Killing the Mother
I looked over at Lucifer to see him smiling. "You see, Angel, even I agree that sacrificing your children without asking them first is downright cruel. Besides, they were starting to get annoying. Ever heard of the Deadly Seven Sculptors? They were big in the late sixteen hundred's?" I shook my head 'no'. "Well, they were a couple who would kill people and pose them committing one of the seven deadly sins. They were never caught until I met up with them that night." Lucifer smiled at the memory. "Ah, what fun that was."
"So, where are they?" I asked.
"They're around here somewhere," he said. I noticed something that briefly flashed in his eyes. It was evil, and that scared me.
Shaking my head, I thanked Leven for taking the time to talk to me. Once Leven left the room, I turned to Lucifer. "What was so important that you needed to see me?"
Lucifer smiled and grabbed my hand. "Follow me."
"You're not going to take me to the top of a building again, are you?" I joked. The last time I followed Lucifer was to the top of the building where I almost died for like the fourth time.
"No, just follow me. You'll like it I promise." He smiled, which made me smile because it was a real genuine smile. He winked at me, which caused my heard to skip a beat.
Calm down, Raven. It was just a wink. Nothing more. I took deep breaths to calm my thoughts down.
Lucifer led me to a room that I have never seen before. "Where are we?" I asked when he unlocked the door.
Throwing the door open, he answered, "Welcome to the ballroom."
I smiled as I looked around the room. The ceiling was probably twenty feet high. There were twelve columns around the room. The room was painted a beautiful aquamarine color and the floors were a light grey with sparkles in them. "Is this granite under our feet?"
Lucifer smiled and nodded. "Yes, it is. Don't ask how much it cost because I won't tell you. Just know that when we have our ball, that'll introduce you to the demons and souls of the underworld, you will be the most ravishing creature down here."
I smiled at his comment. Should I be offended that he called me a creature?
"So, Mr. DeVil, what are we doing here?" I asked.
"Well, Miss Hunter, we are here to teach you to dance. I have decided that the ball will be in four days. That's four days we have to get you ball material ready."
"But, why do we need a ball? Why can't we just have like a Meet and Greet thing?"
Lucifer laughed, directing me out of the ballroom. "The last time I held a Meet and Greet was when Hell got a huge shipment of souls-over one thousand- sent here for a permanent living lifestyle. Let's just say that only about twelve of those souls didn't get fed on. So, yeah, if you want a Meet and Greet, I'd be more than happy to set it up. I can't guarantee that you won't be mistaken as a soul though."
"What the heck do you mean fed on?"
Lucifer gave me one of that ' are-you-flipping-stupid?' looks. "Even though demons don't really need to eat, they still enjoy the hunt. You know? They're down here for a reason and they-"
"How do you become a demon?" I asked.
"I'm glad that you are being serious about the whole thing."
"Well, since I am living down here, I guess I need to be prepared for anything that is thrown my way."
"True, true. This is going to blow your mind. A lot of demons are born. It all happens when male down here goes up to earth and they have sex with a human. The thing about being born a demon: the mother does not live through the childbirth. The demon child is normally inside the mother's womb for at least an entire year.
"There are not a lot of humans that know about the existence of Hell and demons. Now, I do not know why this happens exactly but when a demon child is inside the mother, he or sometimes she starts to starve the mother, taking all the nutrients that she takes in. The demon is basically killing the mother. Now, you have heard that when a woman is pregnant, she feels a strong desire to carry that baby to term, right?"
Horrified, I nodded. I knew where this was headed, but I couldn't bring myself to speak.
"Well, a woman carrying a demon child has an even stronger desire to carry that child. I think it has something to do with the child inside of her. They develop a brain after the first month and they can tell the mother what they are craving. It's a whole weird operation.
"Anyway, by the time that the child is ready to come into this world, the mother is practically dead. So, after the child is born, they eat the mother. I know that it may seem morbid, but it is actually a beautiful thing when I think about it. For the child, to eat the mother is like the final connection between the two. Think of it like this: the mother is already practically dead, so when the child comes out, her last purpose in life is to provide the baby with a good meal. If the baby doesn't eat the mother, it's like the child is rejecting the person who gave birth to it."
"Are you serious?!" I yelled. "You think that that is a beautiful thing? That's horrible!" I had to take a few minutes to calm down. That is- my mind could not handle that information. "So, are there any female demons?"
"Actually, most demons, like me, are males. Those who are female demons are very dangerous and very powerful. There are only a handful of female demons, a lot of them you will probably see at the ball. The thing about the females is they cannot get pregnant. Don't ask me why, because I honestly don't know. Any more questions?"
"No," I said, still trying to take in everything that he had just told me. So, does that mean that if I-if we- were to have a child together that I would die? That my child would slowly kill me over time? Shaking my head, I changed my train of thought. Raven, why the Hell are you thinking about that? You would have to get into bed with Lucifer and Lord knows that you are not ready for that. I mean yeah, he's a good-looking piece of meat that I wouldn't mind f-
"Raven, darling? Did you even hear a word I said? What do you think?" Lucifer stopped walking and looked at me.
"Huh? Yeah, sure. I would love to." I said, hoping I didn't agree to something I wouldn't normally agree to.
Lucifer's face brightens as he clasped his hands together. "Perfect! We're going to teach you how to use your abilities."
"Wait what?! How are you going to do that?"
"Let's just say that it involves fighting my most talented soldier." Lucifer smiled and laughed.
Oh, please don't let me die, I silently prayed.
(1220 words)
Started: 12-26-17
Ended: 12-26-17
Updated: 1-1-18
I know that I wasn't supposed to update until the 10th, but decided to udpate early anyway. I will still be updating chapter five on Wednesday, but that'll be all. Do not expect it to be like this all the time.
So, there you go my beautiful Hellions: Chapter Four! I know it may not be what you expected to come next, but....It is so much better thanthe previous chapter.
Questions: What? So a demon baby is deadly to have...that means that Lucifer and Raven, if they ever decide to get comfy in the bed, can't get too comfy or Raven will die. Shoot...that ruins all the plans of securing their future generation, if they ever decide to try...Well, there is always Micheal she can try with.
Question two: would you have a baby with a demon, if you loved them enough, even though you knew you would not live to see it come into the world? I think I honestly would. To have a purpose in this life, to give the last of your strength to the baby is a beautiful thing, I think.
Question three: The ball is in four days. What dress should Raven wear to the ball? Just curious.
That is all the questions, but the end of the book. So...Thank you all for reading this horrible chapter and I hope you all have a wonderful day and night.
Expect the fifth chapter Wednesday and remember to vote, comment and share this book if you liked this chapter.
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