Freddy and I got into his car. Fifteen minutes later, I couldn't believe what befell us.
"Are you fucking kidding me, right now?" Freddy exclaimed.
I wiggled my index finger in the air and shook my head. "No way, Freddy. I don't support profanities. No cursing when you are around me".
"Okay! Fine!" he scoffed. He glanced at me before taking his attention back to the road. "It doesn't change anything, you know. I'm still right".
He parked his car at the entrance gate of my hotel and turned his body to face me. "The color red doesn't mean danger!"
My eyes widened. "You're unbelievable, Freddy. The red color actually means danger. Who in their right mind will press a red button when they are stuck in a factory? The red button might mean auto destruct".
He crossed his arms over his chest. "Naomi, orange color can also mean auto destruct. Think about it. Who says orange can't mean danger? You are being unfair to the colors. Consider the color's feelings!"
I gasped. "I can't believe this. How can we be arguing about colors. It doesn't make sense!"
Okay! I will explain to you what's actually happening. We were talking about random topics when he asked me that if I was stuck in a factory, what color of button will I press? I told him I would never touched the red. That it means danger and now he wants to prove to me that other colors can also mean danger. How does that make sense? I guess Freddy hasn't changed much. We still fight like cat and dog. But the truth is that I love it. I've missed this so much.
"Freddy, colors don't have feelings!" I voiced. "Use your brain!"
"You are trying to say other colors can't mean danger. What if the scientist likes orange and made the orange button auto destruct?"
"Freddy, the fact is that red means danger!"
"Oh! Okay, smartypants. Now explain why red color also means love? How can it mean love and danger at the same time?"
I paused. "Does red represent love?"
He facepalmed himself. "Obviously! Valentine's day is few weeks from now. Watch! You will see a lot of people on red. They will give red roses and even paint a lot of things red".
"Okay! Fine! I'm not sure what the color red represent. But I now that most times it represents danger".
"Other colors can also represent danger!" he insisted and smirked. "So I win!"
I rolled my eyes. "Why are you acting so immature? Why did we even have to argue about colors? Geez! You're unbelievable!"
"Nah! I'm awesome!" he said and wiggled his brows at me. "I have to admit. Arguing with you was really fun. Teasing you is the best!"
"But you know I won this argument, right?"
I burst into laughter and chanted, "I won! I won! I won!"
"How did you win?"
"Because I had valid points while you didn't!" I stuck my tongue at him.
Geez! Why am I acting so immature now? I feel like slapping myself.
Freddy noticed my action and teased, "Yeah! Really mature, Naomi!"
"Yea! Naomi is the mature one here!"
"You know I was sarcastic, right?"
I pressed my lips together and glared at him.
He glared back and then, burst into laughter. "What's the matter, munchkin? Are you angry because you aren't as mature as I am?"
I blew out an exasperated sigh and opened the car door. "Good night, Mister annoying jerk!" I grumbled and got out of the car.
"Wait!" he quickly slid out of his car, shut the door and ran to my side. "Let me walk you in. I want to be sure you're safe!"
"I don't need your help. Go!" I hissed.
"Don't be angry. You know I was just teasing you!" he nudged me with his right shoulder.
I fixed my eyes at the entrance door to the hotel, intentionally ignoring him. He found it amusing and laughed. "Can I have your number?"
"No!" I said and speedwalked into the hotel. "Good night!" I exclaimed and rushed in.
"I'll still find a way to get your phone number!" he called out and chuckled.
When I got to my hotel room, I was in a good mood. Jenna spotted me and grinned, "Someone looks extremely happy today," she announced.
Chioma glanced at me with an indifferent look and shrugged. Her attention went back to her phone and she kept operating it. I got to the wardrobe and unlocked the side that was mine. I dropped my bag in it and turned to Jenna. "Sincerely, I'm really happy".
She dashed to me and whispered, "Is it because of what we did to Kate?"
"Then what?"
"Freddy and I are friends!"
"Oh my G! So you are one step to stealing Kate's boyfriend?"
It was weird the way she put it but I nodded.
"I like your style!" she exclaimed and patted my shoulder.
We were in the large setup for our acting practice. It was in the hotel's premise. The director sat on the high chair with a big megaphone in his hand. He had his sunglasses on and an umbrella above him to protect him from the sun.
I was sitting on a plastic chair, trying to learn my lines. I got to understand my character and I planned out my facial expression for each line.
"What's up, doll face?" A disembodied voice echoed.
I glanced to my side and cocked a brow. Freddy smirked. "How was your sleep last night?"
"It was okay!" I replied and turned to my manuscript. He pulled a plastic chair and sat in front of me.
"Have you learned your lines?" he asked.
"Still in the process!" I pointed at the script.
He smiled. "I can't wait to see you act your character. You look like the goody-two-shoe kind of person. How will you act the role as the bad guy?"
"Don't underestimate me!" I chuckled. "I'll surprise you".
"Okay. Select a line in your script and act it out"
"Yeah!" he relaxed on his chair and his mouth curved into a whimsical smile.
I chuckled and picked the script. I scanned and selected some lines for my character. My brows snapped together as a scowl was engraved on my face. I groaned and sneered, "Eric will be my husband. I don't care what others say. If I have to kill Cynthia for that to happen..." A sinister smile slipped to my face. I glanced at my fingernails and dragged my furious eyes to Freddy. "Then I will do it. I will kill her with my bare hands". Then like a freak, I began laughing.
Freddy's brow lifted and he tilted his head as he regarded me.
"What do you think?" I probed.
"Your acting skill is amazing. Wow!"
"Practice makes perfect. That's my tip to you"
His lips spread to a wide grin. "You acted your role well. Mr Solomon will be impressed".
I looked downwards when my cheek flushed. We fell silence and our attention was on the casts who were practicing a scene. It was Jenna and Kate. In the movie, they are best friends. However, as Jenna acted her part, Kate will always complain she wasn't acting well. She would snap and yell at Jenna as if she was her housegirl. I could tell Jenna's blood would be boiling because Kate was literally humiliating her in front of everybody.
"Why are you even here?" Kate yelled at Jenna. "You aren't worth it. You don't deserve to be an actress".
Jenna gasped and glanced at Mr Solomon, hoping for backup. However, Mr Solomon had his attention on his laptop. Jenna looked back at Kate and scoffed, "What do you know about acting, Kate? Do you think you are better than me? I have hope. You can't even act a simple scene".
"Which scene don't I know how to act?"
"Everything! Why did they even give you the role of a good girl? You deserve the role of a witch because that's who you truly are. An insensitive witch with heart of stone".
Where I was seated beside Freddy, I chuckled. He sent a disapproving look at me. When he turned his attention back to Jenna and Kate, I glared at his back.
Freddy doesn't know that Jenna is right to describe Kate like that. That's who Kate is. A witch with a heart of stone.
Mr Solomon snapped to reality and he hopped to his feet. He glanced at Jenna and Kate and shook his head in disappointment.
"Kate is the one who started it!" Jenna whined.
"Kate, have you ever fallen in love?" Mr Solomon asked and placed his hand on his hip.
Kate sent a confused look before she replied, "Yes! I have fallen in love. I fell in love with Freddy".
"Freddy?" his gaze swung to the Freddy in front of me. "That Freddy?"
"Yes! He is my boyfriend"
Mr Solomon smiled at once. He clapped his hands in excitement. "Then this movie will be excellent because the both characters you guys are going to act are in love. The love scene in the movie will look so realistic. It will captivate the viewers and our movie will skyrocket. It might even be among the best in Nigeria".
A proud smirk graced Kate's lips as she stared at me.
"Kate! Freddy! Come and act a scene for me. I want to witness your love," Mr Solomon chirped.
Freddy's lips formed a thin line and he rose to his feet. He went to Kate and stood beside her. "What do you want us to say?"
"Kate should confess her love to you," he replied. "Kate, say I love you to Freddy".
"And?" Freddy inquired.
"Nothing more. I just want to see if her love for you will shine in her eyes. I want to see if it will look realistic. Something the viewers will see".
Freddy nodded and faced Kate. Kate glanced at me and then coiled her arms around Freddy's neck. She looked into his eyes and said, "I love you, Freddy".
"Tsk!" Mr Solomon voiced. "That wasn't impressive. Do you really love this guy? Your face didn't show any expression. Instead you looked like you were forced to say those words".
"I love him"
"I couldn't tell. Your facial expression didn't prove that"
Kate glared at him.
"Don't frown. You need to work on that. Freddy is your love interest in the movie. You will have to say I love you when we are filming. It needs to look realistic".
Kate nodded. "Yes, sir!" but I could hear the anger in her voice. When her eyes darted to me, I smirked.
"Have you fallen in love before?" Mr Solomon asked Freddy.
"Um..." Freddy rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "No!"
Kate's eyes almost popped out of its socket. She stared at him with an incredible look. "I thought you said you love me?" she fumed.
"Yes! I said so"
Mr Solomon cut her short with a dismissive hand wave. "So you haven't fallen in love?"
"No!" Freddy replied firmly. Ignoring Kate's piercings gaze. It was like she was burning him with her fierce glare.
"How are we going to do this? How will you be able to show the emotion of someone in love if you haven't fallen in love?"
"I can handle it. Don't worry, sir!" Freddy assured.
Mr Solomon glanced at me. "Miss Tosin!" he called me and gestured that I come to him.
I rose and strolled to him.
"Have you ever fallen in love?"
I couldn't control myself. My eyes traveled to Freddy. My initial answer was yes but I will say no. Freddy doesn't know I fell in love with him. If I say yes, he might think my heart belongs to another man that isn't him. I don't want that to hinder our relationship from growing.
"No!" I said and looked at Mr Solomon. His eyes went wide.
"Okay! Can you try acting a love scene. Tell Freddy, you love him. I want to see raw emotions in your face. Actors and actresses should know how to bring different emotions to life. Whether you have felt if before or not. Miss Tosin, impress me!" He nodded for me to proceed.
I suppressed the urge to smirk.
This will be easy. I love Freddy. So I know raw emotions will be on my face.
I turned to Freddy. I placed one hand on his cheek and the other on his chest. I ensured my emotions could be seen in my face and my eyes bored into his. "I love you, Freddy. I really do!" I said with passion.
"Annnddd...Cut!" Mr Solomon snapped his finger. "Bravo! A job well done, Naomi. I knew you would impress me. You are so talented".
Someone grumbled among the casts. Obviously Kate!
My eyes were still on Freddy. He smirked, leaned closer to me and whispered, "Impressive! Are you sure you weren't seriously professing your love to me?"
He threw his head back as he laughed. To him, it was a joke. As for me, it wasn't. My heart was racing when he said those words. I forced my laughter and stepped backwards, creating space between us.
Kate came to our side and cleared her throat. Freddy stopped laughing and looked at her. "Can I talk to you?" Kate sneered.
He rose a brow. "Now?"
"Lunch break, everyone!" Mr Solomon announced. "Go and eat but return here after two hours".
All the casts agreed and began to stroll away.
"Now can we talk?" Kate growled.
"Nope! I'm hungry. Are you hungry, doll face?"
When I saw the question was directed to me, both my brows shot up. "Am I the doll face?"
He chortled and nodded.
"Do I look like a doll to you?"
"I haven't gotten a nickname for you yet. You need to deal with this one for now"
"But do I look like a doll?" I asked and pouted. "Look for a better nickname!"
"Hey!" Kate snapped. "I'm here, Freddy. Shouldn't you be asking me if I am hungry?"
"I don't think you are hungry!" he replied.
"What?" She exclaimed. "How do you know?"
"If you wanted to eat, you won't ask me to talk. You will ask for us to go to a restaurant?"
"But we need to talk"
"Food or talk? Which one?"
"Come on, doll face! I'm hungry. Let's get to a restaurant and eat," Freddy exclaimed and marched towards the parking lot of the hotel.
"You and Freddy's relationship isn't strong. Eyah!" I jeered and ran after Freddy.
Oh my gosh! I love Freddy. He doesn't take nonsense from Kate. OMO! See the way he walked away. She was beyond shocked.
"Freddy darling!" Kate's fake squeaky voice rang. She jogged to him and wrapped her arms around his. "Sorry, baby! Don't mind me. I'm hungry. Let's go to a restaurant together".
He doesn't say anything but moved to his car and unlocked it.
"Come on! Are you angry with me?"
"No! I'm just hungry!" he shrugged and slid into his car. "Doll face, you coming?"
"Yep!" I ran to the passenger's seat but Kate pushed me aside and slid into the car.
I glared at her. "Do you want to injure me?"
"Yes!" she mumbled. "No!" she exclaimed when Freddy glared at her.
"Kate, why did you push her like that?"
"She wanted to sit at the front. That's where I should sit. I'm your girlfriend," she snorted and sent a sidelong glance at me.
"That's wrong of you, Kate" he said, trying to suppress his anger.
"Let's go. Naomi, are you coming?" She asked and smirked.
I knew there was no way I would go with them as long as Kate was there. I can't tolerate her stupid behavior and I don't want to snap when Freddy is around. Also, I'm sure she will do everything to annoy me. I'm sure she will touch or even kiss Freddy just to get me jealous.
"Don't worry!" I said to Freddy. "Maybe I will eat with my friends".
He looked offended and asked, "Am I not your friend?"
"Um...I don't want to be a third wheel. It is better you go with yiur girlfriend. I don't want to trouble your relationship," I said like an innocent good girl. This made Kate frown. "I also don't think your girlfriend likes me!"
This made Freddy glare at her. Kate wanted to defend herself but I cut in and said, "Bye. See you soon!"
I turned and headed to the restaurant in the hotel. I'm sure Jenna would be there.
I wish to write another love story between Freddy and me. I pray it works. I also hope he falls for me again.
What do you think? Did you enjoy this chapter? Don't forget to VOTE, my lovely readers.
What do you think of Freddy and Naomi's little playful argument? What does the color red symbolize? 🤷
What do you think of Freddy and Kate's relationship?
What steps or idea can you suggest to Naomi to help her get Freddy? If I have ideas, share! I won't mind.
Have a lovely day! Leave comments 😉 Thanks!
From your 9ja Babe,
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