Fighting Zaphara
"Raven, this is who you are going to be fighting." Lucifer pointed to Zaphara. "She is one of my most skilled fighters," Lucifer complimented.
"Dude, I am your only skilled fighter, and you know it." Zaphara punched Lucifer in the shoulder.
"That is true. Now, Raven, this training exercise is only to help you find or use the abilities that you have stored in your genetic coding." Lucifer looked over to Zaphara. "Do not hurt her. Okay? I need her in one piece."
"Yeah, whatever brother. I won't hurt her...much." Zaphara looked over at me and winked. "Besides, I'll stay away from her pretty little face as much as possible, deal?"
"Zaphara," Lucifer warned. "You will not hurt her. If you feel the urge to, please do what we talked about. Okay?"
"What do you mean, if she feels the urge to?" I asked. I am not going to fight a girl who has been trained by Lucifer if she cannot control herself.
"Zaphara is half demon, Raven. This means that once in a while, especially with her, her demon likes to show up in a place of battle. However, since this is not a real battle, her demon should be sleeping. You should be good, though. I have seen you fight and you're not threatening enough to wake her demon."
I was about to defend myself when Zaphara interrupted. "Brother, can we please get this over with?" Zaphara asked. "I actually have a date tonight and I would like to not be late."
"Fine," Lucifer snapped. "Raven, darling, if you need me, I will be up there, behind that glass, okay?" Lucifer pointed up the wall, where sure enough was a glass separating the two rooms.
"Okay," I said. As soon as I said nodded, left the room and went to the showroom.
He pressed a button that allowed us to hear him. "Okay, children. I want a nice clean fight. No cheating. Are you ready?" He looked over to me and I nodded. He looked over to Zaphara who nodded too. "Ready, set, fight!" he yelled.
I got into a fighting position and Zaphara smiled at me. "You ready Kitten?"
"Ready as I'll ever be," I mumbled.
Zaphara smiled, this time showing pointy teeth, and I gulped. Oh Lord. Did she have those when she came in?
I decided to make the first move as I charge towards her. My fist drove forward, which only hits air, as Zaphara ducks out of the way, she then reciprocated with a few blows of her own. Her fist collides with my right, the force behind it causing pain to flare, I stumble back; hissing between my teeth.
"Come on!" Lucifer yelled. "Give me a good cat fight!"
Zaphara and I looked up at Lucifer. I glance over at Zaphara who gave him the finger, I took that opportunity to strike.
I kick Zaphara in the stomach as hard as I could and she doubles over, clutching her stomach, standing over her, I then bring my elbow down into her back and down to the floor she went. "Yes!" I smiled as I look up at Lucifer. "That wasn't so-"
I didn't get to finish that sentence as a fist came flying and plows into my face. I felt and heard something crack and I cradle my nose. "Shit!" I yelled. "I think you broke my nose." At that moment, blood starts to trickle from my nose. "Fuck! You did!"
Zaphara's lips curl up into an evil smile, as I take a step forward, wiping my nose with the back of my hand, which wasn't bleeding as badly as before. I inhale deeply and close my eyes, my heart was beating erratically in my chest. Come on, Raven, you got this. Just calm down. Just breathe. My heart started to slow in pace, until going back to its normal speed.
I opened my eyes and all sounds around me became a dull flutter of noise. Just in time, I see Zaphara thrust her fist outward toward me. Taking a step to the side, I dodged her punch, watching as her hand drives past my face at the speed of a snail. It was like she was moving in slow motion. Is she? It was like a dream. The room around me was like a hazy focus of a camera. My focus just on the both of us, everything else was blurred.
Zaphara threw a series punches, trying to hit me wherever she could but I dodged each of them, easily. She threw another punch, aiming for my face. I quickly grab her hand, spinning her around and twisting her arm behind her back, kicking the back of her leg. Her knees gave out beneath her and she falls.
The trance that I seemed to be in, broke when Zaphara sharply cried out.
I watched as she slowly stood up, making me back away. Zaphara glared viciously at me, her eyes bleeding into black. She sneered at me, her face taking on murdous feature. I took one step towards her, observing her expression and posture for any signs of attacks. She brought her hands up in front of her and then snapped them down; palms spread out as two chains flew out from her wrist. At the end of the chains were what I like to call devil daggers.
"Zaphara!" Lucifer yelled, catching my attention to him. He ran over to the door and Zaphara nodded her head, and I guessed locked the door to the room, so Lucifer could not escape. "No! Fight it!"
I gaze up where Lucifer was and shouted; "What is going on?"
"Raven, Zaphara has locked me from leaving the room. I can't teleport out of here because of certain reasons. You are going to have to get her to calm down. That is your only option!"
"How do I-" Zaphara, at that moment swings her chains at me, and I ducked, dropping to my hands.
"I will make you pay!" Zaphara roared, swinging one of her chains at me, one dagger slashing my forearm.
I wince, grabbing hold of the new wound and look back at her. "Zaphara, please calm down," I say, holding a hand out in front of me to show her I meant no harm.
She didn't get the memo. Her chains kept coming after me, twirling them over her head like a lasso, and then released them until they came flying towards me. I darted out of the away, the sound of the knife's scraping against the spot I once stood in. Quickly, she reels in her chains and send them back at me at the speed of light, the daggers slicing my arms and neck up.
"Stop!" I cry as I run across the room, dodging her chains. I rush over to the door, hoping to make it out of the room alive. The moment I put my hand on the handle, I heard the lock click. "No!" I yelled, as I tried to open the door. "Help!" I screamed as I pounded on the door. "Someone help me!"
"No one is going to help a pathetic Angel in Hell, kitten. You're nothing but a snack to them," Zaphara whispers in my ear, which caused me to gasp.
She grabs a fist full of my hair and drug me to the middle of the room, with my feet flailing. "Oh, Luci! Lucifer!" she taunted, throwing me on my side. "I want you to watch as your most skilled fighter snaps your precious little angel's neck!"
"Zaphara! Stop!" Lucifer snarls.
Zaphara cackles as she grasps one of her death chains and wrapped it around my neck, choking me.
I fought as hard as I could, struggling to release myself, her grip tightening around the chain, which the same reaction around my neck. Lucifer pleaded for Zaphara to calm down, stop, and open the door.
Zaphara leaned down, her breath blowing against my ear, "That's right, little kitten. Go to sleep. You never were good enough for my brother." Black dots begin to crawl from the edge of my eyes, my vision blurring in and out, I stop fighting. I let my hands drop to the ground, limp. My right hand falls on something along the floor, side-glance at the object and I see it to be the end of Zaphara's chain.
With the last of my strength, I curl my fingers around the dagger, my grip tightening and I plunge the weapon deeply into Zaphara's leg, blood immediately beginning to pool around the tip. She screams and lets go of her chains along with me. I scramble away, crawling then stumbling to my feet making it to the other side of the room.
Zaphara shierks, "You are going to pay for that, you bitch!"
I could hear Lucifer yelling out for the guards. A blur of movements, and Zaphara zips in front of me, breathing heavily. "Say your prayers, kitten." she brings her chains up behind her, springing herself into the air, letting out a warrior cry, releasing her hold on the chain.
I threw my hands in front of my face, in hopes I could protect myself.
"No!" Lucifer and I yelled as Zaphara brought the chains down on me, everything slowing down as they grew closer by the minute.
1561 words
Started: 1-1-8
Ended: 1-4-18
Updated: 1-14-18
So, my beautiful Hellions, there's chapter six for you all.
-What was Lucifer thinking when he had Raven fight Zaphara?
-If you noticed while reading, they were looking for talents or abilities Raven may have. We already know Raven has one. Can you guess what that is? The second one is appears in here. What is that one?
-Also, who knew Raven was strong enough to wake the demon in Zaphara? I would not have fought her when Lucifer told me that she's okay to fight.
Now, before I end this note, I was to give huge credit to an awesome writer that helped me write the fight scene and more!
Thank you so much to XxRiah916Xx! I literally could not have done this without you! My chapter is so much better because of you!!!
Please go read her stories because trust me, they are as awesome as her fight scenes in this chapter.
The next Chapter will be up 1-17-18.
Until then, stay dangerous my Hellions.
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