Chapter 30
Hey guys!!! I'm back~ Enjoy this episode~~<3
*Hyrish is like this. Gonna go back and change it to italics with underline to make it more clear that it's Hyrish.
Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact
Hyrish can be understood by all hybrids, no matter their ethnicity or race.
"We are now landing in New York City, New York. The time is now 11:32 A.M. Thank you for riding with us."
It had been a couple of months since the Japan concert. You all had already gone through the Asian and European concerts, and now it was time for the United States tour, NYC being your first stop.
"See ya the hotel, Jiminie!" you call out once you step out of the plane.
"Alright, bye baby!" he replies.
You had gotten used to the airport ritual. It still felt weird and empty without your soulmate there, but the knowledge that you'd be able to see him once you both were out of the airport helped.
Soon enough, you were reunited with Jimin at the Hotel Elysee.
"Ahh," you moan once you collapse onto the comfortable hotel bed.
"You shouldn't be making such lewd sounds around me, baby girl," Jimin says huskily while passing you on the way to the bathroom. You shiver and subconsciously grab your tail.
"Sh-Shut up." Jimin laughs.
"A-Anyway," you clear your throat, "I heard that there's a festival going on here in New York today!" you call out.
"What kind of festival?"
"A hybrid one!" Jimin's head pokes out of the bathroom door.
"Every year, New York City has a secret hybrid festival! I've never been able to go, however." You rest your head in your hands.
"Ooh! I wanna go!" Jimin exclaims.
"Of course! We'll have to sneak out of the hotel, but I really do think we should go," Jimin says, walking out of the bathroom. You squeal and attack him in a hug.
"Yay! Oh! Also, Suho's coming, too. Apparently he goes every year," you say while pulling away from the hug.
"That's fine," Jimin smiles. "I'll have to wear a mask, though."
"I thought so." You and Jimin head back over to the bed and lay down in each other's embrace.
"When will Suho's flight land?" Jimin asks.
"Probably in a couple of hours," you reply. "We should catch some z's until then so we can be fully rested at the festival."
"You right, you right," Jimin chuckles. "See you on the flip side, baby." Jimin gives you one last smooch on the forehead before you both fall asleep.
The ringing of your phone brought you and Jimin out of your slumber. Reaching over to retrieve your phone, you look outside and notice that the sky was turning orange. Just how long had you been asleep?
"Hello?" you say once you answer the phone.
"Y/N? I've landed in New York," Suho says on the other end of the phone.
"What?!" you bolt out of the bed. Jimin watches you with confusion in his eyes.
"Yeah! I'm currently in a taxi, on my way to the festival. Where are you and Jimin?"
"Uhh. . ." you chuckle nervously, "we're leaving the hotel right now!" you lie. You beckon for Jimin to get up and he does as you command. Hurriedly, you rush over to your suitcase and throw on some clothes, Jimin doing the same thing.
"Anyway, we gotta go. My, uhh, phone's about to die! See ya there, Suho! Bye!" you rush out.
You hang up.
"Chimmy! You almost ready?" you ask, pulling on the straps to your backpack purse.
"Yeah, let me just put on my beanie and my mask," he replies. Once he's done, you both hide your animal features and step out into the hallway. With careful steps, you and your soulmate tip-toe past the other member's and staff's rooms. The elevator felt so far away.
"I'm nervous," Jimin says, breaking the silence.
"Why is that?" you question.
"I've never really been around large groups of hybrids. The only times I could truly say I have are family gatherings, but then again, they were all mostly Fennec Foxes. It'll be so different!" You take Jimin's hand in yours.
"Don't be afraid, honey. Those are our people. Plus, I'll be right beside you." Jimin gives you a small smile and squeezes your hand.
The elevator reaches ground level. With quick steps, you and Jimin sneak out of the hotel lobby stealthily and flag down a taxi. After telling the driver where to go in English, you and Jimin sit back and enjoy the rest of the ride.
"We're here!" the taxi driver calls out in English.
"Thank you," you and Jimin reply in unison while paying the man and climbing out the car.
"My pleasure. Have a nice night!" The taxi drives away.
Looking around, you see all kinds of people walking towards their destination. A huge line was in front of them. You assume it was security making sure you were actually a hybrid before letting you in.
"Y/N! Jimin!" The two of you turn your heads to see your best friend barreling towards you at a high velocity.
"Suho!" You run towards the man and jump into his arms. Jimin smiles lovingly while watching the two of you reunite.
"I've missed you! You've been gone for so long!" Suho exclaims.
"I know! Jimin's schedule's been hectic." Suho finally looks up at your soulmate and smiles.
"What's up, man?" Suho asks while giving Jimin a bro hug.
"Nothing much. Just a world tour that I've been doing for months." Suho cackles and puts his thumbs in his pockets.
"Shall we?"
"We shall." You grin.
The Following Conversations are all in Hyrish.
Eventually, you and the boys are past the line after proving your hybrid heritage and is exploring the festival. You all had fun playing the games, eating good American food, and interacting with the different hybrids.
"Suho, Jimin, look! There's a sno cone stand over there!" you chirp.
"Okay! Let's go there--" Suho stops. You pad in front of him.
"They're here," he whispers.
"Huh?" you and Jimin question.
"My soulmate is here!" Suho squeals. Yours and Jimin's eyes widen.
"What? Really?"
"Yeah! I've got to find them!" Suho takes off running. You and Jimin exchange a glance before taking off after him.
"Suho!" you yell. "Wait up! You're going to--" Suho stops dead in his tracks, you and Jimin jogging up beside him.
"Suho. . ?" You follow his gaze until you see her. A young black girl around your age or a little older stood a couple of feet in front of you. She rocking a black crop top and ripped blue jeans, black high heeled boots covering her feet. Rounded spotted ears poked up out of her long dreads and a long tail completed her look, showing proudly that she was a leopard hybrid.
A wide grin adorned Suho and the mystery girl's face. Suho once again took off running, the girl in front of them doing the same, until they were in each other's arms. Jimin wraps his arms around you as you both watch the interaction. You both stand back as Suho and his soulmate exchange a few words until they're both making their way back over to you hand and hand.
"Y/N, Jimin, I'd like you to formally introduce you to my soulmate, Jamie. Jamie, this is my best friend Y/N, and her soulmate, Jimin." You and Jimin shake hands with the girl and smile politely. Jimin pats Suho on the back as you smirk at him.
"Good luck with this one, Jamie. He's a handful." Jamie laughs and Suho gives you a death glare.
"Thanks, girlie. I'll definitely phone you up if I need help containing him." You giggle.
"Shall we. . ?" you start.
"Actually, you two go on ahead. I want to spend time with Jamie alone," Suho smiles.
"If only we had that option when we first met," Jimin muttered. You elbow him in the gut.
"Sure thing! You two have fun. And use protection!" you call out as you drag Jimin away.
"Bitch, I-- Whatever," Suho grumbled as he and Jamie march away, leaving you and Jimin to enjoy the rest of the festival.
Hope you guys enjoyed!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.
Also, TOMORROW'S MA BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (July 21). Hooray! I'm turning fifteen.
ANyWho, bye friends~~<3
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