Chapter 41
New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3
*Hyrish is like this.
Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact
Hybrids were regular humans experimented on around two-three hundred years prior to today.
You felt weird.
Extremely weird.
For the last couple of days, you had been feeling oddly sick during random points of time. You mainly just threw up a lot. For example, you were recording Jimin singing his solo "Promise" in Hyrish, and right when you hit the stop button, you had the sudden urge to vomit. You had to assure Jimin that you weren't gagging because of his singing skills. Another example was when you were eating out of your favorite mac-and-cheese cup. You were literally in the middle of chewing when the smell suddenly was putrid, causing you to gag. And the weirdest part was that you and Jimin hadn't been around too many people since he proposed. The media went nuts when one of the bystanders that were intruding on your private moment posted his entire proposal to the internet. You both stayed in doors so that you wouldn't be mobbed. How annoying!
Jimin was getting worried. Well, who wouldn't get worried if their fiancé was suddenly always feeling sick? Or if their fiancé's favorite foods were now deemed poison?
At the moment, Jimin was comforting and helping you while you regurgitated another lunch. Not even something as light as ramen could stay in your belly. When you got it all out, Jimin back hugged you while you brushed your teeth. He took one look at your reflection before he felt a sudden wave of fear wash over him.
"That's it, I'm taking you to the hospital."
"W-W-Wait! No!" you pleaded.
"Baby, you look so sick! There's only so much you can do at home," Jimin replied, his ears falling flat against his head.
"But I'm fine!"
"No, you're no--," Jimin's phone began to ring. He picked it up after giving you a stern look.
"BigHit?" Jimin asked himself. You cock your head to the side. Jimin answers the phone, but you're too lazy to eavesdrop so you just go and lie on your bed. (More like the author is too lazy to write the conversation.)
"What'd they want?" you ask once Jimin's back.
"They want me to come to the company for a meeting," Jimin replies with furrowed brows. He lays down next to you.
"Well, what're you waiting for? Go," you say.
"But you're still sick."
"I'll call Jamie. Now, go see what they want." Jimin reluctantly agrees before kissing your forehead and leaving the apartment.
You sigh and lean back on the headboard. Was there really something wrong with you? You sigh again and grab your phone to call Suho's soulmate. You decided not to call Suho because he'd probably freak out.
Jamie came over as quick as she could. Suho had a shift at the technology store, so she didn't tell him where she was going.
"Y/N?" Jamie called once she let herself in the apartment.
"I'm back here in our room," you weakly replied.
Jamie released her ears and tail before walking into the room, where you hadn't moved. She moved to sit by you on the bed.
"What's wrong again, Y/N?" Jamie asks as you lift your head up and give her a small smile.
"Well, I've been feeling really weird lately. Like, for example, I've been puking a lot, and some of my favorite foods have suddenly become disgusting, and I've had weird food cravings. Like, I don't even like lasagna, yet the other day, I felt like I would die if I didn't have it. What is wrong with me?" you blurted out. Jamie gave a small nod before pulling out a bag that you didn't even know she had.
"Go to the bathroom and take this. I have a feeling that I know what it is." You give a firm nod before following her orders.
"What. The. Fuck," you say while holding out the test in front of you.
"Congratulations, girl! When're you going to tell Jimin?" Jamie asks.
"I-- uh, probably tonight," you stutter, still not believing what was right in front of you.
You were pregnant?
A wide smile spread across your face as you clutch the positive test to your chest. You were pregnant! Jamie engulfs her arms around you and you happily hug her back.
"Ah, I can't wait! I'm just going to tell him straight up. Is that okay?" you ramble.
"Girl, it's your baby. I don't give a shit with what you do," Jamie laughs. You soon join her.
Now, all you needed to do was wait for Jimin to come home.
Jimin confidentially entered the BigHit building with a blank expression on his face. He hadn't been to this place in around a month or two, and never expected to be back. So why was he?
"I'm here to see the CEO," Jimin told the front desk lady-- the same one that was mean to you and Suho. The woman glared at him.
"We don't accept. . . your kind here. Might as well run along," the woman spat. Jimin rolled his eyes and his ears faced away from each other in irritation.
"Don't matter to me; I didn't want to come here anyway." Jimin turned around to leave.
"Jimin! Oh, there you are. I was starting to think you got cold feet. Come on back," a voice Jimin recognized as the CEO called out. Jimin winked at the dumbfounded lady and followed behind the older man. Once they reached their destination, Jimin sat as far away as possible from his further boss and crossed his arms with a blank expression on his face. What did he want? And so, Jimin voiced his question out loud.
"Oh, well, I wanted to offer your contract back."
Jimin's eyes widened and he bit back a smile, not wanting the CEO to have the satisfaction of seeing him celebrate. But, his tail betrayed him and began thumping loudly against the couch. Jimin cleared his throat awkwardly before grabbing his tail and holding it forcefully still in his lap.
"Why?" Jimin finally asks.
"Well. . ." the man hesitated. "We, uh--"
"Because I asked him to."
Jimin's eyes shot up. Jungkook stood behind the CEO with an unreadable expression on his face. Jimin growled loudly and rose to his feet.
"Is this some kind of sick joke?"
"No, Hyung--"
"Oh, so now I'm Hyung again," Jimin forced a chuckle.
"Please, just listen!"
"And why should I? All you've done is emotionally and physically abuse me--!"
Jimin's mouth snapped closed.
"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Hyung," Jungkook cried, dropping to his knees in front of Jimin's feet.
"I've realized my mistake. . . I felt your pain in a dream I had. Gosh, I'm so fucking selfish!" Jungkook sobbed. Jimin remained silent.
"I know you'll probably never forgive me, but please come back. We're not the same without you. Hell, Taehyung won't even look at me." Jungkook looked deep into Jimin's clouded eyes.
"Please, Hyung!"
"Alright, maknae."
A wide smile spreads across his face as he forces himself not to hug the older.
"Thank you so much, Hyung! You won't regret this!"
"I better fucking not. But this doesn't leave you in the clear, Jeon," Jimin grumbles. But, he was secretly celebrating inside his head and doing a little happy dance. He'd won! He'd get his job back!
"But we abide by my rules. I'm not hiding my hybrid features, not moving back into the dorms full time-- I want to start a family with Y/N. Which, speaking of which, I sure as hell ain't hiding my relationship with Y/N. Also, if I find out that you morons are treating TXT any different and are punishing them, I'm not holding myself back. Is that clear?"
"We understand. Welcome back, Jimin."
Jimin entered yours and his apartment with a bright smile on his face. He was eager to tell you the news.
Meanwhile, you were also eager to share.
"Baby, I'm back! I have something I want to tell you," Jimin shouted excitedly into the quiet house.
"Okay, I'm coming! I have something I also want to share."
"Same time?"
"Let's do it!"
"Okay. One. . . two. . . three!"
"I've been accepted back to BTS!"
"I'm pregnant!"
I hope you guys enjoyed!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.
Bye friends~~<3
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