Chapter 23
New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3
Also, sorry for the late chapter, but this chapter took me ages to write. I write all of my rough drafts on paper and then transfer them to my laptop, so it took me half of Wednesday, all of Thursday, and all of Friday to write it. So, here ya go!
*Hyrish is like this.
**Warning: Big use of profanity.
Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact
If a hybrid mate is sad or depressed or angry, their hybrid partner can change hybrid species to help comfort their partner.
At last, it was the day before BTS's world tour. You didn't know if you should feel excited that you'd get to travel the world with you soulmate and favorite band or sad that you wouldn't be able to see your best friend for several months. You didn't have to quit you job, thank God, but you had to use your sacred vacation days.
Jimin had already come to collect your luggage early, early in the morning, so all you needed to do was bring your carry-on bag the next day. Also so you didn't have to worry about forgetting anything.
While you're still in Seoul, you wanted to spend all the time that you could with Suho, so currently you and Suho were playing in your animal forms. You weren't sure when the next time you'd be able to shift into your animal form, due to the fact that you'd be around a crap ton of humans, so you wanted to get in all the time that you could.
So, you and Suho played and you played hard. You piled up all of the furniture to the walls and ran around, playing hours of tag (of course, you won every single game). You both played cat and mouse (you were the cat, obviously), and played hide and seek all the way up to where the both of you were completely exhausted and fell into a deep (but not really) sleep.
??? POV
He got them.
He got the pictures.
He had followed Park Jimin everywhere he went and caught he and his soulmate releasing their animal ears and tail. He watched them sprout and grow, he watched them wiggle and wag. He witnessed their canine's elongate and sharpen; inhuman sounds producing from their mouths. He saw it all.
And he couldn't believe his eyes.
Jungkook was right? The man didn't actually think Jimin was a hybrid, let alone catching him in the act. He really would get payed.
The man smiled to himself. He could make a shit ton of money with his newly made photograph. Probably even more than whatever Jungkook planned to give him, but Jungkook is a rich man, and he couldn't afford losing him as a valuable customer. So he'd just have to surrender the picture over to his employer.
The man grabs an envelope from under his desk and addresses it to Jungkook before slipping the photograph into it. Once it's sealed shut, the man throws on black clothes, a black beanie, and (you guessed it) a black face mask. He walks to his black Mustang with a skip in his step and drives happily to his destination.
The Bangtan dorm.
Jimin's POV
Jimin was tired, cold, and hungry. However, he could only fix two of those things: his coldness and hunger. So, the fox gathered his clothes and stalked over to his bathroom. Jimin shed his clothes, unleashed his animal features, and hopped in a much awaited shower. He stood underneath the warm water and let the water cascade down his ears, hair, his face, and finally his body. The fox's ear twitched when a droplet of water found its way on the inside of his ear, causing his whole body to give an involuntary shudder. It was really uncomfortable.
Around thirty minutes later, when Jimin's skin was all nice and soggy (what a disgusting word), he hopped out of the shower and hastily dried himself off before tossing on a pair of sweatpants and a Gucci shirt that he stole from Taehyung. Once he was gucci (heh), Jimin left the bathroom and laid on his bed, forgetting about his hunger for the time being and started to text his girlfriend. She didn't answer back, which he expected because she was spending time with Suho, but the poor fox was already missing her and wanted to talk. Probably because of the marks the two of them wore on their necks.
Just then, Jimin received a message from Seokjin, claiming that their dinner was ready. The eldest most likely didn't feel like dealing with the hassle of rounding all the boys up. A giggle leaves Jimin's lips at the thought.
Jimin was getting off of his bed, hiding his ears and tail, still playing with his phone when the door in front of him slammed open. Jimin looked up with a smile.
"Oh, he Jungkook. I was about to go and e--"
A sudden force hit Jimin in the face, causing him to stumble backwards and hit the wall.
"JUNGKOOK, WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jimin yells.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Jimin screams. He can feel his canines sharpen and his eyes darken (ooh that rhymed).
"DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW THAT YOU'VE BEEN HIDING SOMETHING FROM US FOR YEARS!" Jungkook roars, pushing Jimin harshly against the wall. Jimin bites his tongue hardly to keep himself from killing Jungkook right then and there.
"Hey, what's going on--"
"I. Don't. Know. What. You're. TALKING ABOUT--!"
The world stopped rotating.
"You heard me," Jungkook spits.
Jimin stumbles back and once again hits the wall.
"N-No. . . You're wrong!"
"There you go, lying again," Jungkook forces out a laugh. "Here's all the proof I need." Jungkook marches forward and slams a picture onto Jimin's chest. Jimin's too late to grab it and it floats to the ground.
The wind is knocked away from Jimin. He can't breathe. His vision gets blurry. Jimin puts his hands on top of his head as a sob escapes his mouth. He's having a panic attack.
"You've been an aberration all this time!" Jungkook lifts his fist into the air again and--
Your POV
You're awoken out of your slumber when pain punches you in the face. You yowl and transform back into your human form. Suho wakes up and shifts back, too.
"Y/N! What's wrong?" Suho worriedly asks.
"I-I don't-- Jimin!" you exclaim. You scramble from off the floor and sprint to your room to gather and put on your clothes.
"He's in trouble! Put your clothes on, we're going to their dorm." Suho doesn't ask anymore questions and runs to put on his clothes. While he does that, you quickly attempt to call your soulmate, but goes straight to voice mail.
"Damn it!" you curse.
"Y/N, I'm ready," says Suho. You nod at him and you both rush out of your front door. Once outside, you bend down, let Suho hop onto your back, and sprint as hard as you can towards the love of your life. On the way, you feel even more pain flash through your body, but you ignore it and prevail.
You and Suho make it to the Bangtan dorm in record time. Suho hops off of your back and gathers his courage as you march to the front door, second heartbeat entering your chest, and bang on it hardly. You share a quick glance with Suho before the door opens, revealing Taehyung.
"Y/N? Suho? What're you doing he--"
"Move," you bluntly say, shoving past the man and run up the stairs with Suho right on your tail (not literally). The closer you are to Jimin, the more you can feel his fear and pain; his sadness, until you're right outside his door.
"You've been an aberration all this time!" someone that you recognize as Jungkook lifts his fist, about to hit Jimin, who was crying his eyes out against the wall. Anger courses through you as you sprint as hard as you can to your soulmate and Suho catches Jungkook's fist.
"JUNGKOOK, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" you scream, cradling Jimin close to you. Suho grabs both of Jungkook's hands and holds them tightly.
"Breathe, Jimin, breathe," you whisper to your soulmate. He follows your breathing and calms down.
A little.
"Oh look, here's the other one," Jungkook laughs manically. You look at him confusedly. During this time, the rest of BTS joins you in Jimin's room.
"What. . ?"
"Look at that picture that's right by your foot." You reluctantly do as he says. There, lying on the ground, was a picture of you and Jimin making out right by your window.
Ears and tail at full show.
You drop the photo and cover your mouth with both of your hands. This photo was taken that morning. Someone had been watching you. Stalking you. The thought terrifies the ever living shit out of you.
Suho releases one of Jungkook's hands and picks up the picture from off the floor. He closes his eyes.
"Jungkook, what the hell are you talking about?" asks Namjoon.
"Little Jiminie and his little soulmate have been keeping a secret from us," he replies. Another sob leaves Jimin's mouth.
"Huh?" questions Taehyung.
"They've been hiding that they're--"
"Hybrids," Yoongi finishes, now holding the photograph.
"No, no, no, no, no," Jimin mumbles.
One by one, the BTS members take hold of the illegally taken photography and gasp.
"They've been hybrids all this time. . ?" Seokjin whispers.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Hoseok asks.
"Probably because they didn't want us to know about the mistakes they really are!" Jungkook yells, ripping his arm away from Suho and raising it once again, preparing to strike Jimin again.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Suho pushes Jungkook against the wall, hand around his neck.
Rounded ears and poofy tail growing.
"Oh, would you look at that! He's one too," Jungkook chokes out.
"Stop it! Both of you, stop it!" you yell. Suho does as you command and releases his hold around Jungkook's neck before walking over to you and standing at your side.
"Ooh, the pussy cat speaks," Jungkook taunts, rubbing his neck.
"I knew there was something off about the three of you," Yoongi starts, "and now I finally know why."
"So, all three of you have really been hybrids all this time?" Hoseok asks, still nod believing it.
You glance at Jimin, who had already been staring at you. Jimin lowers his head and allows his ears and tail to grow, you following his lead. All of Bangtan, minus Jungkook, gasp.
"How could you keep this from us?"
"Because I didn't want you all to look at me like how you all are looking at me now," Jimin finally says, his ears laying flat on his head and tail tucked between his legs.
"Like how you lied to get where you are? How your kind's a mistake, created in a lab? Or maybe how we've been living with a mutt for over seven years?"
"Enough is enough, Jungkook," says Seokjin.
"Whatever. I've already called Bang PD and Sejin," Jungkook says smugly.
"W-W-Why?" Jimin asks.
"So we can discuss the matter of your lie, Jimin," Jungkook evilly smiles.
"What do you mean?"
"You are an idol illegally, mutt. You don't deserve to be rich and famous."
"It's not illegal for hybrids to have money and power," you hiss.
"She's right. Jimin may have kept his true self hidden, but he's still the same person. Nothing has really changed," says Taehyung.
"Everything has changed."
A sudden knock on the door startles all of you. A grin forms on Jungkook's face as he skips out of the door.
"They're here! They're here! Let's go find out your fate~," he says in a singsongy voice. You sigh as you grab Jimin and Suho's hand and follow the others out of the door.
Jungkook, Bang PD, and Manager Sejin were all sitting at the kitchen table when the rest of you arrived. The two eldest were looking at the picture,and looked at you three hybrids in horror when they layed eyes on you.
"Jimin, you've been one of those disgusting hybrids all this time?" PD-nim spits, his nice personality from when you had first met him gone. More tears form in Jimin's eyes as he nods.
"You do realize that if we knew about this detail earlier that you never would have even made it into the building when you first came to audition, right?" Jimin looks down again. You squeeze his hand.
"Well, let's hold a vote." The CEO stands from his chair.
"For what?" asks Namjoon.
"To see if Jimin's out of BTS, of course."
Yours, Jimin's, Suho's, and the rest of BTS's head snaps up.
"Well, you're not supposed to be here in the first place, so we'll see how your members feel." Jimin gulps.
"So, let's start with Jungkook."
"You've been a hyvrid all this time, yet never told us. You know how much I despise those mistakes, so it's a no from me." A piece of Jimin's heart breaks off.
"He only kept a little secret; it's harmless. Hybrids only have a slightly different appearance, but they're just like us. Plus, Jimin's my best friend, and nothing can change that. I think Jimin worked hard to be here, and he deserves to stay." Jimin gives him a small smile, a little bit of hope reentering him.
"Hybrid or not, he's still the same Jimin. He needs to stay! It wouldn't be BTS without Jimin. We are only seven. So, there's my answer." Hoseok gives you two one of his beautifully blinding heart smiles, making you and Jimin feel loved.
"I've felt that there was something off about you from the moment that you met Y/N," he starts. "You've been lying to us for so long, and I can not forgive that. And the fact that you're a hybrid? It's disgusting. I say leave."
"Yoongi. . ." Hoseok begins.
"No, no, Hoseok hyung. It's alright." Jimin forces a smile, but everyone can see right through it.
"Jimin is Jimin. Him having a pair of fox ears and a fluffy tail is not going to change anything. Let the boy stay," says Jin. You and Jimin nod at him.
"Looks like it's two v three. Since Namjoon's the leader, his word is law. So, Namjoon? What's your decision?"
"Remember Jimin, no matter what happens, I still love you," you say in Hyrish to Jimin. He nods and smiles at you.
"I'm sorry Jimin, but you've been lying for far too long."
All hope Jimin had left in his heart shattered and floated away.
"Hybrids just. . . don't deserve to be in this spot. They deserve to be at the bottom. You lied to get where you are, and that's terrible and just wrong. Think about the other trainees that wanted to be in the spot that you're in right now but your selfishness prevented them from fulfilling their dreams. You outta be ashamed."
Jimin falls to his knees as he sobs uncontrollably, tears flowing endlessly out of his eyes. You bend down and cradle him close to you.
"Well, that settles it. Jimin, after this upcoming world tour, you're out of Bangtan. Sejin, let's go." The CEO and the manager leave as fast as they come without another word.
The remaining BTS members turn to you, Jimin, and Suho.
"You three outta be ashamed," you hiss to the three traitors. "What happened to forever being seven? Just because he has animal ears and a tail, that motto is suddenly void?" You turn to Jungkook. "Jimin basically raised you, how could you betray him like this? And hiring someone to stalk us? That's fucking illegal." Jungkook shrugs his shoulders, like going to jail was impossible for him.
"Yoongi? I'm sure you're still hiding your full backstory to your other members, but you're still here, right?" Yoongi's eyes widem and he looks down in shame.
"And Namjoon? You are-- you were his role model. To be and idol is-- was-- his dream. He wasn't about to let anything get in the way of that. You know what? he learned that from you, Rap Monster." Namjoon covers his face with his hands, finally recognizing his mistake and wishing he could take back all of the hurtful words that he said to one of his closest friends.
You turn back towards your still balling soulmate and kiss him on the forehead.
"Honey, we gotta go upstairs. We still have to get up early in the morning." Jimin doesn't reply. You look up at Suho for help and he agrees.
"We're going. Don't bother to come to us for anything, we don't want to see you. Don't worry, we won't shed anywhere. Taehyung, Hoseok, and Seokjin, thanks for trying. Night." Suho helps you pull Jimin enough for you to pick him up. Jimin makes it easier for you and shifts into his animal form, the clothes he was previously wearing shredding.
"My Gucci shirt. . ." you hear Taehyung faintly cry out.
You again kiss him on the head before heading upstairs. Once inside Jimin's room, Suho bids you goodbye and leaves.
Suddenly, you can feel you ears and tail tingle. You grab your tail and notice that it was growing longer fur and was changing. Your hybrid species changed from a cheetah's to a fennec fox's for the time being, probably so you could better comfort your soulmate. You take advantage of the situation and shift into the tiny fox.
Now, completely smaller than you ever have been before, you walk over to Jimin and snuggle up close to him, hoping to relieve all of the pain that you knew he now carried.
You knew it wouldn't.
I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.
Also, I hope you guys don't mind the length of this chapter, but it's very important. This chapter was the climax; the top of the mountain. Which means, we basically reached the halfway point. Fun fun fun!
Bye friends~~<3
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