Chapter 10
When Jimin woke up he quickly looked around spotting the bathroom and ran. Taehyung was surprised as he shot up after Jimin was gone. He then went to the bathroom and patted Jimins back as Jimin threw up.
"Taehyungie~ My head hurts!!" Jimin whined when he finished. Taehyung observed Jimin. He was still tired, his lips were all red, and his skin was a bit red. Taehyung pulled Jimin up and then told him to wash up. Jimin did as he was told and washed his face a bit. Taehyung laid back down waiting. He looked at the time it was 4am. Jimin then came back and collapsed on the bed.
"What happened last night after we drank.. Why are we still at Hobi Hyungs house.." Jimin says. Taehyung then looked at Jimin a bit surprised he didnt remember.
"So you don't remember anything from that point onward?" Taehyung says. Jimin looked at him and thought.
"I do remember when we played that game. Thanks, that girl was the one that confessed to me once.. I wasn't up for that." Jimin says. Taehyung blushed knowing Jimin was a bit conscious when that kissed happened.
"Usually when someone gets kissed by the same gender they freak out." Taehyung says. Jimin shrugged as he closrd his eyed wanting to go to sleep.
"Guy or girl, accident or not. A kiss is a kiss. You are my bestfriend, so it doesnt matter what you did. Id rather kiss you than some girl looking for some bod." Jimin says as he voice slowly died down into a snore and he fell asleep. Taehyung blushed as he smiled and then wrapped his arms and legs around Jimin again falling asleep with a smile on his face.
~~Last Years of Highschool~~
~~3 Months in~~
Jimin walked into the school late. His hair was now a light pink. His face showed he was tired. His energy seemed drain. Since he couldnt spend a lot of time with Taehyung last summer or at any point recently he didnt know weither or not they were in the same class. When he was at the door to his class he knocked. The door opened, the teacher stood there starring at Jimin. Jimin held up a note and handed it to him. The teacher read it and theb observes Jimins face and nodded moving aside for him to come in. Jimin looked and saw Taehyung smile. There was an empty seat next to him. Jimin went over and sat down and immediately put his head down.
"Jiminie... You okay?" Taehyung says. Jimin nodded as he faces Taehyung and smiled a bit.
"So I guess its just us two that need to finish school." Taehyung says as they sat at their table which was once filled with their friends.
"Its fine. We could make the best of it." Jimin says as he was eating. Taehyung nodded and smiled.
"Uhm.. Jiminie why were you late?" He asked. Jimin sighed and looked down.
"Well, my dad.. He is sick and they said he is on the verge of life or death.. So this whole summer I was in Busan taking care of him.. He may not have been there for me.. But I cant just leave someone I know to die... Let alone a family member." Jimin says. Taehyung then nodded and smiled at Jimin kindness to someone who was only their for him for 5 years.
"This morning, I forgot I had school, and so the driver had drove me to school.. We left early but with traffic we got here late. Were you looking for me? Sorry I couldnt make it in time. Did anyone bully you on the bus?" Jimin says. Taehyung smiled at his worryings and shook his head.
"I did look for you but then thought it was probably like the first day of Highschool. No one bullied me at all. They all seemed to tired to do anything. That guy left the school so I dont think I would get bullied anymore." He says. Jimin nodded and smiled as he pushed his food and put his head down.
"Im tired.." Jimin says. Taehyung rubbed Jimins back as he was a bit worried about him. Taehyungs phone then dinged. He pulles it out and looked.
"Oh, Seokjin Hyung is inviting us to hangout." Taehyung says. Jimin slowly lifted his head up. Taehyung held up the phone for Jimin to read. Jimin rested his head on Taehyungs shoulder as he read.
Seokjin Hyung
<(Hey Taehyung and Jimin! I assume you guys are together if not then send this to Jimin afterwards! Since we havent hung out as we used to~ I have decided to let you guys come over to hangout! Lets celebrate your last year starting! And act as a reunion since we all haven't seen each other. Well see you guys tonight!!)
"Se are you going.." Taehyung says. Jimin then thought and nodded. Taehyung then happily texted Seokjin they were going.
"Lets get back to class." Jimin says as he stood up. Taehyung nodded and the two walked to class.
~~A couple hours after school~~
Taehyung and Jimin were headed to Seokjins apartment. When they got to the address Seokjin sent it was a big apartment complex. They went up to Seokjins room and knocked. Namjoon amswered the door.
"Oh wow, you two are early. Yoongi amd Hoseok arent here yet." Namjoon says. Taehyung sheepishly smiled as the two went in.
"Taking the bus said it would take a bit long so we got on the bus early and the bus stop was a bit further from here so we walked a bit." Taehyung says. Jimin nodded as Namjoom lead them to a room. There were many doors.
"You guys will be sleeping here." Namjoon says. Jimin nodded not minding sharing a room. Taehyung blushed a bit. He saw many doors leading to empty rooms why is he sharing a room.
"Taehyung! Jimin!" Seokjin says as he hugged them. He wrapped his arms around the two and went to Jimins ear.
"Hows it going?" He says. Jimin didnt understand what he meant. Seokjin went to Taehyungs ear.
"Still nothing?" He says. Taehyung nodded and Seokjin sighed as he let go of the two.
"You are hopeless." Seokjin says to Jimin. Jimin was still confused. Taehyung blushed a bit and looked down.
~~That Night~~
Everyone was having a good time. Hoseok was the highlight of the sleepoveras always. They caught up. When everyone was calm Seokjin looked at Jimin.
"Jiminie. Can I talk to you." Seokjin says. Jimin nodded and got up. The two then went to an empty room.
"What is it hyung?" Jimin says. Seokjin sat and patted a spot next to him where Jimin sat shortly after.
"Do you like anyone?" Seokjin asked. To his surprise Jimin nodded. Seokjin blinked a bit.
"Well who?" Seokjin says. Jimin went silent as he looked away.
"Come on, its only me and you in here. I wont tell." Seokjin says as he rubbed Jimins shoulder with a smile. Jimin then opened his mouth to speak.
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