1: her
I open my eyes feeling tired I hold up my arm looking at my hand trying to focus my vision I feel my hand coverd in dried blood I sit up "y/n?!" I feel tears form in my eyes "Levi." Hanji says i look over seeing her and mikasa standing "y/n! I need to know what happend she's not dead she can't be dead!" I say getting up "Levi..." Mikasa says my eyes widen as I feel everything shatter "ARGH!!" I throw things off the counter punch the wall causing a dent I sit putting my hand over my eyes holding in my sobs. "Last we saw the paremedics pronounced her dead on scene." She says I cry "it's not fair...ITS NOT FUCKING FAIR WHY DOES EVERYONE THAT I LOVE IN MY LIFE HAVE TO FUCKING DIE!" I yell sobbing "we have zeke in our custody we're waiting for his file" Hanji says I get up grabbing my gun off the floor "Levi! LEVI WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" Mikasa yells at me I walk out loading up the gun. I walk down the hall to The cells I walk up the it I see four people guarding it "move." I say "sir your sister said we wernt-" "I SAID FUCKING MOVE!!" I yell they do I walk in seeing zeke standing there "Levi you-" I shoot his leg "Argh! fuck!" He says falling i shoot his other he chuckles "i-I killed her didn't I ha! Hahaha!" He laughs I shoot his shoulder "gah." He chokes "n-no remorse from you a-any more is there...no mercy.." I shoot his other shoulder he struggles in pain I say "Levi-!" I hear Hanji I don't turn around "leave him." She says zeke chuckles "my mercy died with her." I reply to him and shoot his head killing him I shoot his body again and again and again over and over until I'm out of bullets I hear another set of footsteps "Levi! It's y/n." Mikasa says i roll my eyes "she's alive." She says my expression changes as my face falls I drop the empty gun going running out of the cell "you should change first." Mikasa says stopping me I glare at her she glares back "fine bring a car around." I say
I run into the hospital seeing eren and Erwin "where is she." "Room 8 on floor two." Erwin says I run through the halls up the elevator and our I see her room through the window she has a tubes and wires around her "sir? Do you know the patient." I turn seeing a woman." "Yes I'm her fiancé." I say "you can go in." She says "I-I know I just spend the passes hour thinking she was dead." I say "we saved her just in time she's in a coma we're monitoring her very close" she says I nod "sh-shes pregnant the baby is it..." the doctor sighs "im sorry no we couldnt save it." she says i look at y/n laying in the bed "thank you." I say she nods I walk into the room I sit next to her taking her hand holding it "I'm here." I say to her "I dont want you to go thinking i dont love you i do love you so much i never wanted to hurt you i dont want our last words to each other to be hateful. Please wake up soon so I can tell you i love you to your face again. I'm sorry y/n.. I'm so sorry." I say
I sit watching y/n "Levi did you sleep at all?" Mikasa says walking in "no." I say "you have things to do." She says "my priority is right here" I say she sighs "I'll take over talk to her you know it'll be fine." She says "she's in a coma mikasa it's not fine!" I say "Levi!" She says harshly i sigh "I'll be back at. 2" I say and get up I kiss y/ns forehead and walk off. "Call me if anything happens" I says he nods
i sit with y/n "you know he loves you....he would do anything for you y/n. i dont know if you want to know this but he killed zeke over you, lost his mie for few minutes. i got a glimpse of what it would be like if you wernt in his life...it was honeslty scary. you make him happy you make him know love. if you wernt in his life he'd be just as dark as before....im glad my brother found someone as good as you." i say
hanj i and i sit with y/n as hanji talks about all the stories she's been through and done "okay no let me tell you about the titan balloon face" she says i stop her "hanji...no one wants to hear about that one." I say "yeah it is a little graphic." she says and giggles "anyway so i cut off a titans face and i strung it to a balloon-" levi walks in "youre back....2 on the dot." i say looking at my watch he nods "oh hey levi i was telling her stories and i-" ill take over from here." he says coldly hanji and nod getting up "mikasa i want you and hanji to take care of the titans. youre in charge of the place for now" he says sitting next to y/n i nod "also mikasa." he says i nod "thank you." he says i nod going over to him i wrap my arms around his shoulders hugging him "you'll be okay." i say "both of you" i say and let go i walk off with hanji
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