Chapter 17
Jimin woke up from the alarm and his phone going off. He sat there adjusting ro everything and then picked up his phone.
"YAH! PARK JIMIN YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HERE 3 HOURS AGO! THE MEETING STARTED AN HOUR AGO AND THEY'RE WAITING FOR YOU!" Jimin looked at the time and then he quickly got ready waking up Seokjin. The two then hurried and left to their offices.
"I am sorry." Jimin says as he bowed his head. Someone of the people there gave him looks and then to each other and down to their papers. Then the door opened. Everyone stood and bowed. Jimin turned and was suddenly smacked. When he looked it was his dad.
"Yah! Did I not tell you this was serious?" He says. Jimin stared at him and was quiet. He looked down.
"I apologize.." Jimin says. His father pushed passed him and sat down. Jimins assistant went over to him.
"Come on.. Go sit.." She says. Jimin then began to walk over to his seat. His father and everyone watched as he silently sat. Since Jimin got smacked everyone was sure what was to happen as the same thing happens all the time.
"So, we are here to discuss the issues with the other companies coming in. And trying to take what we have on new developments and plans for the future. Have any of you experience this?" He says. Jimin looked at him and crossed his arms.
"What does this have to do with you, you may own this place but I am the CEO here right?" Jimin says. Everyone sighed and looked down. Jimins dad glared at Jimin.
"A CEO, look at you, its always these types of meetings you miss. You even missed the one in Busan because of some storm. Sometimes you have to make sacrafices for things!" He yelled. Jimin stared at him and looked down.
"So you just want me to die for this job like you almost did..." Jimin says. Everyone looked at Jimin and he just stared down.
"You left me at 5 years old and come back years later telling me to do all this! I could've left you as you did me as well! But look where I am now! Doing what you want!" Jimin says. No one has ever heard of this. Jimins dad kinda stopped as all eyes were on him now. Looks of judgement by the people there.
"This job.. Was it so important that you had to make mom move away and never tell me.. All those years spent waiting for at least one of you guys.. But you made her leave me, because of this job.." Jimin says. The looks of judgement went more harsh as everyone stared at Jimins dad.
"I am done with this job.." Jimin says. Everyone looks at Jimin now. He stood up and walked to the door.
"No you cant!" His dad says. Jimin looked at him.
"I'll see you tomorrow.." Jimin says. His dad then stared at him as he remember what he told Jimin when he was 5.
"Appa! Eomma! When are you guys coming back??" Jimin says as he held onto his dads leg. His dad looked at him and gave him a light smile.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He says. Jimin smiled as he waved to his parents until the car was away.
~~The Next Day~~
Jimin sat on the stairs outside the house waiting. He sat there the whole day and ended up falling asleep.
"Jimin-ah.. You have to come back inside.." One of the maids say. Jimin slowly gets up. And went over hugging her as she picked him up.
"Appa said he would be here.." Jimin says. She rubbed his back as he cried and fell asleep again. It repeated until Jimin realized his parents weren't comimg back.
Jimin went to his office and cleaned everything. He found flowers from Jungkook on his desk. He smiled and then carried them as he had his things.
"Mr. Park.. Are you really leaving..." His assistant said. Jimin then nodded as he and her walked out of the office. They took the elevator down to where all the workers were. He went up the stairs in their.
"Everyone! May I have your attention." He says loudly. Everyone looked at him. Down below Jimin saw Jungkook who noticed the flowers he was carrying.
"I am no longer your CEO." Jimin says. Everyone started getting loud with questions.
"Yeah.. Well, I cant keep doing this. Im sorry.. But I hope whoever comes up to be CEO will be good with you guys. Cause you all are the best workers Ive known." Jimin says as he smiled as he glanced over everyone.
"Yah, Jimin-ah, if your gone, I am gone!" Jimin looked over and saw Yoongi who took off his work badge and waited at the elevator for Jimin.
"Me too!" Jimin looked down and saw Jungkook take off his badge and go with Yoongi.
"I too, will leave.." Jimins assistant says as she took her badge off as well. Soom enough more than half the workers quit because of Jimin. From the top Jimins father watched as many former workers fled the building. Too many that he knew this company would be nothing now especially since most people are employed and the young unemployed people are too young.
"Well is this it?" Jimins dad turned around and saw one of the oldest workers.
"I guess.. Its time to put this on hold.. I've been a bad father and now that I see my son has the ability to make more than half of my workers leave I now realized how great he has become... Even without me or his mother.." He says. The worker than nodded and then he took off his badge.
"It was nice working for you and your son. I hope everything turns out great." The worker says. Jimins dad nodded and the two men shook hands before the worker left leaving Jimins dad in the building observing the outside world quietly.
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