"So what would you like to do tonight?" Anne asks as we speed down the highway in her red ram truck.
"What about the club?" I ask, shifting my attention from the window to Anne.
"As much as I'd love to show you off as my submissive, somehow I think Jonathan would object," Anne teases with a wink.
"Oh, I um, humm," I blabber, feeling my cheeks heat. "I meant don't you have to work?"
"I know what you meant Izzy, and there are advantages to being the boss you know?" She chides. "But the real question is what are we doing tonight?"
"I don't know?" I mumble picking at my seatbelt. "What do you want to do?"
"I've got it!" She announces pulling off the highway and ending up in a shopping center. "We are doing junk food and movies. Jack's been dying for a lazy day, perfect choice."
"You? Being lazy?" I ask, raising a brow. Anne is the epitome of a going concern, there's a long running joke among the staff at Bliss that she's incapable of sitting still.
"I can do nothing if I want," she scoffs, leading the way into the supermarket. We head directly over to the candy section where Anne begins to toss items in the cart. I watch as gummy worms, Swedish berries, and sour patch kids soon join chocolate almonds, twizzlers and junior mints.
"How long are we watching movies for?" I tease.
Anne arches a brow at me and purses her lips. "If I'm going to do nothing, i'm going to do it my way, which means not running out, now where are the chips and chocolate milk?"
With a cart full of enough junk food to put us into diabetic comas we check out. Anne steps up to pay and I say nothing as the cashier silently judges up while ringing up our order.
After shoving it all in the backseat Anne snaps a quick selfie with the haul before heading off. A moment later my cell goes off.
Jack: For the love of all that is holy, hide and save me those sour patch kids!
I can't hold back my giggle at his desperate plea.
Me: I'll see what I can do.
"Is my brat conspiring with you already?" She asks, having not missed my occupied state.
"Hmm?" I mumble, not wanting to get him in trouble.
"Call pup," Anne orders and her truck dials.
"Yes my Goddess?" Jack answers sickly sweet.
"Well that does it, now I know you're up to no good," Anne chides. "Spill."
"I don't know what you mean," he drawls. I have to bite my lip to not laugh, but the look on Ann's face is hard to ignore.
"Yes you do," she grumbles. "Play your game pup, see how far you can get but you're not allowed to drag Izzy down with you."
Jack gasps dramatically, "you wound me!" Giggles sound in the background, suggesting the bar staff at least is there.
"Not yet..."
"Promises, promises," he teases, back to his flirty tone.
"Don't burn down the bar, but when it slows down come home and leave Tony and the rest to close." Anne smiles to herself as she talks, showing just how content she makes him.
All I do is worry Jonathan...
"I'll see what I can do," he agrees then hangs up. A second later my phone vibrates again.
Jack: I'm counting on you, don't let me down!
"He's still at it eh?" Anne muses. "I don't need any confirmation, I'll deal with him later." A sinister smile slips on her lips as we pull back on the highway.
Anne left me to settle in and make some calls. Her guest room is only a bit smaller than my room at Jonathan's but still bigger than my apartment bedroom.
Given her tastes I would have expected darker decor but instead everything is soft with a pastel colour scheme. There is a reading nook set up in the bow window with a bench and tons of cushions.
After unpacking I curl up on the window seat with a book from the shelf. I don't get very far into Alice in Wonderland before the sunlight lulls me to sleep.
I stir feeling myself being tucked in and smile, my eyes fluttering open looking for Jonathan but Anne comes into focus. She pulls the quilt up and tucks the hair behind my ear.
"Go back to sleep," she murmurs, bopping my nose. "I'll wake you up in an hour or so... what's wrong?"
Anne's brows knit in concern, leaving me confused until I feel the first tear run down my cheek. She wipes it away and takes a seat.
"I don't know," I whimper. Sniffing and wiping my eyes with the back of my hand. "I was happy here, reading my book..."
"Honey, you're just in a low, it'll pass," she coos, wrapping her arm around me. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"I screwed up," I wail as the tears begin to flow freely. Sobs wrack my body as I break down, admitting my failure.
"Shhh, honey you don't screw up," she whispers, holding me tightly. "Everything will be okay."
"What if it's not?" I wail feeling my chest tighten painfully. "Everything was going so well then I went and messed it up! I couldn't give him what he wanted."
"Izzy, Izzy," Anne whispers, gathering me onto her lap and wrapping me up in the blanket.
She rocks us slightly and rubs my back, giving me a chance to try and get my emotions back into check. After a moment my breathing evens out and my tears subside some.
"There you go, you're safe Izzy, I've got you. Jonathan isn't going anywhere. You didn't mess up," She says, her voice soft and unwavering.
"But nothing," Anne cuts in, ending my protest. Her voice is soft but firm and laced with convictions. "Izzy, you are the total package for him."
"You weren't there," I counter, feeling my stomach twist as I recall last night. "I'm broken. I'm useless-"
"Izabella Turner!" Anne chides, freezing me in place. "You know better than that!"
"You're none of those things. You had a setback, but things will get better," Anne promises. "Honey, what you went through is something no one should have, but you've come so far."
Tears once again stream down my cheeks, and it feels like something breaks within me. I melt into her comforting embrace and just listen.
"I'm so proud of you and I know Jonathan is too. You don't see the effect you've had on him but I do," she says.
I sit up and look through my watery eyes at her but Anne just smiles at me.
"You make him a better man. I don't know if I've ever seen him so happy before, and that is thanks to you." Anne sighs and wipes my tears away. "But you know what's really important to him?"
"What?" I ask hanging on her every word.
"Keeping your promises," she says, holding out her cell for me.
I see Jonathan's number on the screen, and realize what she means. Taking it from her I hit call and wait, holding my breath for him to answer. By the fourth ring doubt creeps into me.
Of course he won't answer, he's got more important things to worry about.
Just as I give up and go to hang up I hear the line pick up and my breath hitches. I hear muffled voices that end when a door clicks shut.
"Is everything okay? How is she?" Jonathan asks, his voice strained. It's the last straw and I break.
"Jonathan," I whimper.
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