Choosing a Weapon
"Mazel," I shook Mazel, hoping I could wake her up. "Mazel, please wake up. I need you."
Mazel did not stir. Fear started to well up in me as I tried to find a pulse on Mazel. She didn't seem to be breathing. That was when the tears started to flow. I threw myself over Mazel's body and cried.
"I am so sorry, Mazel. I am so sorry. This is all my fault. If I hadn't stopped you in the- No. I'm glad I stopped you from killing yourself. There are so many things I wanted to tell you but I can't. If you were here, I would tell you that even though you tried to kill me when I first arrived, I am so glad that I met you. Caleb was right: I am so afraid to let people in my life because I don't want to lose anyone else. I lost my mom and dad and now I have lost you. I am so sorry." I was crying so hard I could no longer talk. I just stayed hunched over Mazel's body and cried.
"Bitch, get off of me before I roast your ass," Mazel whispered, hoarsely as she tried to push me away from her.
"Oh my God! You're alive!" I cried. "I thought you were dead."
"You're so fucking dramatic," Mazel glared at me. "Help me sit up."
I quickly, but very carefully helped Mazel sit up. I was careful not to touch her back. "Mazel, I don't know if you heard Caleb but he is giving me a chance to fight for our freedom."
Mazel looked at me in disbelief. "You're kidding me, right?"
"No, he said if I win he'll let us both go. But if I lose he'll kill you and keep me for the rest of my life."
"Well, shit. We're screwed then." When I started to protest, Mazel held up her hand. "Listen, I'm not going to lie to you. You are not the best fighter. When you fought Zaphara, you almost killed yourself. No offense, Princess, but if our lives depend on you, I might as well be dead."
"But what about what Lucifer said about my wings? Can't I use them like you did to fight off-" I stopped talking because we both knew how it ended with her wings.
"Yeah, a lot of good that did me, Princess. They cut out my fucking wings. They're gone and I'm never getting them back. The only thing that reminded me that I was once an angel is now gone. Now, I am nothing. So, yeah, go ahead and use your wings. Don't go and blame me when they rip your wings out too."
"Mazel, please, I need your help. I am supposed to be something special with unknown abilities but I don't even know what I can do. If I can learn to use my wings, I might be able to stand a chance."
Mazel sighed and shook her head. "Listen, Princess, and I mean listen well. I know you think that you have a chance to defeat Caleb, but you can't. No one can. Well, Lucifer can but he's not here and he's not coming. I'm going to tell you something that I've never told anyone before. Just let me die. I don't deserve to live anymore.
"My one regret in my life is the fact that I never could get anyone to love me. I once loved Lucifer but he doesn't love me and never will. So why should I try anymore? I know I haven't known you for long but I do know this. You will fight Caleb with everything you have, and I hate to say this but you will most likely fail unless some miracle happens. I want you to know, if you fail, I don't blame you for anything that has happened to me. My time was coming to an end and I have accepted it. You know how they say that Karma's a bitch? Well, I'm bitchier and if I have to die, I want you to know that I am glad I'm not dying alone."
"Mazel, I don't-"
The door to the cell opened and in walked Caleb and Scarface. "Time's up, dear. You ready to fight for your freedom?"
"Not really, but let's get this over with," I sighed.
Smiling Caleb grabbed my arm and motioned to Scarface to grab Mazel. "Well then, let's go to the fight room. I hope you are prepared to lose."
"The rules are quite simple," Caleb started as one of his servants finished strapping the armor to my body. "Do whatever you can to win. Do you want any weapons?" Caleb motioned to the wall that was covered in weapons from floor to ceiling.
"Yeah," I said as I walked over to the wall. Mazel was sitting next to the wall, strapped to a chair. I gave her a little smile and then I focused my attention back to the wall and I looked for a weapon.
There were so many weapons. Most of them were different types of swords. There were other weapons such as whips, chains, daggers and a few other weapons I do not know of. I carefully scanned the wall, thinking about which weapon would be the best for me. I looked for a Katondra and found one. I reached for it then stopped. Something seemed to call my name as I looked over to the far right of the wall. At the very end were two curved daggers. They had red handles that were covered in weird markings. Without thinking, I grabbed the daggers, spun around, and faced Caleb.
"Raven, wait," Mazel whispered. I looked at Caleb who titled his head in question.
"Give me one minute," I told him then I turned and looked at Mazel. "What?"
"I need you to promuse me that when you need my help, you will let me know. Okay?" she whispered.
"What? How can you help me?"
"Just promise me you will signal me when you need my help," Mazel hissed.
Sighing, I nodded. "I promise." Mazel thanked me and wished me good luck as I turned to face Caleb, once again.
"I'm ready," I said, as I walked to the middle of the room.
Caleb nodded his head and the weapons wall behind me disappeared and was replaced with a regular solid wall.
"Before we begin, let me get changed," Caleb smiled and took a step back and he suddenly began to change. Two horns sprouted from his temples and spiraled upwards about four inches. His skin started to move as if there were bugs lying underneath it. I watched in horror as his skin started to bubble. His once pale skin morphed into colors of red, orange, and black. Red wings popped out from his back and I heard Mazel growl. A reminder of what she once had.
"Now," Caleb spoke, his voice so deep and so loud that it reverberated around the room, "I'm ready to dominate you. I'm so going to enjoy this." Caleb threw his hands to his side and let out a roar. "Let's fight."
(1201 words)
Started: 6-13-18
Ended: 6-21-18
Updated: 8-2-18
Here is chapter 17. Can you all believe that Raven has to fight for not only her life and freedom but Mazel's life? That's crazy. I can't even at this point. XD
I want to tell you all that there are about ten more chapters left in this book. Isn't that crazy?
Questions...do we have any...of course, we do.
-Would you put your life in Raven's hands?
-What do you think Mazel has planned?
-Do you think Raven will be able to defeat Caleb on her own?
That is all.
Until next time, this is Mama Rivers saying, 'Live dangerously, my Hellions.'
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