Chapter 9
Next chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3
Random Hybrid/ Soulmate Fact
There are actually a lot more hybrids in hiding in important positions than you would've thought. Most of the times, they never gain the courage to come out.
It's been about a week since you've last seen Jimin. There was a heavy feeling in your heart from lack of contact from him, but there was nothing you could do about it. This was the life of an idol. You would probably only be able to see him rarely.
You trudged your way to the tech store. You really didn't want to go to work, but you had to in order to keep food on your table and a roof over your head.
Looking up, you notice that you're right outside of the store. The doors were still locked, which meant that Suho and the other employees weren't there yet. A smile overcomes your face. That meant you could blast whatever music you wanted in the store!
You quickly unlock the door and rush into the building. The store wasn't due to open for another hour or so, so you didn't bother to flip the 'closed' sign back over.
You put your blue uniform on and clip your name tag to your shirt. You go around and check all of the electronics in the store, making sure everything was okay and in place. You turn on all of the game consoles and pop whatever new game that's out into the consoles and make sure that all of the controllers were working.
Once you're done, you walk over to the stereo and turn on your favorite BTS playlist. Turning it up to full volume, you turn around and plop yourself onto a chair behind the front desk, pull out your Nintendo Switch, and get to playing video games.
You were playing Pokémon when the front door suddenly opened and closed quickly. You were too into the game that you didn't even notice the second heartbeat entering your chest and moving closer and closer to you. You didn't notice anything at all.
"Die, Pikachu!" you suddenly yelled. "Go, Umbreon! Kill him!"
"Excuse me?"
You jolted out of your seat and screamed an inhuman sound. Your Switch fell unto the table and you grabbed the closet thing that you could find and chunked it at the intruder.
"Ow! What the hell?!" The mystery person groans and the people he came in with all laugh.
"You shouldn't have snuck up on her, Namjoon!"
"Ohh, she got you good!"
"Never mess with a girl when she's playing her Pokémon!"
You stare up at them all confusedly. What had one of them said?
It was only then that you noticed the ponding second heartbeat.
You screech once more and sprint into the employee room.
BTS was in your store!
Jimin was right in front of you!
You groan and place your head into your hands. What were you going to do? Your nerves were terrible and you were a huge introvert. You had to go out of your comfort zone in Texas, but this time you were trying to lay low.
You quickly dial his number and tell him to get to the store asap. Hanging up after he said yes, you take a deep breath and walk back into the main store area.
Just as you had thought, all of BTS was lounging around your store. Some of them were checking out your stereo, seeing what music lied on your playlist, while the others were checking out your Pokémon team. The only sensible one seemed to be your soulmate, whom was chilling out in your rolly chair.
You cleared your throat and got everyone's attention. You avoided eye contact with everyone looked down to the ground.
"Are you ready to help us?" Yoongi says boredly.
You nod your head and walk over to your desk.
You catch a glance at Jimin, who was already staring at you. Your cheeks redden and he smirks at you. When nobody's looking, he puts a finger over his lips and tells you to keep quiet.
"Wh-What can I help you with?"
You notice Taehyung and Jungkook playing with your Switch and you growl at them and snatch it away. "No touch!"
They look at you in horror and quickly scramble away. Jimin suppresses a snicker.
"Taehyung and Jimin broke Jungkook's PS4, and we came to see if you could fix it?" says Namjoon, who was still rubbing the spot on his forehead that you had hit with a stapler. You mumble out a small, "Sorry," and grab the bag that Namjoon had set onto your desk. Emptying it out, you sit back into your chair, which you had forgotten wasn't empty.
Both you and the culprit gasp loudly. A strong feeling rushes through both you and Jimin. You stay in his lap for a second too long before you remember to stand up.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" You bow up and down as the members behind you roar in laughter. Jimin smiles at you. You just looked too cute.
"It's okay, baby."
This time you and the rest of the members gasp.
"Oh shit! I-I mean, Y/N. I I-I mean--!"
"Jimin, is she your soulmate?" Hoseok grins widely.
"N-No! I-I mean . . . Yes." Jimin sighs and you both look down at your feet.
Hoseok squeals and pulls you into a tight hug. "Welcome to the family!" He exclaims. Jimin notices your uncomfortableness (or he's just jealous) and pulls you out of his grasp.
"You can't do things like that to people, Hobi," Jimin snarls. He then sits back down into your chair and pulls you into his lap. Your eyes widen when he whispers a single word into your ear.
Your cheeks redden and you bury your head into your hands.
"Anyway," Namjoon breaks the silence (heh), "can you fix Kook's PS4?"
You reach over and take out Jungkook's PlayStation. The entire thing looked like someone had poured acid all over it and was extremely hot; remnants of smoke and ash floating out of it. You look at the ruined game console in complete horror.
"You . . . You . . ." You stare at Taehyung and Jimin. "You monsters!" Jimin and Taehyung stare at you in confusion.
"Why would you ruin this piece of art like this?!"
You toss the totaled PlayStation onto your desk and start beating Jimin up.
"Why would you do this?!" Punch. "What did this PlayStation ever do to you?!" Slap. "That's four hundred dollars wasted!" Kick.
"Y/N, I'm sorry! I didn't know you were all about video games like that!" Jimin wails.
"You're a monster!"
"Damn, Jimin, she's getting you good!" Laughs Taehyung. You turn towards him with the scariest scowl on your face. Taehyung, Jimin, and the rest of BTS all cower away from you. "YOU'RE NO BETTER!" you scream.
"So . . ." your gaze rips from Taehyung and turns towards the speaker, Namjoon. "I guess it can't be fixed?" He smiles awkwardly, dimples showing.
Jungkook pouts and looks down at his feet. "My PS4 is broken! Now I can't play Overwatch anymore."
You roll your eyes and let your inner bitch come out. "No shit, Sherlock." All of BTS, minus Jimin, glare at you. You cower and cover your face in Jimin chest. He wraps his arms around you.
"We'll just have to get another one," Jimin sighs. Jungkook immediately comes out of his (fake) depressed state and does a victory dance around the store.
"I bet that was his entire motive," you whisper in the Hybrid's secret language, Hyrish. Jimin snickers.
"What'd you say?"
Your head shot up.
"Yeah, what language was that?" asked Yoongi. "And why could Jimin seemingly understand what you said?"
Worry blasts through you and Jimin. How could you be so careless?
"It was uh . . . It was . . . It was--"
"Y/N! I'm here!"
Both you and Jimin physically relax at the sound of Suho's voice. Jimin lays his head down on your shoulder and you snuggle more into his embrace.
"We're here, Suho."
Suho comes around the corner and stops dead in his tracks. His head snaps over to you.
"You weren't kidding?!" he whisper shouted. You shook your head no and glared at him.
Suho cleared his throat and turned back around. "Welcome to our store. Is there anything you need help with?"
"Y/N already helped us. We'll just be getting a new PS4," said Jimin. Suho turned towards the voice and his eyes widen when he notices what position you're in. He smiles widely and squeals.
Activate Suho's inner fangirl.
"OH MY GOSH! Y/N, YOU'RE SO CUTE! And with Jimin-- OH LORD! You both will DEFINITELY BE THE POWER COUPLE! Okay girl, you have to let me be the maid of honor at your wedding-- wait, I'm a straight male, so that wouldn't work. Since I'm your best and only friend, I've still got to be right by your side, so it doesn't even matter what name you call it. . ." Suho keeps rambling on and on and all you and the rest of BTS can do is stare.
"Is he always like this?" Jimin whispers to you in Hyrish. You smile at him and nod. Suho is a little crazy.
"Y/N! Are you even listening?!"
"Huh? What?" You snap out of your trance and focus back on your best friend. Suho rolls his eyes and turns back towards the rest of BTS, who was just silently observing.
"So just one PlayStation?" Namjoon nods. "That'll just be 425 dollars." Namjoon looks towards Taehyung. "Pay up." Taehyung groans and hands over his debit card. Jungkook runs over and cradles his new child and cheers.
"Xbox is better," you mumble. Somehow, Jungkook heard you and he gasps loudly.
"You take that back, you heathen!"
"Never! Xbox is the King of game consoles!" you defend.
"No! You're wrong!"
"I'm never wrong!"
"Oh my gosh shut up! Can we just go already? The faster we get practice over, the faster I can sleep," Yoongi exclaims. Both you and Jungkook glare at him and he glares back equally as hard until you both give in.
"You two!" Namjoon points to you and Suho. "We were never here. You never saw us enter this store, or leave with anything at all." You and Suho exchange glances and nod sullenly.
"It was nice to meet you guys again. We're big fans," Suho smiles.
"Oh, we know," Jin chuckles. "We could tell by the music playlist over there." He gestures towards the stereo. You bury your face more into Jimin.
"Jimin, we've got to go. Sejin is probably sending every guard to find us," says Namjoon. Jimin scowls.
"Can't we stay for a little while longer? I haven't been able to spend time with Y/N at all because of our crazy stupid schedule."
"You've never had a problem with it until now, Jimin."
"That's because I didn't have a soulmate then, Namjoon," Jimin growls.
"Well you better get used to it again, Jimin, because it's only going to get even more hectic because of the comeback!" Namjoon yells.
Jimin moves you to the side of the chair and stands up.
"If you had your soulmate, you'd know exactly where I am coming from, Namjoon!"
"Guys, don't fight again," Hoseok pleads.
You look around frantically, trying to figure out what to do. How could you stop a fight from breaking out?
"If you have such a problem with it, then go talk to the Sejin and Hitman Bang!"
"You know damn well that I can't talk to them about her. They'd kick me out of Bangtan!"
"Well that's what's going to happen if you try and spend all of your time with Y/N!"
"I haven't even gone on a proper date with her!"
All of the yelling was making your head throb with pain. Your cheetah ears were super sensitive and the yelling was making them work overtime. You couldn't take it anymore!
Everyone immediately snaps their mouth closed and turns towards you. You ignore them and make your way over to Jimin. You wrap your arms around him and Jimin gasps in surprise.
"Don't listen to him. Don't let him get on your nerves. He's wrong and you know it. You know that he's in the wrong, and he knows it, too. Be the bigger man. Ignore him!" you whisper in Hyrish. Jimin looks at you and nods his head lightly. Suho, who heard everything, smiles proudly at you.
Jimin steps in front of you and pushes you behind him.
"I'm done with the arguing. You have to make some for us to have some free time, because otherwise we'll all get sick."
Namjoon sighs. "And how am I supposed to do that?"
"You're the leader. Talk to Hitman Bang."
"It's not that easy!" Namjoon groans and throws his hands up into the air.
"Oh my gosh, Namjoon, I'll just do it myself if it's so hard for you!" exclaims Jin. "The boy just wants to spend time with his girl. Don't make it so hard!"
Namjoon blushed red and you and Suho squeal. You run into his arms and you both jump around excitedly. "NAMJIN!" you both scream. You and Suho fall onto the floor in laughter.
Someone clears their throat. You both immediately stop laughing and get up from the floor.
"Sorry. . ." you both say this at the same time.
"Yeah." Jimin snickers and pulls you back into his embrace.
"Jimin, we'll have to leave for now, but I promise I'll talk to BangPd-nim for you as soon as I can," Jin promises. Jimin smiles at him and nods.
"I'll text you later, Y/N."
Jimin gives you a quick peck on your forehead and turns to follow the rest of his group out the door. He walks past Jungkook, who still hadn't moved. Jungkook stood his ground and kept his gaze straight on you. It made you uneasy, and you worried that he had heard you talking in Hyrish to Jimin.
"E-Enjoy your new PS4!" You awkwardly smile at him.
Jungkook pulls off his best fake smile and walks out the building.
Once the presence of Jimin's heartbeat was gone, you sigh and relax into your chair.
"You good?" asks Suho.
"No. Did you see the way Jungkook was staring at me? It made me feel so vulnerable. Do you think he's catching onto us?"
Suho walks over to the doors and flips the 'closed' sign over. You realize that they had come in before the store had even properly opened.
"I saw it, too. We'll just have to keep watch over him when he's around, okay?" You nod your head.
"Now, let's get to work!"
Here's an extra long chapter! Hope you all enjoyed! Make sure to vote and comment, it really does help. Bye friends~~<3
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