02 *Introvert*
INTROVERT: a quite, reserved and thoughtful person
(But when someone call names on them for their personality they became more sensitive for it)
Hoseok p.o.v
I was deep in thoughts about the mysterious girl I met this morning
"Hey man you okay?" One of his colleague asked tapping on his shoulder
"Oh huh yea?what"
"What are you typing?take a look man" he said laughing
I looked at the screen and my eyes widened it was my leftover presentation but what the heck I am typing
I looked at him grinning
"I was a little zoned out" he said still smiling at him
"Be careful dude or you have to write it all again" he said sipping on his coffee while walking away
"Haha thanks for telling" I almost shouted behind him
"Phew what am I even doing aishhh I have to write it again" he said in huff
Just then his phone buzzed
"Medicine time"
He tap the buzzing phone and then gulp his medicine after taking the white bottle out of his pant pocket
After five minutes HOD came for gathering up the current project members for going to the meeting room
Y/n's p.o.v
I was still going through the file uncomfortably shifting on my seat avoiding different stares at me
Just then a girl in her 20s came to me I looked at her gulping hardly
"Newbie I see" she said in a mocking tone
She was wearing a tight white top alongwith skirt which was showing her knees barely covering her thighs with long socks and high black heels, full on makeup, hair falling on her shoulders making her looking like an elite boss
"You are supposed to answer me" she said again gritting her teeth
"Oh hello I am Choi Y/n " I quickly said standing up from my chair
"Y/n right?" She said again raising her eyebrow I nodded my head
"Are you living in ancient time?not even wearing a single accessory or lipstick" she said again taunting
"Oh uh" what excuse should I make "I don't like to wear makeup" I said with a little smile
"Or you should say you can't afford it?" She said raising an eyebrow
I didn't answer her
"Well are you deaf or pretending to be?" She said coming closer
"I am sorry" I said shutting my eyes
Just then a voice echoed
"Do your own work Sunmi!!!" I looked at the source and it was that jungkook guy I met earlier I mentally thanked him
"Oh hey kookie how are you?" She said almost fangirling him
"Don't you see I am working go and do your work too" he said ignoring her
"Yea I am going I was just greeting our new employee" she said fake smiling at me
"Am I right Y/n?" She said eyeing me
"U-uh yea she was just asking" I said looking at him
"Hmm now come we have to go for the meeting" he said eyeing her
"Oh okay" i said picking the files
"Follow me" he said smiling walking away
The girl death glared me and gritted her teeth
~On our way to office~
"Don't interact with those girls" he said almost whispering
I just hummed in response
"They always bullied new employees here or go for the upper class employees" he said still concerning
"Thanks for your concern"
"No it's my pleasure and we are friends right? Atleast we went to the same university with same session" he said again smiling widely
Just then he turned to the elevator and I stopped at the entrance
"I'll take the stairs" i said casually
"Hmm why? It's on the first floor so there are so many stairs"
"No it's okay I'll manage"
"Hey please come or we'll be late" he said entering the elevator
"I'll meet you at first floor" i said quickly walking towards the staircase
"Hey!!!" He whisper-yelled but the door closed
I took a deep breath and walked downstairs
I always wear flat shoes or sneakers so it wasn't any deal to walk down or up the stairs
"Hey why didn't you take the elevator" he argued once I climbed down the last stair
"Umm where is the meeting room" I said politely ignoring his question
"Y/n---" he was about to say something when a man cut him
"Jungkook come quickly the meeting is about to start" one of his colleagues said holding his file going somewhere
"Yea coming" "let's go" he said walking straight to a hallway
There was an awkward silence on the way there but just then we entered there were so many employees seated on a very long rectangular meeting table
He walked to a seat and gestured me to come
I sat on the chair next to him
"The members of our new project are all here you will be assigned to the new project as well they will discuss some of the details you have to carefully listen to them don't worry if you don't get any point I'll explain you later" he said in a low voice to me
"Oh okay" I said fidgeting my fingers
After a while the whole room went silent once the boss came in
Everyone greeted him so did we
Then he got seated on the boss chair on the very front of the table
The meeting started and one by one everyone started explaining their points I also got to know about the project as per the details also but I felt a type of gaze one me the whole time but I just shudder it
Just then someone called my name
"Y/n it's your turn introduce yourself" jungkook whispered
I quickly stood up straightening my posture as everyone gave me warm smiles
"..I am Choi Y/n ,I have done courses including 3-D Drawing, 3-D Graphics as well as Degree in game development , I will give my best to you and I hope we can work in a better environment thankyou" I said and sat down and they all nodded their head in satisfaction as I sighed hardly
"Well concluded and good luck our staff will tell you how we work on different projects" the boss bang pd said smiling as they nodded in satisfaction the teamwork was seen greatly despite the fact that company was mind-blowing big how do they even manage will all the workers
Hoseok's p.o.v
After entering the usually crowded meeting room I got seated on my chair shuffling the sheets I have to present then I looked in the room looking at jungkook
He looked at me and smiled
I hello-ed back but then I got lost
It was the same girl, the one I met in morning
She was so odd
I can say unique
She was just looking at everyone from papers shifting her gaze
She was so simple yet so beautiful that I want to talk to her listen to her voice
Her features got printed on my mind and I can't take my eyes off of her but not longer for her to spot me as she was behaving so nervous Infront of all
Just then she was called for her introduction so she stood up smiling at everyone
"I am Choi Y/n ,I have done courses including 3-D Drawing, 3-D Graphics as well as Degree in game development , I will give my best to you and I hope we can work in a better environment thankyou"
She said and sat down
I was still mesmerized just then the meeting ended the boss went out so the others I quickly got up and went to jungkook who was still talking with her
"Hey hello guys" I said smiling
"Hey buddy" jungkook said happily
I looked at her and she looked at me as if she don't know me
"Hey you remember we met outside the building at morning" i asked
"Oh uh yes" she said almost zoning out
"Oh you two met already?" Jungkook asked
"I was about to introduce"
"Yea we met outside the building today"hoseok said "I thought you were a visitor but you are an employee here it's so good to hear"
"Yes" she said
"Okay I'll see you guys later at cafeteria I have to submit the project before noon" I said as the messages were popping out of my phone continuosly by our head to bring in the project
"Okay.. we were also going for the departmental tour" jungkook said
Y/n's p.o.v
"Okay we were also going for the departmental tour" jungkook said
As that man waved at us and went to the left at the end of the hallway we were walking to
"Don't mind him he's my friend" jungkook said smiling at that man
"It's okay" i replied
"So where should we start?" He asked
"Your choice" I answered
"Umm so let's start without department and some of our project related how is it?"
We started walking towards elevator again but this time he walked to the stairs instead to the elevator
"You can take the elevator" I said
"No it's okay I know you'll be using stairs so I should walk you up then" he said smiling
I just climbed up teh stairs with him
"So our batch were same right?"
"So do you know me?i don't really remember about you"
"It's been two years I can't remember sorry"
"It's okay so where were you working before here"
"I wanted to try my skills somewhere like here" I said as I can't tell him the actual reason behind it
"Oh good to hear"
"Here this is Mr Lee he is our panel designer" he Said referring to the man sitting on his chair in his cabin as he stood up and greeted me
And so as the introductions go on they all introduced themselves then their was that girl again as he passed her cabin
"Hey kookie I am also the newbie's senior right?" She said in a mocking tone as he rolled his eyes
I bowed at her and greeted her
"Hello Sunmi sunbaenim(senior)"
"Call me sunbae" she said with a chuckle
"I will instruct you about the new gaming graphics for the project" she said
"Thankyou" I said
"It's thankyou sunbae i think I also have to teach you the office manners alongwith the work" she said in a annoying tone
"Enough Sunmi you are an employee here don't make other uncomfortable with your presence" jungkook said irritated
"Let's see till when she can bare in her new home" she said
"Good to hear" "let's greet others Y/n"
"Oh hmm"
"Introvert I see " she said clicking her tongue
I clenched my fists harder as my heart started to sink the same word same name
What if she do anything to my job what if she will start calling me the same names I hate being this behaviour of myself I can't change anything about me I can't
"Jungkook can you tell me where is the women's restroom?" I said looking at him
"Are you okay?" He asked clearly seeing the sweat on her face "it's almost lunch time"
"Hmm can you?"
"Yes come I'll show you the way"
He started walking outside and then towards the men and women restrooms on the floor
"Thankyou you don't have to wait I know where cafeteria is"I said with a smile and went in
It was coming back again i was quick to lock myself in one of the partitions in there
As I took my pills out of my pocket and gulped it down ignoring the bitter awful taste remaging my taste buds
In a minute or two my body felt relaxed as I stood up walking outside splashing cold water on my face Wiping off with the lavendar scented wipe
Walking back to my department then I took my seat opening my laptop starting off with some basics
Then someone tapped on my desk
"Hey it's lunch time come to cafeteria" one of my colleagues stated
"I will come in a minute" i replied him smiling
"Okay then I am going " he said and walked out
I looked to my sides and the area was all empty only I was sitting I sighed looking out of the window next to my table
As usual there were different vehicles running on the road ,people at sidewalks , everyine in such a hurry opposite to skies
Which was calm ,clouds fluttering in a soothe manner birds flying in their coordinated pattern
Hoseok's p.o.v
I quickly submitted the project after explaining the points then walked out to cafeteria
Got my lunch platter and then I took a seat on the usual place where me and jungkook sit
(As it's a big company so they have their own cafeteria instead of the workers going out because it will consume their time more)
I placed the tray waiting for jungkook
most likely that girl well Y/n now I know her name atleast but I think I haven't introduced myself to her
"Shit" i mentally cursed myself for not introducing myself
"Hey buddy" jungkook said from behind
"Hey" i stood up looking around
"Where is Y/n?" I asked
"Oh she said she will come she went for the restrooms" he answered
"Hmm" I sighed sitting down
"Let's eat" he said
"We should wait for her" I told him but he was quick to dig in
"Haha it's okay she said to not wait for her"
"Hmm" I said as I digged onto mine
"Hey hyung you know she went to Bangtan University" i said
"Oh really?it's the same as yours right?" I asked amused
"Yea it is but it's strange I don't remember her and her behaviour is so strange"
"I don't know she's just like so quite , and when I tried to talk about the university she just changes the topic"
"Ohh I think she don't like to talk much"
"Yea I think so too isn't she coming? Lunch almost over" I asked him
"Umm she said she know the way here"
"Call her"
"But I didn't ask for her number" he said with a smily face
"But you are colleagues now you all are suppose to have numbers"
"Oh Yea I had it in my phone "he said with a grin
"Idiot" I said and hit his head playfully
"Ouch hyung ..shsh"
"Hey Y/n its jungkook"
"Aren't you coming for lunch?"
"I don't have appetite thanks for asking"
"Oh umm then where are you?"
"At our department"
"Okay see you then"
He said and cut the call
"What is it?" I asked him
"She said she don't have appetite"
"Hmm" I said stirring my chopsticks into the stew
"Hyung?" He said "are you interested in her?"
"W-what" I choked onto my food
"Hahahh no no no" i said laughing
"I can tell it" he said closing his eyes in satisfaction "the way you are waiting for her" he said pointing his chopsticks at him"the way your face falls to ground on hearing she isn't coming"
"What the hell"
"Hyung you both are so opposites like so so different I only met her today but I can tell she is really reserved unlike you" he said laughing
"Shut up I am not staying with your dixkhead" i said standing up walking to discard the tray
"Believe me hyung!!" He almost yelled behind
-Time skips-
(Still hoseok p.o.v)
At 6
"See you tomorrow" jungkook waved his hand going in the opposite way
I walked towards the usual bus stand thinking about her again
The more I try to not think about her the more features of her I remember
I was deep in thoughts just then the bus arrived and everyone get in it
I greeted the usual bus driver and he greeted brightly back then I pass my busfare card and went to take a seat
The bus started to move
A women was standing holding onto the bar so I offered her my seat she gladly took it and I took the bar I looked to the opposite seat and my eyes widened
"Hey Y/n" I said cheerfully and she quickly looked at me
"Hello" she said straightforwardly
"I am Jung hoseok jungkook's friend" I said smiling
"Good to hear" she said her lips curving a little
"I haven't introduced myself earlier"
"It's okay"
"I am surprised you took the same bus as mine"
The bus took a stop as she stood up
"My stop" she gestured towards me
"Oh yea sure here"i said scratching back of my neck I was actually blocking her way to go out
"Have a good night" I said smiling
"You too" she simply answered and went out
Y/n's p.o.v
I got out of the bus sighing hardly
He seems nice just like jungkook
I walked back to my house thinking about the whole day
After a few minutes I was at the door shuffling my keys wether to open the door or not
I took a deep breath and walked in after clicking the keys in the key hole
"I am home" i said
And as to my expectations no answer
They were both busy doing their work
I tiptoed back to my room
And took a shower
When I got laying on my bed the same noises came back
They were again shouting at eachother
a tear rolled my eye unexpectedly
I stood up walking out
"Can you both please stop it!" She said almost yelling
"Shut the hell and stay away from it you brat" they shouted
"When will we happy like others" she shouted back
"Just go back to your room!" Said father
"You don't have to interfere in our matters" said mother
"I am your daughter!! Don't you remember how can you do this!!"
Just then father stroked out of the house bashing the door from behind
"You are the fucking reason!!" Mother yelled
"Now go back to your room!!"
I hold onto myself and walked up to my room
Closing the door went to my bathroom and cried as always slidding off the beautiful silver shiny thing onto my skin covering it with red hot liquid ignoring the stinging pain as it was smaller then my heart's pain
After I was done with scratching my skin with it the pain in my heart lowered I weakily stood up washed myself and laid on my bed
Drifting to sleep which as always for me was half death....
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