Chapter 1
Natalie's POV(What she looks like is above just with white hair.)
"Natalie wake up!"Kakashi shouted from outside my door. I groaned and got up and got ready. "Good morning Kakashi." I greeted as I exited my room. He smiled at me and ruffled my white hair. "You excited about graduating?" Kakashi. I felt my stomach drop. "I'm not even confident that I did graduate." I said as I ate breakfast. "Natalie I know you passed, I have been training you for this moment." He stood up walked over to me pulled me up from my chair and brought me into a tight hug. I smiled and kicked his legs out from underneath him. "Maybe I've taught you too well." He muttered getting up from the floor. I kissed his cheek and walked out of my house. Maybe I can meet up with Sakura or Ino on my way to school. I saw them both but they seemed to be racing to school. Those two are always trying to compete ever since they found out they liked the same kid. I sighed and tried calling over to them. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders. "Hello Shikamaru." I greeted. "Hey beautiful." He replied placing a kiss on my cheek. "Better not let my dad catch you." I said with a smirk referring to Kakashi. It was just easier to say that he was my father. "Hey what can I say, you're my beautiful girlfriend. Plus how would I be able to watch out for him if I don't even know what he looks like." He says giving me a small smile. "You will if he catches you. I'll have you meet him after we've been together long enough okay." I said. "I kinda hope you're in my group." He states. "Yeah that's if I graduate." I said reverting back to my nervousness from this morning. "What? Natalie you are probably the toughest and smartest ninja I know. I'm confident that you graduated." He reassured me pulling me closer to him. "I'll bet you that Naruto didn't pass." He finished smirking. I sighed remembering my blonde little friend. "I'll bet you he did. You get me lunch if he passes and I get you lunch if he doesn't." I said smiling. "Okay whatever. He is such a drag sometimes." I pecked his cheek and a smiled returned to his face. We parted ways and sat in our seats. I sat next to some black haired kid. He blushed as I sat down, but I just shrugged it off. I heard shouting, must be Sakura and Ino. I just tuned it out and started drawing a wolf. They had been my favorite animals since I was young and when he started training me Kakashi called me his fierce little wolf. I jumped as I heard a thud hit the table. Naruto was glaring at the kid next to me and the kid next to me looked bored and uninterested. I sighed and mentally face palmed. "Look here Sasuke I don't want you thinking you're the best just because you are part of the Uchiha clan." Naruto said coldly. I watched it all happen. The guy in front of Naruto bumped into him and him and the Uchiha's lips connected. I held in a laugh and watched as all the girls glared at Naruto. "You're dead Naruto." Sakura stated getting closer to him. I stood up and stood in between the girls and Naruto. "Look Sakura, Ino, other random girls after Uchiha it was just an accident. Leave him alone." I stated with a bored expression. "These girls are such a drag." I said to Naruto as we sat down. "You sound like Shikamaru more and more everyday." Naruto said raising his eyebrows. I punched his shoulder playfully and watched as Iruka Sensei entered the room. I zoned out for the most part. "Team 7 Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno." Naruto cut him off by cheering while Sakura groaned. "Let me finish, Sasuke Uchiha." Sakura cheered this time while Naruto sat back down and pouted. "And since there is an extra student Natalie Hatake will also be on team 7." I froze at my name and looked at Shikamaru and he just shrugged. Great just another person for our Sensei to deal with. I just zoned out the rest till I heard team 10. "On team ten shall be Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi, and Shikamaru Nara." Iruka Sensei said. I sighed and heard Shikamaru groan which made me smile just a bit. "All right just go to your corresponding rooms and wait for your Sensei there." He ordered. Naruto and I walked together while Sakura was trying to start a conversation with Sasuke. When we got to our room I sat down and Sasuke sat next to me. I continued to draw the wolf as we waited. "Come on our teacher is late and I bet all the other teams are training right now." Naruto whined. "Naruto just be patient he is probably late for some lame reason like being on the path of life. At least that's the excuse my father makes all the time." I said laughing slightly. I could see Sasuke smirk out of the corner of my eye. I watched as Naruto put a chalk board eraser in between the wall and the door. "He isn't going to fall for that, he is a Jonin." Sasuke says in an annoyed tone. "Hmm, so Uchiha can speak." I said giving him a smirk. A blush appeared on his face, but he tried to hide it. I heard the door open and something hit the floor. I looked in the direction of the door and there stood KAKASHI! I kept my head down and focused on drawing. I could hear Naruto laugh and Sakura start to shout. "Hmm. Natalie?!" Kakashi questioned loudly. "Hey Dad." I greeted casually although I felt like screaming. "DAD!?" Sakura and Naruto screeched at the same time. I laughed and stood up. "Yup Kakashi is my dad and taught me everything I know. Didn't realize that he was going to be teaching us." I said as he ruffled my hair. I elbowed him in the ribs signaling him to stop. I noticed the mask over his mouth and his head band covering his Sharingan. I would ask him about it after training. We followed him outside and we sat down on steps. "Well how about you guys tell me about yourselves." Kakashi said. I saw Sasuke roll his eyes and sigh. I zoned them out knowing he would have me explain last. "How about you?" He said looking at me. "My name's Natalie Hatake, I like spending time with friends and family and relaxing. I hate criminals..." I started.
I was walking one night from hanging out with Sakura. I felt a hand grab my arm and shove me against a brick wall. I froze up as he ran his hand across my stomach. "How is a beautiful girl like you out here all alone?" He asked slightly tugging my shirt up. I felt hot tears run down my face as he attempted to take off my shirt. I cried letting loud sobs come out of my mouth. I felt him release me and I dropped to the floor. He ran away fast and I let tears flow down my face. "Natalie?" Kakashi asked in a sad tone. I hid my face from him. I was only thirteen and I had almost gotten raped. "Natalie please say something so I know that you're not hurt." He said getting closer to me. "I'm not hurt." I sobbed. He sat next to me and brought me into a hug. "Why aren't you at home?" He asked. "Parents kicked me out. I'm only thirteen and I just went to Sakura's to talk about it and he..." He hushed me and just hugged me. "I'm glad that I came when I did. Did he touch you?" He asked looking down at me. I shook my head and he sighed. "Don't worry the others know about him already. I was actually on the prowl for him." He said. "Why didn't you go after him?" I asked looking away from him. "Because making sure you're okay is more important. You were almost a victim and I don't want you living just anywhere" He said. "Come live with me Natalie. I promise I'll be a better parent than the two you had combined." He whispered as I calmed down. I looked at him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much Kakashi." I said in a low voice. "Come on let's get you cleaned up and I'll go get your stuff tomorrow." He said helping me up from the floor. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around me and led me my new home.
I snapped back into reality as Naruto waved his hand in front of my face. "Hey are you okay?" He asked. I realized tears had streaked my cheeks. "Yeah I'm fine. I'll see you guys later in training I just got to go." I said getting up. I walked away and could feel Kakashi's gaze on me. I let tears run down my face on my way home. I looked to my left and there was that brick wall. The brick wall where I almost got raped. I stood in front of it and punched it. It felt good, but I'm not saying it didn't hurt. I walked into Kakashi's apartment and sat down on the couch. I heard the door open and Kakashi entered. He down his mask and lifted his band revealing his Sharingan. "You were thinking about it again weren't you." He said looking down at my bloody fist. "More like relived it." I said looking away from him. He walked into the bathroom and brought back a wet rag and bandages. He cleaned the blood off my fist and bandaged it carefully. After he was finished he sat next to me. I hugged him and he rubbed my back lightly. "I still can't thank you enough for taking me in." I said. He placed a kiss on the top of my head. "I'm glad I did. Who knows what would have happened if I didn't." He said.
Just so you all know. Nothing is going on with Natalie and Kakashi in a relationship way. It is merely the fact that he adopted her and they are now family. So don't get the wrong ideas. THERE WILL BE NOT LEMONS IN THIS! I FIND IT UNCOMFORTABLE TO READ MYSELF AND I DON'T WANT TO PUT THAT ON ANYONE! SO NO ONE GET WRONG IDEAS YOU PERVERTS! YOU WILL BE MORE OF A PERVERT THAT JIRAIYA IF YOU THINK OF ANYTHING LIKE THAT! Okay I think that covers all of it.
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