Chapter 19: Super Simple
Just because I don't react, doesn't mean I didn't notice.
"So... after a good night's rest, have you finally come to the conclusion that Captain America is better?" Axel asked once I got out of my car. I pulled my backpack on and fixed the straps so they were straight.
"No good morning or how did you sleep?" I teased and he smiled. He seemed more relaxed talking to me and I knew I felt the same. It wasn't even the tiniest bit awkward or uncomfortable.
Once all the guy got out of his car, he locked it and walked next to me. I smiled at the guys and they all smiled too. "Hey, Mae," Solan waved. I noticed a huge bruise on the back of his forearm. I didn't ask but I wanted to. It didn't seem fair of me to ask about how someone else got their wounds when I wouldn't answer about how I got mine. I just hoped everything was okay with him.
"So what's the verdict?" Daniel asked, gripping on to the straps of his backpack. There were still five minutes left till the bell rang, so we stopped by our cars to talk.
"Thor's the best," I stated and they were delirious, except Solan. He put his hand up so I gave him a high-five. Axel and Daniel kept signing to each other that I must have been out of my mind.
"I'm gonna have to agree with that. I'm also gonna have to leave. See ya later," Solan said and walked through the entrance.
"Is his class all the way in the back?" I asked.
"What's the back? I always hear kids say that," Daniel asked.
"It's the far ends of the school. There's the front, which are by the front entrances and then the back are the classrooms that are far from the front probably the school," I explained. They nodded understanding and Daniel gave a small 'ooh' as it made sense.
"So what do you guys say about the middle?" Daniel asked.
"We just say 'it's kinda in the back' or 'it's kinda in the front' or we say 'it's kinda by the library' if its close by the library 'cause the library is in the center of the school," I told them.
"Good to know. Now it'll make it seem like we fit in," Axel said and I laughed as I nodded. The bell rang so we turned around and started walking towards the entrance. I saw Damien getting out of his car and he smiled at me so I smiled back. I felt a tap on my shoulder so I looked to my right at Axel.
"We should hang out again. It was pretty fun yesterday," Axel signed and I nodded.
"When? I sort of have an essay for Government due soon and I plan on doing that today," I signed before opening the door for the guys and they walked in, thanking me. I looked in the back of me to see if anyone was there so I can hold it open for them and saw Damien.
"Thank you," he signed and held the door. I smiled and thanked him back before walking in. Bennett, Ryder, and Max walked in after me.
"Of course," I smiled.
"Is that you're welcome?" Damien asked as he mimicked my sign.
"No," I signed as I shook my head. I put my hand out, palms facing him and then did the sign for 'you're welcome'.
"You're welcome," he said as he mimicked the sign and I nodded proudly.
"Wow, that's some improvement there, Damien," Daniel mocked, and Axel shoved him. Daniel gave Axel a look and Axel shook his head. I couldn't tell why Daniel was being rude and why Axel was defending Damien when Damien made it abundantly clear that he didn't like Axel.
"Don't be rude to him," Axel signed quickly.
"Riiiiight. I forgot," Daniel said aloud, rolling his eyes. I nodded toward the direction of our classroom to Damien and he started walking with me, but he was still looking at Daniel and Axel. We made it into class right as the bell rang.
"Just on time," the teacher said. We took out seats and it felt like Damien sat all the way to the left of his desk, closer to me. His arm brushed against mine, spreading warmth up my arm. It felt nice considering the classroom was so cold. He took his hand back and I assumed that if he left it there, it would have been on my desk, awkwardly sitting there. I got up halfway and scooted my chair in while subtly, scooting it a little closer to him. He put his left arm on his table, so I put my right arm on my table and they stayed touching.
Despite the simple action, my heart was racing. I kept overthinking what it could mean and if it meant anything. Was this weird for him or did it feel nice? Did anyone else notice and think something was up? I glanced around, subtly but no one was paying attention to me; all their eyes were on the teacher. The teacher told us to pull out our IPads, so I pulled my hand away and grabbed my backpack and took out my IPad.
He didn't put his arm back and I started to overthink if it was weird for him. Did he just leave his arm there because he didn't want me to feel uncomfortable if he removed it right away? Was it weird?
I thought back to when he called me beautiful. Was he lying? Was he playing with my emotions? I felt a light tap on my right thigh so I looked down and saw Damien's hand faced down in a fist like he wanted to hand me something, so I put my palm facing upward and he opened his palm.
He surprised me when he interlocked out hands. I wanted to laugh because that was smooth. As if he read my thoughts he asked, "was that smooth or what?" He was chuckling lightly. I had a huge smile on my face as I nodded.
We kept holding hands as the teacher continued to talk. He squeezed my hand, so I squeezed his hand back and then he squeezed mine again. I wanted to laugh but held it in. The teacher told us to work silently on our worksheets but I needed my right hand to write.
Damien looked at me and smiled. I pointed to my right hand and used my left hand to write in the air, meaning I needed my right hand to write with. He pouted a little and made his round eyes rounder. He tilted his head to the left a little and I smiled. I had to look away smiling, he was just too cute. He didn't want to let go and I was glad he didn't let go right of way.
I picked up my pencil with my left hand and tried writing my name but ended up writing every letter backward. Damien laughed and let go of my hands. I smiled and some people glanced at us. When they saw it was me making him laugh, they kept throwing glances our way. I figured it was so they could see if I was speaking to him.
I felt him lean in towards me and I was going to look at him but he was too close. "Is this okay?" He asked. He put his hand on my thigh, closer to my knee and I nodded. The small contact made mind flood with nothing but everything, simultaneously. He started working and I saw that he was answering them quickly so I knew he wasn't thinking anything about what his hand on my knee meant. I started working on my problems too. I actually forgot he had his hand on my knee until the cold air hit my knee, making the warmth leave. I looked at him and he was reaching in his backpack for something.
I looked back at my paper, continuing to work and felt his hand come back to my knee. He kept it there for the remainder of the period. Everyone started packing up so he removed his hand and pulled his backpack on the desk, packing his things. I got up and put my things away.
I walked out of my fourth period later than I was supposed to and heard Damien's voice in the hallway. "What does he have that I don't?" He asked. I turned the corner and saw Damien and his friends walking in front of me toward the exit. The only other people in the hall were Zach and James. They were waiting for me because we were going out for lunch. Only seniors were able to leave for lunch.
"The knowledge in sign language; the ability to play football," Ryder named. Were they talking about Zach or James?
"The ability to catch balls," Damien clarified, and they started laughing. It took me a second to realize what he actually meant but once I did, I tried fighting a smile, it amused me.
"You catch balls," Max told Ryder and Ryder shoved his shoulder.
"I use a lacrosse stick," Ryder defended. Ryder was captain of the boy's lacrosse team. He's been their captain for his entire four years of high school. The team usually finds a different captain every game, but they would always end up choosing Ryder.
"Oh, so you use a toy?" Bennett joked, and Damien started laughing.
"Kinky," Damien joked, and they laughed again.
"That's my line, don't use it," Ryder warned. They walked out the door and I walked to the guys.
"Where we going?" I asked.
"I placed an order at Wingstop," James said so I nodded. We walked out the door and Damien was driving out of the school. "Mmm, I can taste 'em wings," James said while rubbing his hands together. After we got Wingstop, there were twenty-five minutes left of lunch so we decided to eat there.
"How's football?" I asked. James got me Spicy Korean and BBQ with lemon seasoning fries. I tried giving him the money but he wouldn't take it and wanted to pay for us.
"Tiring. You have no idea how exhausting it is. I like it when it's over a hundred degrees outside cause then we do drills inside the gym with that sweet air conditioning," Zach said. "I'm constantly sore." He rolled his shoulder and winced a little.
"It sucks though too cause we don't play when it's hot," James said mid-chew and Zach nodded in agreement. They were eating without ever looking up so I didn't say anything. "How're your classes?"
"They're good, hard but nothing I can't handle," I smiled.
"I heard you're making friends left and right," James smiled. I rolled my eyes and it reminded me of when they were standing outside of Starbucks.
"What were you guys even doing outside of Starbucks?" I asked. Zach choked a little on his wings but claimed it was the spiciness and not that he got caught red-handed. "Exactly. Explain."
"I needed something at the mall," James said and stole a Spicy wing from me. "It was important that we got it that day."
"Right, the day I happen to be hanging out with new friends?" I asked. Zach was looking at his fries, eating, so James was the one left answering.
"What do you even know about them?" James asked. "Some guys aren't good, Mae. Some are just after one thing."
That comment made me frustrated. First of all, I'm supposed to talk to someone and get to know them and then become friends. Second, I can handle myself. I took a deep breath and released it. "What are you trying to say, I can't say no?"
"No, not that you can't say no, it's just what if they tried something on you?" He asked.
"Then I push them away and say no!" I signed furiously. Did they honestly believe I wouldn't say no?! That angered me. I wasn't just going to let anyone do anything to me. "So what? You think if they start touching me or groping me, I'ma be dumb and be like 'ooh my gosh, what are you doing?' You think if he whips out his thing, I'm just gonna be like 'ooh my gosh, what is that?'" I started laughing despite being angry.
Zach was laughing too but James was serious. "I-"
"I'm not stupid, James. If you haven't noticed, I'm actually really smart and I can kick hella ass," I told him. I looked at the time and I was time to go. "We have to go."
"I didn't mean it like that," James tried but I wasn't buying it. We all got up and put our leftovers in our bags. That was exactly what he meant. He just didn't know I would phrase it like that.
"Then tell me, how did you mean? 'Cause I feel like I said it exactly how you meant it," I told him and walked out. We walked to my car and James kept trying to defend himself.
"I just meant, I know what it's like being a guy. Our minds are kind of always there," he said. "You're not ugly, Mae, and you don't have a boyfriend. Put the pieces together." He got into the car and I backed out, driving towards the school. I was too angry to even continuing talking to him. I understood what he was saying. I honestly did but could he really think I would be one who wasn't able to fight off a predator?
He knew about my fightings, so he knew I was able to handle myself. I couldn't figure out why he saw me as someone who would let a guy take advantage. He was supposed to know me and know I could handle myself.
"I think James doesn't wanna see you get hurt or get taken advantage of, Mae. Be reasonable," Zach said. The yellow light turned red so I started slowing before making a complete stop.
"Fine. If you're just worried, thank you. I appreciate it but don't be. I can take care of myself. I'll be careful though," I told him and turned back to watch the light.
"Okay," he said. "You know, I know you can take care of yourself. I wasn't doubting you there."
"Okay," I signed and started driving when the light turned green.
I was stressing over my Government essay. History has never been my strong suit. The information never stuck. I pulled my phone out and texted Axel and the guys.
Wanna hang out? -M
Thought you had an essay? -D
Did you finish it? -S
No, I'm trying to procrastinate. I'm stuck. -M
I'm stuck on it too, help meeee :( - A
Let's finish it at the library? -M
Okay omw -A
I gathered my things and walked out. I heard Zach and James laughing in the living room. "Going to the library," I signed and walked out. Once I made it to the library, I walked in and found a seat in the middle of the library. A couple of minutes later, Axel showed up but the guys didn't.
"Where are the guys?" I asked.
"They already finished their essay," he signed and sat down. He pulled out his Government book and IPad. "I've been stuck on the second paragraph for the last hour, not knowing how to continue without repeating what's already in the first paragraph. It's frustrating. I'm not even a writer, and I think I have writer's block."
I smiled and nodded. I understood exactly. "I know how you feel. I can't get past the third paragraph. It feels like I've already used all my information," I let out a huge breath and brought my hands to my head. He smiled and pointed to my iPad. "Go ahead. It's terrible."
"Not terrible. It's actually really good, it's just the topics is ehh," he said after reading my essay and I agreed.
"Not a big fan of Gov.?" I asked and he nodded.
"I mean it's a lot better than all the other history class but it's not my favorite subject," he said.
"What is your favorite subject?" I asked.
"English. I like reading," he smiled and I nodded.
"What kind of books?" I was curious. I mainly read non-fiction, but I knew some people who preferred inspirational books or learning books or something other than fantasy.
"Any kind really. I can get into fantasy but mostly classic literature. They hold a lot of meaning and I learn a lot from them. I like gaining knowledge so the more I read the more I have," he nodded. He sounded smart. "My second favorite would have to be math."
"Yeah, me too. I like figuring out the steps it takes to get to the solution. It's probably why I like building things," I signed. I went through my notes and found a different way I could summarize some parts to add to my essays. He moved his hand side to side in front of my notes so I looked at him.
"What kinds of things do you like building?" He asked, intrigued.
"Just furniture that has instructions," I signed and laughed quietly. "Nothing from actual scratch but I would like to. I also wanna try pottery someday."
"Ooh, I've always wanted to try that," he nodded. "My girlfriend's the one who put the idea in my head and we've watched a couple of videos and it looks fun." I didn't know he had a girlfriend but then again, I never asked and he never mentioned it.
"You have a girlfriend?" I asked and he nodded while smiling. I sort of felt dumb for asking, but I couldn't stop myself, but I smiled when he nodded.
"Yeah. She's so beautiful," he smiled at the thought of her. "Her name is Savanna. She's hilarious." His smile slowly began to fade. I couldn't tell what was wrong.
"What's wrong?" I asked. Were they having relationship problems? Did I tear an open wound? "I'm sorry for asking. I wouldn't ha-"
"No, no. It's not you. I just miss her a lot. I haven't seen her in a long time. I moved here and haven't been able to see her but once I'm done here, I plan on moving back with her and starting a life with her," he said optimistically. He seemed to become happy at the thought of her, so I asked more about her. He went on and on, never stopping his hands from flying as he talked about her. She seemed like a good person and from the way his eyes lit up when he spoke of her, it made me feel the love he had for her. It felt like he loved her with everything he had. "She's my whole world. I couldn't even imagine myself with someone else. I taught her sign language because she wanted to learn so she could communicate with my mom."
"Is your mom mute too?" I asked and he shook his head.
"She was deaf. She got sick when she was a kid, and they didn't catch it soon enough. All my siblings are hearing but they know sign language too," Axel explained and I couldn't help but notice the 'was'.
"Was?" I asked and he nodded but didn't say anything else. I didn't know what to say or do. "I'm so sorry," he nodded with a small smile but I knew it was forced. We continued to work as we talked and he got to learn more about me as I got to learn more about him. He gave me his condolences when he mentioned Mitch. He heard about it and I thanked him. We finished our essay so we started getting our stuff ready.
"So... I don't mean to pry but you never mentioned your mom," he noticed. I didn't get offended because it felt like we were having deep conversations and he told me about his mom. "Do you know her?"
"Her and my dad got a divorce when I was eight and he took full custody," I explained. He didn't ask anything else and I didn't explain anything else, so we started walking out. I was tired and couldn't wait until I got home and crashed.
"Well, thank you for helping me with the essay," he said.
"Of course. Thank you too. I really did need your help and you didn't disappoint," I smiled. He waved as he walked to his car and I walked to mine. I drove home and was glad once I walked into my house.
"Where were you?" James's voice asked once I walked in. Zach and James both had their arms crossed over their chest, and I furrowed my eyebrows at how weird they were acting.
"Don't worry about it," I teased. I tried walking past them but they wouldn't budge to get out of my way. "I was at the library. Chill."
"With who?" Zach asked.
"No. We're not doing that. You're not going to be all up in my business. Nope!" I told them. I felt like I was in a possessive relationship and couldn't hang out with friends cause my boyfriend had anger issues and didn't want me to hang out with anyone. "I'm tired. I-"
"Why are you tired? What were you up to? Who were you up to?" James interrupted, suspiciously. He smiled cockily as if he knew I was up to no good.
I finished my essay, ahead of the time before it was due, at the library and I got accused of doing something bad?
"No! N. O. NOPE! Not doing this," I signed and pushed passed them, going to my room. I heard their footsteps in the back of me, so I ran to my room and closed the door but they were fast. They leaned on the door, stopping it from closing.
"Stop!" Zach said. "What are you hiding?!" I started laughing because they were acting so dumb.
"I bet she has a hickey," James instigated. I pushed the door harder and so did they. I pushed a little more and jumped back. They both fell on each other and groaned. They scrambled to their feet, looking extremely dumb.
"Dumb and Dumber two," I signed as I pointed to both of them. I went to my dresser and took my clothes out.
"Let me see," Zach said and I laughed.
"See what? See me get naked 'cause I'm going to sleep," I signed. "Or are you going to arrest me for that too? Maybe someone's under my bed, waiting or me or maybe I have a guy in the closest." They both looked at each other. I thought they were going to give up, but Zach went to the closest, and James checked under the bed.
I'm murdering them. TONIGHT!
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