2 | Kindly Kicked Out (pt. 2)
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Chapter 2 - Kindly Kicked Out
【 1623 words 】
{Your POV}
[EDITED - 07/24/2019]
"You, what are you doing in my house?"
I kept my eyes shut, but still answered, though hesitant. "Your-your house?" I stammered in fear, noticing right on the bat that the voice I had just heard wasn't soft and light, but deep and sort of husky.
"Yeah, you're in it right now, in my house. So why don't you do me a favour? Get the heck out." the deep voice replied, tone firm and serious that it sent shivers down my spine.
I opened my eyes to peek at the deep-voiced stranger, but I regret it immediately as I see a tall, dark-haired boy with deep steel eyes, wearing a red jacket with literally nothing under it.
"Y-You– a boy– wh-what?" I stammered over my words, both my hands dropped from my chest to my sides. My eyes blinking several times before I was totally sure I wasn't seeing things.
The male rolled his eyes, unamused. "Yeah. Get out, please, thanks." he demanded in a tone that would send anyone running the other direction.
I followed his dark eyes around the room as he realized there was a picture hung up behind me, and his gaze met mine again only a couple seconds after. "Show me your paper. Now." he demanded with his hand held out expectingly.
'Paper? Why does this dude want a paper?'
The male sighed and made a gesture with his hand as he spoke, "your paper for moving into this house. Do you have it with you?"
I did have it, so I gave it to him with a face of pure confusion and watched his eyes scan over every single word, doing the same thing 3 or 4 times before actually returning the paper back to me.
The male sighed in utter annoyance, I could tell. It looked like I was wasting his precious time apparently. "You're at the right house.. and there's no mistakes in that paper. So, I guess you're living with me." he spoke casually, a blank expression on his face, making him look like he didn't give a crap about anyone or anything.
My face went a scarlet red in a matter of seconds, "l-live w-with you?" I shook my head in disagreement, clearly against the very thought of that. I put my hands up and shook them to show how much I didn't like this. "Nope! O-Oh, I should go back home now. T-This was surely a mistake!"
As quickly as I headed for the door to leave, the stranger had already grabbed my wrist, holding it tightly in his abnormally cold hands.
"This was not a mistake, I'm telling you, every single thing on that paper was correct. As much as I don't want a girl living with me, you probably have no place to go otherwise, and it takes awhile to find another open place. I believe they didn't know that a guy was living here, so, you're staying here. Understand?" he confirmed in a serious tone, but the way he said his words almost sounded like he was desperate... but for what?
"O-Okay, I-I'll stay," I finally complied, struggling to pull my arm away from his strangely strong grip on me, and to my dismay, he wouldn't let go.
The man's name was unknown to me, but I'd have to learn it soon, who would want to live with a person whose name you didn't know? That's weird.
He stared with some intensity into my eyes for what felt like minutes, but was only a couple of seconds. The reluctant male finally let go of my wrist, the action making me step back a bit on instinct.
"I'm going to bed now. Good night," and with that said, he left the room, shutting my door softly behind him, leaving me alone in the silence.
I took some time to calm down my rabidly beating heart and stared down at my wrist, a gasp escaping my once tightly closed lips as I seen an awfully red mark there, and I believe it was because of his strong grip on me.
My eyes moved to glance at the clock placed on my bedside table, my face quickly turning into one of absolute confusion and disbelief.
"WHAT?! It's already 9:30?!" I exclaimed loudly, waving my arms in the air at my alarm clock. I sighed and accepted the fact of how late it was and went to put my pajamas on. After that I had crawled under my [F/c] sheets, feeling my eyes droop in tiredness, and pretty soon, I had fallen asleep.
In my dreaming state, I was currently dreaming about some guy that I didn't know at the time, but all I remember is he looked very familiar to me.
We both started out with some talking about, well, I dunno, school stuff? Then out of the blue he leant closer to me, whispering, "[Y/n].." in a low, husky voice; the very sound sending tingles down my spine and made my cheeks heat up.
"[Y/n]!" I screeched and fell to the floor because I jumped so high off the bed in fear and surprise.
"Hey!!! Why are you yelling at me, and how'd you know my name, I never even told you?!" I shouted at him, my eyes not being able to focus solely on anything, not even the figure that stood in front of my feet.
"Don't be stupid, kid. I seen your name on the paper you showed me last night, and I wanted to wake you up because your face was super red so I assumed you had a fever," he replied ever so calmly, crouching down to reach his cold hand to my forehead, causing me my cheeks to heat up even more than they already were.
'I've only arrived here yesterday and he's already touching me!? Frickin' creep.'
"H-Hey, you're wrong! I-I don't have a fever," I swatted his rough hand away from my forehead, pursing my lips.
The male sighed and fixed his jacket, "okay, fine then, but just why were you... oh." a look of realization dawned on his face, his eyes gazing down to look into my own, making me blush once again.
'Wh-what's he thinking about?'
He grinned a little, a chuckle of amusement leaving his mouth, "Heh, were you dreaming of someone?" his face had come closer to mine unknowingly, closing the distance I would prefer to have.
"Ugh, fine! Okay!" I gave up, looking away from the male's eyes with utter embarrassment. I tried to focus on only the floor underneath my body, the distraction keeping me from wanting to hide in a hole, but nonetheless I still wanted to. "Yes, I-I was dreaming of someone. But, I don't know who it was!" I blurted out, scared.
From the corner of my eye, I could see that small grin turn into a smirk, and I can't even begin to say how badly that scared me. There was just this unreadable glint in his eyes, and oh Irene, how much did I want to know what it meant.
'This dude is really weird...'
He continued to talk, much to my dismay. "Oh, what did you guys do?" he asked suggestively, the second part making me throw a nearby pillow at him, still avoiding his gaze.
"Y-You shouldn't ask such things! And to answer your question, I-I don't exactly remember..." I trailed off, looking at him, only to realize he was wearing no shirt again, just like he was yesterday. I hastily covered my poor, innocent eyes as my face turned even redder, the tips of my ears turning pink along with it. I felt like I'd explode if more happened to me during this morning.
"What?" he said, staring at me with confusion in his steel eyes.
"For the love of Irene, p-put on a shirt!" I yelled at him, my eyes still covered for my sake.
Even after a few minutes passed of silence, I got the feeling that he hasn't even moved an inch, but I still peeked through my fingers only to double check if I was right or wrong. And guess what? HE STILL HAD NO SHIRT ON.
The shirtless male laughed in amusement as he could totally see my burning face behind my hands.
"Well, well, well. It looks like your face is red, [Y/n]. Do you like me without a shirt on?" he smirked suggestively, and that very smirk made me want to punch his lips off his face.
"N-No, why would I? Now stop being weird and go put a shirt on!" I demanded, once again covering my face in embarrassment.
'Why, why does this have to happen right now?! Can't he just cooperate with me and PUT A FREAKING SHIRT ON?'
I could feel that he came closer to my heated face that was covered by my small, soft and delicate hands. We were no more than inches apart, when he suddenly moved back and silently, without a word, walked downstairs. I was surprisingly disappointed for some odd reason, leaving me confused at myself for awhile.
"Oh, and come downstairs for breakfast!" he yelled loudly from the kitchen, the sound of dishes moving around.
I shook my head, calming myself down before replying back. "Um, cool, okay! C-Coming!" I said as I stood afoot and went downstairs, some confusion still swirling in my eyes.
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