Chapter 3
Next chapter guys!!! Enjoy~<3
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY LAPTOP?!" screamed an angry (for no reason) customer.
"Sir, you asked me to fix your computer and that's what I did," you said to the customer patiently.
"Sir, there was no virus. There was absolutely nothing that I could do."
"Sir," you gritted your teeth and forced a smile, "your pictures were taken from off a hard drive. I bet it's the one that's hanging off of your neck on a chain," you smiled contently. "And, all computers have pop-up ads now. It's nothing new." The man's face reddened instantly.
"Y-Yah! Just give me my money back! You didn't do what I asked!" exclaimed the man.
Is this boy dumb?
"Sir, please leave the store or else I'll be forced to call security," you said.
The man, blinded by unreasonable anger, grabbed you by the throat and pulled you to his face. You were temporarily blinded by the foul stench leaking from his mouth.
"Back the hell up!"
A man comes out of nowhere and pushes back the customer. He stumbles back, grabs his laptop, and darts out of the door.
You inhale air again and turn around to face your rescuer. "Th-Thank you. . ."
"It's no problem," he chuckles. "I assume you're the new employee?"
"You got it, dude," you chuckle.
"Well my name's Suho (not the idol), what's yours?"
"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you!"
"I hope we can be friends then, Y/N!" he says excitedly.
"I hope so too."
You both sit there, chattering quietly while you wait for more customers. You found out that both you and Suho hadn't found your soulmates yet. Just like you, he'd never had any romantic encounters with anyone and was just waiting for the day that your soulmate moseys into your life.
The time soon went past you both and it was soon closing time. Suho walked you to the bus stop (because he was oblivious to the fact that you just run everywhere you go) and you exchanged phone numbers. Once you were sure that Suho was long gone, you observed your surroundings before taking off into the night.
Little did you know that you had just proved your new friend's suspicions correct.
And he was happy.
It was the day before the fan meet. Suho had come forth about him seeing you run, and come to find out, he was a hybrid too! Suho was a red panda. He didn't have any special powers other than being extremely adorable. You had also found out that Suho was also a BTS fan, but he wouldn't be making it to the fan meet, as he had already been to one before.
At that moment, you and Suho were chilling in your apartment, fantasizing about a world where hybrids could thrive peacefully with the humans. You talked about how you and your soon-to-be soulmates would be neighbors. If you never got your soulmates, you both decided to live together in a beach house on Jeju Island and own fifty cats.
You both were being completely serious, too.
You weren't lying.
You were deep in thought when Suho shook you out of it. "Y/N, what are you going to wear to the fan meet?" You looked up with him and your face paled.
Suho chuckled and stood from his seat. "Go get your clothes on and we'll head to the strip. We'll go window shopping!"
You squealed and ran towards your room, quickly changing. Once you were back, Suho was waiting by the door.
"Ears and tail, missy," he laughed.
"You too, mister."
"Yeah, yeah. Let's go."
You both quickly hid your animal parts and took off towards the mall.
It was finally the big day. Suho had spent the night as he had promised to help you get ready for the meet. You had just decided to take your time; there was absolutely no reason to wait in line for three hours just to meet the idols whom you'd already get to meet in the first place. If you're first or last, you'd still get a chance to meet the boys.
The fan meet started at 12:00 and it was already 10. The venue was about a thirty minute drive, which wasn't too bad. You decided to just take the bus rather than run and ruin your outfit.
Suho dressed you up in a black hoodie and black leggings, so you were rocking the black color. You were going to carry a small purse with your BT21 keychains hanging off of them. They were all there because you didn't want the members of BTS to think that you like one more than the other. You technically loved all the members, but Jimin and V had a special place in your heart. You hid your mini-me plushy inside of your purse because you never left the house without it.
At last, it was time for your departure. Suho went out first and you followed behind him. Your best friend took a left while you took a sharp right to the bus stop.
Your nerves were starting to eat you out. Would the members think you were weird? What if they thought you were ugly? Your stomach churned at the thought.
On the bus ride over, you sat in an empty seat at the back of the bus. Everyone avoided you because of the fact that you were a foreigner, which weirded you out but you made no comment about it.
There were other members of ARMY also on the bus ride. They all traveled in packs so that made you feel even more anxious.
Finally, you arrived at the venue. There was a huge-ass line that led all the way down the street. Even though the man on the ad said that there were only 200 seats, there were way more than that. You assume that they were all ARMYs hoping they could bribe the security to let them through. You couldn't even begin to imagine how many sasaeng fans the security had to restrain on a daily basis. You shiver at the thought of creepy fans worshiping you. It actually made you sick.
The clock struck 12.
All the fans, excluding you, shouted in joy and excitement. You were ecstatic, too, but not to the point where you would literally shout like a maniac into the sky.
The line started to move and you were the last one in line. You didn't really care, though. As long as you met your favorite band, you couldn't give a shit about where your place lied. You were just hoping that the boys would be okay!
About twenty minutes later, you were sitting in a chair at the very back of the venue. The amount of fans there, ready to meet the boys was crazy! You were so excited, but that didn't erase the nerves.
Then, all of a sudden, your heart starts to pound. It pounds like it has ever pounded before. You've experienced something like it, being a cheetah hybrid and all, but it had never felt like this before. It almost felt like. . . there were two hearts in your chest.
Two hearts in your chest.
You gasped out loud. This was the exact feeling that your mom had explained to you when you were just a cub!
"When your soulmate is around, you will feel two heartbeats in your chest; yours and theirs. . ."
Holy crap!
Your soulmate was here!
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