Chapter 36
New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3
*Hyrish is like this.
Random Hybrid/ Soulmate Fact
Sometimes, if one of the soulmates is twenty-one while the other is not, the one who is not twenty-one won't be able to feel the soulmate bond until they turn of age while the one that is twenty-one can feel it.
A couple of days after their livestream, you and Jimin stayed in your apartment, not wanting to go outside and face reporters, paparazzi, and ARMY. A lot of people had seen yours and Jimin livestream, and some traitors had translated it from Hyrish for all to see, which was pretty horrific. The BTS members especially wouldn't stop texting and calling you both up the the point that you both blocked their numbers. But that didn't mean that they didn't find other ways to contact you.
With a huff, you threw your phone across the living room after blocking Bangtan's latest attempts at contacting you (Wattpad messaging. Like, were they that desperate?), startling Jimin. Said person was playing Cuphead on your Xbox and immediately died, causing him to groan in frustration. The fox hybrid turned to glare at you, his ears facing away from each other in irritation. You shrug and pick up a broken IPad that you had to fix, as you were (sadly) back to work. Even though Jimin was loaded with cash, a little extra money couldn't hurt.
You continued working peacefully until--
"YES!" Jimin roars in happiness. "I beat the carrot boss! I'm the best Cuphead player ever!"
"Honey, that was literally the first boss and you've been working at him for four hours." Jimin scoffs and glares at you once more.
"What's your point?" You roll your eyes and focus back on your work.
Some time passes before you're interrupted again with a knock on the door. Both you and Jimin look up confusedly. It couldn't have been Suho, because he would've just barged in. Maybe Jamie (who now lived full time with Suho), but she never comes alone.
"Did you order pizza or something?" Jimin asks, setting down his controller.
"Did you see me order pizza?"
"Well, no, but I--."
"Then there's your answer." Jimin flips you off. You smile cheekily back at him before making your way over to the front door.
"Oh, hey Y/N Noona! Do you mind if we--."
You slam the door closed.
What the fuck?
"Y/N, who's at the door?" Jimin asks, walking up behind you.
Jimin reopens the door.
"Oh, Soobin! Come in, come in." Jimin leads the TXT boys into your living room and gestures for them to sit on the couch. You awkwardly shift on your feet before taking a seat on the floor, Jimin sitting right beside you.
"So, uh, what brings you guys here?" Jimin starts.
"We, uh, have something to tell you," Yeonjun says, scratching the back of his head.
"Go ahead, don't be shy," Jimin smiles.
"It's, er, better if we just show you," Soobin mutters. Soobin gestures for the other members of his band to rise. Hesitantly, they close their eyes and you glance at Jimin before focusing your attention back on the younger boys.
Then, ears and tails sprout from their bodies.
Yours and Jimin's mouths fall open and tears fill your eyes' as the process completes. Five newly come out hybrids stare back at you both with wide and worried eyes.
Silence surrounds the room for a while.
"I KNEW IT!" you suddenly scream. Everyone flinches from your sudden outburst. "I FUCKIN' KNEW IT!"
"Baby," Jimin nervously laughs, "lower your volume; the neighbors will beat our asses. Now, speak like a normal person." You roll your eyes and wipe away the salt water from your eyes.
"Okay," you began, focusing your attention on the TXT boys. "My first suspicion was when we first met. I said something in Hyrish to Jimin and you all continued interacting with us as if we were speaking Korean or English. Then, I thought back to that Cat & Dog music video and began forming theories on how that song came to be."
TXT and Jimin stare at you.
"Wow," Huening Kai suddenly spoke. "Are we really that obvious?"
"Kai!" Beomgyu hits the maknae's arm. "Don't be rude!" You and Jimin laugh.
"No, it's quite alright. Now, how about you all tell us your hybrid forms?" Jimin suggests. They nod in agreement.
"I, Huening Kai, am a Calico cat," Kai says as he bows, one hand over his heart. You internally cringe over his awkwardness.
"But like, aren't Calico cats usually females?" you ask curiously with your head cocked to the side.
"Well, I'm not," he snaps. You flinch and hide behind Jimin.
"Kai! Oh my gosh, you're so rude!" Beomgyu shrieks while beating him with his fist. The maknae yowls and looks at you apologetically. You send him a smile smile.
"I'm a Dachshund," Taehyun says shyly. You coo at his cuteness and innocence.
"I'm a Tabby cat," Beomgyu says confidently. You like that about him.
"I'm a Corgi," Yeonjun smiles excitedly, his tail wagging happily behind him. Your own smile widens at the adorable sight.
"And I'm a German Shepard," Soobin murmurs quietly, avoiding eye contact. You blink at him in disbelief.
"I know; I'm not tough enough to be such a strong hybrid," he whispers sadly, his ears laying down flat on his head. Guilt immediately bubbles up inside of you and you grab his hand, causing him to tumble and for his head to fall into your lap. His eyes widen in surprise when your hand starts petting his ears; his tail thumping blissfully against the floor. Instead of getting jealous like most people would, Jimin sits next to you and joins you in petting the shy giant of a leader.
Honestly, you were surprised that he wasn't a Great Dane.
"It's alright, Soobin. Not all German Shepard's are tough! You're just an example of a submissive one," you say softly. Soobin smiles his adorable rabbit smile and plays with his tail shyly.
"Yeah, Binnie!" Yeonjun exclaims, plopping in front of the leader. "You may be super submissive, but you're a great leader! I truly admire that about you!" Soobin's face turns red and he hides his face in your stomach. Yeonjun's grin turns into a smirk and he runs his hand down Soobin's tail, sending a shiver down the leader's spine. You exchange knowing glances with Jimin. Soobin was most likely Yeonjun's soulmate, but poor Soobin didn't know it yet because he was not yet twenty-one.
Yeonjun sped up his movement on the younger's tail, emitting a small moan from him. Soobin froze before yanking his tail away from Yeonjun's grasp and burying his face even more into your stomach. Yeonjun's smirk falters before expanding even more. He decided that he'd teased the younger enough and moves back a little.
"Oh, God, please help me," you faintly hear Soobin whimper into your stomach. "Please spare me, Lord Jesus!" You hold back a laugh while Yeonjun's smirk becomes impossibly larger.
"Okay, so are we all going to ignore the fact that Yeonjun hyung basically just molested Soobin hyung?" Kai suddenly blurt out, breaking the silence. Yeonjun's smirk disappears and you and Jimin burst out into laughter.
"KAi yOu caN'T sAy tHAt kINd oF sTuFF!" Beomgyu screeches while beating Kai once again, Taehyun (who had been silent), joining in.
"Anyway," Jimin says once he calms down, "why'd you all feel the need to reveal your secret?"
"I don't know; I guess we just felt that it'd be the right thing to do," Soobin replies, removing his head from your lap and sitting up. Jimin replaces him and snuggles his head into your hands.
"Well, that's quite alrigh--."
Someone bangs on the front door. You blink confusedly, your eyebrows furrowing. You carefully slide Jimin's head onto the floor before making your way to the door.
"What the hell do you want?!"
Your eyes widen. "No! You can't just barge into my house like this!" you yell, chasing after him as he shoves past you.
You, Jimin, and TXT freeze at the sight of the intruderer. Jimin's the first one to recover.
"Get the fuck out," he snarls, hopping to his feet and stalking over to him.
"Yeonjun, take the maknae line down the hall to our bedroom and lock the door. Soobin, stay here," you command. Yeonjun quickly scrambles to his feet and takes the crying and frightened maknae line down the hall. Soobin gulps before standing at full height beside you.
"How did you even find us?" Soobin whispers fearfully.
"I saw you all sneaking out and followed you," Jungkook says nonchalantly.
"YOU'RE A FUCKING STALKER!" Jimin screams.
"What is going on here?!" someone calls from the front hall. They quickly reveal themselves as the rest of BTS, who must've followed Jungkook. They take one look at the situation-- Jungkook and Jimin sizing each other up, Soobin with his ears and tail at full show and clutching your hand tightly-- and sigh.
"You better get him the fuck out of my house before I snap his fucking neck," Jimin growls. Soobin begins to shiver in fear and buries his face in your neck.
"Alright, let's go," Namjoon states, dragging Jungkook out of your apartment.
The door clicks shut.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!! Please make sure you vote and comment, it really does help.
Also, I hope you guys don't mind Yeonbin. I love the ship, and I thought I needed a little LGBTQ+ stuff in here to make everyone happy. If you don't like Yeonbin, then oop! Sorry not sorry.
Bye friends~~<3
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