04 *Narcolepsy*
NARCOLEPSY: A condition characterized by frequently sleeping because of lackness of a brain pigment
They can sleep anywhere anytime if they miss their medication which can also be dangerous for them
(There isn't any cure just treatments)
"so everything's in here" he said while holding onto his file
"Are you listening?Ms Meeshi?" He said again looking at her as she was looking outside the window admiring the beautiful sight
"Oh uh I am sorry yes thankyou"she bowed a little
"It's good,you can start working from today"
"Manager sejin has appointed you to the graphical handler will you be able to do everything accurately?" He said in the most bossy style
"Yes I will do my best I won't give you any chance of complain"she said ,her lips curved causing her to smile brightly
There was an awkward silence in jungkook's room
"U-I should tell you your place come with me" he said almost stuttering but took a long breath to set it aside
"Oh okay"she answered walking beside him her heels tiptoeing creating a unique sound in the hallway of their department
They walked to where y/n was
Y/n's p.o.v
I was working again then I felt someone walked to my desk I looked up to see meeshi and jungkook again
"You place is here" he said while signalling on a desk two tables across mine
I looked at meeshi and she was kinda looking sad but then she bowed at him saying her thanks
"Thankyou sir" she said
"It's okay you can call me jungkook" he said grinning showing his bunny teeth again
"I'll give you the whole round after lunch I have some work to do" he said waving his hands
He left and she quickly come towards me
"Heyyyyy y/n-shii" she said
"Can you explain what's happening" I asked her
She smiled innocently
"Are you not happy with me here?"she said pouting
"Uh no it's not like that"
"Oh umm I think you don't like me working with you Y/n my heart my poor heart"she said dramatically holding her chest
"Aishh" i looked at her
"Drama queen" I said to her
She smiled hugging me again this tight more tight
"Hey stop we are in office" i said to her
"Look what we got here"
We both looked at the person but I already know who it was
"Can I help you?" Meeshi asked Sunmi and mentally facepalmed myself
"Meeshi shh" i shushed her
"You will be needing my help and I am your senior call me sunbaenim Sunmi"she said
"Umm okay nice to meet you" meeshia answered
"It's Sunmi sunbaenim also" she said correcting her but meeshi was confused
"Nice to meet you Sunmi sunbaenim" she said
"Good" "I hope you are not like your stupid friend" she said again but this time it got furious as she steeped Infront of me
"What do you mean stupid?" Meeshi asked in a scary tone as Sunmi got a little terrified
"I think you know office rules so it will be easy for you see you around then" she said still keeping her bossy grossy aura
"Hmm" meeshi replied and she walked backed swaying her hips
"Why haven't you told me about her?"she asked me in a worried tone
"There's nothing"
"Did she said something to you also?"
"It's fine go and start your work we will talk during lunch time" i changed the topic because I know she's a professional in asking what she wants
"I still don't know what work"
"Jungkook said he will tell me after lunch" she said grinning
"Why are smiling like pabo(stupid)" I asked her
"Why haven't you told me that Jeon freaking jungkook the ace of our Bangtan university is here working with you why in the hell are u even alive huh you forget about Kookie???" She said attacking me.
"Hey Y/n-shii you know Kookie was looking so hot during basketball match you don't know how much I wanna go out with him he's so perfect,so handsome, so amazing ,so-"she was drooling again
"Ask him out then" Y/n said adjusting her glasses on her nose bridge
"Aishhh are you even alive how can I he is like a freaking diamond and here I am a copper coin how can he even knew me" meeshi said pouting
"Hmm I can't help you then" Y/n said continuing her reading
"You are no fun" "have you ever seen him he's my Kookie and whenever I got the chance I won't waste it" she Said diving in her Dreamland
Just then the bell rang indicating the next class for today
End of flashback
"Kookie?" "Your crush?"
"Shhh"she put her hand on my mouth " can you be quite" she Said almost blushing
"Hey ladies I think I am not interuppting you" namjoon said
"Oh uhh umm no"meeshi said
"Nice to meet you I am Kim namjoon , you are meeshi Lee?" He said his hand holding out
"Umm yes nice to meet you sir namjoon" meeshi said
"Mr jungkook said that you'll be start off working with graphics am I right?" He said
"Hmm yes" she answered
"Good then I am here to explain our current project"
"Oh thanks what I have to do" meeshi asked
"I think for it you have to start off with your devices" he said almost grinning
"Oh uh right" she Said dumbfounded
"Can you excuse us Y/n"namjoon asked politely
"Uh" i nod he smiled and she looked at me then walked towards her now new assigned designation
I got my seat and started off with what I was doing
Hoseok p.o.v
-on the call-
"Hey kook"
"Yea hyung"
"What were you doing?"
"Haha hyung working"
"Oh uhh"
"Is something wrong?"
"No umm it's okay meet you at cafeteria"
I cut the call I don't even know why I called him I didn't called him at company but why I can't go straight to his department what in the hell is happening
Just then my phone buzzed indicating my alarm of medicine
I looked in my pockets to find my medicine just then reality hit me hard
I looked for the spare bottle of medicine in my bag
But no it can't happen I forgot to take it with me
I checked again in my pockets and again in the bag shuffling my things on desk to see if it's there or not
"No this can't happen" i looked at the time
"Shit two hours" I cursed myself again looking again for it
I held my head breathing heavily
"Everything's fine?" One of my colleagues asked
"Uh umm it's fine" i answered waving a fake smile
"Okay if you are needing anything ask me"he said again
"Thanks" i said shuffling my things again
Without even wasting more time I stood up closed my laptop and quickly walked towards the main of our department going to jungkook's department because I know he also have my medicines in his office
By this time i started to feel dizzy again no one in this company knows about my narcolepsy just jungkook because once he found me sleeping beside janitor's closet
One day I was in my department working when I felt dizzy I knew already about my sickness i have my pills with me but I forgot about the timing I was waking past the janitor's closet but then my head started to feel dizzy i lost my focus and fall behind its door
When I woke up it was kind of 5 or 10 minutes
But I found two doe eyes looking at me worryingly
"Are you okay?" He asked me
I gained back my posture and he helped me to stand
"Uhh yes I-i just kind of dozed off" I answered not wanting him to tell
"But dude you just dozed off in the middle of nowhere" "are you really okay?"
"Gosh why is he caring so much I didn't even knew him" he thought
"Uhh hmm it's like umm do you have water?" I changed the topic
He had a mug in his hands
"Yes here it is I was actually here for water" he said smiling again
"Thankyou jungkook" I said focusing on his I'd card
"It's okay hoseok" he answered
It was a short chat I drank water and we exchanged our byes but then one day he found me taking pills and that's when he asked and I told him about my sickness but to my surprise he was so supportive with it everytime he helped me in doing my stuffs too
So then we started to hangout and he also got to know my past
End of flashback
I walked towards his department taking the elevator I dialed his phone number but he didn't pick up
I walked past his department swiping my card to enter and then walked to his office straight
To my surprise I found him walking out
"Hyung?" He asked curious
"What happened?" He asked again looking at me
"My medicine y-you have them right?"
He looked at him confused but when he realised he quickly took him in and made him sit on a chair in his office
"Here" he handed him a bottle after a minute of searching it in his drawers
"Thanks" i took it and quickly gulped two pills as he handed me water
"Are you good?" He asked again
"Hmm" I answered standing up
"Did you forget yours?" He asked concerned
"I think so I thought I have taken it with me" I asked scratching my back of neck grinning
"It's okay but please go and get an appointment again" "Should I make a reservation?" He asked
Hoseok smiled at his friend concerning for him
"It's okay Kookie you already have done alot thanks"
"But still I think it's getting worse" he said again
"No it's okay it's been 8 years now" hoseok said "I am taking my medicines regularly"
He flashed him a smile
"Are you really fine?"
"Hmm"he nods making him assure
"See you at cafeteria then"
"Okay hyung"
"I think I am disturbing you okay then" i stood up walking outside his office
Then I looked at all of the employees they allow ere doing their work then my eyes landed on a particular person
I looked at her and without even noticing a smile crept on my face she was working sunlight flashing on her clear skin
"Hey hoseok" i looked to my side and there I saw namjoon
"Hey buddy"
"How are you?" He asked
"I am good what about you"
"Fine too" "everything fine? You here?" He asked
"Yea I just came to see jungkook" i answered him
(Kim namjoon and hoseok are of same age and they became friends in this company they often go to company tours together and as the gaming and art department is linked in so many ways they used to see eachother quite often)
-time skips-
(At cafeteria)
Y/n's p.o.v
We walked in the crowded place I don't want to even come but meeshi insisted
We got into the line and got our lunch after passing our key cards
Now we were standing there searching for a quite and empty spot then we were called from the back
"Ms y/n Ms Meeshi" jungkook said
I looked at him with a straight face but for meeshi she was blushing
"Mind having company with us" he asked
"Uh it's fine you don-. Ouch" I felt a harsh pain on my elbow
"We would love to" meeshi answered
He just looked at us weirdly and then gestured us to come with him but wait what he meant by us?
"Why were you refusing his offer" she said whispering
"Uh I"
"Hey kookie!!" We looked to see a new male sitting Infront of us where jungkook just took us not new for me I already know him. I think so!
"Hey girls meet hoseok my hyung . The one you met yesterday Y/n you remember?" He asked me
"Uh " I looked at him
Hoseok waved at us smiling his face making a heart shape
"Hello to you"he said
We both got seated Infront of them
He was kinda friendly person they all exchanged down quick intros I was eating my food when hoseok called out
"How are you Y/n?"
I looked at him nodding a little
"Kookie you know we are neighbors like we live in the same neighborhood" he said making a hand gesture
"Oh wow" meeshi and jungkook said in unison causing the pair next to us to look
"It's okay" jungkook said to them after adjusting his attention the more I don't want to get any of it
"Hmm" i answered
"Wait Y/n why didn't you told me?" Meeshi objected
"You didn't asked"
"Oh uh right but still why!!"
"Oh so how did you know you live at same place?" Jungkook asked from hoseok
"It's just I was doing my morning walk today and then we met up at a park" he answered
"Wow it's good to hear" jungkook said nudging hoseok
As he death glared him
"Oh let's finish up we are late" hoseok said
As we started eating again
Next up meeshi and jungkook went for taking a round while I went to women restroom my arms were hurting badly as meeshi clinged onto me tightly
I entered the restroom and to my surprise there was no one I quickly rolled off my sleeve only to see blood stained bandaids
Last night I made a hard cut and now its hurting more I unwrapped my bandage and wiped the stinging blood and pain with a lavendar scented wipe placed on counter top
It wasn't bleeding now I took a deep breath and wrapped it again with the previous one I had then rolled my sleeves back down
And washed up my face
I walked outside and then to our department different employees on my way
I went to my seat and took a deep breath
"Where were you?" Sunmi asked
"Uh I was in the restroom" i answered standing up
"Hmm okay now go make up cold brewed coffee for me without sugar" she said ordering
"Uh okay where is the kitchen?" I don't want to talk to her
"Straight up right to third door" she said going to her seat
I stood up and walked towards where she asked me well it's not asking it's ordering
I opened the door and it was kinda a small one there was handmixer and mini fridge all type of stuff
I quickly poured in water then an instant brewed coffee without sugar
Then I walked to her seat and placed the glass on her desk
She took a a sip
"It's instant?" She said clicking her tongue
"Yes" i answered
"I told you to make a brewed one"
"This was all present there" I answered
"Yea whatever" "leave" she said as I turned on my heels and went to my seat
She rubbed her face trying to soothe her anxiety of coming back from that small room when she got interuppted
"Where were you??" Meeshi asked coming
"Making coffee" i answered
"For whom?" She looked at my desks as there wasn't any coffee cup there
"For Sunmi sunbaenim" I replied
"I don't like her" she said and I nod in agreement
"Hmm okay I'm going to look for the project" she Said
"Go on" I replied
-time skips-
We were done now so we both walked downstairs while she told how she got into the company
Long story short ,she got here as she got a promotion in her previous company and they offered her here as she also knew I was about to start working here she won't refused and that's how she ended up here
"So how's uncle and aunt"she asked barely audible as we were walking in silence to bus stand
"Like always" I answered
"Be brave" she said trying to lighten up the air
I looked at her and smiled
"See you tomorrow then" she said holding both of arms as I tried not to wince of pain and then she hugged and got seated in her car as her driver was waiting next to the bus
I walked back to bus and got seated
Just then i looked at my left arm as it was aching painfully soon I found droplets of blood following I gasped and tried to apply pressure in order not to get my shirt soaked
Hoseok p.o.v
I was standing at the bus stand waiting for the bus when she walked with the new girl back there
They exchanged some words and then she got seated in a car as y/n followed the bus
I also got in there and sat opposite to her examining her features
She was checking her arms and then I realise that a tear escaped her eye I took a look shocking at her arms
I gasped as I saw her shirt having blood stains i was about to Stand going to her when the bus stopped indicating our spot
I have to get down on the next spot but my extincts convinced me to get down here
She hurriedly rushed out of the bus and I followed her
"Y/n!" I shouted causing her stop on her tracks
I stood there catching my breath as she faced me
"Your arm"i pointed at her "what happened its bleeding"
"It's nothing" she said walking back holding her arm
"Are you sure" I asked walking beside her
"It's nothing of your business"she said in the most cold tone causing him to stop on his feet he was just being considerate for her as her colleague
He silently moved back and walked to where he was coming
Y/n's p.o.v
A sudden rush of guilt hovers above me I don't want to be that harsh but I can't help with myself what will he think of me he was just reaching to help me but what have I done
I turned back my heels only to see his silhouette which means he took a turn on the alley I sighed hard and walked to my house my feets were now sinking of all regret
My breath also started to hitch as I took faster steps to reach my house I unlocked the main and ran towards my room to take some mind relaxine just then I quickly took my shirt off cleaning the wound which was rinsing blood i applied pressure on it and bandaged it again by this time the effect of relaxine got into me I wore my pajamas without taking a bath Locked my room and I felt my body hitting the hard floor by my bedside no longer I was asleep
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Word count:3196
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