Chapter 5: Security Sorce
When I am silent, I have thunder hidden inside.
"Don't lie to me," Mitch said, calmly, cutting off Zach. It was always scary when he was calm.
"It was just some kids at school. Messing around that's all," Zach said.
"Did you watch?"
"Yeah, it was alright," Zach shrugged. Alright? I glanced at Zach, and he gulped, so I looked back at Mitch, and he was looking at me.
"It was boring being left in the dust," I whispered, and he nodded before walking to the door.
"You know a lot about that don't you?" Mitch asked, and it stung because he was talking about our mom leaving us. "I'm going for drinks with the guys. When I get back I want this whole house clean."
"Yes, Sir," Zach said, and Mitch walked out. I liked it when our father would leave. Especially, when he would go out to drink because he would come back drunk. When Mitch was drunk, he was much nicer, and he'd never hit us. Unless we killed his buzz then he'd sober up.
In three hours we finished cleaning the whole house; it was already midnight. I went to my room and pulled out my English homework. I always tried to finish the majority of my homework at school.
That way I didn't have to do much when I was home. And so I could have free time but most of that free time went into cleaning or running errands for Mitch.
Once I finished my homework, Mitch was still gone, and I knew he wasn't going to be home till three in the morning. Zach was already asleep, so I left to the gym. Zach arranged a fight for me soon, so I had to stay in shape.
"Ready?" Razor asked. Razor was the leader of The Black Scorpion. He's the one who took a chance on me and gave me my racing car. He's also the one who I bought my Camaro from.
I walked into a bar and the bouncers didn't even ID me. I must be in the right place. I walked in and there were other kids here, they looked about my age but none I've seen at school. That must be because I was on the Eastside. The Eastside was controlled by The Black Scorpion.
"We need drivers!' Razor shouted, so everyone could hear, and the kids flinched and even though I was already used to it, I still flinched.
"Why minors?" A guy who was sitting at one of the tables asked. He was cute, looked like a cute trouble maker.
"Becuase if you get caught by the cops, most likely they'll let you slide," another guy answered.
"And if they don't?" A girl with a mean look asked.
"Then they don't and with the money, you earned from the job, you use it to bail yourself out," Razor told us. "First, a race. The first three winners get the job. Those who lose will stay quiet about this. If they don't... serious damages will be done."
Everyone looked at each other but since I was sitting farther away, no one paid attention to me. The race was happening today, so we all got up but Razor stopped me.
"Who are you?" a guy asked as Razor held onto my arm. I wanted to wince, but I stayed quiet.
"A racer?" Razor asked, so I nodded.
"Do you speak or are you a narc?" The guy that was next to Razor asked as he let go of my arm. I held my finger out and the guy grabbed it. "You want me to pull your finger or chop it off?"
"How about taking the time and talking to her," a girl said. "Let go." Her voice was stern and from how fast the guy let go, it held power. I pulled out my phone, but they pulled out their guns. I dropped my phone and ducked.
"Get up!" The guy yelled.
"Stop yelling and put your guns away. Obviously, she's never seen one. You'll give her a heart attack for crying out loud," she told them, and I felt a hand on my should, making me flinch. "I'm not going to hurt you. Why don't you stand up, darling."
She had a bit of a southern accent. I thought it was pretty cool. I stood up but kept looking down until the guy that was standing next to Razor held out a tissue.
"Didn't mean to scare you. Just really hate narcs," he said, so I nodded and grabbed the tissue. I hadn't realized my cheeks were stained with tears. I wasn't sobbing, but I did feel tears in my eyes. "Maybe you should go home. This life isn't for everybody."
"Mainly not for softies," Razor said, and they walked out with the drivers.
"That's Billy. I'm Sophia but most call me Sophie. It's nice to meet you. How 'bout I take you home?" She offered, but I shook my head and picked up my phone from the ground. I started typing, so I could show her.
I came to do this, and I'm not leaving until I do. I'm a great driver.
"Okay, if you say so," she nodded. "What about your name?"
I didn't want to lie to her, but I also didn't want to tell her my first name, so I told her my middle name. "Well, Kara, you best get out there before they leave you." I nodded and walked out. The guy that I thought was kind of cute got out of a car and went into another. The car he got out of was the only one left, so I got into it.
"Good luck," the cute guy smiled, so I smiled back and nodded. "You're gonna need it." By the time he finished speaking, he was smirking, so I turned back to the front of me.
"First three. Those who lose, lose. End of discussion. I don't want no bullshit!" Razor shouted to all the drivers. We started our cars and went to the lineup. There were four in front and four in the back. It'll be hard to go from eight to one of the three, but I don't really have a choice. "There are two heavy bags in the car. Bring them to the drop-off and you're in."
I'm only doing this for Zach and I, so we can have money. Money for food or clothes. It feels embarrassing showing up to school with last year's clothes and holes in our shoes while everyone else has brand new clothes and nice sneakers.
"When the gunshot goes off... so do you!" Billy said and pulled out his gun and looked at all the drivers. He stayed looking at me and shot the gun. This time I didn't flinch. Wouldn't be the first time I heard a gun. Earlier, he had just caught me off guard.
We started driving and the 'cute guy' was starting to piss me off. He kept bumping my car. These old pieces of metal won't make it across the finish line if he kept doing that. There was a turning point but if he hit me hard enough, I'd fly off the cliff.
"Careful that guy has killed before!" the girl that I thought had a mean look said. She took off driving, so I started picking up speed to get away but it wasn't going as fast as the others. The turning point was coming and finally, my car sped up.
That guy kept trying to hit me, so I kept swerving. I had enough of his crap. I slammed on my break and he crashed into me. I looked in my rearview mirror, and he hit his head on the steering wheel.
This old piece of crap gave out. I tried starting it again but it just kept sputtering. I hit my steering wheel out of anger and tried the key in the ignition but nothing happened.
I got out of my car and went to the back to get the bags. I wasn't that far, and I was a fast runner. I can make it. I opened the bags, and I couldn't believe it.
Cat food?
The bags were of dry food so despite them being thirty pounds each, they were light. I closed the bag and picked it up. There were two cat food bags in each duffel bag, and I picked them up. "Get in. I'll drive you." The guy said, but I shook my head. "It's only fair after what I kept doing to you. Hurry up!" I put the bags in the back seat and closed the door, but he drove off.
"You son of a bitch," I mumbled and started running. I kept passing by the drivers that were supposed to make it to the drop-off. All their cars were steaming. They must have overheated. I ran as fast as if could and stopped in my tracks as I saw that son of a bitch.
I opened the back seat and took my bags out. I started running, but I could feel myself running slower because of the bags. That son of a bitch drove off, and I was so mad. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, and I made it to the drop-off. I dropped the bag on the floor, and I was breathing heavy, but I silenced my deep breaths.
"Boom!" Billy shouted. "And the bombs blew up." I shook my head.
"We have our three," Razor said, but I wasn't apart of the three. I shook my head, again. "I don't wanna hear no bullshit."
"Better luck next time," that son o a bitch said, smugly. I rushed him and punch him. He was doubled my size, but I didn't care. They pulled me off of him, but I punch Billy because he grabbed me, and he fell back.
I went after the guy whose fault it was. He was already coming after me, but I ducked as he threw a punch. Some of the guys were cheering as they were drinking their beer.
"Stop them before someone gets hurt!" Sophia said. She was nice to me, so I stopped. I stood up straight but still had my fists clutched.
"So she's not completely feral," Billy said and spat out the blood from his mouth. "That's some right arm you got there."
"Get out," Razor said and glared at me. I looked at Sophia, and she shook her head as Razor stood in her way. I nodded and mouthed 'I'm sorry' to her and walked out. I went through the bar and out through the front door.
"You're a helluva driver," another guy said and handed me a towel. He had a beard alongside a gut. He also had a black leather jacket on with a patch on the side that read 'Ron'. He smelt like cigarettes and beer. I wiped my blood off my mouth and held the towel out before shaking it a little and putting it in my pocket. "Smart." I nodded.
"So what's your deal?" Another guy asked.
"I'm Jose. That's Josh and that's Aaron," the third guy said. Josh was on the younger side with tattoos that went up to his left arm and to me, it looked like it went to the left side of his neck where three spikes pointed out. Jose was tanner than Josh and didn't have any tattoos. He looked Mexican and from his name, I assumed he was. "What's wrong with you?"
"Are you deaf or something?" Aaron, the one who handed me the towel asked. I guess Ron stood for Aaron.
"No. If she was deaf she wouldn't have heard Sophie telling her to stop," Josh noticed. "Are you mute?"
I nodded.
They seemed happy to finally know what was 'wrong' with me.
"I thought I told you to leave?" Razor asked as he walked from behind me.
"She was. I just felt bad. Thought she was thirsty," Aaron said and handed me a water.
"Thank you," I mouthed, and he nodded. I started walking away, and I noticed the water bottle had a paper tucked into the water bottle wrapper. I got it out once I was far away from the bar and it had an address on it.
1 week. 6:30 am. 2874 Huckle street. The drop is there if you want to be there too. Bring a car if you can get one but the way you drive tells me that's not a problem. I see something in you, Kid. I'm never wrong.
Later that week, I stole a fast car, and I was ready for the drop. My father, on the other hand, was also ready. He was supposed to bust them, so I found out all the routes they'd be at and remembered them. I was close enough to the drop off because I couldn't get too close without them knowing. I heard gunshots, so I started driving towards the sound.
I saw Peter, the cute guy that I call son of a bitch; Sonya, the girl that I thought looked mean, and another boy named Liam. People put duffle bags into Liam's car and loaded themselves in so he drove off.
Sonya drove off once everything was loaded. The gunshots were getting more intense, and I saw Peter drive off before anything was loaded into his car.
The guys that were supposed to get in looked at the car as it drove off. Razor pulled out his gun and tried shooting after it. I drove to where he was, and he was with Billy, Josh, Jose, and Aaron.
The other guys loaded my car and got in, but Razor didn't. He kept looking at me and the sirens started getting louder, so I honked. My heart started racing with the adrenaline that was running through my system. "Get the fuck in the car, brother," Billy said.
"Get in the car!" Josh yelled and Jose started praying in Spanish. Razor didn't get in the car, but I wasn't leaving until he did.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, so I looked forward.
"She's here to save our ass, but she can't do that if we get busted! Now, get in the car before I drag your ass in!" Aaron yelled at him, and he got in the car, so I started to drive off.
"I still want to know," Razor said.
"Well, you won't get to know. She doesn't talk," Aaron told him.
"She's mute," Josh informed him.
"You don't talk?" Razor asked, so I shook my head. "Then we might be great friends. There are two things I hate in this world. One, snitches. Number two, pussy's." He pointed in the direction Peter took off, and I nodded.
"Which do you hate?" Billy asked, so I nodded and they laughed. "I think you'll be great, kid." I avoided all the roads where the cops were going to be set up and made it to where I was supposed to be.
I got off but the guys didn't. I went to another car and got inside. I had this here for this reason. I pulled up to their car, so they all got out and got in.
"Can't tell if that was smart or stupid," Razors said, so I flipped the switch to the police scanner. The police were looking for the other car. I looked at Razor, and he looked out the car window. His cheeks look a little puffed out, so I knew he was smiling. He started laughing which made the other guys laugh, so I turned back to drive.
"It's good to laugh," Jose said, so I nodded. "What's with the nods?"
"How else do you want her to answer?" Josh asked. I pulled into the bar, and they got off. "You're not gonna help?" I got off and grabbed two duffle bags. They were heavy, but I kept a straight face while I walked in.
I followed Razor into the bar and a different guy grabbed the bags from me and followed Razor. I heard groaning, so I looked to my right as the rest of the guys walked passed me and saw Sonya groaning in pain. She had gotten shot.
"Where's Peter?" Billy asked.
"I tried going back to save him, but I got shot, so I had to leave. I had to run," she said. "He was shot pretty bad." I ran out of the bar and got into my car. I backed out and put the car in drive. Razor and Billy got into the car, so I started to drive. I turned on the police scanner and heard his location.
"You want to drive to where the cops are? We just left them," Razor said, so I unlocked the car and Billy laughed.
Billy reminded me a lot of James. Good looking and the way he speaks is always like a flirt. I heard him talking in the bar to one of the waitresses, and he's young too.
Razor, on the other hand, was hard to figure out but he was young like Billy. I was an eighth-grader, so I wasn't sure if he was in high school, but they looked young enough that they could've been.
"She's funny," Billy said, and I pulled up to Peter and Sonya's car. They were right next to each other. Razor and Billy got out. Billy went to get the stuff out of Sonya's car and Razor went to get Peter.
"Karma's a bitch," Razor told Peter and helped him into my car. Peter was shot on the neck. I opened the trunk and got out the extra gas in my car. I only knew about it because I checked the car before I stole it.
I poured the gasoline in both cars and hot-wired Sonya's car, and her car caught on fire. I took my hair tie off and touch it with the fire. Once it caught on fire, I tossed it into Peter's car, and his car ignited.
There were at least six cop cars coming, so I drove off. Billy shot out three of them before he ran out of bullets. I was driving faster, so I looked at my speed. I was pushing a hundred. My body was shaking with all this adrenaline, and I was scared. But I didn't want to be scared.
I decided at this moment that I wouldn't be scared of this feeling because it almost felt like I was alive. I felt like I was riding from death... or riding towards it. Whatever it was, I would live off of this feeling and be alive. It was a stupid choice but it was my own.
"You have to drop him at the hospital," Billy said. I drove to the bridge and unlocked the door. I pointed to the bridge, but they didn't understand. I opened Razors door and unbuckled his seat belt.
"Are you kicking me out?" He asked. I touched Peters's stomach where most of his blood was as he was holding his neck.
I wrote in Peter's blood and Razor understood. He got out of the car. "Make sure he lives," Billy told me, so I nodded, and they both jumped with the bags. I heard water splashing, so I drove off to the hospital and pulled peter out.
"Why?" Peter asked, but I didn't answer him. Instead, I pulled up my hoodie and walked in. The doctors rushed him and got him, so I left. I walked out and once I turned the corner I started running.
"Get on," someone said and my heart stopped until I saw Aaron. I got on his Harley, and he drove back to the bar. When we walked in, Razor stood up.
Him and Billy were shirtless probably because they landed in the water. I looked away and looked at Sonya. She looked better. Shot. But better.
Razor looked pissed off. "So you're telling me that Liam out of my three drivers was the only one to make it back from the drop and someone who didn't even win the race brought not only her load, because it was never hers to begin with, back. Along with the people he was supposed to take and got us back. She went back for Peter after he sabotaged her in the race and got Sonya's load for us to bring back."
"Didn't she leave you?" Sonya asked, interrupting Razor.
"No. She got us to a location where we can come back. They were after the car, not us," Billy said.
"You know what?" Razor asked. "Fuck Peter. She'll be my third driver."
"You're an okay driver. How'd you learn?" Billy asked and everyone laughed, so I looked down, letting my hair curtain my face.
"Here," Jose said and handed me a laptop.
"When you type, it'll show up on the screen above the bar," Josh said. I looked at the keyboard in confusion and pressed the letter K before looking at Jose in confusion.
"Oh my god. She doesn't know how to type," Jose said in a panic. I laughed, slightly and began typing.
I needed money for me and my brother, so I started boosting cars and selling them or the parts.
"Where's your family?" Aaron asked.
I should get going. I have school. Good thing it's a late start.
They laughed, so I smiled and walked out. "Wait," Sophia said. "You should change before you go." I looked at my clothes and nodded.
We went to a back room, and she handed me a hoodie and a pair of jeans. When she handed them to me, I saw a small, red dot on the inside of her arm. I wasn't stupid, I knew what it was. My mom had the same ones.
"Thank you," I signed in Sign language, and she mimicked it.
"What is that? Thank you?" She asked, so I nodded.
~End of Flashback~
I arrived at Razors Bar, but he grabbed his jacket and told me to follow him.
"You should tell her," Jose said, so I walked to the bar. I knocked on the counter, and they looked at me. "She deserves to know."
"No, she doesn't. Not now at least," Billy said. "No one says anything until after."
"Come on!" Razor shouted from outside, so I left the bar and walked outside, but he was getting in his car. I stood in front of his car, waiting for him to tell me where we were going. "We're going to a new gym. One in your home town. Green Hills," he answered, and I got into my car as he got into his. "I'll race you."
We took off in our cars and started racing. I knew better than to win, so I pulled back a little and let him lead the way. He honked twice, so I knew he was laughing.
We trained and went home, but Mitch still wasn't home yet, and I was kind of happy as I went to sleep in somewhat a peaceful state.
I started to doze off but my phone rang. I turned my lamp on and answered the phone. I don't talk when I answer, I just listen. If it's important then they'll speak.
"Hello, this is Westerns Day Hospital. My name is Charlotte, I'm a nurse here, and I believe I'm speaking to Mae. It says right here that you don't speak, so I'll continue with what I was going to say. Your father was in an accident. He was drunk driving and landed in the hospital. We did everything we could, but I'm so sorry. Unfortunately, he didn't make it. He died tonight at one fifty-five in the morning. I'm so sorry for your loss, but you will need to come in tomorrow at eleven-thirty in the morning." She stopped talking, so I hung up. I processed what she said, but I didn't cry. I felt... relieved. I don't know if that was normal, but I couldn't believe that he was finally dead.
I got out of bed and went to Zach's room. I knocked but got no response, so I decided to walk in. It was dark in here, so I turned on the light. He looked peaceful sleeping. I felt bad that I was gonna wake him up.
"Zach, wake up." He started to stir awake "Zach, wake up," he jumped out of bed and pointed a gun at me. I heard a click, and I froze. I didn't know what to do. Since when did he sleep with a gun?
"Mae, I'm so sorry." He put the gun on safety and set it down on his nightstand then came to hug me "I'm sorry, Mae. I didn't know it was you. I thought you were Mitch." I pulled away to look at him.
"What were you planning on doing?" I asked.
"I'm tired of Mitch," that's all he said. "Are you okay?"
"I'm okay. Good thing you didn't pull the trigger," I chuckled, humorlessly, trying to lighten the mood. It wouldn't have been the first or second or third time. It'd be the fourth time but that's a story for another time.
"What happened? Is Mitch home?" He asked and went to his drawer to put another pair of pants on. Just in case of another beating.
"I have some... news, and I don't know how your gonna take it," I whispered, and he chuckled as he put the pants back in his drawer.
"What? Is dad dead?" He laughed and kept rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes. He stopped rubbing his eyes and looked at me when I stayed quiet. He saw my face, so I nodded. "Shut up." He didn't believe me. He sat down on his bed and took in the information.
He started crying, so I went to comfort him. I started rubbing his back in soothing circles, and he kept crying. I didn't know he would be sad enough to cry because of everything that's happened. I didn't even cry.
He stopped, looked at me and smiled then started laughing. To say I was confused would be putting it mildly. I think he's gone mad.
"We're finally free, Mae!" he pulled me up and hugged me tightly. I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he was being, but I was happy too.
We're free.
"We still have to go to the hospital tomorrow." He stopped hugging me and gave me a confused look, so I continued. "I don't know exactly what for. Maybe to pick up his belongings? I don't know, but we have to go at eleven-thirty so no school."
"Do you think the police would investigate us?" Zach asked.
"What for?" I asked, and he shrugged. "A cop dies from a car accident because he was drinking and driving doesn't exactly call for an investigation," I told him, and he understood.
"Drinking and driving?" Zach asked.
"Why?" I nodded.
"I was just wondering. The irony," he said and I nodded again. "Do you wanna watch a movie until we fall asleep?"
"Yeah," I said. He went to pick out a movie, and I laid on his bed. "Does that mean you'll finally talk in public? Or does it not work like that?"
"I don't know. Hopefully. Usually, his words come back to me. Did you pick a movie out yet?" I yawned.
"Yeah. Maybe you can test it out tomorrow," I just nodded and got comfortable. Before I realized, I started dozing off. I didn't even get to know the movie. "Goodnight, Mae."
For the first time in ten years, I had a dreamless sleep, completely silent. Well, that was until I jumped up and smelt a fire. I ran out of the room and into the kitchen where I saw my brother covered in white from the fire extinguisher. I went into a laughing fit but stopped when he sprayed me.
"Hey! What was that for? It's not my fault you can't cook." I laughed.
"You never taught me," he sprayed the fire once more and huffed while he sat down at the table.
"I tried. You didn't want to learn."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," he said, squinting my eyes. I looked at the clock and it read ten-thirty.
"I'm gonna take a shower. Clean this up and get dressed."
"What?! You're not gonna help me?"
"Oh no, you did the mess, now you clean it up," and with that said I left before he could beg and I'll give in.
I couldn't help but wonder if I would be able to speak to the world without being scared of what they'll say or if I'll still hear Mitch's words in my head. I think it would be nice to speak with my voice. Especially, to Damien.
Yeah, you would like that.
I got out of the shower and went into my closet. I still had to hide because of my bruises, so I chose a black shirt and sweater with jeans and my high tops. I left my hair down to air dry. It was a basic and simple outfit.
I checked my phone and it was already eleven, so I went to check if the kitchen was clean and to my surprise, it was clean. I grabbed an apple because I didn't really have an appetite.
"Ready?" He asked while getting a banana for himself. I nodded and grabbed my keys. We headed to my car and got in. "I guess you can park your car in the driveway now." No more hiding my car. Things will be weird from now on.
It's a huge change. I don't like change, but I think I'll love this one. I drove off, and we made it to the hospital just in time.
"We were supposed to be here at eleven-thirty for Mitch Anderson. I'm his son, Zachary and this is my sister Mae." The girl at the desk started to type on the computer and went to grab a stack of papers.
"Fill these papers out and you can get his belongings then you have to I.D the body." We just nodded, and I grabbed an extra clipboard and pen.
"This is a lot," Zach whined. I was gonna say something out loud but when I opened my mouth, the girl that was sitting next to Zach looked at me, and I heard his voice in my head.
You're worthless.
You'll never be anything more than a waste of space; a burden to everyone.
"Hey, Mae, it's okay you don't have to. Baby steps," I nodded and split the stack in half.
We finished the stack of papers and got Mitch's belongings before we had checked his body. It made everything so much more real that he was dead. When we walked out, I checked my phone and the time was three-thirty in the afternoon. We spent hours in the hospital. I got a ping on my phone and it read:
Someone tried hacking me. Activate for more information. -L
"Hey, someone tried hacking Lexi. Activate her when we get in the car," I whispered to my brother, so he nodded. I unlocked the car doors, and we got in. I started the car, so Zach could activate her. When he did, she spoke.
"Someone tried hacking my system. They didn't get far."
"Was that all they tried to do?" Zach did all the talking. He knew I didn't like anyone hearing my voice. It was an anxiety thing. I didn't want to speak because I wasn't sure if they hacked my system so they can hear my voice.
"Find out who it was."
"It will take one minute," She said, so I started to drive off to Razors bar. Razor wanted us to come here because he wanted to talk to us.
"They got Mae's phone number. It is a high possibility that they will contact her. The user's address was Ryan The Serpent's Gang Hacker."
Wow, that's so subtle.
"Okay, thank you. Lexi, deactivate please."
"You're welcome. Deactivating," we got off the car once I parked in the parking lot and headed into the bar. Once we sat at our usual spot in a secluded area, the waitress came up to us.
"The usual?" She asked, and we nodded our heads. She wrote it down before she left. I got a ping, so I checked it and it was a message.
Hey is this Mae? This is Damien. -D
So the rumor about him being in a gang is true. That also means that he really is the gang leader of The Serpents. I wasn't scared of him because he didn't seem like a bad guy. I just hope I'm not wrong.
"Is it the one who tried to hack Lexi?"
"Yeah. Damien." I text back, but I like to mess around a little so...
No, this is Bae. What do you want? -M
I'm not just gonna let him off that easily. He tried to hack Lexi.
Haha real funny. -D
Thanks, I get that a lot. Did you need something? -M
Yeah, I wanted to know if you were okay because you didn't come to school today.-D
Was he worried about me? Or was he just naturally nosy?
Yeah, I'm okay. -M
Are you sure? -D Gotta change the subject.
How'd you get my number? -M
Just asked around. -D Sure he did.
Really? Cause the only other person who knows my number is Zach, and he's been with me all day. -M
Oh, and not to mention some software of mine tried to get hacked. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you? -M
I gotta go. Text you later. -D Yeah, that's what I thought. I handed Zach the phone, so he could read the texts.
"Yeah, for a gang leader, he's very subtle," I told my brother, and we just laughed. The food came, so we ate
I wondered why thee Damien King would be worried about me.
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