4 | Confusion
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Chapter 4 - Confusion
【 1660 words 】
{Aaron's POV}
[EDITED - 07/24/2019]
I heard someone come down the stairs, my eyes instantly snapping towards the source of the noise.
"H-Hi.." [Y/n] greeted, coming down the stairs while wearing a short, white summer dress.
"Nice dress there, [Y/n]. Where are you off to?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, closing the book I was just reading a few seconds ago.
She shook her head at me. "I'm not going anywheres. I have no friends to visit nor go to somewheres with." Her head hung down sadly, moving her body over to the leather couch and sat down gently beside me.
"Oh, I'm sorry about that.. Do you wanna go see a movie?" I suggested with a little smile, watching her [E/c] eyes light up in excitement.
"A movie? Sure! What are we seeing?" she pried, then going deep in thought for a moment. Her eyes began to sparkle as she looked back at me. "Let's go see a vampire movie! Pleeeeeease?" [Y/n] whined, making the cutest face ever with stupid little puppy eyes.
I sighed, placing the book that was laying on my lap onto the coffee table, "fine..."
She smiled so happily that it could make every other person smile along with her because of her looking so happy. I stood afoot but stopped when she started freaking out quietly. "Why are you–?" I looked at her with confusion in my eyes.
"O-Oh, sorry.. It's just that," she let out a little sigh, "I never went to the movie theatres before..." she admitted shyly, avoiding my gaze.
I paused, "WHAT?"
We finally went to the vampire movie she so badly wanted to see. We sat in our assigned seats with our food to munch on, and although I enjoy blood far more than stupid human food, I was going to do my very best to keep her thinking I'm just some normal human male. I was eating a small bag of popcorn while she was enjoying a chocolate bar.
We were halfway through the movie, it being quite boring and offensive to me especially, when some weight had laid on my shoulder. I turned to look at what it was, only to smile upon seeing her tired eyes. I chuckled, "if you're going to sleep through the movie, we can always just go back home." I reminded, taking the half-eaten chocolate bar out of her hands and putting it aside.
She shook her head, leaning further into my shoulder, "no, I'm good where I am right now.."
I blushed a little at her innocent, meaningless words, but quickly snapped out of my little daze and focused my attention back on the movie that played a bit longer.
A couple minutes passed and my eyes started to droop, which was unusual for me as I never felt tired on a daily basis, but I tried my best to keep awake until the movie was finally done playing.
'I never knew [Y/n] was so interested in vampire movies. Welp, I suppose you learn a new thing everyday, huh.'
Sooner than I expected, the movie was over and done with, [Y/n] eventually falling asleep during a romantic part of the movie, which I did not enjoy one bit.
Without thinking, I picked the girl up with ease, her body feeling like it weighted a feather in my hold. I didn't have to, but I had chosen to carry [Y/n] out to the car since I didn't really feel like waking her up.
I stepped outside the building and searched for her car that was the color of a silver moon. I'm not that interested in car stuff, but she had a real nice ride I must say.
"Okay [Y/n].. I'm putting you in your car and I'm driving us home." I softly whispered to the sleeping girl, laying her on her seat, but not forgetting to buckle her seatbelt before I shut the door.
Some driving was done and I pulled in our lit up driveway. I turned off the engine, moving over to [Y/n]'s door and carrying her bridal style into the empty house.
I kicked my shoes off and took [Y/n]'s off as well, taking the still unconscious girl upstairs and gently tucked her in her bed. As I covered her up with the cool sheets, I whispered softly in her ear, "good night, [Y/n]." Then, without knowing my own actions, I gave her a small kiss on the cheek.
'Uh... What did I just do? Oh Irene! I kissed her cheek!! I hope she didn't notice! Uhhhh, I think I'm going to bed now..'
I quickly ran off to my room and went to "sleep", which was very hard to do, obviously due to the fact that my heart is racing faster then a jet can fly, and I'm a vampire, and we vampires usually sleep in the day, not at nighttime. Well, I can say that some do. It took me almost two hours to finally fall asleep, and the wait drove me insane, my mind whirling with thoughts after thoughts.
It was finally morning, and although I wasn't really awake, I sensed who was. [Y/n].
{Your POV}
I was trying to be as quiet as possible while walking down the stairs, the morning sun rising through the clear glass of our windows and covering the floor in its light.
Oh, right! You're probably wondering: "[Y/n], aren't you supposed to be in school right now?" And, to answer your question: no, I'm not. It's summer guys! That's the only reason that no one is going to school. I'm eighteen, on my last year of high school.
I can imagine Aaron being eighteen.. maybe seventeen? I'm not so sure actually.
Yeah, I know. It's kinda sad that he hasn't told me yet.
I made my way to the bottom of the stairs, my feet touching the cold hardwood floor, making me shiver slightly. I was super hungry from going to bed last night with nothing to eat for supper, of course, since I fell asleep during the movie.
My feet automatically led me over to the modern black fridge, and I quietly opened it to grab something to eat, but then I froze upon feeling a pair of arms wrap around my waist, causing my face to immensely heat up.
"A-Aaron," I squeaked.
"What?" he replied, his voice husky from just waking up. He pulled me even closer, snuggling his face in my neck and sniffing me.
"W-What are you doing?" I stammered, my face burning at this rate.
Aaron moved his face so I could see it, humming softly, "I'm hugging you, hmm? Is it bad for me to hug you?" he questioned.
"N-No, it's just you-you hugged me from behind and that surprised me.." I responded nervously, staring at my feet in silence.
Aaron then turned around and hugged me from the front this time, his arms wrapping perfectly around my waist. "So warm.." I mumbled to myself, forgetting that we were actually hugging for a moment.
He smiled and patted my head, "and how was your sleep?"
I nodded and pulled away with a flushed face, shaking off what just happened with a smile. "It was great!" I replied.
He shook his head a little at my overly happy reply, "that's good."
We then ate some breakfast and after that I had decided to go for a nice walk. It was really hot and sunny outside, and I wanted to enjoy this day as much as possible! I went and asked Aaron if he would come with me, but he was being pretty persistent on staying in the house.
"Pleeeeeeeease?" I begged for the fourth time just now, putting my cute face on. I mean, it worked that other time, so why not again?
"No, I'm not going." he said.
"Pretty please?"
"Aaron," I pouted in defeat, "please? It's a nice day out!" If he won't say yes this last time, I might as well give up and go by myself.
He sighed, "fine, I'll go, but only on one condition.." he added, lifting a finger in the air to make a statement.
"And what is that?" I implied, crossing my arms and I raised a brow at him.
"You can't annoy me for the rest of the day, [Y/n]."
"What the– I never annoy you!" I denied quickly, frowning.
'...Do I?'
"Oh really? Never mind then. Let's just go," I pouted as he stood up from the sofa and walked over to the front door, grabbing a hoodie and slipping it over his shirt that he actually decided to wear today.
"What's with the hoodie, Aaron? It's hot out there, don't you know that?" I questioned, gazing suspiciously at his face as I waited for an answer.
'This dude is so confusing,'
"Uh, well, I-I.." he paused, thinking over his words carefully, his hands hidden within his pockets.
"Hmmm?" I hummed in question, becoming slightly impatient with Aaron.
He cascaded his eyes to the floor, "I just can, okay?" he said, sounding curt.
We ending the conversation there, mostly because I just wanted to get outside already. I was putting my shoes on when Aaron stepped out the door without me, rushing me into almost tripping on my own feet.
"Hey!!! Aaron, wait for me!" I shouted and ran out the door, locking it behind me.
We went on our small walk around the block, but what I noticed after a bit was pretty odd... Aaron avoiding the sun at all costs.
'Is he okay? Does he get sunburnt easily?'
We came back home at 6:23, my mind still wandering back to the strange behaviour Aaron was emitting.
'I'm curious about, Aaron.. Maybe I don't know him as much as I think I do.'
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