Chapter 29
New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3
*Hyrish is like this.
Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact
Those rare few people who don't have a soulmate are the people where their soulmate either died at a young age or just flat out died.
The next morning, you woke up bright and early. Excitement coursed through your veins as you hurriedly ran to the bathroom and got yourself dressed and brushed your teeth. When you came back, you found a still sleeping Jimin snoring lightly. So, you did the only reasonable thing you could do to wake him up.
"JIMIN!" you scream while jumping on top of his sleeping form, "WAKE UP! IT'S CONCERT DAY!" Said man's eyes snap open in alarm and pushes you off of him and onto the ground.
"OW!" you both groan. You sit up from the floor and give a clueless Jimin a death glare.
"What happened?" he asks, one fox ear up and one down with his head cocked to the side.
"I-- Never mind," you sigh, standing from the ground and wiped the dirt and dust from off of you.
"What time is it?" Jimin mumbles while tiredly rubbing his eyes.
"Time for you to get a watch," you snicker childishly. Jimin glares at you with an unamused expression on his face before grabbing his phone from off the nightstand and checking the time.
"Aw-- It's so early! Why'd you wake me up so early?" the fennec fox hybrid whines.
"It's my first concert! I'm so excited, so I thought you should share my excitement!" you squeal while spinning around in circles. You continue your spinning until an oncoming pillow hits you in the face and knocks you down once again and you land on the ground. "Bitch!" you screech. Jimin laughs.
While Jimin gets ready in the bathroom, an amazing idea suddenly pops into your head. An evil laugh bubbles in your throat as you skip over to your backpack purse and pull out one of your BTS posters. While grabbing it, your hand skims over a leather book that you recognize as your photo book. Past memories flood into you head-- painful ones-- but you push them to the very back of your mind.
With the poster in hand, you march over to behind your hotel bed and snatch a sharp pencil from the nightstand.
"Ahaha!" you giggle loudly, an evil and mischievous glint in your eyes. Your knife-like pencil raises way above your head before gliding straight down and stabs Jungkook right in the eye. Another laugh erupts out of your mouth as you continue to repeatedly impale Jungkook's picture with your make-shift weapon like a psycho maniac.
"Uhh, baby?"
Your head snaps up. Jimin towered over you, his arms to his sides and an eyebrow raised. You blink twice while Jimin slowly takes the now dull pencil from your firmly gripped hands.
"Are you okay. . ?" Jimin worriedly asks. You blink twice more before nodding your head slowly. Your soulmate shrugs before helping you to your feet.
"Anyway," Jimin starts, "we'll have to bring our breakfast to go. Usually they make us practice fifty hundred times leading up to the actual concert."
"Why? Wouldn't that just make y'all extra tired?" you ask.
"Yeah, but they don't care." You shake your head incredulously before grabbing your purse and following your soulmate out of the door.
The ride to the concert venue was once again a silent one, but this time the tension in the air was extra thick. For the entire ride, Jimin glared daggers into the back of Namjoon's head, and when the leader eventually felt the stare, Jimin kept his gaze steady. Namjoon attempted to glare back equally as hard, trying to show Jimin who the alpha wolf was, but failed miserably because he got scared when Jimin let his fangs grow. Jimin grinned evilly when he clearly saw the fear in Namjoon's eyes. You slapped his arm.
Soon enough, the vans reached the venue. The amount of fans waiting outside the building quadrupled and you started to feel bad for them; it was hotter than a mofo outside. Why would people ever put themselves through so much trouble just to see a band play? They could just wait until they actually let the people in before showing up at the venue.
But oh well.
"Y/N, we're going to create a shield around you when we walk inside, okay?" Jin calls from the front of the van.
"Okay, Jin."
The shield was successful; nobody saw you. However, you were sandwiched in between Yoongi and Hoseok and Yoongi kept glancing at you, so you were almost caught. You made sure to give him a death glare and the middle finger once you were safely inside.
Right when you all got settled in, all of Bangtan was ushered to the practice room, leaving you alone with the other staff. It was pretty awkward, you know with having most of them staring you down and gossiping about you. To ignore them, you popped Skyrim into your Switch and played that to pass the time.
Slowly but surely, the time passed by and the concert would start soon. Jimin and the rest of his members were all dressed with their makeup on and were reading to go. You could feel your soulmate's excitement and anxiety levels go up.
"You'll do great, Jimin!" you encourage. "Give it your all! Show those hoes what a hybrid can do!" Jimin smiles widely at you before pulling you into a slow, sweet kiss.
"Can I sit in the audience?" you ask once you pull away.
"I want to get the full experience!"
"Okay," he shrugs. You cheer and kiss him on the lips again.
"Can you stay close to the stage? I want to be able to feel your heartbeat," Jimin pleads.
"Sure! The closer the better," you grin.
"Well, you better go now! The concert will start soon."
"A'ight. Good luck, Chimmy! Fighting!" You lift up your fist.
Around fifteen minutes after you found a spot, the concert was kicking it off with Namjoon's Persona. Even though you strongly disliked the guy, you couldn't deny that the song was a bop and you couldn't stop yourself from singing along.
The concert continued to go on and you were having the time of your life with the other ARMY. It was fun jumping up and down with your lightstick.
At last, it was time fore Jimin's solo. He put his heart and soul into his performance, making you feel so proud of him. His voiced poured out all of the pain that he had been feeling from the last couple of days and his dancing was as beautiful as always.
Jimin finished his performance of Filter with tears running down his face. He smiled widely when he saw you there, though, with tears of your own pooling in our eyes.
"I LOVE YOU, PARK JIMIN!" you screamed as loud as you could. He mouthed it back to you before the stage went dark and he was gone.
The rest of the concert carried on smoothly. When Bulletproof: The Eternal came on, Jimin performed it well enough for the fans to be happy with, but you could tell that he wasn't feeling it. The concert soon ended and Jimin was so exhausted that he shifted into his animal form and forced you to carry him out of the venue, not that you minded. The ARMY crowding the van obviously asked where he was, but the members just made up some crazy excuse like he lost something and he'd be coming later.
Back at the hotel, you both washed up and into a deep sleep, anticipating the next day's plane ride to Taiwan.
Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.
Also, me and my best friend created an account together! We're going to post all kinds of different fanfictions on there, so please check it out! Currently, we're writing an XReader BTS soulmate story.
Bye friends~~<3
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