Chapter 6
Quick Note: Natalie's Brougtoken is a purple eye but there are spiderweb designs in it.
Natalie's POV(She's still in her older form)
I entered the room standing behind Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro. People stopped talking to look at us and I glared at all of them. They returned to their conversations and we walked over to empty table and they sat down. "And I will beat all of you!" I face palmed as I recognized the owner of that voice. "Naruto you idiot." I murmured. "I'll be back." I said walking over to them and noticing an older boy with silver hair. "Naruto if I were you I would keep your voice down." I said crossing my arms over my chest. "Should we know you?" Kiba asked me. I rolled my eyes and knelt to their level. "It's me Natalie, don't tell anyone though." I said winking. I stood up and looked over to the sand siblings table to make sure they were okay. "Why are you like that?" Sakura asked me pouting slightly. "I'm on a mission, I'll tell you later when I have time, but I got promoted to chunin." I said smiling at them. I could hear arguing behind me. "Maybe we should teach this guy a lesson." I could hear one of them say. Three sound ninjas to be exact. One of them shot off sound waves causing the silver headed boy's glasses to shatter. I walked over and grabbed one of the sound ninja's arm. "Save it for the exam." I snarled letting go of him. He and the others just scoffed and walked away. I helped the boy up from the ground. "What's your name?" I asked. "It's Kabuto." He said. I could see him blush slightly. "Well Kabuto, nice to meet you. I gotta go I'll talk to you guys later." I said. I walked back over to the sand siblings and leaned against a wall near them. "What was that all about?" Gaara asked. "Just some sound ninja trying to cause trouble." I said keeping an eye on the sound ninja. "All right everyone right this way." I heard a voice say. It was Dedira directing children to the testing room. I smiled to myself and looked at the sand siblings. "Good luck." I said before walking out of the room. I walked over to my team and smiled at them. "Good luck you guys." I said ruffling Naruto and Sakura's hair. "You're the same age as us, don't act like you're older." Kiba said laughing. I noticed Shikamaru talking to Choji out of the corner of my eye. I walked over to them and knelt down. "Good luck you two." I said activating my Brougtoken. "Natalie..." Choji said. I stood up and walked out of the room. I was pulled aside by Kakashi and I smiled at him. "How's your mission going?" He asked leaning against a wall. "Good I guess, can't wait until the end though." I said rubbing my arm. "I wish you were your short self again." He said. I punched his shoulder playfully and I walked away. I walked over and noticed a man on a tree branch. I jumped onto the tree and activated my Brougtoken. "Do you need help sir?" I asked him. He turned around revealing a man with an evil smirk. "No I'm fine, but thank you for asking. Your eyes they are quite beautiful, but even I can see through that jutsu." He said. "Hm. You are very smart. May I ask your name?" I asked tilting my head slightly at him. "Only if you give me yours first." I smiled and noticed his eyes looked at me like I was something to eat. "Natalie Hatake." I said hesitantly. "Well Natalie you'll thank me for this later." He said. His neck stretched out to me and I couldn't move. He bit my neck and a shooting, burning pain coursed through my body. I could see the man run away and I let out a loud scream. The pain was unbearable. I couldn't help, but let tears flow from my eyes. "Natalie!" I heard a voice shout. I saw a fuzzy figure run towards me. was all I could see. I spun in circles looking around, that was until I saw a purple flame erupt in front of me. I walked towards it and touched it and screamed in pain. I yanked my hand back, nothing had happened though. My hand wasn't burnt, wasn't red, like nothing had even happened. "Why ME!" I screamed out. I fell to my knees and held my head in my hands. "Why me?" I asked softly.
I shot up, the smell of bleach and chemicals stinging my nostrils. I looked to my left and saw Kakashi in a chair asleep. I looked to my right and Sasuke was in a bed next to me sleeping as well. A slight stinging pain came from my neck and I put my hand over it. "Natalie." I heard a voice whisper. I looked over at Sasuke, who was now sitting up and breathing heavily. "What happened?" I asked. "I got bit by some weirdo." I added rubbing the spot where the man had bit me. "You too." He said slamming his fist down on the bed. "Hey take it easy." I said trying to comfort him from a distance. "I'm sorry." He apologized. I just nodded and looked around. "Where are you going?" He asked as I got up. "I need to make sure that someone is okay." I said doing a couple of hand signs and transforming into my older self. "Tell Kakashi that I went on a mission." I said before running out of the room. I ran outside realizing it was dark, I didn't care. I jumped from rooftop to rooftop. I watched Gaara get a hold of a sound ninja and I stopped in my tracks as he killed him. I landed next to him and he tried to trap me in sand, but I just stopped it again. "You kill for the fact that you think that it's your purpose don't you?" I asked angrily taking a step towards him. "Why does it matter what I do and why to you?" He asked glaring at me. "You have no reason to kill innocent people, I know you have before." I snapped. "You don't know what it's like." He snapped back. I glared at him this time and grabbed him by his shoulders and read his mind. "I've had it worse than you." I said sitting down on the roof. "How?" He demanded. "My parents hated me, they abused me everyday of my life, they threw me out when I was thirteen, I was only thirteen, my brother left me to be abused, he didn't try to help me and didn't tell anyone, my heart was broken by the person who I opened up to, I was almost raped, I HAD NO ONE!" I screamed at him. "You have your siblings, your father. You may not think so, but your brother and sister would do anything to help you." I whispered letting tears flow down my face. "I didn't know, I'm sorry I really am a monster." He said putting a hand on my shoulder. I transformed back into my self. "The only thing that keeps me going is the man that adopted me and the friends I have." I added. "I haven't had time to forget anything that happened to me. You aren't a monster, monsters don't say sorry." I said wiping away tears. "You should get back to your room, before the Anbu Black Ops find out about this." I said standing up and turning to walk away. He grabbed my wrist and turned me around and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back and felt electricity flow through my body. It was different from any other kiss I had ever had in my life. Gaara was a blushing mess and so was I. "Night Gaara." I whispered slightly waving as he walked away. I walked into me and Kakashi's apartment and went into the bathroom. I turned around and looked in the mirror. It looked like I have a spiderweb tattoo on my neck. I cursed and splashed water in my face. I looked at myself and saw a man behind me. He had white hair and blue eyes(MEDIA). I swiftly grabbed a kunai and tackled him to the ground and held it to his throat. "Well that isn't the way to treat your older brother now is it." The man said. My eyes widen, but I felt my blood boil. "Prove it! Prove you're Niobi!" I shouted. He closed his eyes and when he opened them the matched my own. I withdrew the kunai and got off him and stayed on the ground. "Why aren't you happy?" He asked. I looked at him with a fierce glare. "You left me alone, they abused me too. I'm finally with a parent that actually cares about me. Don't try and come into my life now." I said. I got up from the floor as I heard the door attempted to be opened. "You should go, I just need time Niobi." I said quietly. He nodded and pulled me into a hug and jumped out the window. I sat on the floor and watched Kakashi barge in panting. He ran to me and pulled me into a hug and sat on the floor with me still in a hug. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I didn't protect you." He said his words muffled by my hair. He loosened his grip on me and I looked at him. I noticed tears running down his face, I wiped them away and smiled at him. "It wasn't your fault, you didn't know dad." I said wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him. "You should get some rest, I'll be fine." I said nudging him. "Okay I'll talk to you tomorrow morning." He said getting up and walking to his room. I walked into my room and Niobi sat up and his tail wagged happily. "I think you would be better full grown, although you were cute as a puppy." I said petting his head. I did a couple hand signs and put a hand on Niobi's back. I watched him grow rapidly before my eyes. He was huge and he licked my face happily. "Even cuter than you were before." I said laying down. He flopped himself over me making me groan, but he was soft and warm so I didn't mind. "Night Niobi." I whispered petting his head. "Night Natalie." He replied. I froze and just went with it. "That'll be something I have to get used to." I whispered.
Niobi 2.0 Below
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