Chapter 32
New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3
*Hyrish is like this.
*Warning: Slightly mature content at the end.
Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact
There are a lot of secret hybrid safe houses and communities out in the wild than you would think.
Also, on rare occasions, heats can come early or late for the first time.
Around a week later, it was time for the long stay in California. Their schedules were extremely tight, even more so than when they were in New York. For some reason, their company accepted a crap ton of interviews, so they boys ultimately would receive absolutely no free time.
Currently, you all were on your way to an interview in Los Angeles. Normally, you'd stay back at the hotel, but this time, you decided to tag along.
However, for some reason, your stomach didn't feel very well. It felt like period cramps, but worse. You didn't know what it was, and that kind of terrified you. But, you kept this to yourself because you didn't want to worry anyone.
Unbeknownst to you, Jimin could feel your scent slowly get stronger and sweeter. He tried his best to ignore it, but it was getting harder and harder because you smell so damn good.
But, Jimin couldn't act on his animal instincts at the moment due to their interview, so he'd have to deal with it later.
Eventually, you and the boys reach your location and walk onto the set. It would be a live show without an audience, so the boys had to have a quick mental check and make sure they knew the rules. While BTS got ready, you painfully trudged over to a nearby sofa and collapsed on it. Your stomach ache was getting worse and worse, and for some reason you were feeling a little. . . aroused? It also was starting to get really hot, which was weird because it was the middle of October. But you once again kept this to yourself and played Zelda on your Switch.
About an hour or so later, the boys' hair and makeup were complete and it was time for the interview to start. While walking to the room, the boys had to walk by you and they did just that pretty normally, all the way up to Jimin. When he was passing by you, your mixed scent slapped him in the face and he abruptly stopped and faced you. His hard stare made you shrink back. But, the moment he was actually going to comment on the weird things happening to your body, he was called once again and forced to go into the room. You relaxed a little once the presence of his gaze was gone.
The interview started off like how any other regular interview began, talking about their most current album and what not. Namjoon forced all of the boys to participate, no matter how bad their English was or how much the words they were saying were completely wrong. You got a few good laughs out of them.
And then it started.
Your stomach started to hurt like never before. You were hot-- so hot. You were feeling completely aroused, and you found yourself unconsciously asking-- no, begging for Jimin to help you; to take the pain away. Once word flashed through your brain over and over again. . .
Why now? Why did it have to come now? Your heat was due months ago; why'd it have to make an appearance in public and not in the safety of your own home? Or even in a hotel! But in public? Your luck must really be shit, then.
You curled into a ball, tightly holding your stomach. "Hot, so hot," you kept repeating. The employees around you kept giving you weird looks, which made you feel even worse.
Little did you know, he wanted to help you, and badly. Little did you know, Jimin was struggling really hard, trying to keep himself from jumping you right then and there.
The hot-- in more ways than one-- scent of your heat hit Jimin's nose like a tidal wave. Jimin's eyes fluttered closed, to afraid to open them again. His canines grew longer and sharper and his nails did, too. He had to practically force his ears and tail down. Poor Jimin even had to move his fists over to his crotch, hiding his growing bulge. The fox finally realized what was up with his mate-- heat. The only way for it to go away was by, well, mating. Or the s word.
Taehyung noticed his friend's inner struggle, as he was siting next to Jimin. He gave Jimin a are you okay? Because you look like you're about to implode kind of look. Jimin just gave a short nod and tried his best to focus on the interviewer.
It was getting harder and harder, though.
"So, what do you guys think of about hybrid ARMY's?" the interviewer asks.
"We love and accept all ARMY's the same," Jungkook replies.
"BULLSHIT!" Jimin wanted to scream, but kept it to himself and merely growled quietly.
But JImin couldn't really do as he had been trying to with the next question that the idiotic interviewer asked.
"So, have any of you guys found your soulmates yet?"
All of Bangtan froze.
Namjoon's eyes briefly met Jimin's. Jimin glares at him with such darkness that Namjoon has to use all of his strength to keep from shuddering.
"Uhm, uh. . . Even if any of had, we wouldn't say, so we could protect them from the media." All of the members nod in agreement to his statement.
"You didn't deny it."
BTS froze.
"Come again?"
"If none of you guys had your soulmates, then you would've just said no," the interviewer smirks. Namjoon looks around frantically with his eyes, trying to figure out what to say.
"No, you've got it all wrong--"
"I bet Jimin's the one with the soulmate." Jimin's eyes snap over to the interviewer.
"I mean, you have so many scandals! There's the time you rescued that girl from the alleyway, and the girl from the airport when you had that panic attack-- that was your soulmate, wasn't it?" Jimin remains silent and clenches his fist, his nails drawing blood in his palms.
"Okay, this is-- uh, none of your business. Information like that is waaay to personal--"
"From what I've seen, that girl was not the most attractive," the interviewer chuckled quietly. "Plus, she's definitely not Korean. Her skin is darker/lighter. How'd that happen?" Jimin's eye twitches as they grow even darker from the lust filled ones. Taehyung glanced at his platonic soulmate with wide and worried eyes.
Namjoon did, too. "Please, stop. You're taking it too far," Namjoon pleaded.
"Actually, scratch that. You guys look too much like girls to get soulmates. I guess you don't have them!"
That was the last straw.
Jimin stood up, grabbed a very sharp pencil from a table nearby, and chunked it as hard as he could towards the camera, which was right behind the interviewer. The pencil struck its target, missing the interviewer's hand by a milimeter and successfully cutting them from off the air.
The interviewer's and cameraman's eyes widened in panic and alarm as Jimin released his ears and tail. He took a few menacing steps forward before grabbing the interviewer by the neck and yanking him towards himself.
"Speaking like that gets people killed," Jimin snarled in perfect English, surprising his captive. "You better watch what you say about people. You never know if they're dangerous. Like I am." Jimin threw the guy back into his chair before giving a very clear warning glare to the cameraman, hiding his ears and tail, and stalking out of the room.
"What the hell is wrong with him today?!" Hoseok spoke while they were getting up to follow behind Jimin.
"I think his animal instincts ere on high today. I don't know why, though," Taehyung replies.
"Well, we better go to him before he eats someone," Jungkook mutters.
Jimin barges out of the interview room and immediately makes his way to his mate. You were still in your fetal position. You look to be in so much pain.
You glanced up to Jimin when you noticed him kneeling down.
"H-Help me, Jimin," you pleaded. "Make it go away." Jimin's eyes darkened once he smelled your arousal.
"Don't worry, baby. I will."
Jimin grabbed you and stood up with you in his arms, switching back to Korean. "I need to get back to the hotel." He faced his members. "We're leaving now." The members did as told, not wanting to be on the other end of Jimin's wrath.
The entire car ride over, Jimin whispered dirty things into your ears, evilly teasing you. No matter how much you begged, he only said be patient. Wait. We're almost back. You even tried out saying a kink you figured he most likely had (which oop! he did), but he still made you wait.
The second the van you were in all in parked, Jimin shot out of the van with you in his arms and jumped straight into the elevator, pinning you against the wall and kissing you madly. The ride up to the top floor was a short one, but felt like an eternity for the both of you. Once it was over, Jimin immediately sprinted to the both of your room and, once again, pinned you against the wall.
The first article of clothing to go was his shirt. Your hand ran up and down his abs as you both fought with your tongues. Next was your shirt. Jimin's hands ran along your curves.
Jimin grabbed your thighs and you took his hint and jumped up, wrapping your legs around his waist, the kiss never breaking.
Jimin brought you over to the bed and dropped you on it, where he pulled off your pants and kicked his off leaving the both of you in your underwear. He kissed and sucked on your skin, leaving hickeys all over your body. You moaned quietly at the feeling.
Eventually, Jimin's hands found the clip of your bra, which he unclipped and made marks everywhere that the bra had covered.
His hands tugged at your panties. "Baby, are you sure? This is your last chance to back down, because once I start, there's no stopping me." You respond without a second thought.
"I'm sure, Jimin. Make love to me." And Jimin didn't need to be told twice. Jimin rid the both of you of your final pieces of clothing and rid you of your heat. You both did not have to worry about your volume, for your room was soundproof. You and Jimin finally and officially became one as you both made love all throughout the night.
I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.
Bye friends~~<3
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