When the two left Jimins house after they all reunited Hoseok and Yoongi went back to their huge house.
"Wow.. Its been a while since Ive been here." Hoseok says as he smiles. Yoongi sighed and looked around. Hoseok looked at Yoongi seeing he was a bit down by being there.
"I guess this will be the last night we spend here, since we are moving into a smaller house I found tomorrow." Hoseok says. Yoongi went quiet and then looked at Hoseok in surprise as a smile went up.
"Really!?" He says. Hoseok nodded happily as Yoongi hugged him. Hoseok hugged back and happily smiled at how happy Yoongi was.
"As said I will stop my job and stay home more with you." Hoseok says. Yoongi sniffed and Hoseok pulled away to see Yoongi shedding small tears.
"Why are you crying?!" He says. Yoongi smiled and gave Hoseok a small kiss.
"This is like a dream come true, I love you so much." Yoongi says as he smiled at Hoseok. Hoseok smiled brightly as he put his hands on Yoongis cheeks.
"Your so cute~ I love you too!" He says as he began to give him kisses all over his face as Yoongi laughed lightly telling him to stop until he really meant it.
~~about 5 years later~~
Yoongi sat on the couch they had in the livingroom of their small cozyily decorated house as he waited for Hoseok fidgeting with the ring on his finger.
"Yah! Hoseok we are gonna miss it!" Yoongi yelled as he sighed and stood up grabbing his bags and setting them at the door before he went to their bedroom. Hoseok rushed out with his bag and his clothes on him messily.
"Come on!" He says. Yoongi sighed and grabbed his arm and pulled him over and began to fix his clothes.
"What about the plane? We only have 5 minutes." Hoseok says looking at the clock. Yoongi sighed and shrugged as he smiled lightly.
"We dont have to go, we probably wouldn't make it either." Yoongi says softly. Hoseok frowned a bit.
"Im sorry, if I had woken up when you said we could've enjoyed the trip." He says. Yoongi had finished fixing Hoseok and smiled.
"We could be going to Tokyo, Italy, Hong Kong to Brazil or anywhere else. But it wouldnt matter because as long as I have you with me at all times I am happy." Yoongi says as he slightly went up and gave Hoseok a lighy kiss. Hoseok still frown a bit as he placed a hand on Yoongis shoulder.
"You sure it'll be fine.." He says. Yoongi nodded and gave off his gummy smile making Hoseok lightly smile.
"Lets just sit on the couch and enjoy a movie alright." He says. Hoseok nodded and they held hands as they walked to the couch together not bothering putting their bags or anything away as they sat and put the TV on, snuggling on the couch together.
"I love you." Yoongi says. Hoseok was quiet and Yoongi was a bit confused now. He lifted his head off of Hoseoks chest and looked up to see an already sleeping Hoseok. He smiled lightly and laid his head back down as he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep with Hoseok happily on the couch.
When Yoongi woke up he felt things on his face that caused him to wake up. When he opened his eyes he saw Hoseok wide awake giving him small kisses.
"I knew this would wake you up!" He says happily as he kissed Yoongi once more. Yoongi laid back down on Hoseoks chest as he turned the opposite direction.
"Im tired.." Yoongi aays as he closed his eyes. Hoseok sighed and began to move off the couch causing Yoongi to sit up.
"You are tired but I am not so you lay there and I go play some games." He says. Yoongi gave him a sharp tired look.
"You owe me 80 dollars worth of a plane ticket dont forget it. So you either lay back down and let me sleep or pay me right now." He says. Hoseok gulped and sheepishly smiled and chuckled as he went back onto the couch and opened his arms and legs for Yoongi to lay down. Yoongi smiled as if he had never said anything and laid in between Hoseoks legs and wrapped his arms around him snuggling into him.
"You aren't really gonna make me pay you 80 dollars.. Right.." Hoseok says. Yoongi just had a light smile on his face even if Hoseok couldnt see it and shrugged.
"You either do as I say or pay for a lot. Dont think I dont know what you've done with the past couple of computers Ive had and your phones. As if you could lose or "accidently" break something." Yoongi says. Hoseok gulped again as he had been caught. Yoongi lifted his head as he put his hands on each side of Hoseoks face.
"You are such a trouble maker and ruin my things.." Yoongi says as he sighed a bit. Hoseok looked down feeling bad.
"But you are so lucky I loved you enough even through all the things you do, to marry you." Yoongi says as he lifted Hoseoks head a bit and gave him a kiss. Hoseok smiled happily and kissed back as he wrapped his arms around Yoongi. Yoongi pulled away and smiled.
"You pay just by giving me your love and making me feel happy. If anything ever happens.. Just know you owe me over a thousand dollars." He says before he gave Hoseok a small peck and then snuggled back into his chest. Hoseok smiled happily as he held onto Yoongi happily and closed his eyes.
"I promise I wont make you unhappy like I used to." Hoseok says. Yoongi nodded and then slowly fell asleep. Hoseok followed as he fell asleep seeing how peaceful Yoongi was.
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