Chapter 18
New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3
*Hyrish is like this.
Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact
People who's soulmates died before they ever met, will either die alone or find refuge in another person who also lost their soulmate. However, their love won't be true.
Later on that night, everyone had left and it was just you and Jimin remaining in your little hospital room. The police were due to come first thing in the morning for questioning and both you and Jimin were required by his management to come talk to them right when you were released.
Visitors weren't allowed to visit anymore, so you and Jimin had released your ears. The doctors and nurses already knew both of your secrets (which they promised to keep); they did blood work and found out from your DNA. You can't hide stuff like that from doctors.
You and Jimin were cuddled up in the hospital bed while binge watching American comedies to keep your moods up. At random points, flashbacks from the night before would cross your mind, and in order to not have another breakdown, you watched the movies. Jimin also made sure to hold you tightly at all times and give you plenty of affection to help you.
It was around one A.M. when you finally got bored of the movies. You could tell that Jimin had, too. Halfway through Dumb and Dumber 2, he had moved his gaze from the TV hanging on the wall to you. His stare burned holes through your skin, but every time you tried to catch him in the act, he'd look away like he never was staring at you in the first place. So, you took this as the cue to give in to yours and Jimin's boredness and turned off the movie.
The room was drenched in darkness, but the both of you could see everything as clear as day thanks to the types of hybrids you both were. You both lay facing each other in a comfortable silence, deep in thought. Jimin was absentmindedly rubbing the back of your ears, causing you to purr quietly. Your tail, once tangled with Jimin's, started waving back and forth, causing the blanket on top of you to move. Jimin took notice to this and chuckled quietly. Your face turned red in embarrassment.
"Baby," Jimin starts, "do you think you can stay in the dorms with us while the stab wound heals? It's not like I don't trust Suho or anything like that but--" Jimin stops for a second. "Actually, that's exactly what it is. I don't trust him with you." You giggle at his protectiveness and place a kiss on his cheek.
"Yes, Chimmy. Also, since we're both marked, we can't stay away from each other for long, which means that we will have to make more time for each other so that we both won't go mentally insane and or die." Jimin chuckles, nodding his head with a smile before kissing your forehead.
"We go on tour in a few months. You'll have to go with us," says Jimin.
"I figured," you reply. "But how will I be able to stick next to you in like airports?"
"Well, Bangtan and I can either shield you or you'll have to tough it out with the other Bighit staff."
"But I don't want to be separated from you," you whine.
"Nor do I, but we don't want ARMY to find out about you and harass you. I wouldn't want to hurt them, even though I will in a heartbeat if one of them lays a finger on you." You sigh and nod, giving in.
You both continue random conversations until early into the morning. You were both anxious for later today's events and couldn't sleep, so you both just resorted in getting to know each other better.
Soon enough, it was seven A.M. and a nurse was entering the room with breakfast. You took her as a cue to go ahead and hide your ears and tail.
You and Jimin were finishing up your pancakes when BTS (minus Jimin), Suho, and the police walked into your hospital room. You both excused yourselves and scrambled out of the bed and sprinted to the bathroom in hopes of making yourselves somewhat presentable.
Without a second thought, both you and Jimin stripped yourselves of your clothes and changed into new ones. Jimin had already seen you in your underwear before, so you couldn't care less at this point. Jimin blushed wildly once he saw what you were doing, but went along with it and copied your actions. All he wanted to do was to touch you and mate with you right there and then, but he held himself back for the sake of the people on the other side of the door.
Once changed, you both quickly brushed your teeth, styled your hair, and gave each other a quick pep talk. You knew you couldn't tell the police the entire story, so you decided on saying a passerby hybrid had helped Jimin out, then disappeared mysteriously. Seems real enough.
Finally, you both felt like you were ready to face the officers. You both left the bathroom, hand and hand, and sat back down on the bed.
"What took you guys so long?" Yoongi boredly asks.
"They were probably making out," Suho smirks. You grab a pillow and chunk it at his head, successfully hitting your target. You snicker and climb into Jimin's lap.
"And no, we just had to discuss some things."
"Mhm," Suho laughs. You roll your eyes at him.
"Hello Mr. Park, Ms. L/N, I'm Officer Song. Today I'll just be asking some questions about two nights ago's events." You both nod your heads and Jimin grabs your hand, squeezing it reassuringly. The rest of BTS and Suho all sit in nearby chairs, listening attentively.
"I was walking home from work by myself when I bumped into one of them. They surrounded me while I wasn't paying attention, and they kept trying to get me to go with them, which I obviously refused." Jimin grows tense and squeezes your hand harder. You can hear the feint growls produced by his throat.
"I thought I could scare them off by--"
"Y/N," Jimin whispers quietly, trying to warn you.
"I thought I could fight them off, or at least run away, but they stabbed me when I tried." You fight back tears.
"They dragged me farther into the alleyway and ripped my clothes off. Their leader. . . did things. . . to my skin and then Jimin came." Jimin buries his face into the crook of your neck. You can hear his quiet whimpers as he silently cries into your neck. You turn around and hug him back, trying to hold your own tears in.
"I see. How many of them were there again?" asks Officer Song.
"Alright. Mr. Park, do you want to explain your side?" Jimin nods and removes his face from your neck. You wipe his tears from his face and give him a small smile, which he returns.
"We were in the middle of practice when I felt the stab. I mean, I had noticed the her fear, but I just assumed she was watching a horror movie or something." Jimin hangs his head low in shame. You hug him tighter.
"Once I finally recognized that something was wrong, I ran all the way to where she was without a disguise." Jimin pauses and turns to face his group members.
"Sorry hyungs, sorry Taehyungie and Jungkookie."
"It's okay!" they all exclaim in unison.
"Anyway, I ran into the alley and saw them crowding Y/N. I scared--"
"Jimin," you whisper.
"I mean, a random passerby hybrid helped me scare them off. They left right after the criminals ran off so I couldn't give you a description." Jimin tries his best to smile innocently, but the police officer gives you both a knowing look.
"It's okay. The doctor told me," Officer Song says quietly. You and Jimin exhale a breath and smile innocently at your mini audience.
Of course, two of them weren't fooled.
"Anyway, I grabbed Y/N and brought her out of the alley. I guess that's when I passed out." Jimin scratches the back of his head awkwardly.
"Did you get a description of these hooligans?"
"Yes, sir."
While Jimin was describing the criminals, Suho came over to your bed and sat on it. You turned in Jimin's lap and faced your best friend.
"Are you staying with me tonight?" he asks.
"No, I'll be staying with Jimin for awhile," you reply. Suho nods, smirks at you, and returns to his spot.
"Alright. We'll get right on finding those men," says Officer Song. He bows before leaving the room.
"Okay, then. You're both already checked out so we can get to the Bighit building right away," says Namjoon. You and Jimin nod sullenly and grab your things, following them out of the door and out the hospital.
Hope you guys enjoyed! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.
Also, if you couldn't tell, this was mostly a filler episode. They'll be more interesting soon, I promise!
Bye friends~~<3
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