03 *Melancholy*
MELANCHOLY: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause
Third person's p.o.v
She woke up and take a look at time it was 4 in the morning
She got up and went into her bathroom after freshening up she came back and opened up her laptop to complete the leftover work from yesterday
After about an hour everything was done she closed the laptop and laid back on her bed
"Should I tell her?" She thought
Just then she unlocked her phone and go through her texts corner
Unread messages
(8 messages from meeshi)
Meeshi: hey Y/n !!!
how are you....
How was your first day there?
Do you like it there?
Are they good with you?
If not just text me once
i'll bash all of them
Love you
(23:40 yesterday)
(5:08 today)
Yeah they are nice
(5:09 today)
Why haven't you replied
I just slept early
Oh it's okay
How are you?
I am fine tell me about
you how was the day
Something new?
Umm nothing much
Good are they nice with
What did you did?
They gave me a tour
of the company
Good bruh
You know I have a
Surprise for you
You will love it
What's with surprise?
Just wait my
Girl you will get it
Okay so why are you
Awake so early?
I should be asking
This from you
Haha I just woke up
Cuz I have some
Busy works for
Today so umm yeah
Btw the weather today
Is so pleasant
It's almost morning
Haha yea
Okay then talk to you
Later bbyeee💜💜
With that I got up wore my slippers and went downstairs there as usual I saw him(her dad) drunk sleeping on the sofa while I think mum is in her room
I took a blanket and placed it over him as it was quite cool in here
Walked back to the kitchen and drank up some water
I wore my sneakers and went outside
Sun wasn't even rised yet so moonlight was still cascading through the whole street
I started jogging with little pace as the cold wind make contact with my bare cheeks I felt goosebumps all over but I still shrugged it off then I jog towards a little park near my house
It wasn't a big one rather a smaller one with beautiful flower beds surrounding it
I slowed my pace and started walking on the grass admiring the peaceful sight Infront of me
I took a seat on the bench near a streetlight pole looking blankly at the empty park
Just then I remembered
I used to come here when I was 7 with both mom and dad there were alot of kids at that time here usually it was crowded I made friends here and get beautiful memories but now they only turned into nightmares
Everything got upside down
One by one everyone left
the world got fast forwarded now everyone knows their own needs their requirements there isn't much of them who truly sees someone to be welcomed during this whole time I got myself found in a melancholy
Eventually in this world full of admirers of money my life got ruined both mother and father traced the door of money leaving their own feelings their love everything for it
And now-
She flinched and jumped of the sudden touch eyes widened having fear in them
"Oh hey I am so sorry I didn't mean to"
Hosoek's p.o.v
I was doing my morning walk as usual when I happened to pass from a park
I was still relishing the admiring sight of flowerbeds when my sight runs to a bench
There I saw a girl sitting staring at nothing
I looked in the direction Infront of her but there was just some slides and swings
I looked at her again and then I take a clear look of her
There was a sudden rush of fluids in his body which made him smile brightly looking at her
He started to walk towards her but still she was just staring at nothing
"Hey" he called out smiling but his smile turned smaller when she didn't replied
"Hey Y/n" he called again but she was much lost in her thoughts he then tapped in her shoulder making her flinch and jumped off guard
"Oh hey I am so sorry I didn't mean too" he said looking at her drawing his hands on his sides
She was looking at him with wide eyes keeping her palm on her chest for calming her down
"It's just I called you but you weren't responding so I just umm-" he was trying to make her understand what he meant but she cut him off
"It's okay" she said
"It's so early why are you here? everyone is probably asleep" he asked her in concern finding her lonely in that park
"I came for a walk" she said walking to the exit
"Oh hmm hey I was also doing walk around here do you live in this neighborhood?" He asked walking a little fast to match her pace
"Yes" was all she answered
"So we live in the same neighborhood wow that's great" he said with a heart smile
"Hmm" she walked back to her street but he followed her quitely
"Is your house here?" She asked stopping causing him to stop too
"Nah it's in the opposite lane" he said scratching the back of his head
"It's the wrong lane then" she said coldly
"Oh haha yeah but it's empty down here so I was just making sure you can go back safely" he said smiling at her
"It's okay I can go back by myself"
"You can go" she said turning back
He looked at her in confusion but then just shoved his hands in his puma trouser and flash back a wave at her
"See you at company then"
She responds with a little nod causing him to turn back on his heels and he walked back from where they were coming
"She's really weird" he said pouting tilting his head a little
"I haven't saw someone like her before" he said walking back to his apartment building
(Hoseok lived in an apartment because his mother was a single parent she left him at an amusement park one day telling him that she would come back but she never came back at that time he was just 9 a police officer handed him to a foster home there he grew up those foster parents were so humble with him but when he was of legal age he left that house and start to live on his own)
He twisted the door knob after pulling the keys out then walked in
He set the whole house and went to take a shower after he was done he wore a simple black tee with black straight pant
While making his breakfast she was still on his mind that he burned his toasts
"Oh woah woah woah" he quickly placed the toast in a plate and took the jam bottle out
After 10 minutes he was done he got up washed the plates and then took his bag make sure to take the bus
After locking his apartment door he rushed towards the elevator checking his pant's pocket
"Oh yeah this this this but wait where's my phone" he quickly walked back again opened up the door taking his phone checking everything and locking it again
He walked to the bus stand
Looking for a particular soul Just then he spotted her the bus came everything got in hurry he looked at her getting into the bus swiping her card and going in to take a seat
The bus driver waved at him
"Young boy come over" he said causing him to get out of his thoughts
He quickly got in the bus saying a good morning to him and taking a bar opposite to her seat
He decided not to talk to her but he was observing her more
She was just staring blankly outside the window holding onto her office bag
"I haven't saw any of my colleagues with an actual office bag they always used to have glimmering bags with files in their hands" he thought to himself looking at her plain figure
He looked to his sides seeing school and college girls even they were wearing makeup and accessories and all that stuff but unlike of them she was sitting there with a plain ponytail with a rubber band and a wrist watch nothing more
"She's so mysterious" he thought to himself just then the bus stopped and everyone started to walk out
He also made his way out following her as she started walking towards the company holding onto her bag in left
I walked a little far from her not making her uncomfortable even her walk was showing elegancy and simplicity I haven't been attracted to anyone in my whole life yet she was so different from every girl or women I met before
Then we reached the entrance she took out her I'd card I also take out mine and then started walking in
She passed the card through the metal slider and started walking towards the elevator
I also walked towards the elevator as my department was on second about her it's the third yeah Kookie is also in gaming department I wait in the crowd for getting in the electric box but when I saw her she walked past the crowd and went towards the staircase
I looked at her in confusion unconsciously tilting my head to a side just then I felt a pat on my shoulder
"Hey hyung" jungkook said adjusting his watch on his right wrist
"Oh hey buddy" I answered him back
"What are you waiting for?" He asked him entering the elevator
"Go on" i hold onto my bag and ran towards the staircase
"What is wrong with him" Jungkook thought to himself but just then shrug it off
Hoseok walked towards the stairs and looked up the whole staircase ofcourse it was so long cuz of the storeys in their company
He started walking up the stairs then he heard her footsteps too a smile crept on his face as he walked up she was probably one storey above him he climbed upto the second floor as he felt she went towards her
Just as always he greet everyone on his way and sat on his chair opening up his laptop
He have to start his work in a bit so he opened his drawing pad and starting doodling thinking about her
Y/n's p.o.v
I walked towards my department swiped my card at the main door and entered
There she was i mean Sunmi she just looked a me and gritted her teeth I ignored her gaze and walked toward my seat
Next to my desk was a boy in his 20s too
He seemed to be nice looking by his actions
I took my seat and he looked up and pass a smile towards me I nod my head a lil
Just then i took out my laptop and started with the graphical presentation of our project
"Hey Choi Y/n" I looked up and there she was that I was begging internally for her to leave
"Hello sunmi sunbaenim" i stood up and bow a little as she told not to create a scene or anyone's attention
"Good girl" she smiled almost smirking
Out of the blue she held my cheek
"Why don't you use anything?"she said squeezing it hard that I yelp in pain
"Stop it hurts" I asked her trying to free myself she left my cheek smiling rolling her eyes as I hold onto my now reddish cheek
"Yeah now you got blush" "am I right"
Everyone looked at us almost staring
"It's okay they won't tell it to anyone" she said gritting her teeth
"You are so pale I wonder why they give you a job here considering your physical state" she taunted
"It's not the reason sunbaenim" I said looking towards my feet
"What's going on" i looked towards the owner of the voice and it was the guy from yesterday I think jungkook
"Umm nothing"she said blowing her nails
"Why aren't you all working" he whisper shouted causing everyone to continue what they were doing
"Why are you here?" He asked Sunmi
"Nothing just asking if she needed anything" she said in the sweetest tone ever
"Do you need anything?" He asked me
She looked at him and mumbled a "no"
"Fine" "go continue your work" he said as she walked towards her chair as she looked at me almost death glaring
"How are you?" He asked smiling at me
"Good" she answered simply
He looked at her cheek and frowned
"Your cheek" he pointed at the right one
"It's red?"
"Oh uh it's nothing"I said
"Okay you can continue with your work come to office if you need anything" he said calmly and walked towards his office
I looked at her once again and she just looked at me in disgust
I don't know why is she doing this to me I haven't done anything to her
But I am used to such girls because of my bad experience at my college
Time skips
I was still working on my laptop when the boy next to me tapped on my desk I looked at him
"Hello" he said smiling his cheek digging into his dimples
"Hello" I answered him back
"I am Kim namjoon"he said "Y/n right?" He asked
"Yes" I answered him
"Well we are colleagues now so you can ask me if you need help with anything"
"You can call me joon or namjoon" he said again smiling his dimples getting deeper with his smile
"You can call my Y/n" I said
"Ah I know already" he said grinning
"Oh um yea"i mentally facepalmed myself
"And oh please ignore Sunmi she is the daughter of a very strong businessman and also her father is a shareholder here she got a job here on the basis of power not and skills I am sure you can understand" he said giving me apologetic smile
"Umm I see" "thanks for telling" i replied him
He got a call
"Oh I umm sorry I have to take the call" he said
"It's okay go on" i said and he pick up the call adjusting his glasses on his nose bridge
Just then I continued my work
It was about five minutes when I felt a presence beside me I looked up and my eyes widened
"Hey my girlll"she almost jump towards me
"Meeshi?" I questioned quite surprise seeing her here
"Umm you aren't happy seeing me here?" She said pouting
"oh um not I mean you here ?"
"Are you done ladies?" A male voice asked
I looked to her side and there I saw the same man who interviewed me when I came for the first time here
I think his name is sejin
He was in his mid thirties for what I can see
"Oh uh sir I am sorry" meeshi said apologizing "it's just we are best friends"
"Good to hear" he said "so Ms.Meeshi this is your department Mr jungkook assistant head here will guide you to your work" he said
"Thankyou sir" meeshi answered
"You are here for job?" I questioned him confused
"Shhshhh" she said smiling brightly
Just then jungkook came I didn't knew he was our assistant head here
"Hello sir"he bowed a little
"Jungkook this is Meeshi Lee she is our new employee please guide her to her work she will be dealing with the new grand project on which we are working"he said to him and walked to the opposite side
I looked at her and she was almost drooling over him gross she's always like this
(Meeshi Lee ;a half Chinese Korean her mother is Korean while her father is Chinese her mother got divorced when she was 11 and came back to Korea ,she's Y/n's best friend she met her in Bangtan university where they become so close Y/n was as you all know kind of reserved person but she somehow become friends with her they both spend 6 years in university and after then they still be friends meeshi knew everything about Y/n and same goes for y/n most likely this was also the reason they got so close ,meeshi knew about Y/n's past too how she got bullied and also in university too but she always for there for her and she promised Y/n that she never ever leave her side)
"Hello Ms meeshi" jungkook said smiling at her
"H-hello" she said
"I am Jeon-"he was about to say but she interrupted him
"Jungkook I mean jeon jungkook"she said almost shouting he looked at her in confusion same goes for me why is she behaving like this
"Oh uh I am sorry" "you were in Bangtan university right?"she said almost smiling more then ever
I hold her arm murmuring "what are you doing meeshi?"
He scratched the back of his neck
"Uh yes"he smiled showing his bunny teeth
"I guess you both know eachother?" He asked
"Yes we are best friends"she said holding my hands almost clinging onto me
"I see you are also from our university?"he asked
I looked to my sides and now everyone attention was on us jungkook also noticed
"Come with me I will give you a round here also your job and work"
"Oh umm right" she said he turned on his heels
"See you!!!! Y/n-shii" she said hugging me again squeezing me in her hug
"Okay go now" i said and she winked and then walked behind him
I took a deep breath everyone again staring as I took my seat
"She was your friend?" Namjoon asked coming closer to my desk
"Uh yes" i answered him
Why the hell is she like this
"She's a lively person" he complimented
"Hmm" I replied
See you again
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