5 | Suspicions
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Chapter 5 - Suspicions
【 1722 words 】
{Your POV}
[EDITED - 07/25/2019]
'Aaron, huh. Why is it I feel that there's something off about him.. I need to find out what, though.'
My mind wandered on about what could be up with the dark-haired male. So many things he's done has been strangely suspicious and odd. It's confusing to think because, he looks normal, sounds normal, and speaks normally.. So I definitely know he's not an alien.
I mean, unless he's pretty good at hiding that fact. That he's an alien.
I walked casually into the kitchen and opened the fridge to get a bottle of water, drinking some down before heading over to the 'L' shaped couch where Aaron sat, watching a television program about bears or something.
As I sat on the soft cushion, I moved slightly closer to the distracted male, trying to see if I was right or wrong about him being an alien. Which, yes, it's absurd and dumb to assume that of someone, especially someone you don't really know well– but that's the point! You don't know them so well, and so I don't think it's wrong to have suspicions of them.
And besides, what if he's really hiding something? My eyes can't always be playing tricks on me.
Aaron pulled his eyes away from the television screen, turning it off. He then looked to me with some confusion, "uh, [Y/n], what are you doing?"
"Just, y'know, sitting." I replied, looking at the TV that he'd turned off.
"Hmm, sitting real close, huh?" he lightly teased, raising one eyebrow at me, showing suspicion at my unusual actions.
I steal a glance at Aaron with a pout forming on my lips, then turned away to stare at my hands which I found pretty interesting at the moment.
"Actually, I... have a question," I muttered lowly.
Aaron chuckled, "shoot."
I took a deep breath, "Aaron, what are you?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes at him.
The male stared at me for awhile, looking pretty confused about my sudden, strange question. He scratched his neck, making me roll my eyes.
'I have to ask again.'
"What are you?" I repeated, catching him by surprise as he stared at me with wide eyes, seeming speechless.
"I, uhhhh.. I-I'm just a person, [Y/n], obviously, haha.." he responded, sounding nervous.
I frowned slightly, his answer making me feel more suspicious about him. As I was thinking of another question, a memory of Aaron from the other day appeared in my mind.
'I saw red eyes that day..'
My memory wasn't fake, I mean, I literally seen that with my own eyes so.. But did I really see what I think I saw? Aaron with red eyes? His eyes are a cool steel, I know that. He doesn't use contacts for sure.
Was it just my eyes just playing mere tricks on me again?
That book I read the other day.. the one about vampires and all. Could.. could he be what I think he could be?
Nah, he can't. Vampires.. well, I don't think they exist in this day and age. If so, wouldn't people be hunting them down or something like that? Wouldn't there be reports of strange murders?
See, I knew I was stupid to think of this crap. Maybe I should ask if he believes in them.
"Aaron, do you think vampires are real?"
The said male froze in his spot, blinking at me like I was some insane person. He brought his hand to the back of his neck and scratched the area, looking nervous again.
"Um, well, I-I heard rumours that some were real, a-and that they do exist, and they m-might be even living on this street and not a person would notice.."
Is he for real? Vampires are real? I mean, they might be.. but we don't know that for sure, don't we?
I gave him a look, thinking about what to say back, or if to ask another stupid question.
"Are you afraid of me– I-I mean, them?" Aaron wondered, a little bit of worry in his tone.
"Why would you ask that? Of course I'm not afraid of vampires!" I exclaimed, shaking my head at him. "I think they're pretty cool from afar, well, unless I seen one. If I did.. I don't think things would go well." I simply gave a shrug, looking back at Aaron again, only to see him staring at the floor like it was the most interesting thing on this planet.
'Umm, did I say something wrong?'
Aaron shifted his gaze from the floor to me. "Hey, can I ask you something, [Y/n]?" he asked softly.
I shrugged, "sure."
'What's he gonna ask me? Something important? Something bad? Something to do with what I'm asking?'
"Um, th-this is an example, okay? So, uh, don't take it seriously." he reminded, leaning back against the couch. "Let's say that I was a vampire, okay?" I nodded, listening, "And what if one day I came and showed you my fangs, how would you react to that? What if I bit you, [Y/n]? Would you cry and scream? Would you hate me forever?"
I sat there in silence for a moment, trying to understand what he was asking me. It was weird, but it's an example so..
"If that was true, Aaron, I would probably be a bit scared. But, on the other hand, I would also wonder why you never told me in the first place. And yes, I probably would cry, but I'm not sure if I would scream, but I'm sure I won't hate you." I explained carefully.
I felt that some of his worry had disappeared, but I could tell a bit of it had stayed behind.
"Oh, hey, one other question: why did you avoid the sun? I mean, do you have sensitive skin or..?"
"Oh, th-that? It's just a habit, I suppose.."
'A habit? How could avoiding the sun, such a beautiful thing, be a habit of his??'
{Unknown POV}
It was a perfect day out today, and I was going to spend it with a great friend of mine.
'I hope I'm not bothering him.'
I knocked softly on his red door, smiling after I hearing the faint sound of footsteps. And not only a couple seconds later, the doorknob twisted and then the door opened to show my best friend.
"Hey, Aaron!" I smiled upon seeing his face, giving a cute little wave to him.
The dark-haired male I've been friends with since forever, smiled back after seeing it was me. He leant against the doorframe, arms crossed. "Hey, Aph, how's it going?" he asked.
"Haha, I've been good! What about you?"
Right at that moment, I swore I heard a girl's voice call out to Aaron saying something like "Aaron? Who's at the door?" the voice was soft and sweet, just like candy.
'Who was that speaking to Aaron? Does he already have a girlfriend?! Did he already forget that I like him?!'
"Oh, right. It's just a friend of mine! Wanna come meet her?" he replied to the girl in a cheerful tone, gesturing towards me.
I heard another pair of footsteps and, before I knew it, a [H/c]-haired girl appeared behind Aaron. She seemed to become shy when she set her eyes on me at the door.
"Aphmau, this is [Y/n]. [Y/n], this is Aphmau." he introduced us, wearing that smile I fell in love with.
The unknown girl looked at me, then waved slightly, seeming to hide a bit behind Aaron for protection. Psssh, like I would hurt the poor thing.
"U-Um, hi.." [Y/n] mumbled shyly, her voice so quiet like a whisper. But at least it was loud enough that my ears could pick it up.
"Hey." I replied back before looking to Aaron. "Aaron, why is there a strange girl in your house?" I inquired, curious, and maybe a little upset.
'Yeah, Aaron. Why is there some random, pretty girl in your house? Does she live with you? No, Aaron would never do that to me.. he knows I have a crush on him.'
The male didn't respond back and, instead, he looked over to [Y/n]. It seemed like he made a face at her.. but I couldn't exactly see what it was.
"M-Me?" she said, fiddling with the hem of her shirt, "I-I'm his, uh.."
"His what?"
"..I-I'm his cousin!" she exclaimed, nodding, "yeah, his cousin, haha."
{Aaron's POV}
'Really, [Y/n]? That's literally all you could come up with?'
"Oh, that's cool! It's nice to meet you, [Y/n]!" Aphmau smiled, her eyes holding surprise at this new information.
I cough slightly to catch their attention, "anyways.. Aph, what'cha doing here?"
"Right, right. I just wanted to stop by. I was thinking maybe we could hangout, but seeing as you're busy hanging out with your cousin right now, I think I'll just come back later.." She responded quietly, looking down at her feet as she wiggled her toes in her black sandals.
"No, it's okay! I honestly don't mind at all! I was upstairs anyways, so you can definitely come inside and hangout with Aaron!" [Y/n] quickly said, shaking her hands with a soft smile on her pretty face.
'Pretty face? Not this again.'
Come on! You have to admit, she's real cute, your "cousin", I mean.
'Shut up! And she's not my cousin! Wait, why am I fighting with myself?'
Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts, I glanced at [Y/n], "are you sure about this?"
She nodded in reply, still smiling, but reassuringly this time, "well, yeah, of course I'm sure. Anyways, if you don't mind, I'll be upstairs. Have fun!" [Y/n] finally said, waving a quick goodbye before heading upstairs and into her bedroom, which Aphmau doesn't know about.
"She's a really kind person.." Aphmau muttered to me.
"Yeah, I guess." I replied back in a mumble, smiling subconsciously.
Aphmau took this moment and grabbed my hand, pulling me to the couch to seat on it with her. We sat close by each other and watched My Little Horsies for a while, and honestly, I never understood that show.
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