Chapter 4
Natalie's POV
I woke up in my bed. The sun was just starting to rise, I felt something wet nudge my hand. I looked at Niobi whimpering slightly at me. "I'm okay Niobi." I said petting his head. I noticed a note on my bedside table. I picked it up and read it aloud. "Natalie, Shikamaru wanted me to tell you that it wasn't Ino's fault. He forced the kiss on her and she didn't want to kiss him. He said to not blame her." I read. Niobi tilted his head at me and I sighed. Ino must be so panicked. I got up and got dressed in my daily outfit. I walked out and found Kakashi reading a book on the couch. "Morning Nat." He greeted smiling at me. "Good morning Kakashi." I replied grabbing an apple and biting into it. "You ready to go on missions today?" He asked with a concerned smile. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I said taking another bite of my apple. I walked outside with Kakashi and met up with Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura. "You okay?" Sakura asked putting a hand on my shoulder. "I'll live." I replied as we passed Ino. "Hey I'll catch up with you guys later." I said. I grabbed Ino's wrist and she turned around and looked at me with fear. "I'm not mad at you. Shikamaru told me it wasn't your fault. You're still my friend so don't worry about it." I said hugging her. "Thank god." She said hugging me back. "I've gotta go do some missions I'll see you later." I said letting go of her. "I'll see you later Natalie." She replied walking off. I ran to the missions tower and found Naruto shouting at the Hokage. I rolled my eyes and walked over to them. "Ah Natalie good to see you again." I heard a voice. A boy around my age walked in front of me and smiled. "Hello Dedira." I greeted smiling at him. "Still with the genin?" He asked. "Yeah, but I'm hoping to take the chunin exams this year." I said ignoring the others. "I have to go on a mission, it was good to see you again, I'll talk to you later." He said while fixing his headband. "I'll see you later Dedira." I replied waving him off with a wink. "I'm supposed to be escorted by that little brat." A heard a man's voice say. I turned around and noticed that Kakashi was holding Naruto back from attacking a man at the door. "It'll be fine Naruto, don't worry about." I said keeping my eyes on the man. We walked out with him and I heard him start to argue with Kakashi. "Plus you're with me and my daughter, I'm a jonin and she is a chunin." Kakashi explained growing tired of the old man already. We were walking when I heard metal clanking together. I saw chains wrap around Kakashi and tear him to pieces. "Kakashi Sensei!" I heard Sakura yell. "Dad..." I murmured feeling anger throughout my body. I ran in front of Sakura as a ninja came at her. Sasuke jumped in front of us and I closed my eyes reluctantly. I opened my eyes to Kakashi holding two unconscious ninjas in his arms. "Don't ever do that again." I said hugging him. "Sorry I didn't think you would freeze up like that Naruto." Kakashi said looking at Naruto. I zoned out as I heard rustling. I looked around and swear I could see a pair of eyes hidden in the trees. "Naruto!" I shouted as he stabbed himself with the kunai. "Well that was really cool Naruto how you got out the poison, but you should calm down before you bleed out." Kakashi said in a bored tone. I walked over to Naruto bandages in hand and wrapped his hand noticing that it was already healing due to the nine-tailed fox. "Thanks Natalie." Naruto said smiling at me. We continued on our way on got onto a small boat. "Why were those ninja after you?" Kakashi asked. I zoned them out and looked at the half finished bridge and felt a hand on mine. "Oh sorry." Naruto said as I looked at his hand. We got off the boat and started on our journey to Tazuna's house. "Look there is a ninja!" Naruto shouted throwing kunai in every direction. "You almost gave me a heart attack kid." Tazuna said holding a hand over his heart. "Awe sorry little guy." Naruto said to a white rabbit. "Everybody get down!" Kakashi shouted. I dropped to the floor as a sword flew over us. A man landed on it and I glared at him. "Leave this to me and Natalie, the rest of you protect the bridge builder." Kakashi said to the rest of the group. "Brougtoken!" I shouted. Staying close to the others and Tazuna was probably best. I noticed a thick fog rolling in, but I could see through it. "Sasuke stop shaking I won't let my comrades die." Kakashi said. I looked over to Sasuke and noticed he was shaking in fear. I grabbed his arm and he looked at me with fear. "We'll be fine." I said trying to calm him down. "You're eyes are quite the treasure aren't they." I heard Zabuza say. "Didn't know that the Brougtoken was purple though." He said. I turned around and threw a kunai in his direction. "Hey now let's play nice." He said approaching me. I had to admit he was probably twice my size and he was more experienced, but he didn't scare me. "Well if it isn't Zabuza demon of the mist." I said in a soft tone, watching his every move. "You are quite handsome I'll give you that." I said as his eyes widened. "You're a bit young to be thinking that." He said nervously. "Or am I." I said doing a couple of hand signs. I felt my body morph into a tall slender version of the woman of his dreams. "Now where were we?" I asked in a seductive tone that he himself thought was irresistible. "Um." Was all he could manage to say. I chuckled to myself and backed towards Naruto and the others. "Now!" I shouted as Kakashi tried to get him with a kunai. I transformed back into myself and fell into Naruto's arms out of exhaustion. "What was that?" Naruto asked helping me back to my feet. "Just some of my kekkei genkai." I explained trying to catch my breathe. The seduction jutsu was one of the jutsus that took the most out of me. I could feel myself get dizzy and I was overtook by darkness.
I felt someone's arms around me and my eyes fluttered open. I saw Naruto looking ahead of him and he glanced down at me. "Oh glad to see you're awake." He said putting me on my feet. "Thank you Naruto, where's Kakashi?" I asked. "Tazuna and Sasuke are carrying him." Naruto said pointing behind him. I looked back and laughed at how they were struggling to carry Kakashi. I walked over to Sasuke and smiled at him. "I can take over." I said doing a couple hand signs. "Feather jutsu." I said putting a hand on Kakashi's shoulder. I took him from Sasuke and held him by myself. He was super light now. "How'd you do that?" Sasuke asked looking at me. "Just something I made up one day." I explained noticing that Kakashi hand his headband revealing his face hidden by it. I pulled it over his eyes to block the sunlight and looked at a house closing in. We walked inside and a older lady helped me get Kakashi into his own room to rest. "Thank you." I said bowing to the lady. "No problem my name is Tsunami." She said walking out of the room. "You're an idiot you know that." I said turning around to find Kakashi sitting up. I walked over to him and pushed his shoulders back forcing him to lay down again. "You need to rest." I said sitting down in a chair. "I'll be fi-ahh." He started, but shouted out in pain. "Now you are just being stubborn." I said walking over to him and sitting on his bed. "Maybe you're right." He said with a forced laugh. "Of course I am." I remarked getting up. "I'll be back later to see how you're doing, in the meantime you need to rest." I said before walking out of the room. "How is he?" I heard a voice say. "He'll be fine, thanks for carrying him Sasuke." I said as he walked over to me. "No problem, did you know he had a Sharingan?" He asked me as we walked down the hallway. "Yes, he's talked to me about it before." I explained concerned about what he did. "Hn." He said walking away from me. "Hey Natalie!" I heard Naruto shout from outside. I waved to him and walked over. "Hello Naruto." I greeted. "How's Kakashi Sensei?" He asked glaring at Sasuke as he walked by us. "He'll be able to walk on crutches tomorrow from what Tsunami tells me. I'm gonna go for a walk by the beach, tell Kakashi if he asks." I said walking away from Naruto. I took off my black sandals and held them as I walked down the beach. I took in a deep breath of the ocean air. I sat down on the sand underneath some trees watching the waves lap at the sand. "Hello Zabuza." I greeted as I read his chakra. "How could you tell it was me?" He asked sitting down next to me. "It's not hard." I said digging my toes into the sand. "Why aren't you afraid of me?" He asked me. "How could I be scared of the man that killed my parents?" I asked him. "The decision you made that day was the one I wish I could've done myself." I said frowning at the thought of those people. "If you hurt one of my comrades or clients, I won't hesitate to kill you." I added through gritted teeth. "You make me laugh, someone like you against a rouge ninja like me." He said with a deep chuckle. I grinned in amusement. I moved quicker than he could and held a kunai to his throat right above an artery in his neck. "I-I can't move." He said. "Never underestimate an enemy." I snarled keeping my cool. "Let him go." I could hear a voice say. "Haku good to see you again." I said removing the blade from his throat. "Keep your master in check next time." I said. "Look kid you got spirit if I die at the hands of your team, you can have my sword." He added laughing. I kept that thought in mind and walked back to the house.
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