" Jungkook's father said sternly.
"Yes father?" Jungkook asked while texting somebody on his phone.
"Is he still your friend? That hoseok guy?" His father questioned.
"Uhh" jungkook was a bit confused on his father's odd behavior "yes? Is there anything about it dad?"
"You should not get involved in him that much he's not a kind of person our family people hung out with we don't even know what his background is" his father said taking a bit of his omelette.
"What do you mean what kind of person he is?" Jungkook got really confused.
"Look kook just don't get involve in his life you have your own work to handle" his father said.
"Exactly he is my colleague" jungkook protested seeing his father's grumpy view point about people.
"Kook here its ready" his mother came back with the maid with a basket.
"Don't be a fool son" Jungkook's father said as he stood up walking to his bedroom probably for changing for going to his work.
"Is everything alright?" Jungkook's mother asked.
"Uhh yes I don't know what dad's talking about?" Jungkook said yet confused.
"Uhh but is your friend okay?" jungkook's mother asked.
"Can you put this in my car" jungkook asked the maid.
"Yes sir" with that she went out.
"He's fine mum see you later" jungkook saod as he made his way out.
He called meeshi.
"Morning" jungkook said smiling to himself waiting for the woman's answer.
"Good morning kookie" meeshi replied.
"Where are you?let me pick you up" he said getting in his car.
"No it's okay i was going to company" meezhi replied.
"Actually your friend Y/n" he paused.
"What about y/n?" She asked confused.
"She's in hospital" he said to which meeshi started to panic.
"What?? What are you talking about why is she in the hospital? is she fine? What happened to her?"
Meeshi questioned breathlessly.
She knew that what y/n's been doing with herself and it make her dead worried.
Sorry to leave on hang but the chapter was becoming way too long
I'll try to update soon✨
Word count :2759
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