The Downfall of Heaven and Hell
God, the Four Devil Kings, and the soldiers that were smart enough to stay far back were blinded by an intense flash of light, powerful bolts of lightning shot from (Y/N)'s wings, the bolts flew into the dark, cloudy sky, and the surrounding area, the many unfortunate Angels, Fallen and Devils that were flying were wiped out in an instant, along with many who were close to (Y/N) on the ground.
The Factions leadership let out pained cries as they all covered their eyes, some stumbling or falling to their knees as they covered their eyes with their hands and/or arms, some crying out in pain as they were blinded.
The leadership of the three Factions were the first to recover from their blindness, followed by other members of their races, only to be shocked at the sight before them.
"Wh- What?!" Kokabiel said, as he trembled in abject fear, Azazel and Shemhazai uncovered their eyes, which promptly widened at the sight before them, they saw (Y/N) and his brothers stood with their wings spread, the tips and claws smouldering as singed and burnt feathers, both black and white, along with the ashes of what used to be soldiers fell from the sky like a snow storm.
"S-So many... so many dead!" Zeoticus Gremory said in shock, as he saw the massacre of the 72 Devil Pillars, this would decimate the Devil's numbers! Along with the Angels and the Fallen!
"F-Father!" Michael said as he fell to his knees, tear running from his eyes as he imagined all of the other Angels that had been wiped out in an instant.
"Monster! You will bring ruin to the order I have set for this world! You must be destroyed!" God said, as he glared at (Y/N) and his siblings, (Y/N), Ni and San all let out what sounded like a cackle as they saw the death and destruction they had caused.
"Hahaha! Like a big bug zapper!" Ni said as he saw the clouds of singed feathers falling around them, however...
"Yooouuu...!" (Y/N) growled as his gaze was fixed on God, the one who had interrupted their meal, God flinched at this gaze, then Ni and San added their own angry glares toward the Biblical God.
"You stole our meal!" San said, sounding like a kid who had their lunch stolen from them.
"Such a pathetic old man!" Ni growled aggressively, growling at God and baring his teeth.
"You will take their place!" (Y/N) roared before he charged toward where God was stood, the heavy steps (Y/N) and his siblings too with their feet and their wings as they charged toward God.
God's eyes grew wide in fear, before he called up his Holy Power to do battle with (Y/N) and his brothers, he grew himself larger to better combat the three headed Kaiju, until he was up to the brother's chest in height.
"Feel my Holy Wrath, unholy Serpents!" God said before he shot a beam of Holy Light toward the three headed Titan, the beam struck (Y/N) on the chest, pushing him and his brothers back a few feet, before he stopped and brought his wings forward to shield himself and his brother's sight.
"Ah, it's so bright!" (Y/N) growled as he squinted his eyes, using the cover his wings provided to shield his and his brother's eyes from the light God was attacking them with.
"This insect shines too much!" Ni snarled angrily, annoyed at the feeling in his eyes.
"Ooh, little sparkles dancing around... getting dizzy" San said as his eyes tracked the little sparks dancing around his face.
(Y/N) growled and started pushing through the light towards God, slowly making his way towards the leader of the Angels, growling as he walked slowly through the light, which barely singed the golden scales on his wings, until he was very close to God, who went wide eyed as (Y/N) spread his wings wide, dispelling the beam of light as his wings spread wide, and both Ni and San shot towards God with both jaws wide open, he went to try and block then with his arms, managing to catch San by the neck, while Ni's bit down on his other arm, making God yell in pain as Ni's fangs sank into his flesh.
"Got you!" (Y/N) hissed with a sinister grin on his face, his eyes showing malice before like a golden lightning bolt his head lanced forward, jaws open wide and clamped down on God's face, God screamed in pain, the grip on San loosening enough for him to dive and chomp down on God's ribs.
The three started draining God's energy and life force, a white glow passing through their scales and necks as they devoured his life force, God thrashed and screamed as he felt his powers being drained rapidly, feeling his body weaken quickly as his Holy Powers were being devoured.
Michael and the other Angels could do nothing but watch in horror as their father was being devoured alive, God tried calling down Holy Powers against (Y/N), but they did nothing against the Golden Hydra whose powers grew as he devoured his life, God's struggles weakened more and more, until he soon fell limp in the jaws of the three, they soon dropped him, watching as his body turned to sparkling dust which blew away on the wind.
"Not as satisfying as those two before, but... it'll do for now" (Y/N) said, as he licked his lips, Ni growled and nodded in agreement, while San burped.
"No... our father... h-he's!" one of the Arch Angels said in shock.
"God is dead!" Gabriel said in shock and terror.
"Nooooo!!" Another of the Angels cried out in despair, the forces of Heaven were all shell shocked at the death of their leader, the one who gave them life and purpose, Michael and his fellow Seraphs were the most affected.
"Withdraw! All Heavenly Forces, withdraw immediately!" Michael called out to all of the surviving forces of Heaven.
"Michael, what are you saying?! We cannot allow this monster to-" Uriel said, anger in his/her voice, before Michael spun around and grabbed him by the collar of his robes.
"IF OUR CREATOR AND FATHER COULD NOT FACE THIS BEAST, THEN WHAT HOPE DO WE HAVE?!" Michael screamed at his brothers and sister, tears streaming down his cheeks as he gave them all a look of anger and grief.
"Michael..." his sister Gabriel said, tears falling from her eyes too, the four Seraphs all agreeing silently that they would have to retreat for now.
"All Angels, retreat! Immediately!!" Michael called out to all of the surviving forces of Heaven, at once every single Angel that was capable took flight and ran, along with their Priests and Exorcists, running back to their Churches while the Angels ran back to Heaven.
The Fallen Angels saw Heaven retreating and they could see that they were outmatched, Azazel quickly ordered a retreat as well, leading the Fallen into the Underworld to escape this terrible Titan, and it's wrath.
The Devils however...
"That creature just killed God!" Zeoticus Gremory said in shock, he and the Gremory forces had been damaged, his parents had also been wiped out from that blast of lightning, along with many others.
"And sent the forces of Heaven running!" the current Leviathan said in wonder.
"We must have that beast in our ranks, restrain it! Now!" the current Lucifer shouted, before he and his fellow Satans, and other surviving Devil Nobles started to use their magics to try and capture the Dragon.
The surviving members of the Sitri House created large water snakes, which wrapped around the large Titan's body, biting onto the three necks as they tried to keep the creature on the ground, Lucifer and his companions flew up in front of (Y/N) with arrogant smirks on their faces as Luficer pulled out an Evil Piece.
"Now then, Dragons, I think it's time that you serve your rightful mast-Agh!" Lucifer said when suddenly, electricity surged through the water snakes, electrocuting the Sitri Devils with a lethal volt, killing them off and leaving only a few left! The Water Snakes quickly lost power and turned back into water, as (Y/N) spread his wings, blowing the Devil Kings back with a powerful gust of wind, as the storm above darkened and lightning split the sky.
"Filthy lower life forms! You dare to attempt to subdue me?!" (Y/N) roared, his eyes showing incandescent rage toward the four Devil Kings.
"Such foolish little bugs... crush them under our foot!" Ni growled, baring his teeth as he felt eager to crush the four Devil Kings.
"I wanna see what happens when we shoot them with our beams!" San said excitedly as the three gave a deep hiss at the four.
"Leviathan, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, we must make a joint attack on this beast, hurry!" Luficer called to his fellow Devil Kings and their remaining families.
"Yes lord Lucifer!" The four said as they all started throwing their most powerful magic towards (Y/N) and his brothers, the magical attacks struck (Y/N) and his brothers, the magic assault tested the resistance to magic they had, singing their scales or causing some wounds to be made.
The assault lasted for a full 45 minutes, and the Devils were quite tired out afterwards, a thick cloud of smoke had covered the area that (Y/N) and his brothers were, obscuring the Devil's view of their adversary.
"Yes! We've done it, the Devils are victorious!!" King Beelzebub said, sounding cocky with a tone of victory in his voice.
"With this beast under our power, we will destroy Heaven, and reign supreme over all!" Asmodeus said, his thought turning to how to gain some of (Y/N)'s powers for himself.
"Yes, those Angels will be easy pickings with their "father" dead" Leviathan said with a smirk on their face.
"It took almost all of our power, but... we've managed to defeat this thing, we we must-" Lucifer said, only for the cloud to be blown away by the wind and the rain, and the four Devil Kings saw (Y/N) and his two brothers giving them both a baleful glare
"It's still alive!?" Asmodeus said in shock and fear, the other Devil Kings, and their families were shocked, along with the other 72 Pillars, the three headed Titan was growling as some minor wounds were left on their bodies from the magical attacks.
"Wait look! At it's wounds!" Beelzebub said as he pointed to the small cuts and injuries, only to see them repair in mere seconds, as if they were never there!
"Impossible! That Dragon's capable of regeneration?!" The current Lord Phenex said, sounding shocked at the thought of a Dragon holding such an ability.
(Y/N), Ni and San then roared once again, their necks beginning to glow brightly before they fired their Gravity Beams once again, the lightning from the attacks spreading along the ground and zapping Devils and their followers due to the lashing rain.
Some of the devils tried attacking again, only to be downed by the wind, the wife of Lucifer was smashed by one of (Y/N)'s two tails, her body stabbed by a spike that pushed all the way through her body, others were destroyed by the Gravity Beams, or bitten by (Y/N), Ni and San, the Devils were completely outclassed!
Even the Four Great Satan's couldn't wound them, and had suffered several wounds from the battle, and losses to the family, Lucifer's line was pretty much completely wiped out!
"Lord Lucifer! We must withdraw, the Dragon has caused too many Deaths!!" said the father of Zeoticus Gremory, who looked to their Lord and Master with panic, Lucifer growled and stabbed his hand through the Gremory Head's chest, crushing his heart and killing him right in front of Zeoticus, who stood shocked and full of grief.
"I shall execute anyone who spouts such cowardice! All Devils will stay and-" Lucifer started to bellow, flaring how power, when suddenly, a golden blur shot towards him, it was (Y/N)! His jaws wide open before they slammed shut on the Devil King's body and brought him up off of the ground.
"Lord Lucifer!!" The Head of the Phenex House called, watching with wide eyes as Lucifer was being shaken like a rag doll, as (Y/N) did to him what he and his brothers did to God, draining his power and life force!
"Agh! No... Noooo!!" Lucifer cried out, fear in his voice, fear that shook his fellow Satans, and the Devil race, as his life was rapidly devoured, the last thing he saw was (Y/N)'s large, sharp teeth chomp down on his body, breaking his armour and stabbing into him as the last of his life was consumed, afterwards, his lifeless husk fell from (Y/N)'s jaws, turning to dust before it hit the ground before the horrified Devils.
"It... it devoured Lord Lucifer!" Asmodeus said, his legs shaking in terror as Lucifer's family were shocked and angry.
"And, you're all next!" (Y/N), Ni and San roared before they lunged towards the remaining Satans and their families, hunger in their eyes, and the fearful screams of the Devils echoing across the battlefield.
An hour had passed by as my brothers and I had killed off this "God" and we had just finished devouring these little insects that tried to attack and enslave us, a lot of them seemed to have run away, but it was no big issue...
"Haa... finally satisfied, these creatures are quite satisfying meals" I said as I saw the corpse of my latest meal turn to ash and blow away in the wind.
"Their life force certainly is more potent than most others we have devoured, save from those other Titans" Ni said as he blew air through his nostrils.
"So many interesting flavours! I feel so happy and full!" San said, as he licked his lips and teeth with his forked tongue.
"So, brother... what should we do now? The humans are as weak as ever, it would be no effort to take this world for ourselves" Ni asked, as he looked over the land, there were a lot of Humans around still, not as many as the place they were in before.
"Perhaps another time, I feel satisfied with the death and destruction we have sowed here today" I said, as I admired the destruction me and my brothers had caused.
"Haaa... I'm ready to go back to dream time, brothers..." San said as he yawned loudly, stretching his jaws open wide.
"Yes, after devouring so much life energy, I do feel quite sleepy..." Ni said, as he too yawned, looking quite tired.
"Then we shall find a new place to sleep, we will then rise, and see what... hey wait, what the hell?!" I said, as I noticed our golden scales had started to glow, they were getting brighter and brighter, until there was suddenly a flash!
"What...? What the hell just happened guys... brothers?" I said as I opened my eyes, blinking, wondering why Ni and San/Kevin didn't say anything, I went to move my wings but then... i saw that my wings were gone, and in their place... were arms!
"What the hell?!" I said in shock, before I grabbed some armour that was left on the ground, and looked at my reflection... only to see that I wasn't in my own form, I had changed into a Human! With (S/C) skin, golden scale armour, with armour shaped like mine and my brother's heads on my shoulders and on my head, I had (E/C) eyes and hair too!
"Oh no! I've become one of the Ants! Ni! San?! Where did you guys go?!" I called out, as I looked around for my brothers, did they get turned into Humans too? However, they didn't answer me, and I didn't see them!
(What the hell just happened?!) came Ni's voice, but, I didn't see him, anywhere.
(It's dark, is it time for bed already?) San said, then I realised what had happened to my brothers.
"Ni! San! Your voices in my head!" I said, disgusted with myself for sounding so worried about our situation.
(What in the hell happened, how did we get like this?!) Ni asked, sounding confused and angry at this sudden change.
"I don't know, and I DON'T LIKE IT! How do I undo this travesty upon our glorious form!?!" I asked, pissed off about our form being reduced, if this was something someone else had done, I shall make them suffer!
(Why are you asking us?! Your supposed to be the one in charge!) San said, sounding confused too.
"Alright! Okay, no need to panic, I'm not some mewling lower life form, just... calm yourself (Y/N)" I said to myself as I took a deep breath and started to think of a way to fix this.
"Now then... all I have to do is think about this and, huh?" I said, as I saw the armour glowing, then my skin glowed, before suddenly, I was back to my normal self! With Ni and San also back!
"Ah, thank goodness! We're back to normal again!" Ni said in relief as I shook our body and spread our wings wide, glad that we regained our true, glorious form, instead of that insignificant form.
"Well, that is a rather strange ability... perhaps we absorbed something else when we devoured the lives of those creatures?" I mused, perhaps devouring the power of that old man, or one of those four fools did something, gave us some sort of new power?
"We can make ourselves tiny!" San said, sounding pleased, until Ni growled and snapped his jaws at San.
"Oh, we can reduce ourselves to lower life forms, how useful!" Ni growled, honestly being able to become a lower life form did sound like a useless ability, but still...
"I don't know Ni, it may prove useful, in time... for now though, I'd rather remain as ourselves" I said, as I folded my wings back to my body.
"Fine... but I won't be happy about it!" Ni growled, before I bared my teeth at him, making him shut up.
"Agreed, now, let's go and find a place to sleep, then we can try out this new form" I said, before I spread our wings, the storm that seemed to follow us picking up speed and rain as I flapped our wings and started to take off.
"Yes, let's sleep for now..." San said, sounding tired and sleepy, looking like he was going to fall back asleep, I yawned too, and started to fly away from this battlefield, making my way towards another land to bury myself and my brothers, and to try out this new form, without having these lower life forms mess with us, or think they could try to attack us while we're pretending to be a bug...
From that day onward, the three Factions spoke in hushed whispers of the three headed, golden Dragon that killed and devoured their leaders, the Devils, Angels and the Fallen all agreed to cease fighting, and swore the fate of their leaders to utmost secrecy, least their factions collapse to infighting or despair.
However... among that generation of the three factions, were also tales of (Y/N) Ghidorah, the surviving Devil Pillars watched their skies fearfully, for the three headed creature that devoured their leaders like a wolf among sheep, fearing that he would reach the Underworld and ravage them as they had done during the war.
The Angels withdrew themselves into Heaven, trapped in their grief for their fallen father, and comrades, several others fell from grace, consumed by thoughts of revenge on (Y/N), while those that stayed true, watched the world carefully for this creature that killed their creator.
And finally, the Fallen Angels, whose only surviving leaders were the war mongering Kokabiel and Azazel, as well as a few surviving Cadres, the power of (Y/N) Ghidorah had shaken them greatly, even Kokabiel felt hesitant to face such a power...
The effects of (Y/N) Ghidorah's arrival during the war was also felt by the Humans, many of them had their memories wiped, to keep the existence of the Supernatural Factions a secret, however... unknown to the three Factions, and other Supernatural Factions and other Godly Pantheons, the Humans who had bore witness to (Y/N)'s battle with the Factions and the two Heavenly Dragons, had made stories and legends about him.
Some had even made cults that worshipped him, worshipping the three headed Dragon as a God, the Greeks making the legend of the Hydra, the Supernatural world watched out for any signs of this mysterious monster, years passed, and there was no sight nor whisper about a large, golden, three headed Dragon anywhere in the world, but very soon, he would return...
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