6:spite words
I open my eyes only to be met with darkness I try to open my mouth but something is around it as well as my wrists and ankles I squirm around and I feel someone kick me "mm!" I whimper in pain "shut up." They say I'm picked up and put over someone shoulder
I put down into I feel clod hard ground I hear muffled voices then the blindfold comes off my eyes adjust but what I see is terrifying a dead person in their own pool of blood with a bullet wound in thier head I scream moving back I hit something I turn seeing another dead person I scream and cry I see two others someone comes in and unites my feet "come on princess ur gonna meet the boss." He says and pulls me up I walk to where ever he's leading me going. We walk into a large room people talking and looking at guns "sir?" I hear "what?" I hear that voice....I turn my head to see Levi I cry and scream to him "shut the fuck up." A man hits me "we have her sir." He says "mm" he says taking out a hand gun the two men who hold me chuckle "before you end her we're gonna take her out back and have a little fun." One says Levi looks at me with no expression and then nods waving his hand "ah hold on." He says and cocks his gun "come here." He says to the men they come closer to him and shoots them both they fall to the ground Levi gets up walking over to me brushing his thumb against my cheek he walks over to the two men who scramble on the floor "b-boss we're sorry we were just jok-" he shoot the one guy dead. "You wanna finish his sentence." Levi says "n-no sir." The man says "i think you should." Levi says the man dosnt say anything Levi sighs "such a shame...." Levi says and stomps on his face so hard that the mans own head is crushed in on itself causing levis foot to go into the cavity. He sighs and takes his foot out as wipes off the blood and brain on his shoe on the carpet he comes up to me I step back a bit "hey hey no it's okay." He says taking off the rope on my wrists and the gag on my mouth "it's okay." He says pulling me into a hug he strokes my hair "sorry about the rough transportation." He says "y-you killed them...y-....the people they..." "they were bad people come on." He says and takes my hand leading me out
We walk into an apartment penthouse he takes off his jacket throwing it on the couch "h-how can you walk away so calmly...h-how ....why did you....you killed them." I say "yeah I did because they were going to kill you I don't know if yoube noticed yet love but you lost your memory this is all normal to you before I lost you okay but now that your back is worse than you being dead just go get in the shower and change you're covered in blood there's extra clothes in the bath room." He says I stand there "what?" He says "wH-wheres the bathroom." I ask "down the hall the door should be in front of you." He says I turn and walk down
I walk out wearing sweat pants and at shirt Levi sits on the the couch a glass whiskey in his hand his sleeve rolled up "any questions love?" He says "I-I found a ring in your dresser." "You were snooping." He says "apparently not Becuase it seemed like it used to be a room with you and woman her garments were still in half of the dresser." I say "yeah. That woman is you." He says drinking a sip "don't be an ass." I say he raises his eye brow "s-sorry." I say "listen I don't know you that well but you know me so you have to be patient." "Patient?" He says and gets up "...I waited long enough 9 months of it with out you only to some how be greeted with someone who looks like y/n but dosnt even know her right from lefts. All she knows is that she has a shitty childhood with a shitty family in a shitty situation." He says "s-stop." "I expected you to recover and we could continue with our life." "Stop." "But apparently I guess I prefer you dead than being a walking vegetable. Becuase that would make both our lives easier!" He yells "SHUT THE FUCK UP! STOP IT STOP!" I yell at him and slap him I pull back he places his cup down and scoffs "I'm glad I forgot who you are.... Becuase I wouldn't want to love someone like you." I say and walk off to the door I put on my shoes and walk out
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