Chapter 4: Sacred Saying
It hurts, but it's okay... I'm used to it.
"I'm gonna drive when we go downtown. We're gonna get off the car, and they're gonna tell us some rules. When we get back to the car you're gonna get in the driver's seat, and I'll get in the passenger's seat, but you'll go to the back seat, so I can hop in the driver's seat, win the race, then I'll get out of the driver's seat and into the passenger seat, then you'll get back in the drivers seat."
"You could have just said we'll switch seats before and after we race," Zach said.
I blinked at him.
"I'm rethinking of giving you that car. I could just sell the parts," I deadpanned.
"Okay, sounds like a plan." He said, so I nodded.
"I saw two rats sneaking into the library. Thought I'd see what was up," I heard from the next aisle and knew who it was.
"Are you the second rat," I asked when I stood in front of James.
"I like to think of myself as more of a lion," he said. "You know, the king of his kingdom. The mighty fighter. The Protector. The-"
"We get it," Zach interrupted.
"If you want to make out, just say something," James said and walked closer to Zach. Zach pushed him away and held out his hand, telling him to stop.
"Five feet apart 'cause we're not gay," Zach sang, and we laughed. "I've always known you wanted to make out with me."
"I think you got that twisted," James said. "But I need a book, so I'll see you two rats later."
"Must be looking in the mirror," I signed, but he was already walking away.
"If I can't see what you sign, I don't know what you're saying," James teased. "See you in AP Spanish." We started walking off, and I went into my Spanish class.
"Hola, Mi Amor," James whispered in my ear with perfect Spanish.
"Is that the only thing you've mastered?" I asked, and he smirked. "In Spanish."
"Pretty much," James nodded, and I took my seat. "It works well with the ladies. Am I right?!" He asked a group of girls who were talking but no one answered him, so he sat down.
"Times like those are when I wish I didn't know you," I joked, and he stuck his tongue at me.
"James?" Our teacher asked so he sat up, quickly.
"I didn't do anything. If you saw something, wasn't me," James blurted. "I have a twin. Identical, actually. His name is Juan. He does stupid shi-tuff does stupid shituff." Everyone laughed including me. Except, mine was more silent.
This ladies and gentlemen... was James in his natural habitat. If he gets called on randomly when he's not paying attention, he'll blurt out stupid... shituff.
"I was just taking attendance," she said, and James released a shaky breath.
"Great! Just getting my anxiety all worked up," James said and everyone laughed along with a couple of 'Mood's being said.
"Great way to start the period," I told him with a thumbs-up as the teacher continued with attendance. He sighed and sunk into his seat.
"Ugh. So much for Mr. Cool Guy," James muttered. James was actually super popular and occasionally, funny so people enjoyed being around him.
He thought if he was outgoing people would like him and that's exactly what happened. But in middle school, he was a quiet, nerdy boy who hung out with a mute and another nerdy boy. That other nerdy boy being Zach.
"It's okay. Everyone already knows you're cool," I told him. "Cool as ice."
"And hot like spice," he said making me laugh, silently. The teacher finished attendance and passed out the worksheets.
"It's a syllabus along with a Get To Know Me. Have your parents sign the syllabus. You can put that away and start working on the Get To Know Me." Our teacher said so we started working.
"I'm bored," James said and grabbed my paper. "I fill out yours, you fill out mine."
"Likes to eat all day long. And sleep. Shit and repeat. All done," James said.
I grabbed my paper from him, scared that he actually wrote that down, but he hadn't written anything yet. He grabbed the paper back from me and laughed.
"Real funny," I signed, quickly.
"I thought so."
"Favorite color: Black. Like her soul," James read off, and I nodded in approval.
"That's right," I agreed. "Favorite thing to do: Jack off," I signed, and he nodded.
"That's right," he agreed.
"Okay, seriously this time," I told him, and he groaned.
"Favorite food: Asada fries from Jenny's Diner," James said, quietly. "Favorite color: Grey. Even though it's not really a color. Favorited hobby: Murder people on the weekend."
I bumped his shoulder, and he laughed.
"Less chatting and more working," Our teacher said to us and gave us that teacher look.
"Just kidding. Favorite hobby: fighting and racing on the weekend," he said and my heart dropped. He never knew that about me.
"What?" I asked. He kept writing, so he didn't know when I signed.
"I know you're moving, so I'm just gonna guess on what you're signing. It wasn't that hard to figure out. I just wish you could have told me," he said and the fire alarm went off.
Or was that just in my head?
"Don't lie. I'd rather you be honest with me. Honesty won't ruin our friendship, but I guess you wouldn't know anything about that. Now would you," he signed and walked out. "I don't feel so well." He told the teacher. I looked at the teacher, but she shook her head, so I couldn't go to him. I pulled out my phone and texted Zach. What a great first day.
AP Econ and AP English went by pretty quickly, considering, it was just about syllabus' and how the year was going to go. I kept thinking about what James said throughout all my classes.
I didn't know anyone in my classes but it was Study Hall now. I walked in and took my seat in the back of the class as I normally did.
The bell rang and in walked the boy that I didn't know and Bennett. I sat at a table of six and there were five seats available. Three in front of me and two on my left.
Although, no one did want to sit next to the mute so when they came and sat next to me, it was kind of nice.
Bennett's friend sat in front of me and Bennett next to him, both facing me. I tried to pay attention. I tried to listen to the teacher give instructions, but I felt him staring at me, so I looked at him, but he looked away.
I tried to listen to the teacher talk, but I felt him staring again, so I looked at him but this time he didn't look away. Instead, he smiled at me.
Well shit, dude, relax.
"Hi, I'm Damien King. What's your name?" He smiled. I smile back and pointed to the paper that had my name on it; he chuckled.
Which was a sexy ass chuckle. Not gonna lie. But he already knew my name from this morning when he told me bye. He's just trying to get me to speak.
"Do you remember me?" He asked as if I should have. I shook my head and looked over all of his features to see where I could have remembered him from. I looked forward, to try and remember him. "I was always excited to be a senior. Puts my last name to good use."
I sat down in English and a boy sat next to me. "Hi, I'm Damien King, do you mind if I sit?" He asked, so I shook my head.
"Pull out a sheet of paper," our teacher said, so we did.
"It sucks being a Freshman. Most people call us fresh meat. I can't wait until I'm a senior. Puts my last name to good use," he said.
~End of Flashback~
I knew who he was.
We had classes together freshman year. He was the only one that was nice to me and talked to me. Even walked me to some of my classes.
I never spoke to him but one day, I was coming to school with the determination of talking to him.
It was the last week of school, but he wasn't there. I asked my brother, and he said he moved away. I remembered going to my room and crying. He left like my mother left me, and he didn't even say goodbye.
I know that may have seemed childish to cry, but he was a close friend; slowly, I started to trust him, but he left, and I never heard from him.
I felt a soft tap on the desk, so I looked up. He was still smiling at me. I couldn't help but feel sad and a bit angry at him but it probably wasn't his fault he left.
Or he didn't want to be friends with you. You probably scared him off.
"Sorry that your brother has to lose his car," Damien said, but I thought it was funny. I looked at him, smiling and shook my head. I wrote on a piece of paper before handing it to him.
Don't be because he won't. Oh, and sorry about your friend.
"What do you mean?" He asked; I wrote on the paper again.
About the ticket and him losing his car. It'll be his third loss
1.) The first race.
2.) The rematch.
3.) His car.
He looked up from the note and smiled at me, but I was confused for a little bit until he spoke.
"Trust me, he won't lose to your brother again," I took the paper back and wrote on it again.
Yeah, that's probably what he thought the first time.
He laughed. The teacher stopped talking and told us to work on any work we had for other classes. The only work I had was the Get To Know Me from English.
I pulled out my worksheet but I couldn't work on it because I kept thinking about what James said.
"You're a thinker," Bennett said. I looked at him and he smiled. "What are you thinking about?"
"That must be exhausting," Damien said, and I shook my head.
Depending on what I'm thinking about. Most of the time I like it.
"Thinking stresses me out," Bennett chuckled and I smiled. I nodded in agreement. Some thinking stresses me out too.
The bell rang signaling the end of the day, and I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that we had to stop talking.
It was probably for the best. I couldn't trust anyone that wasn't Zach. I won't trust anyone.
I packed away my stuff and walked out of the classroom. When I walked out to the parking lot, I saw Ryder had parked his car next to mine.
There were groups of people that were waiting for us to leave; they didn't want to miss the race. I pulled out my phone and set it to notes, knowing they might want to talk to me.
"Where's your brother? Is he scared he's gonna lose?" Ryder asked, so I just shook my head. The front doors to the school opened, and Zach walked down the steps, coming up to us. "There you are, I thought you got scared."
"Scared? No, I'm thrilled. I get a new car today," Zach smirked but that just made Ryder mad.
"You're not winning, and I'm getting your Camaro."
"Suuure, let's just go. And same cars, no switching. Mae, can you drive there?" Zach asked. I nodded my head, playing it off.
"Alright," Ryder said and got into his car. We drove downtown and parked our cars. I made sure to drive slow and steady, but it was hard because my foot just wanted to press the gas down but it didn't.
I didn't want to show that it was me driving. We got out of our cars and there were about twenty cars parked and a big crowd to watch us leave.
"Bennett's at the finish line alongside others to see who wins," Ryder said. We just nodded and waited for him to continue. "There are three rules. That includes number one: no crashing into the other car, not even a bump. Number two: if you want to forfeit speak now." He waited for us to say anything which we didn't, so he continued. "And number three will finalize the race by saying 'I, Ryder lynch will hereby follow these rules, and I will race Zachary Anderson' now you say it, Zach."
The third rule was sacred in our town. It was believed that any racer who lied about the third rule when having someone else in the car shall never race again.
A bit extreme but a guy lied once. I say once because he was never able to lie again or do anything for that matter. He died on the race. Lying on the last rule brings bad luck. We found out a couple of other people who lied about the last rule while racing ended in the hospital.
I don't know what it is, but I hope to never find out.
I looked at my brother and shook my head. If anyone found out that it was me who raced even though Zach said the words, we could be in big trouble.
It's the number one rule for racing. You could lose your reputation for lying. You could lose your life if the bad luck caught you. Zach sighed and looked at Ryder and Damien.
"I can't," Zach said.
"Why not?" Ryder asked, genuinely confused. I look at Zach who was looking down at me and nodded.
"Tell them," I signed.
"Are you sure?" Zach asked, so I nodded. "It wasn't me who raced you this morning."
"What are you talking about? Anderson get in the driver's seat, we're racing," Ryder said, so I shrugged and started heading to the driver's seat until he stopped me. "What are you doing? I mean Anderson as in Zach."
"I told you it wasn't me who raced you this morning, it was Mae."
"I'm running low on patience," Ryder said.
"I'm serious, foo!" Zach said. "It's Mae's car. You're the one who assumed it was mine."
"Cut the crap I don't believe you," Ryder growled.
"Then let her prove it. Same deal applies."
"No way!" Ryder said without missing a beat.
"What? Scared that you're gonna get beaten by a girl?" Zach provoked.
"Fine. I guess you won't say the last rule?" He asked me, and I shook my head.
"She'll have to write it down," Damien said. He pulled out his backpack from Ryder's car, so I wrote down the last rule and signed my name. He grabbed it and looked it over.
He always dealt with my fights and races. I know what he is, but I wasn't worried about him matching my handwriting because when I have to sign for fights, I use my left hand. I'm ambidextrous so there's no way he can match them. They don't look the same, and he wouldn't recognize it in order to try to match them.
"We're racing around town." I just shrugged because it wouldn't be the first time. We headed to our cars, so I got in. Zach got in the passenger seat while Damien got into the passenger seat to Ryder's car.
"You got this Mae," Zach encouraged, and I nodded. Ryder revved his car, so I revved mine. Mine was still louder. He gulped. I knew he was nervous, but he was still trying to act cool. I don't plan on losing my car.
I heard the air horn, so I drove off and Ryder was still on the side of me, but he was a little bit ahead. We were coming into a narrow street, so I pressed furthermore on the gas. I was going 80 miles per hour, and he was now behind me.
We've been riding for about ten minutes, and we were so close to the finish line. He was ahead, but I didn't intend on letting him win. I was catching up, but he blocked me by moving to the left. He swerved left when I did and right when I did.
A car was pulling out of a parking lot, so I sped up and went to the left. He pulled back when the car came out so this time, I was ahead. I was close. Maybe a couple of seconds then I'll win.
He started catching up. He was close, but I pressed the pedal further down, going a hundred and twenty now. I looked to my right and saw Ryder through the back seat of the window. We both made it across the finish line.
"I won!" I shouted. "It looks like you get a new car. Consider it an early birthday gift."
"For real?!" He asked, so I nodded. "Duude, thank you!" I smiled and turned off the car. We got out and here came a fuming Ryder.
"How'd you win?! You cheated!" Ryder accused, so I shook my head. "If that car wouldn't have pulled out, I would have won."
"But it did and you didn't," Zach said, smugly. "She didn't cheat, she's just that good. Now, hand over the car. It's mine. You said just like that." Zach reminded Ryder.
"Five-O! RUN!" Someone from the crowd shouted so people went to their cars. Ryder and Bennett were the first to drive off while Damien was looking around. I got into my car and so did Zach.
"Get in the back, Damien's coming with us and when I signal you, activate her."
"Damn it." Zach groaned. "Fine. You know, I should be the one driving!" He moved the seat forward and got in the back.
"But you're not; I am," I said, smugly, and he flipped me off.
I started the car as heard the sirens. My car kept pinging because the cops were near. I lowered the volume so it wasn't that loud and backed up to where Damien was still standing. Like an idiot, I may add. I rolled down my window and looked at him, and he was just looking at me.
What the hell's wrong with him?
I shook my head and gave him a look that says 'why the hell are you just standing there?' "Get in!" Zach yelled at him, and Damien finally moved.
"Thanks, I can't believe those assholes just left me," I just nodded and drove off. The cops were on my ass, so I looked at my brother. Giving him a look that said 'just wait until they bust my ass why don't you."
"You told me to wait," Zach said.
"Wait for what?" Damien asked, and I gave Zach an incredulous look.
"Lexi, activate" Zach demanded, and she turned on.
"Who's Lexi?" Damien asked.
"Her car."
"There are five cop cars three blocks away; four two blocks away and three are following you at the moment. They're setting up roadblocks on Annadale, North, and Chester Avenue."
"They're trying to block you in," Damien said.
"Intruder," Lexi said.
"No!" Zach said. "That's Damien King."
"Damien King, creator and fou-"
I honked my horn and that muted Lexi. I kept my hand on the horn.
"Lexi, help us escape," Zach said, distracting her.
"Gaining Maximum speed would increase your chances of escaping," Lexi informed me. "You have fifteen seconds."
"No! No way! Your max speed is two hundred. You can't drive that fast, there's traffic!" Damien shouted. "I don't know you that well! You can crash."
"Mae's a good driver," Zach said. "And Lexi's never been wrong before."
"There's been more times?" Damien asked, giving me a crazed look.
"Ten seconds, Mae," Lexi said. I listened to her and went faster. I kept dodging cars, and they kept honking at me.
I followed her instructions and saw my storage unit. I had two: one for my racing car and one for times like this. I opened it with the controller and drove in. I turned off the car and got out, followed by the boys.
"Why do I get the feeling that wasn't your first car chase?" Damien asked, so I shrugged and pretended I didn't know what he was talking about.
I had a fridge here and some chairs. I also had this box of different license plates but it was labeled family photos. There was a photo album in there but it was empty. Kinda like our real family. If you could even call it that.
When you lifted the photo album, you could see the license plates that are underneath. This wasn't the first time this has happened or the second or the third. Okay, we've done this a few times. I pulled out my phone and texted Zach
Ask him if he wants anything to drink. -M
Okay is there beer? I want one -Z
You just got out of school. -M
Don't be judgemental ive had a long day -Z
It's not even 3:30. -M
It is somewhere -Z
There's a couple left. Ask him! -M
"Hey, we're gonna be here a while. You thirsty?"
"Yeah, any beer?" Damien said and sat on a chair.
"Aren't you a little young to be drinking beer?" I signed. He looked at Zach and me but Zach waved me off.
"Yeah, man," Zach responded. I opened the fridge and got two beers out before opening it for them while I grabbed a sprite for me.
I headed to the box of license plates and picked one out. I don't have one in front of my car, so I only need one.
I grabbed a screwdriver and loosened the screws before putting the new licenses plate on. I got up, and Damien was staring at me. I raise an eyebrow, but he laughed as he put his hands in the air, surrendering.
"Who are you really, Mae?" He asked and set down his drink. I hated it when people ask me that! When you've been asked hundreds of times, it starts to get annoying.
"Someone who you wouldn't recognize," I signed. He looked at Zach, but I told Zach to not translate. "People always ask me that and expect me to tell them. You don't know me and unless I allow you to know me, don't act like you do and don't act like I'm this person you've know for a long time who has changed out of nowhere."
"She said she's just Mae," Zach told Damien.
"All of that for just five words?" Damien asked.
"Yeah, Sign Language is one of those languages where you sign a lot but it's only like, a few words," Zach lied and sat down.
"Right," Damien said. We kept staring at each other, but he looked away first.
People always want to know who the real Mae is. Why is Mae Mute? What happened to her as a child? Who hurt her this bad?
Don't you think if I trusted you, I'd show you?
I could feel the anger rising, so I took a deep breath and drank some soda. I was calm now. I may have a small anger issue problem.
That's just perks of having a psychotic father. Genes get passed down.
I started the car and honked. Zach got in the back while Damien sat in the passenger seat. I opened the storage and started driving out. I knew he was staring at me, so I tightened my grip on the wheel and sped up again.
I hated it when people stared. It was rude.
"Slow down. You're gonna get a ticket," I looked at Damien and scoffed, quietly through my nose. I drove faster while making eye contact with him the whole time. I knew it was a long way to go till the light, so I pressed the gas.
I was speeding and still hadn't broken eye contact. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw no cars and the red light. I was getting closer to the light, so I slowed the car and brought it to a stop at the light.
He shook his head and laughed. Yes, I learned that from a fast and furious movie. I practiced it a lot. Waiting for the perfect time to use it. I dropped him off after he told me his address. I waited for him to go inside before I drove off.
"Show off," Zach said, and I laughed.
"Someone had to show him" I drove back and parked the car in its usual spot. It was starting to get dark out as we walked back to the house.
"Good. You're home," Mitch said when we walked in, and my heart dropped. "There was a race today, wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"
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