Chapter Seventeen - Grateful
I don't stay mad at Roman for long. In fact, I forget all about it by the afternoon. Pacing the length of the room I worry my bottom lip as I think of what to do. Why on earth do I get myself into these situations? I wonder with a groan. Eventually I give up and open the door to head back to the kitchen again when I bump into Roman. Just the person I need!
"Whoa! What's wrong?"
I pull him inside. "I need to make a pumpkin pie!"
"I thought you said you can't cook or bake?" His brows furrow in confusion.
"Yes..." I become slightly distracted when he crosses his arms. "But I lied to your mom and said I'm an excellent baker."
His lips quirk in amusement before a husky chuckle escapes him. "Elena why would you do that?"
"Because Michelle, Ella and Zoe can cook like they'd win Master Chef in a heartbeat and I want to impress them!" I pout as he rests his hands on my hips.
"You watch Master Chef but you can't be bothered to learn how to cook?"
"Why learn when I have you?" I grin cheekily and he rolls his eyes in response. "Look I searched online and found a recipe so I made the crust a while ago. Now, all I need you to do is get your mom's pie recipe which I'll take a picture of and follow it!"
"I don't know Elena..." He stares at me cautiously. "I really don't want the house to burn down on Thanksgiving of all days. Why don't you just tell her the truth?"
"No!" I refuse adamantly before giving him the puppy dog eyes. "Please Rome?"
He stares at me for a long moment with narrowed eyes before giving in. "Alright –"
"But I'm going to find some ways to help you and you can't argue with me about this!" He states and I nod eagerly before giving him a tight hug.
"You're the best, thank you! Now go find the recipe!" I push him towards the door and he leaves with an amused smile blooming across his lips.
He texts me when he's found it and I rush downstairs as discreetly as possible to take a picture. Grinning widely, I peck his lips before stepping into the kitchen but not before he pulls me back with a warning to be careful. I salute him cheekily which causes his lips to quirk before I enter the kitchen and get started.
Michelle, Ella and Zoe are busy with their tasks while I hide my phone from their view. We chat while I go through the steps of making the pie. Roman watches on from behind the door while biting his lip to stifle his laughter at the situation I've put myself in. I glare at him fiercely before showing him some measurements. He nods and I sigh in relief before adding them into the mixture.
But halfway through the filling I spot Michelle staring at me with a smile. I freeze with dread but instantly force myself to relax otherwise she'll know I'm up to no good. Shooting her a thumbs up I grin like a nervous idiot before focusing on finishing up.
Roman saunters in next when he sees me struggling with rolling out the crust. I bite my lip when his entire front presses up against my back. His arms are on either side of me as his minty breath tickles my ear. I pat his hand when he's finished and he shakes his head in amusement as he checks up on the other girls.
Following the recipe closely I get the rest done without anymore problems. A sense of achievement fills me as I pop it into the oven and I turn around to meet his emerald eyes as he walks out of the kitchen. I fist pump the air discreetly before blowing him kisses which makes him laugh at my excitement. For the next while I help the others with making everything and thankfully they don't assume I know what the steps are.
"Your pie smells amazing Elena. I can't wait to taste it." Ella smiles as I check on it.
"You and me both!" I smile back but inside I'm a ball of nerves as I pray it turns out good.
Michelle takes out some wine and we talk about random things as we cook. I love Ella and Zoe, they're easy to talk to and so nice. I'm happy that I'm getting on well with them. They talk about their lives back in Canada and New York too which makes me miss Italy a little more. I need to go back as soon as I'm free, I think to myself as I finish my wine. And, of course when I have a job because no planes run for free sadly.
Eventually as the sun sets outside everyone gathers in the dining room for dinner. I take a seat beside Roman as we all take turns to list what we're grateful for. Me and Roman glance at each other with a soft smile during this. I don't say it but I'm very grateful that I met him this year.
Everyone digs in after and stories of past Thanksgivings are shared. The room is filled with laughter as the family recalls moments where the turkey was burnt by Evan and Ryder, Theo cutting off the electricity by accident, Isaiah spilling the dessert onto the floor and many more shenanigans. By the end of the dinner my cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so much!
We all move into the sitting room when dessert is served after I've nervously put slices of pie onto plates. Roman nudges me when he takes a bite and smiles reassuringly which makes me sigh in relief. Grinning I take a bite myself and satisfaction fills me when it doesn't taste like utter shit.
"This tastes exactly like mine!" Michelle smirks at me knowingly. God dammit how does this woman know everything?!
"Uh...Rome taught me how to bake it!" I blurt and my eyes widen when my mind finally registers what just came out of my mouth.
"Oh, how weird since I never gave him the recipe." She muses with a devilish smile while Roman leans closer and whispers to me. "You're atrocious under pressure!"
"You use too many smart words!" I whisper back and elbow him in the side.
"I found a recipe online once and it was just trial and error from there." Roman lies smoothly and Michelle nods but looks like she's fighting back laughter.
"Don't worry darlin, I'll teach you."
"Really?!" I gasp excitedly before my eyes widen when Roman face palms himself beside me. " got me good!"
Everyone bursts into laughter and my cheeks heat with a fiery blush as Michelle explains that she saw Roman helping me to make the pie. He's chuckling softly beside me before pecking my heated cheek. I eventually explain that I'm disastrous in the kitchen and agree to learn from Michelle whenever I'm around. She makes amazing food so I'm over the moon.
After helping to clean up everyone settles down to watch a recording of the Macy's parade and some football. I make my way back to the couch and meet Roman's eyes. They shine bright with humor and I can't help but smile along to what we managed to pull off...if only for a little bit. I curl up next to him on the couch and drag the blanket over us.
"Thank you." I whisper gratefully as I loop my arm around his and rest my head on his shoulder.
"I've always got your back, don't worry." He chuckles with a wink as he takes a sip of his coffee.
Ugh I love him so much, I think to myself before my eyes widen and I almost choke on air. What the hell?! Did I just think that?! I love Roman?!
"You okay?" He asks worriedly from beside me.
I pull away to look at him and drink him in. His emerald eyes flicker with concern as his hand intertwines with mine. I find myself relaxing from his soothing touch and nod slowly. Strands of his hair fall to his forehead as he shifts towards me. I smile before running a hand through them and loving the way his lips quirk first before blooming into a full smile. He's so handsome and all mine.
Everything catches up to me in that moment. Our time together, the tender moments, how he always has my back even if I've pissed him off. He's caring, protective and I know I can always count on him to help even if I get myself into today. God only knows how he has the patience to deal with a person like me but I love that he's the total opposite.
He's the calm to my crazy.
And I love him. I just hope he can someday love me too. I smile softly at the realization and brush my lips against the inside of his wrist. His eyes darken at the edges with desire before he presses a firm yet lingering kiss to my forehead.
But his attention is soon captured by his phone pinging with a notification. I turn to the football game again and chuckle when Ryder and Judah are screaming at the screen as if that'll make the players do their bidding. I feel Roman stiffen beside me and his hand tighten around mine which causes me to look at him in concern.
Following his line of sight, I see that he has the camera app open of his house in Houston but the live footage staring back at us makes me freeze. His features darken as we watch the security footage of disguised people lurking around the house. They're messing with the doors and windows as they try to see whether we're home or not. They've become bold which equals to more dangerous for me.
"Rome..." I whisper as cold dread settles deep within my bones.
"They don't know where we are. You're safe." He reassures firmly as he tucks me into his side. "I've got you, always."
"Everything okay you two?" Evan asks with a frown as he stares at us worriedly.
"Everything's fine." I smile although I know it probably doesn't reflect in my eyes.
"I'm here." Roman whispers as I wrap an arm around his waist.
In that moment I desperately pray that nothing will happen to us. Although things seem fine right now I know the tables can turn at any given second and nothing will be the same again. I just hope that D.S. is behind bars before he has a chance to hurt me and the man I've fallen hard for.
Update schedule is: once weekly whenever I find time!
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- R.W. ♡
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