Chapter 3
Natalie's POV
"Wake up." I heard. I opened my eyes slowly as Kakashi continued to shake me awake. "I'm up." I said groggily rubbing my tired eyes. "Happy birthday!" He shouted handing me a wrapped box. I sighed and took it from his hands. "I thought I told you not to make a big fuss out of it." I said while tearing the wrapping paper off the box. I lifted the lid and there lay brand new kunais and shuriken. I smiled at them and looked back at Kakashi. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he hugged me back. "Thank you Kakashi." I whispered. "No problem." He said ruffling my white hair. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I opened my door and heard shouts. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I jumped at the amount of people shouting. I looked around and found Ino, Sakura, Choji, Shikamaru, Kiba, Akamaru, Shino, Sasuke, and Naruto. I smiled at all of them, but Shikamaru came to my side and placed a kiss on my cheek. I saw Naruto and Sasuke glare at him. "Don't look now, but I think Naruto and Sasuke are jealous." I whispered to Shikamaru. He laughed quietly and put an arm around my shoulders. "Okay guys calm down before I get noise complaints."Kakashi said. Shikamaru led me to the couch and everyone pulled out presents. "Guys." I complained. They were told not to make a big deal out of it. "Just shut up and open our presents." Ino said with a wide smile. I opened everyone's gifts and I loved them all. Ino got me a matching outfit to hers just in my regular teal color, Choji got me a coupon book to a food place, Naruto got me a weapon sharpener, Sasuke got me a silver bracelet, Sakura got me a new pair of black sandals, Kiba got me a dog collar, and Shino got me plasma pellets. "Uh Kiba what is this for?" I asked lifting up the collar. "Just a little something me and Kakashi put together." He said with a smirk. I lifted an eyebrow and turned to face Kakashi. He had a cardboard box with holes in his hands. "One last gift from me." He said handing me the box. I opened it and a wolf pup(Media) jumped out and landed on my lap. "Awe!" I squealed. He sniffed my hand and then started to lick it. "Thank you guys so much. This has to be the greatest birthday ever." I said. I said good-bye to everyone as they filed out of me and Kakashi's apartment. I hugged Kakashi one last time before returning to my room to change. My new puppy trotted after me though. "I'll have to give you a name." I said to myself. I thought for a moment before I chose my brother's name. "How about Niobi?" I asked. My new pup turned around and put his full attention on me. I smiled at him and pet his head. I walked out of my room and found Kakashi balancing his kunai on the tip of his finger. "So what did you name your dog?" He asked. "I named him after my older brother." I said remembering him. "You have an older brother?" Kakashi asked sitting up. "Yeah he is six years older than me. His name was Niobi, but he left at sixteen. I guess he didn't want to stick around for my parents to abuse him even more. I haven't seen him in eight years." I said sadly. "Natalie I had no idea." He said. "It's fine he's probably in another village." He nodded and Niobi happily walked over to me and nudge me with his nose. I clipped his collar on and did some hand signs. "Companion jutsu." I said. It was a jutsu that instantly tamed any animal. "I'm going for a walk I'll see you later." I said. I walked out with Niobi at my side and bumped into Kiba. "Oh hey Kiba." I said scratching the back of my neck. "Oh hey what did you name your new dog?" He asked. "Niobi. It kinda fits him in a way." I explained. He nodded and walked off. I walked into Ichiraku and saw Naruto eating ramen. "Why am I not surprised you're here Naruto?" I asked myself. He laughed and finished the bowl of ramen. "One bowl of barbecue ramen please." I said to the old man. He nodded and got to cooking. "So what did you think of your gift?" Naruto asked. "I like it, I won't have to get new weapons for a while now." I said grinning at him. I swear I saw him blush, but I think it's just my eyes playing tricks on me. Sasuke and Sakura sat down next to us. The man put a bowl of ramen in front of me and I took a bite. "Are you guys excited about doing missions tomorrow?" I asked. "I can't wait believe it!" Naruto shouted. "I'm kinda excited I guess." Sakura said looking at Sasuke with sparkling eyes. "Sakura stop drooling over Sasuke, that's not how me and Shikamaru started dating." I said with a smirk. She glared at me and I ignored it. As much as a good friend Sakura was, she was obsessed with Sasuke and that's not good. "Whatever." She muttered walking out. "What's her deal?" Shikamaru asked walking in. I heard Sasuke get up and walk out. "Hm?" Shika said with curiosity. "Hey Shika." I said. "I just confronted Sakura in front of Sasuke. Although I think he already knows she's obsessed with him." I explained finishing my ramen. "Well that's why I love you. You were never obsessed with Sasuke." Shika said kissing my lips. "Uh, I'm gonna go. I'll see you tomorrow Natalie." Naruto said glaring at Shikamaru. I rolled my eyes and got up. "Hey I wanted to take you somewhere. Meet me here half an hour before the sun sets." He said. I raised an eyebrow at him and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Okay I'll see you then Shikamaru." I said simply. He kissed my cheek and walked out. I walked out and felt a hand grab my arm. I turned around and found Sasuke standing behind me. "What is it Sasuke?" I asked with a smile. "I just wanted to say happy birthday one last time." He said walking away. It was about two hours until the sun set and I needed something to do. Iruka Sensei appeared in front of me. "Hey Natalie I need some help with my class today, do you think you could help?" He asked. "Yeah sure." I replied walking with him. "Happy birthday!" I heard a bunch of people shouting. It was a bunch a tiny kids with giant grins on their faces. "Natalie!" I heard a boy yell. "Konohamaru." I said as the young boy ran to me. I knelt down to his level and ruffled his hair. "Happy birthday." He said wrapping his arms around my neck. I hugged him back and kissed his forehead. "Thank you Konohamaru." I said as his face turned bright red. "Natalie it's good to see you again." I heard a voice say. I looked up and faced the Hokage. I bowed and smiled at him. "It's good to see you too." He nodded and put a hand on my shoulder. "Follow me." He said walking away. I hugged Iruka and ran after the Hokage. We were on the outlook above the Hokage faces. "You have come very far." He said with a light chuckle. "I have. All thanks to Kakashi." I replied looking down at my hands. "He truly has become a parent to you hasn't he?" The Hokage asked. I nodded and stared at the sun as it started to set. "Oh Hokage I have somewhere to be. Can we continue this conversation some other time?" I asked remembering about Shikamaru. "Of course." He said waving me off. I jumped down and ran back to Ichiraku. I stood there for a little waiting for Shikamaru. Choji was walking up to me. "Choji have you seen Shikamaru? He told me to meet him here." I asked him. He looked up at me with a frown. "That's actually what I came here to tell you. I caught him kissing Ino and I came to find you." He explained. I froze at his words and saw Shikamaru running up to us. "You cheater!" I shouted at him tearing the gold locket he gave me off my neck. I felt tears brimming my eyes. "I trusted you and opened up to you and you decide to cheat on me with my best friend on my birthday!" I screamed throwing the necklace at him. I let tears run down my face and felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and found Kakashi standing behind me. I shoved past him and walked away into the forest. I sat against a tree and cried silently. "Natalie?" I heard a voice question. I looked up and was face to face with Naruto. "I heard what happened between you and Shikamaru. You should've seen Kakashi Sensei, he had to be held back by two other Jonin." Naruto explained sitting in front of me. "Shikamaru doesn't deserve you. Forget about him and what he did to you." Naruto said looking at me with a smile. I sniffed and wiped tears from my cheeks. "I got it from here Naruto." Kakashi said. I looked at my hands not being able to look at Kakashi. "I'll see you tomorrow Natalie." Naruto said. I felt Kakashi pull me into his arms. He hugged me tightly and rested his chin on the top of my head. "Thank you." I whispered. "For what?" He asked quietly. "For being the best dad I could ever ask for, for being there for me, for protecting me, for rescuing me." I said looking up at him. He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer. "I wouldn't have left you with those insufferable people. You are probably the greatest daughter I could've asked for." He said smiling at me.
Kakashi's POV
"Natalie?" I asked. I looked at her and noticed she had fallen asleep. I stood up with her in my arms and walked out of the forest. Shikamaru passed by me, his head looking down at the ground. "Tell her it wasn't Ino's fault." Shikamaru said stopping next to me. "What?" I asked trying to keep my temper down. "Tell her that Ino didn't want to kiss me. I forced it on her thinking that she liked me back. Ino didn't do anything, it was all my fault. Tell her I'm sorry." He said walking away. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk back to my apartment. I set her down on her bed and covered her with her blanket. "Night Natalie." I whispered closing her door quietly.
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