"Ok, so where do you plan to go?" He gave me a very 'matter-of-fact' look as if he'd already won this stupid argument and I really wanted to slap it off of his face, no matter how beautiful it may be. I knew I was being stubborn, and I also knew I didn't have an answer to that question. That didn't change the fact that I was NOT going to allow him to do this. He'd already done too much.
I answered with a glare instead of words and a satisfied smile lifted his lips.
"Exactly. You're staying with me."
"No. I'm not leaving you to freeze to death after all of this. I'm not taking no for an answer."
"I can take care of-"
He held up a hand, an equally stubborn expression gracing that perfect face. "I want you to. C'mon, it'll be fun. Besides, now I won't be alone on Christmas morning. So really you're doing me a favor by keeping me company. I promise that when you're feeling up to it we can look into getting you back on your feet, but until then you are staying with me. End of discussion."
I didn't know what to say, so I just resorted to pouting. We'd been bickering on and off the entire morning, and it all started when I found out that he'd paid for all of my medical bills up front like it was pocket change. I couldn't believe it when Gwen had let it slip and he'd only seemed amused when I had a freak out over it.
Then I got the news that I could leave after a few more tests and things and then the new argument presented itself.
I didn't know what to make of him and his strange generosity. Did he want something from me in return? Not that repaying that kind of debt with him would be any type of hardship, but is that what he wanted?
I really wanted to keep arguing, but that was when the doctor decided to show up for a last quick exam. When he reminded me I'd have to return later to have all of my various stitches out, Scott stuck his tongue out at me from behind the older man and I had to press my lips together to keep from laughing. I tried to do the same back at him when the doctor turned to answer some questions about the care of the stitches and my medication, but he'd put his 'business man' face on and was 100% focused on the doctor and what he was saying.
It was simultaneously adorable and annoying.
When we were finally alone again I narrowed my eyes in a glare. "So what are you going to do if I refuse to cooperate."
"You won't" He smiled and reached for a duffle bag nearby that I hadn't noticed. "Gwen said she thought you might be able to go home today and your clothes were pretty ruined so ... I got you a couple of things to get you through the next couple of days. We'll have to go shopping eventually, but-"
"Scott!" I couldn't believe it... more of his money down the drain because of me. I wanted to throw my pillow at his head when he just waved me off as if my protest was irrelevant and put on an innocent smile.
"Early Christmas presents. I had to guess sizing but I think it'll be okay. Oh, and I got you a coat too. It's not a very good one, but it'll be enough until I get you home and then we can look into a better one."
"People aren't this nice. I didn't do anything to deserve any of this. I can't even begin to pay any of this back" As beautiful as he was, and as attached as I'd already become, how could I let him continue to do this?
"Please stop. You don't have to pay anything back. I swear I don't expect anything in return. I just want to help."
He looked like a sad puppy and what was I to do but try to make him smile again. "Fine, I'll go... but just until I get my stitches out."
There it was, that perfect smile, mesmerizing and wide enough to lift his cheeks and narrow his eyes. I looked away and shook my head to hide the blush.
Scott Hoying would surely be the death of me far before cold or hunger would ever get another chance to.
I shouldn't have been surprised, but of course, my mind was spinning as we pulled up to the large black gates. I briefly wondered why he even gave me his address to begin with if I would have never been able to make it past security in the first place, but he seemed to sense my question and answered without prompting. "I gave Austin your description so he would make sure anyone that worked security would know to let you in if they saw you. I probably should have warned you, but I was afraid you wouldn't show up if I said the word 'security'. Not that you showed up anyway..."
I sank lower in my seat as we drove on, ignoring the aches and pains that accompanied the movement. I already felt so ridiculously out of place in his fancy car with the heated leather seats and as I watched the size of the houses and properties grow and grow as we passed, I knew it wasn't going to get any better.
I was right.
His home was majestic, beautiful and blanketed in snow like a postcard. The moment I stepped through the door I realized that the inside was just as much, if not MORE immaculate. I didn't want to touch anything for fear of messing it up.
"Relax. I have a cleaning lady who comes in twice a week. I am NOT this clean or organized." He took off his coat and hung it in a closet and then gently helped me out of mine and put it away.
The tour was short due to my limited mobility and he simply pointed out the living room and kitchen areas and then steered me towards 'my' room.
I kept expecting to encounter other people, but it was oddly silent. "You live here by yourself?"
He'd been talking, mostly a nervous ramble, but obviously I hadn't been really listening. There was just too much to take in.
"Um... yeah. I know it's a bit ostentatious, but I love the fireplaces and ... maybe one day I'll have a family to fill it. At least, I hope. Plus there's plenty of room for Arty."
"Arty?" I raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said you lived alone."
He just grinned and led the way into a huge bedroom with its own seating area and fireplace. The bed was enormous and laid out on top was a gigantic body of black and brown fluff that didn't appear to be all that interested in the people interrupting his sleep.
"Arty. You said you really loved dogs and well Arty loves cuddles so I figured you wouldn't mind."
"That's not a dog, that's a mountain!" I was irrationally excited and I'm sure Scott could tell by the goofy smile I couldn't keep down. I had always loved animals and even when I was really struggling I'd always tried to share what I could with whatever strays I'd met through my travels. I missed the comfort of a pet. I'd always had cats and even a puppy when I was young. I hope they found better homes than I had when everything was taken away from us.
The lazy giant didn't seem to mind when I carefully joined him on the bed and he only rolled a bit to get closer when I began to rub his head and ears.
"Close. He's a Bernese mountain dog. He's actually on the larger side for his breed. They think he might be part Tibetan Mastiff. He's also supposed to be a guard dog, but notice he didn't even bother to lift his head when a stranger walked in the front door. He's literally a giant teddy bear but he's a polite bed partner.."
Sounds a lot like his owner... sweet and far too trusting. "You named your dog Arty?"
"Well, it's really Moriarty but that's too much to say on a normal basis."
"Interesting choice." I giggled a little as Arty stretched out and lifted his huge head to chase my hand when I started to pull it away.
"He's well trained so if you want him to get down just tell him and he'll go."
"I don't think that will be a problem." I was already in love... with the dog at least.
Scott made quick work of showing me where he'd put some extra clothes and toiletries I could use in the en suite bathroom. I was pretty overwhelmed and I knew he was aware.
"So, um... I guess I'll leave you alone. You should probably rest." He put my meds on the side table and moved the remote to the television closer to the bed so i wouldn't have to reach far for it. "I'll go get you some water. Um... my room is just down the hall ... two doors down on the right. I'll probably be in the living room or there so if you need anything just... yell or let me know, ok?"
After he left I repositioned myself to get comfortable, the bed like heaven after my latest sleeping accommodations.
I was about to drift off when Scott reappeared, placing two bottles of water within easy reach. I blinked up at him, feeling a mixture of safe and completely out of control, but then he aimed that smile at me and the storm inside settled once again.
"Scoot up a little." He laughed as I whined and readjusted to move up the bed a little. I wasn't expecting him to pull the comforter and sheets out from below me to then cover me up. "You need to stay warm."
"Do you really live here alone?"
"Arty counts."
The dog barely looked up at the sound of his name.
"Must be lonely." I knew I should have kept my thoughts to myself, but I couldn't help but whisper them out.
His smile fell a bit and I reached out a hand to touch his.
"It is." He gave my hand a squeeze before he let go. "Get some rest, Sullivan."
Then he was gone.
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