The King's Arrival
In the ruins of the city of Boston, in Massachusetts, a giant otherworldly Monster, a three headed Hydra/Dragon, with golden scales was doing battle with Earth's King of the Monsters, Godzilla, and it wasn't going too well for Godzilla, even with the help of Mothra, who had been wounded badly by Rodan.
This monster was known as Monster Zero, but his true name was (Y/N) Ghidorah!
I was fighting with Godzilla in this pathetic city, he roared at me, before I took flight and kicked him, also wrapping both of my tails around his body, it was time to put this old king down, and take my place as ruler of my new world!
"Time to take you for a ride!" I said as I beat my wings and lifted his heavy ass off the ground, with him struggling and trying to bite me as I flew higher and higher, until I brought him above the clouds, and dropped him.
I watched in satisfaction as Godzilla fell through the air, his body burning as he fell, until I saw him hit the ground with a good crash, right onto his back, I then flew down and saw that he was finished, I landed, destroying two more buildings with my wings, before I saw that pitiful insect crawling on top of the fallen King.
"Hmph... first you rely on help from those... inferior creatures, and now you need help from a dying insect? How pitiful" I said as I approached them.
"Yeah, such a pathetic sight for someone that's supposed to be so strong!" Ni, the head to my right said, giving the old king a look of disgust.
"Ooh, such pretty colours on her wings! Too bad we have to kill you now" said San, or "Kevin" as he liked to be called sometimes, we watched as this insect covered the fallen king with their wings, which started to glow before she flew up above the fallen king, though she didn't look stable from her wings being burned away from Rodan's fire.
"You... will not... kill him!!" she said defiantly as she flew towards me.
"A futile gesture!" I growled as my other two heads and I charged up our Gravity beams and fired all three at the Moth, she let out a pained shriek before she exploded in a bright flash, one less annoyance to stand in my way of taking this world, for myself.
"Mothra..." the fallen King said, lifting his head before he fell back down again, I then saw the remaining life energy from the pitiful moth fall onto the fallen king.
"A last attempt to revive you... I think not" I said as me, Ni and San slithered along the ground towards the fallen king and started wrapping our necks around his body, lifting him off the ground, he was completely helpless now.
"Alright, time to eat!" Ni said, sounding eager to feed.
"Yay! I hope his Life Force is tasty!" San said, sounding excited.
"For once I agree, San" I said, before the three of us bit into the Fallen King's scaly skin, the old fool roared in pain as we started to drain his life energy, feeding myself and my other heads, his life energy would empower us greatly!
But then, as we were feeding, I heard a sound, the sound of another challenger!
"Who dares challenge us?!" we all roared together as we looked around, only to see those insignificant Humans scuttling around like vermin, they were using that stupid box again, this time... I'll smash that stupid thing, and burn them all to ashes!
We dropped the old King on the ground and started to charge after those pitiful little Humans, that little device of their was irritating! I saw those little rats running into one of those little flying machines, but the one with that annoying box was trying to run!
I saw the flying machine begin to take off, Ni, San and myself prepared to smash this puny thing out of the air, when we heard the sound from somewhere else, we turned and saw one of their cars driving away, so we quickly turned to chase after them into the city.
"These buildings are in the way!" Ni said angrily as we crashed through one of their buildings.
"Then let's just blast them!" I snapped as we beat our wings and took flight, then we charged up our Gravity Beams and shot at this Human, first San fired and destroyed a building, then Ni fired and missed, then all three of us fired at once and sent the car flying!
We landed on the ground, then moved our heads in close, we saw that it was one Human, a female, she was laying on the ground, hurt, with that annoying box smashed on the ground nearby.
"Heh... no more box, puny insect!" I said, while Ni and San also lowered themselves and glared at this Human.
"Long live, the king..." the little Human said, she seemed to accept that we were going to kill her.
"Yes... long live- huh?" I said, as I heard a deep thrumming sound and smelled something in the air.
"What's that scent?" Ni asked, as all three of us looked around, the scent it was... radiation!
"It smells funny..." San said.
"GHIDORAH!!" came a loud roar from behind up, we turned and saw that the Old King had somehow gotten back up, and he was glowing red!
"You again!?" I, Ni and San/Kevin said in surprise, how the hell did he recover so damn fast?
"How the hell are you standing?!" Ni asked angrily, perhaps it was a bad idea to leave this guy to chase after those pathetic Humans?
"You wanna fight again, do you? This time we'll make sure to finish you off!" San/Kevin said, we all got ready to knock him back down
"Um, guys... what's he doing?" San/Kevin asked, sounding confused, before suddenly a red pulse came from his body, I quickly brought my wings forward to cover myself, Ni and San/Kevin from this, only to see this pulse burn away our wings!
"Graaaahhh!! Our wings!!" I roared in pain, watching as the skin burned away, along with the bones that made up our glorious wings.
"What did he just do!?" Ni asked, sounding scared at this sudden surge of power.
"Nooo! Our beautiful wings!" San/Kevin said in despair, as we saw the burned irradiated remains of our golden wings.
"Focus! Blast him, take him down NOW!!" I yelled, as I tried to move us back from him, Ni, San and myself charged out Gravity Beams and fired them at the old king, but for some reason, our attacks weren't effecting him like before! Then, the old King let out another pulse of that radiation!
"Aaahhh!!" Ni screamed as the radioactive wave disintegrated him!
"Naaaaahhhh!!" San screamed as he too was burned to ashes!
"Ni! San! S-Stay away from me!" I said, feeling fear for the first time in my life, how the hell had it gone like this?! I'm supposed to be the superior one! I had destroyed so many worlds, wiped out so many inferior races, how did this happen!?
"You threaten the balance of this world, so now... you will die!" the old King said as he stepped on my chest, I felt my ribs crack before my power started to overload!
"Rrrraaaaagh!!" I roared as my power exploded, when suddenly, I felt like I was falling...
On another world in the Cretaceous Period, the last era of the Dinosaurs, a portal was suddenly torn open in the dark sky, yellow lightning crackled around the edges of the portal then, a large golden shape fell through the portal, barely conscious as they plummeting towards the earth.
The golden shape was (Y/N) Ghidorah, who was badly wounded from his battle with Godzilla, then he hit the ground with a loud crash, creating a cloud of dust and dirt, the impact startled some of the surviving local wildlife, as a large cloud of dust flew into the air and obscured him from sight.
The dirt and dust soon started to clear, revealing golden, glittering scales in the sunlight, (Y/N) lay on the ground on his back, breathing slowly before his eyes opened, he let out a growl and rolled over, before he found that he couldn't get back up.
"Why... can't I get back up?" (Y/N) asked himself, he waited for an answer, only to look and see that his two other heads Ni and San/Kevin were gone, along with his wings, then he remembered... what Godzilla had done to him.
"That scum... he will pay... I shall make him PAY FOR THIS!!" (Y/N) roared loudly, his voice echoing through the wide open space, startling the surviving animals and Dinosaurs that were wandering the barren landscape.
(Y/N) then tried to pull himself up, feeling pain from the irradiated flesh that was still stuck to his body, he growled in anger and pain, before he bit down on the radioactive flesh and scales, and started to tear the irradiated scales and flesh from the stumps of his brother's necks, dropping the glowing flesh to the ground around him.
"Grr... this stuff needs to go, before Ni and San's heads grow back..." (Y/N) said in a growl, as he ripped off the last of the irradiated flesh, feeling the cells in his body beginning to work to regenerate his other heads.
(Y/N) roared as a clear membrane formed on the stumps on the other two heads, long forked tongues poked out and squirmed like snakes as the flesh and bone started to regenerate, (Y/N) reached over and ripped the membrane off of first Ni's regrowing head, and then did the same with San/Kevin's stump.
The two heads continued to reform, flesh, muscle and bone reforming rapidly, elongating as their necks regenerated, the skulls forming as (Y/N) gritted his teeth and waited for them to fully regenerate, a few minutes later, the necks were finally finished and their heads began to reform.
Both Ni and San/Kevin growled and groaned as the scales and skin reformed, the bone snapping into place, along with the muscle and sinew, their tongues going back into their mouths as their heads reformed.
"Ahh... man that really stings..." Ni growled, sounding angry about having to be regrown like this, since usually, it was San/Kevin who has that happen.
"Alright! I'm finally back!" San said sounding enthusiastic that he finally got his head back.
"What the hell are you so happy about San?! In case you forgot, WE LOST!!" (Y/N) roared as he snapped at San, making the more happy head shrink back, even Ni seemed scared.
"S-Sorry brother..." San said, sounding sad and dejected, (Y/N) then snorted from his nostrils and actually looked a little guilty about San's current state.
"No... I'm sorry, I should not take my frustration out on you brother" (Y/N) said, as he rubbed his snout against San's head.
"It's fine, I have to admit, I'm mad too, how dare that guy cheat and get strong all of a sudden!" San said, smiling briefly before he had a look of anger on his face.
"It must have been that insect... perhaps when she dropped that dust upon him, she empowered him?" Ni suggested, the three were silent for a moment, when it came to them.
"She gave him her life force... that explains it!" (Y/N) said, finally figuring out how Godzilla gained such a dramatic power boost.
"But... it's partially our own fault too though" San said, as he blew air from his nostrils, making a cloud of dust fly up.
"What are you talking about San?!" Ni growled, looking at the more easy-going head with a pissed off look in his face.
"That little box, the little box distracted us!" San said, before his eyes went to the sky, watching the dark clouds that obscured the sun, frowning at the lack of colour and such.
"We could have drained that old king dry, but they used that box to distract us, allowing him to absorb that Moth's power" (Y/N) said, growling in angry about being tricked like that by such small, insignificant beings as those Humans.
"Well, next time... that will not happen" (Y/N) growled, already planning the demise of the Humans and the old King.
"Brother... where are we? This does not look like the place we were before" Ni said as he took notice of their surroundings, seeing that this place seemed almost completely barren, like the apocalypse had come and gone.
"Yeah! Where are all the big buildings? And the pretty lights?" San asked, sounding like a child looking for a fair.
"I do not know myself, but what I do know is that this world appears to be in some for of turmoil" (Y/N) said, he could sense that this planet seemed to be caught in the throes of a massive change in climate.
"The sky's so dark, and the creatures of this world are withering, and dying..." (Y/N) said, he could feel that this planet didn't have much to offer, nothing to feed on, and nothing to rule over either!
"Aw... all the pretty colours are gone..." San said sadly, he liked how the place they were in before was, sure they had annoying things, but at least it was nice to look at.
"Focus San, at least we live, we can gather our strength, and get our revenge on the one who defied us" (Y/N) said as he bumped San's head, making the third head regain his focus on the task at hand.
"Our wings are still gone too..." Ni said as he looked to the stumps where their wings used to be, the flesh on those areas still glowing.
"Yes, we must reform our wings at once, we need to get that flesh off so they can regrow" (Y/N) said, Ni and San nodded, before both heads lowered themselves toward the wing nubs, and started to rip the irradiated flesh from the stumps of their wings.
"Grrr, this is so irritating!" (Y/N) growled angrily as Ni and San ripped the irradiated flesh from the stumps of their wings, then once all of that was ripped off, the wings started to regrow themselves, the bone frame and flesh reforming slowly as (Y/N), Ni and San waited impatiently for their wings to return.
As they waited, the membrane that stretched between the frame of the wings reformed, the golden scales also reforming on the frame of the wings, until finally after a short few seconds, they stretched out their wings
"We need to find a place to rest... and let everything finish healing..." (Y/N) said tiredly as he pulled himself and his brothers up off the ground, and started to walk to a place to rest, his eyes blazing with rage and power.
"Yes... regenerating like this has used up a lot of our energy, we must sleep, and regain our strength, for the next battle" (Y/N) said, feeling the fatigue from having to regrow so much of his body.
"Ooh, it's dream time!" San said, before he yawned sleepily.
"Yes... time to sleep" Ni said, also feeling tired from their battle, and from the regeneration, the three headed Kaiju walked away from the site of his plummet to this world, slowly walking himself away from the crater that his body left, searching for a place to rest, and regain his and his brother's strength.
"This world seems so barren... and boring" San complained, as he looked at the bleak landscape around them, it was still going through changes, but it didn't look too good.
"Indeed, it is rather depressing" (Y/N) said, though he was more pissed that this kind of destruction wasn't caused by himself or his brothers.
The three soon discovered a deep chasm, going down into the earth, this would make a good place to rest.
"There... much better than being frozen in a glacier for certain..." (Y/N) said before he, Ni, and San, climbed into this deep, dark abyss, using their twin tails to collapse the entrance, sealing themselves off from the creatures on this world.
Deep below the Earth, this golden Titan from another world, would slumber, and wait to regain his strength, and perhaps... find something new to do once he and his brothers awoke?
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