Real Friends - 3
*Ink's POV*
I walked over and I could hear my other friends behind me. "Hey Error! Mind if we join?." I ask and he shakes his head, we sit down. "So Ink have you met everyone here?." Error asked and I nodded no. "Okay well, G, Greaser, Geno, Fresh, Horror, Nightmare, Cross, Sensy, Fell and Ganz and for the ones who don't know them, Ink, Chess, Blue, Outer, Lust, Dream, Ice and Medi." Error says finishing with a salute. "Sooo how are we gonna deal with SwapFell?." G asked and I listened. "Well it seems that he hangs out with Charas and evil Frisks." Horror explains. "Well there is three humans who would never join him... Well two because I'm not quite sure about one." Geno said confidently. "You mean Frisk, Valerie and Sarah." Greaser said. "Changing the subject, I'm having a sleepover tonight... You guys wanna come?." Nightmare suggested. "Sure." Everyone agreed and for the rest of the lunch we talked and told jokes, these were the best friends I have ever had.
---;-;---Time Skip
*NightMare's POV*
"Bro they're gonna be here soon!!!." Dream whined. "I know I know." I say walking downstairs. "IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!." I jump when I hear screaming from outside, I quickly ran over to the door and swung it open. "Fresh?." I say surprised. "Idiots." Fresh said. "Where are Error and Geno?." I ask and they both fall from above. "HOLY SHIT!!!." I yell and fall back from being scared. "Could you not." I say getting up. "Sorry." Geno scoffed, I let them in. "Wow Geno really is bitchy." I say to myself and shut the door. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* I groaned and opened the door. "C-Cross hey." I blushed and from behind him came Dance. "Thank Asgore this is my house." I say and they look at me confused. "IM HERE!!!." A voice shouts and Ink falls right in front of me scaring me once again. "FUCK ME!!!." I yell. "Sorry about that, not really used to teleporting." He blushed out of embarrassment. "Come on in." I say and when they get in I stick a sign on the door. -TELEPORT INSIDE-.
"HEYO!!!." Someone must have read the sign because five people fell on top of each other. "THAT WAS A HORRIBLE IDEA FELL!!!." G yelled. "ME?!! IT CLEARY SAID TELEPORT INSIDE!!!." Fell yelled. "WE ALL SHOULD HAVE TELEPORTED SEPARATELY!!!." Greaser yelled. "WELL OF YOU DIDN'T TRIP WHEN WE TELEPORTED!!!." Sensy yelled. "THIS WOULDN'T OF HAPPENED!!!." Ganz yelled. "TRY ME!!!." Greaser yells again. "SHUT UP!!!." I yell and everyone stops. "Could we just wait for everyone and not fight?." Dream asks. "Okay okay." Sensy said getting up.
---;-;---Time Skip To When Everyone Arrives
"Okay since some of these guys don't go to our school, I'll introduce them." I say and everyone nods. "Carter, Cater, Umi, Cae, Yusebi, Decans, Vibe, Dust, Killer, Sci and Katana." I say. "Cool so what now?." Fell asks. "Movie?." Blue suggests. "What movie though?." Dream asks. "Uh... How about... A horror movie?." Blue said. "How about the new Ouija movie?." Killer said. "Alright Ouija Orgin Of Evil!!!." I say and pop the cd in.
---;-;---Near The End Of The Movie
*Error's POV*
I looked around the room and saw Chess sleeping on G and G resting his head on Chess. I SHIP IT!!!. Everyone was clutching on to someone else, Starry(Outer) to Sci, Blue to Fell, Killer to Dust, Nightmare to Cross, Sensy to Ganz, Fresh to Greaser, Geno to Reaper (who had got there before the movie started), Decans to Vibe, Katana to Dance, Ice to Umi, Lust to Horror, Cae to Medi, Yusebi to Dream, Carter to Cater and Ink to me. "I REGRET THIS!!!." Blue whisper shouts. "Don't worry when you're in Dreams presence you will have Dreams." Nightmare said. "You're here too." Dream says and Nightmare nods. "I won't concentrate as much." He says and our eyes go back onto the screen. The movie ended with another jumpscare. "OK!!! Never again." Greaser said turning the tv off and cuddling the sleeping Fresh. "I'm watching you." I say and Greaser nods. Fresh has always been the nerdy, weaker type, not saying Fresh couldn't stand up for himself, he just can't sometimes and can be broken easily, unlike Geno, who is moody and very strong, but has gotten a little bit of depression ever since he was stabbed. "Well goodnight." Nightmare says and everyone starts getting comfy.
Ink cuddled into me and I internally screamed, my face was as yellow as a lemon(if you know what I mean 😏). I slowly started drifting off and doom fell asleep.
---;-;---Time Skip To Morning
I opened my eyes and felt something shift, I looked down and saw Ink sleeping with his arms rapped around me. "U-uh Ink?." I say poking him and he wakes up while blinking rapidly. "Where am I?." He asked and looked around. "It's okay Ink." I say and he looks up and blushes. "Good morning." I smile and he sits up. "Well everyone's waiting." I say and we both walk into the kitchen were we saw all our friends sitting at the table talking. "I think I'm gonna enjoy this year." I say smiling and Ink nods.
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