Chapter 6
New update!!! Enjoy~~<3
Once you and Jimin finish texting, you immediately bolt to Suho's house. You make it there in record time and pull out his spare key and invite yourself in.
The house was quiet; seemingly empty. You could hear the sound of a shower faintly in another room.
"Suho!" you call, "Get your ass in the living room!"
You hear heavy footsteps booming your way. Three seconds later, Suho emerges with only a towel around his waist. He searches frantically for you. Once you're found, he leaps over the couch and lands right next to you.
"Y/N! What happened at the fan meet? All over Twitter and Instagram, they're talking about a girl who spent extra time with Jimin, even though security called her time as up many times. Apparently, Jimin ignored the security guard and even his other members too! Did you see the girl?" Suho looks at you in excitement. You look down at your lap and scratch behind your ears nervously.
"No, I didn't see it happen."
Suho groans and leans back against the couch. You decide that this is the best time to continue.
"I didn't see it because I was in it."
Suho's head snaps over to you.
"Suho, Park Jimin is my soulmate."
Suho's mouth falls open. His rounded ears perk straight up. You use the opportunity to keep talking.
"I also found out that Jimin is a. . ." You debate on whether you should tell your friend.
"What is he, Y/N?"
"He's a hybrid!" you blurt out. You automatically cover your mouth and look down in shame. Jimin won't be to upset about you telling him, right?
Suho looks at you with wide eyes and mouth basically on the ground. He slowly rolls off the couch and falls to the floor.
Suho squeals and rolls around on the ground.
"My best friends' soulmate is Jimin from Bangtan~!"
You laugh and rest your head in your hands.
Suho abruptly sits up and turns to face you. "When can I meet him? I need to have the older brother/best friend talk with him." Suho raises his knuckles and visibly pops them. "I'll kill him if he hurts you." An evil smirk creeps onto his face and he giggles evilly. You laugh again and flick him on the forehead. Suho whines and rubs the spot.
"That actually hurt you whore," he growls. You shrug and lay down on the couch with your eyes closed.
"But anyway, I still have to get to know him before you can." Suho scoffs and leans back against the couch.
"I should be the judge of character. What if he tries to kiss you on the first date?" Suho gasps and turns around to face you. "You would've lost your first kiss to a jerk!" You grab a pillow and chuck it at him. He groans in response.
"Suho, I'm sure I'll be fine. If he does something to me, I'll give you full permission to go at him." Suho grins and lays his head against your knees.
You then notice that Suho was still without clothes. Your face heats up in embarrassment. "Yah! Put some clothes on! Eww!" Suho looks at you in disgust. "If Jimin saw us right now, he'd probably abandon me," you mutter to yourself, but of course, Suho could hear you with his big-ass ears. Suho rolls his eyes and makes his way to his room.
Your thoughts immediately wander over to your soulmate. What kind of hybrid is he? From your first impression, he kind of had a canine smell. Perhaps a wolf? You couldn't tell.
You pull out your phone and debate whether you should text first, and if you should text now or wait a couple hours.
Or days.
You didn't want to sound clingy and annoying but you just really wanted to see him again even though it's only been a couple of hours. There was already a sense of loneliness creeping into your veins that you know only Jimin would be able to fill, no matter how many people you were actually around. You know he felt the same way.
Fuck it.
You search up Jimin's name and pull out your messages with him. Before you can second guess yourself, you quickly type something out and hit send. You regret it as soon as it's too late.
"Not today, Satan!" You chunk your phone in the direction of the hallway. A loud Thump! is heard and a shrill curse is thrown.
"What the fu-- Y/N! You're so dead!"
Your eyes widen and you quickly turn around to see a blazing red panda-man glaring intensely at you. You squeak and quickly dash away, Suho hot on your tail.
"Suho!" you squeal, "I'm sorry! The Devil forced me to send a message to Jimin! I had to get rid of the cursed object!"
"And so you threw it at me?!" he gasps.
"It was only coincidence that you were walking out of your room! It was on accident."
Suho sighs and picks up the fallen electronic. "Follow me, my young Padawan. It is obvious that I am your only hope."
You trudge behind your best friend and flop into a chair. Suho uses his thumbprint to enter into your phone and quickly reads the message that you (or Satan) had sent.
"Are you sure the Devil sent this?" Suho smiles smugly at you. You hit him on the back of the head and cross your arms with a visible scowl on your face. Suho chuckles and rubs the sore spot.
"I seriously don't see anything wrong with this message. Why are you so weary of it?" he asks. You sigh and slump back further into the chair.
"What if he thinks I'm too clingy? Or annoying? I literally just met him today! I'm making a bad first impression on him, aren't I?" Your eyebrows bend in worry.
Suho groans and grabs the TV remote. He mindlessly surfs through the channels and you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
"Why do girls always worry about things like this? Everything will be fine. Lord Jesus!"
You stare at Suho in disgust.
"That is a terrible stereotype that you just called on us girls."
"Well you're doing right now, aren't you?"
You gotta hand it to him. He's right. You decide to just shrug it off. You'd never give Suho the satisfaction of knowing that he was right. His ego would probably implode and you'd never hear the end of it.
"You'll be fine, Y/N." Suho glances at you and finally decides on an old American TV show that you used to be (and still are) obsessed with.
The Flash.
Barry Allen and Wally West distract you perfectly. They give you the inspiration to continue working on your speed. You want to be as fast as them, even though that it's scientifically impossible.
Suho looks at you and smiles contenly. You had finally shut up. Now all that has to happen is Jimin texting you back in which, Suho hopes, will happen after the Flash goes off. You needed the distraction.
Suho bangs his head against the coffee table as you spring from your spot and scramble around for your phone.
"It's him!"
You sit on the ground and stare at your phone screen for about a minute too long. Suho is growing impatient.
"Open it!" he snaps.
You smile sheepishly at him and open up the message that your mate had sent.
"I'm really busy this week. My only free time is Saturday night. Could we meet back at your place . . ? That is probably the only place where we'll have privacy lol."
You stare at the phone screen.
You squeal and type out, "YES!"
Jimin replies a second later with a crying laugh emoji. You then notice that you had sent it in all caps. Mentally cursing yourself, you quickly try and redeem yourself.
"Oops! Caps lock lol. Don't you hate it? Lol 😅"
He sends another crying laugh emoji and you curse yourself again for your stupid response.
After showing Suho your messages (and after beating him up for laughing at you), you run home and prepare yourself for the next exhausting day at the tech store.
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