We apprently didn't get all of the demons in this stupid town. Oh well. They have a pretty good diner here, and, well, Janine. Damn, Janine was fun.
Dad, Sammy, and I were all in the motel room. Dad had just gotten back, he said the exersiem went fine. We were packing up getting ready to go when there was a knock on the door.
Dad got up and I stood in front of Sammy and he opened the door. I was able to see over dad's shoulder. It was Janine, and she was holding a baby.
"Is Dean here?" She asked. I stood up and walked to the door, dad gave me a weird look. "Janine?" I asked.
She looked down at the baby and then back up at me. "Can I talk to you?" She asked. I looked at dad. "I'll be back in half an hour." I said. Dad nodded and closed the door behind me.
We started walking down the sidewalk when Janine finally started talking. "She's your's." She barley said loud enough for me to hear.
"What?" I asked. Janine shook her a little until she opened her eyes. The exact same green as mine. I couldn't have a daughter.
"So, same eyes don't mean nothing." I said trying to keep my cool.
"Your the only guy I slept with around the time I found out." She said. "Are you sure?" I asked.
"I can't take care of her." She mumbled. Janine was crying at this point. "My parents kicked my out as soon as they found out. I'm living on my friends couch. I can't take care of a baby." Janine said. She was begging me at this point.
"What makes you think I can take care if her?" I asked. "You told me you basically raised your brother. I met him remember? He seemed like a nice, well grounded young man." Janine went on.
"Please. I am begging you. Take her." Janine said. I swallowed the lump in my throat.
"Okay." I said gently. Janine sighed with relief. She handed the baby to me. "What's her name?" I asked.
"Evelyn May Winchester. She's a week and a half old." Evelyn looked up at me. She smiled and grabbed my ear.
I couldn't help but smiling back. "Thank you Dean." Janine said before kissing my cheek and speed walking away.
I walked back to the motel. I didn't know how to explain this to dad.
I knocked on the door and Sammy opened it. He looked at the baby and frowned slightly.
"Is she?" He asked. "Ya.." I muttered nodding.
Sammy stepped aside and I walked in. Dad looked up, his eyes instantly going to Evelyn.
"What the hell is this?" He asked. I looked at Evelyn.
"My daughter." I said. Dad frowned.
"How the hell do you have a daughter?" Dad asked getting impatient.
"You knew about Janine." I said. "Ya, I didn't know you got the bitch pregnant!" Dad almost yelled. Evelyn squealed. She looked like she was gonna start crying.
"Dad. Calm down." I said as I started rocking side to side a little to calm her down.
"Your not keeping it." Dad said sternly. "What do you suppose we do then?" I asked getting defensive. "And, by the way, she has a name. It's Evelyn!" I added.
Sam walked over and took her from me. He sat down on the bed and distracted her while dad and I argued.
"Do you really wanna raise her into this? She'll be in contsant danger, Dean!" Dad said. I saw his point, I did. But she was in danger just by being my kid.
"You didn't think about that when you dragged me and Sam into this! We didn't ask for this! Evelyn is my daughter, and I promised her mother that I would take car of her! I'll be damned if I let you just drop her off somewhere! I'm gonna take care of her and protect her." I said firmly.
Dad's eyes had softened. He didn't say anything else about leaving her. "We need to get some things. Sammy. Come on." Dad said.
We went to the super market and went straight to the baby aisle. We got six boxes of dipers, fifteen cans of formula, ten packs of baby wipes, three bottles, two pasafires, some cloths and blankets, a bib, and a stuffed bunny and rattle and a car seat.
We shoved everything in the trunk and hooked the seat up in the back and laid Evelyn down. I let Sammy sit up front while I sat in the back.
Evelyn soon fell asleep. I just watched her and listen to the quiet rock music coming from the speakers.
Not to long after Evelyn feel asleep I laid my head down on the side of the carseat and passed out.
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