Chapter 2
Taking another deep breath in, my eyes darted the halls, desperately searching for his dark mob of hair.
People whispered about, to no surprise. I noticed a blonde girl following me, and she looked pretty paranoid until Dr. Sultzman walked up to her. I turned a corner without looking, but yelped as I got sent to the floor.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" someone said, and I looked up to see a dark skinned boy. With a dazed look on his face, he held his hand out for me and I gratefully accepted it, standing up with a shaky smile.
"Oh it's alright! I should've watched where I was going" I said, placing my hands back at my side. The boy smiled. "You must be new here, I'm Raf" he said, and we shook hands. "(Y/n)" I said quietly, giving him a grin.
My body froze.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I searched for his face. Raf turned around to face the source of the voice, and there he was. Standing behind Raf, in full glory. His hair was longer then I had remembered.
He looked shocked, to say the least. I covered by mouth with my hand, choking back a sob. "Jed.." I whispered, a few tears finally slipping from my eyes. To my surprise, he ran to me as fast as his legs could take him and took me into his warm embrace.
My tears leaked onto his t-shirt as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I could hear him sniffling into my neck. Suddenly, he lifted me off my feet and swung me around in the air. I laughed as my dress twirled around in the air.
"I can't believe you're here!" he exclaimed, putting me down as he took my face in his hands. He dried some of my tears. Jed was smiling wildly and kissed me on the forehead.
I was about to kiss him on the lips, but I hesitated. I looked into his eyes, a small frown on my face. "Jed, where have you been these past 3 years?... I m-missed you s-so much" I whispered, looking back down at my feet as I stated to cry once more.
He made me look back into his eyes, grabbing my chin with one of my hands.
"I'm so so sorry... I can't apologize enough to you. The school... The school had been in danger for a while so they had to eliminate our contact with the outside world, with everyone except our immediate family. I tried so hard to stay in touch with you, but they weren't having it. I'm sorry, dove"
At this point, we were both back to crying, but I just pulled him back into a hug. Many students were gossiping in the background, but it fell deaf to my ears.
I had him back.
Now for the hard part.
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