Waking up rather sore from last night, Chanyeol climbs out of the bed slowly as not to wake his now boyfriend who is sleeping peacefully. Tiptoeing into the bathroom he closes over the door a little and turns on the shower stepping inside. Feeling the warmth of the water run down his body he lets out a little moan. "MMM your still moaning even after you came three times last night", he jumps at the sound and touch of little hands on his back followed by small gentle kisses. Turning around he sees Baekhyun naked standing behind him as he blushes like crazy. "You still shy with me?" Baekhyun leans closer kissing Chanyeol's lips softly." I will always be shy with you Baek your like a god at love making" Chanyeol lowers his head feeling really embarrassed. "Don't be shy with me, I belong to you now" Baekhyun wraps his arms around the taller's neck kissing him with passion making the taller lean against the cold shower wall as he tries to control himself. "Let go baby" Baekhyun says as he grabs hold of Chanyeol's now hardening member stroking it making the taller groan out. "Someone is extra horny this morning" Baekhyun whisper in the taller ear making him laugh. "Can you blame me look at you and look at me, I never in my dreams thought I would ever get a guy like you" Chanyeol says as Baekhyun slides the taller's cock into his ass making Chanyeol throw his head back in pleasure.
After their love making in the shower Chanyeol is laying on the bed with the towel still around his waist as he watches in awe at his cute boyfriend getting dressed as today is the day they fly home. "I cant wait to go home and tell Heechul all about what happened. If I know him as well as I think I do, he will be over as soon as he knows I have landed" Chanyeol smiles as Baekhyun turns towards him with just his jeans on nothing else. "Do you think he will approve of me being your boyfriend with my history?" Baekhyun makes his way over to Chanyeol as the taller pulls him in closer by the band of his trousers. "My dad and sister approve of us, Heechul will too in time once I tell him you are quitting your job as an escort. He is my friend he will only want what is best for me", Chanyeol looks up into Baekhyun's eyes seeing a fear he has never seen before. "Are you changing your mind about me or about leaving your job?" Chanyeol can't help but worry that maybe Baekhyun has changed his mind.
"It will take me a few days to fully step away from it, I have clients I need to say goodbye to, but if it means having a guy like you in my life I am still gonna leave that life behind me" Baekhyun looks down as Chanyeol holds his waist tighter. "When you say goodbye do you mean sleep with them?" Chanyeol carefully asks him as Baekhyun just smiles. "No baby, I never slept with them, I just need to see them and say a final goodbye, can you give me at least a week to do that?" Baekhyun waits hoping that Chanyeol wont get upset and that he will agree to it. "Ok I can understand that, just once it isn't sex I will be fine". Chanyeol moves Baekhyun away from him as he stands up and grabs his clothes making Baekhyun sad seeing him upset.
"Chanyeol you are mine and I am yours now, everything will be fine there will be no sex just meetings to say goodbye that's all I promise you" Baekhyun kisses the taller's naked back making Chanyeol let out a sign. "I trust you baek but I cant help but be jealous, especially after everything I have been through, maybe we shouldn't be together until you say your goodbyes" Baekhyun moves away from the taller as he is now in shock at his words. "Do you mean that?" Baekhyun falls sitting onto the bed as he looks at his hand on his lap. "I think for my own heart that maybe its best that way just encase you happen to sleep with one of them or maybe kiss one of them then you wont have to feel guilty" Chanyeol pulls on his black jumper feeling a lump in his throat at the words coming out of his own mouth. Why would he ruin what he just got. " Chanyeol if that's what you want to do then I will do it but I am telling you here and now I will not sleep with any of them or kiss them it will just be a face to face meeting saying goodbye, just trust me" Baekhyun grabs his white jumper that he first wore meeting Chanyeol and pulls it over his head.
"I do trust you but I am giving you time, then in a week we can try again" Chanyeol says as a tear falls from his eyes making him quickly wipe it away before Baekhyun can see it. "Ok well lets get us home then" Baekhyun picks up his case and one of Chanyeol's many cases dragging them to the door. I will get these into the car and I will come back for the rest" Baekhyun smiles as he opens the door to Mr Park just about to knock. "Oh good morning you two, off to the airport I see, here let me help you with the bags" He says looking at the look on their faces knowing something has happened or been said to make them look so sad.
Arriving at the car Baekhyun opens the boot putting the cases he had into it before sitting on the rim of the car. "Is everything ok with you and my son?" Mr park sits beside him hoping to be told. "Mr Park I am giving up my job for Chanyeol but this morning he wants to wait a week till I say my goodbyes in person to my clients". Baekhyun lets out a sigh as he looks out ahead of him. "My son is more then likely just protecting his heart, I trust you will treat him well, I have seen you do it while you where both here. Maybe its his way of checking that you really want to be with him" Mr Park touches Baekhyun's arm trying to comfort him seeing the hurt in his eyes.
"I have told him he can trust me" Baekhyun turns to look at him with sadness in his eyes. "You might have told him but Chanyeol has been told before, told he was loved and told he was going to be married, I know your nothing like that asshole ex of his but maybe chanyeol just needs to see it now instead of just hearing the words" Mr Park says as Baekhyun just nods understanding what he is trying to say.
"Hey, is everything ok?" Chanyeol says as Baekhyun and Mr Park stand up smiling. "Yeah just saying goodbye to your dad and thanking him for having me" Baekhyun lies a little white lie and grabs the remaining bags putting them in the car as Chanyeol hugs his dad goodbye. "Sorry your mother isn't here to say goodbye son, I will talk with her and make her change her ways ok, now off you go you don't want to be late for your flight" Mr Park hugs his son again kissing his cheek as Baekhyun climbs into the car starting the engine. "Bye dad I love you, I will ring you as soon as I land, take care of yourself" Chanyeol waves as he climbs into the car as they pull out into the street as another car comes towards them making Baekhyun hit the breaks as the car in front stops right in front of them. "What the hell" Baekhyun says as they see Chanyeol's mother getting out of the car running towards them. "Is that my mum?" Chanyeol looks confused as he gets out of the car followed by Baekhyun to check that everything is ok.
"Sweetheart wait please, I know I have been the worst mother In the entire history of mothers, but I want to say I am truly sorry with all my heart for everything I said that hurt you and Baekhyun. I am selfish and I know I only wanted what I thought was best for you, instead I should have let you live your life your way and told you what happened and not have let that day go ahead where you had to stand there in front of everyone because of me. Sweetheart I know I cant fix it but in time I really hope you will forgive me and let me be your mum again". Mrs Park just stands there clasping her hands together as Chanyeol walks towards her wrapping his big arms around her small body. "You will always be my mum, I love you so much, I forgive you ,just give me a little time to understand it all and I will come home and visit you and dad soon" Chanyeol kisses her cheek as she sobs into her sons embrace. "Come dear he needs to go now" Mr Park grabs his wife's arm pulling her away from their son.
"Wait, Baekhyun" Mrs Park says letting her husband go as he rushes towards Baekhyun. "I want to apologise for the hurt and the things I have said to you, please take care of my boy and love him like I seen you do here these past few days making him happy" She smiles as Baekhyun gives her a hug and kisses her cheek making her giggle as she walks back to her husband. "Take care you two and we will see you soon" Mr Park waves at them as they get back into the car reversing and then pulling off out into traffic as Mr and Mrs Park wave at them till the car turns off the street. "I am so proud of you Dear" Mr Park smiles he walks his wife back inside there house.
"So are you back to school in the morning?" Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol as they drive to the airport. "Yeah back to school" Chanyeol smiles as he wipes his glasses clean with his jumper. "Are you looking forward to it" Baekhyun is trying so hard for Chanyeol to talk to him that its beginning to bother him now at how close they where to how they are now. " I don't mind it I love teaching English and the kids are great, I will get to hear all about the mini break from school" Chanyeol says putting his glasses back on and looking out the window as they reach the airport. Giving back the rental car and checking in they finally board the plane and head back home.
Pulling up outside Chanyeol's place, Baekhyun turns off his cars engine and gets out of the car to help him with his four cases. "I will unlock the door hang on" Chanyeol says as he runs up the steps nearly falling making Baekhyun laugh at his clumsiness. Putting something against the door to keep it open he runs back down towards the car grabbing two cases as Baekhyun grabs the remaining two as they head up the steps to the apartment.
"Thanks, you can just leave them there" Chanyeol says so coldly to Baekhyun making him drop them to the floor with a thud. "Ok well, I hope school is good this week and I will see you hopefully within a week" Baekhyun has had enough of him being cold that he heads towards the door to leave. "Baek wait I'm sorry" Baekhyun turns to see Chanyeol sitting on the table looking at him with puppy dog eyes. "Its ok I understand" Baekhyun turns to walk away again but Chanyeol follows him. "Please stay, even just for a cuppa" Chanyeol smiles as he waits to see will Baekhyun stay. "Ok I can do that" Baekhyun smiles as he heads back inside watching Chanyeol hurry into the kitchen while nearly falling over the cases in the living room.
"Tea or Coffee" Chanyeol shouts not realising Baekhyun is right behind him till he hears him say Coffee so close to his ear making the taller jump. "You scared the crap out of me" Chanyeol says grabbing his chest and fixing his glasses. "You know the week doesn't really start till tomorrow" Baekhyun says making Chanyeol move back as he jumps up and sits on the counter. " Yeah" Chanyeol swallows the lump in his throat as he watches Baekhyun's eyes turn in to hunger. "Well we are still together and I was wondering if you would like to scream for me a little more" Baekhyun stops right in between Chanyeol's legs making the taller's heart beat race as he grabs his crotch. "Wh.....what now?" Chanyeol's stutters as his glasses begin to get steamy. "Yes now baby" Baekhyun says as he pulls the taller down closer to him by his jumper kissing him with passion before pulling away. "I.....i can do that" Chanyeol says as Baekhyun steps back letting the taller jumped down from the counter top. Holding out his hand to the taller Baekhyun smiles, "Show me to you room then" chanyeol smiles and grabs his hand showing him to his room as Baekhyun pushes him onto the bed as he climbs over the taller kissing him as they both strip each other.
"Get on all fours and hold onto that headboard and I will be right back" Baekhyun says as he heads out to his case grabbing a small bottle of lube as he begins to pour it all over Chanyeol's naked ass. "Your gonna top me?" Chanyeol's voice shakes as he is usually the top lately. "Oh yes I am, its been awhile and I think you need reminding that I am yours and only ever will be yours" As soon as the words leave his mouth he slams right into Chanyeol's ass making him scream out in pleasure. "I'm gonna make you scream so loud baby" Baekhyun whispers into the taller's ear as he begins to move in and out of his tight ass. "Please do" is all chanyeol can say as he feels the tightness of his ass around Baekhyun's large cock. "I want you to feel me tomorrow whenever you try to sit down" Baekhyun says as he reaches around grabbing the taller's leaking cock in his hand as he begins to stroke it while he pumps into him. "FUCK" Chanyeol shouts out making Baekhyun let go of his cock as he holds onto his hips forcing his cock deeper and deeper into the taller as he now reaches his sweet spot making chanyeol scream out. "Omg keep doing that please" Chanyeol cries out as Baekhyun pound him faster and harder as their bodies begin to sweat and the sound of bodies smacking off each other fills the room along with the groaning sounds. "I want you to cum for me baby and don't hold back" Baekhyun says as he knows Chanyeol is pretty close. Holding on to the headboard so tight is knuckles are turning white chanyeol can feel is high coming as he lets out a growl as he explodes all over his bed as Baekhyun pumps faster into him before he growls and fills his ass full of cum making the taller fall down on to the bed as Baekhyun kisses up the taller's back till he gets to his ear. "Your ass is amazing" he whispers making Chanyeol giggle. "I really do think I will feel that tomorrow" They both laugh as they cuddle and kiss each other after reaching their high.
An hour later
"I better get going" Baekhyun gets himself dressed as chanyeol pulls on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to walk Baekhyun to the door. "I will see you in a week then, I will miss you" Baekhyun says leaning against the door reaching out to pull chanyeol closer. "I will miss you more, but this needs to be done" he says making Baekhyun move from the door to open it. "Baek please do what you need to do and if you wanna come find me you know where I am" Chanyeol says with a lump in his throat. "I will see you really soon baby" Baekhyun says kissing him with passion before he heads down to his car. Closing the door Chanyeol leans against it cursing himself. "A fucking week, I'm am such and idiot, I just gave him a fucking pass to do what ever he wanted, oh chanyeol you idiot"
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