The Devils Arrive at Kyoto, Yasaka Saved from Death?
In the Underworld, several older Devils watched through portals and other magical artifices the battle between Yasaka, the leader of the Yokai Faction, and the giant, three headed Dragon, (Y/N), they could see that (Y/N) was indeed powerful, simply toying with the nine tailed Fox while she was fighting for her life!
"It's just as powerful as back then..." said a man who was gathered together with several other Devils, this was Lord Bael, the current head of the Bael Clan.
"If not more, this is most troublesome..." Lord Sitri said, as his wife Veronica Sitri was stood by his side, watching the battle nervously, her memories of her encounter with the three headed Dragon during the War flashing through her mind.
"And with the power it has consumed from the War... it will be very difficult to stop with force" Zeoticus said, as he watched the battle with a grim look on his face.
"Your kidding right? It'd be IMPOSSIBLE to fight this thing! It'll destroy the entire Underworld!" said a blonde haired man, this was Lord Phenex
"Which is why we must try to act fast, before the younger generation turns this Dragon's wrath upon the Devils!" said a member of the Astaroth Clan, who looked at the battle fearfully.
"Then we had best waste no more time, make the preparations! We will go and speak with this Dragon, at once!" Zekram Bael said in a commanding voice, the adult Devils all nodded and quickly went to rush off and get ready to prepare to face such a powerful being.
"Venelana, have you heard from Rias, or Sirzechs?" Zeoticus asked, as he walked to his wife, who dismissed a Magic Circle that she used to contact her son's wife, Grayfia.
"Sirzechs is mobilising Tannin to intercept the Dragon, and I'm unsure about Rias..." Venelana said fearfully, if Tannin fought him, it could end up much worse!
"Damn it, we have to hurry up!" Zeoticus said, before he held Venelana's arm and the two of them hurried off with the other Devils to try and speak with the Dragon now known as the Golden Wings of Demise.
In Heaven, the Angels were also watching the destruction in Kyoto, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael were watching with looks of shock, fear and anger on their faces at the sight of (Y/N), Ni and San/Kevin.
The memories of their Father's death were still quite deep, his absence felt through the Sacred Gear System and God's System, Michael had been doing his best to keep things working, but it was a lot to do, and even then he couldn't maintain it as well as God did.
The Angels of Heaven had lost many members in the trio's attack, and more after who fell due to grief, or anger towards the Three Headed Dragon, and swore to try and stop it if it ever rose up to terrorise the world again.
"Brother..." Gabriel said as she watched the battle with a look of worry and anger on her face.
"Yes, it would seem they have returned" Michael said, the serene smile on his face falling to a scowl, as he watched the three headed Dragon electrocute Yasaka.
"What shall we do brother? They are attacking the Yokai faction!" Raphael asked, as he clenched his fists while he watched the trio battle with Yasaka.
"Prepare the Angels to mobilise! We will go and-" Uriel said, as he stood up and went to go and gather a force to face off with the Dragon, a look of anger on his face as he rose up to get a battle party together.
"No..." Michael said suddenly, making his fellow Seraphs look at him in shock.
"What?!" Uriel said, shocked that his brother was refusing to take action while their father's killer had so suddenly reappeared.
"We will not engage with that Dragon" Michael said firmly, Gabriel however seemed scared and somewhat relieved, she didn't want to see more of their Angels be destroyed by the Death Song of the Three Storms, Raphael looked like he wanted to argue but he stayed silent because of how Gabriel looked.
"But brother! He was the one who took our father away from us! This could be our chance to-" Uriel said, sounding shocked at Michael's sudden dismissal of the idea, and wanting to lead the Angels back to attempt to kill their Father's murderer.
"To what?! To die in vain, and lose even more of our people to that Monster!? Possibly even have it chase us all the way back to Heaven!?" Michael yelled loudly as he slammed his fist on the table and stood up, his power flared and he fixed Uriel with a stern expression, this surprised the other three Seraphs since they were so used to him remaining calm and serene.
"He killed our father... and he killed so many from all three Factions during the war with only a single attack, how do you think we could possibly defeat it if our Father couldn't?" Michael said as he sat himself back down, a haunted look on his face as he imagined the utter destruction that would be unleashed upon their Kingdom if the three headed Dragon ever reached Heaven.
"You could give authorisation for us to use-" Uriel started, but another flare of power came and a look of anger came across Michael's face.
"Absolutely not! He and his creations are not to be utilised under any circumstances, they are an affront to our Father's will, and will tarnish the reputation of Heaven" Michael said, putting his foot down on Uriel's suggestion, Uriel looked at Michael angrily but then sighed and nodded his head.
"But brother, the Devils are moving to face the Dragon already!" Raphael said, as the footage of the incident showed the Devils were arriving on the scene, and they had the Blaze Meteor Dragon, Tannin there to face off against the One Who is Many.
"We will wait, perhaps the Devils will be able to finally calm this Beast, before he brings destruction to the entire world..." Michael said as he watched the footage closely, Uriel looked like he wanted to argue but a look from Gabriel and Raphael stopped him, instead he turned and left the room, leaving the other three Seraphs to watch the ongoing battle.
In the Underworld, Azazel and Shemhazai were also watching the battle unfold in Kyoto, Azazel was watching this fight with interest, his eyes locked on (Y/N), Ni and San/Kevin, ever since their sudden appearance during the three way war, he had been trying to find any clues as to the identuty of the Dragon, after all a three headed Dragon isn't exactly common place in Hell.
However, his search had turned up no clues, between the Devils political stone walling, the Dragons themselves either not knowing or refusing to answer, and the pressures from the other Fallen Angels to drop the investigation and focus on more important issues, such as their declining numbers, the investigations came to a grinding halt, but now, he was watching with undivided attention.
"That's quite a powerful Dragon, wouldn't you say?" Azazel said as he watched (Y/N) and his brothers fight with Yasaka, or... more like watching the Brothers toy with the Fox Woman, seeing the sadistic smirk on (Y/N)'s face at Yasaka's suffering.
"Indeed... it's just as frightful as it was all those years ago" Shemhazai said as he watched the battle too, then the door to Azazel's Office opened and a muscular man walked in, he had short black hair and a big beard.
"Lord Azazel" the newly arrived Fallen Angel said as he approached the Governor of the Grigori.
"Ah, Baraqiel! Good to see you" Azazel said to him, only glancing at the new comer before focusing back on the battle in Kyoto.
"I'm guessing you heard about what's happening in Kyoto as well?" Baraqiel said as he walked towards the two.
"Heard about it? We're watching it..." Shemhazai said as Baraqiel stepped in next to them, and also watched the battle.
"That Monster is quite powerful, like, it's gotten even stronger since the War..." Baraqiel said as he watched the trio doing battle, a cold sweat running down his cheek as he remembered his own close call when it unleashed that massive blast of lightning.
"It couldn't be just that, we saw what it did with the Heavenly Dragons, and with the Leaders of the Devils and God, perhaps he grew stronger after devouring them?" Azazel theorised, a serious frown now on his face as he watched the battle unfold.
"That Monster truly lives up to it's name... the Devouring Dragon..." Shemhazai said nervously, a shiver going through his body at the Dragon's given title.
"The Devils will most likely try to subdue it, they won't stand a chance" Baraqiel said in a grim tone of voice.
"If the worse come to worse, we'll have to step in, I suggest we get everyone ready to move out if we need to" Azazel said as he looked up at Baraqiel, he trusted him to rouse the troops if the need arose.
"Of course, Lord Azazel, I will go and ready the Troops" Baraqiel said with a slight bow, before he left the room to get the Fallen Troops ready to engage with the Golden Wings of Demise.
"You realise that we don't have the numbers to face off against such a Beast, right?" Shemhazai said to Azazel, his voice full of dread and worry.
"Yeah, but if we're gonna go extinct anyway, may as well go out protecting the world right?" Azazel said to him, Shemhazai nodded to him, their Faction had the lowest numbers out of the three Biblical factions, so they faced the reality of extinction every day.
(I wonder what kind of Sacred Gear could be made from that Creature's Soul?) Azazel thought to himself as he watched the one sided fight continue...
Yasaka was panting and trembling as electricity arched from her golden fur, in front of her (Y/N), NI and San/Kevin were smirking at her smugly, they knew they were overpowering the Yokai Leader, and she knew she didn't have a chance to defeat the trio, the storm lashed Kyoto mercilessly from their presence in this land.
"This power... why are you doing this?!" Yasaka asked as she was panting for breath, wincing in pain from the burns and wounds on her body.
"Your the one who challenged usss...." (Y/N) hissed as a sadistic smile pulled at his face, feeling satisfaction from the Youkai's pain.
"Shot your fire at us, and drawing us here" San/Kevin said, being unusually serious as he looked at her.
"Foolish creature, too weak for a true challenge!" Ni roared angrily, feeling superior by a large margin to the Fox Woman.
(This must be... an Evil Dragon! Where are those Devils?!) Yasaka thought to herself, as her body was wracked with pain, while she was distracted the three decided to finish the one sided fight.
"DIE!!" the three roared loudly as they charged at Yasaka, she snapped out of her thoughts and went to dodge their attack, but her back leg was badly burned, before she could recover (Y/N), Ni and San bit down on her and electrocuted her!
"AAAHHH!!!" Yasaka screamed loudly as she had the powerful current run through her body, also bringing the three brothers a lot of sadistic pleasure.
"Lady Yasaka!!" the assembled Youkai cried out in terror, as they saw their Leader being tormented and beaten so badly, (Y/N), Ni and San/Kevin then grabbed Yasaka by her neck and lifted her up before slamming her onto the ground and dragging her along the ground as they used their wings to fly while dragging her along the ground, carving a furrow in the ground with her body.
"Mama! Nooo!" Kunou cried out as tears fell from her eyes, before the three heads released their bites and threw Yasaka into the side of Mt. Fuji! Yasaka whimpered in pain as she laid on her side as smoke came from her body, then the three heads slithered towards her hissing before they wrapped themselves around her large Fox body, holding her tightly before they latched their fangs into her body.
San/Kevin bit down on her hip while Ni clamped his jaws down on her neck, earning a pained yelp from the Kitsune while (Y/N) bit down on her ribs, then an orange light started to transfer from Yasaka's body and down the brother's necks!
"It's draining Lady Yasaka's power!" the Head of the Kappa's cried out as they saw the three feeding off of their leader.
"It's going to drain her dry!" one of the other Kitsune's cried out in terror as Yasaka's struggles started growing weaker and weaker, the other Youkai and her daughter were getting desperate to try and save her, before suddenly a large Purple shape slammed into the Golden Dragon, making the trio drop Yasaka as they were thrown back, but they didn't fall over, they dug furrows into the ground as they stopped themselves.
"What in the Hell?!" one of the Kitsune said in shock.
"What just hit that thing?" one of the Oni said, looking around, before a large shadow passed over Yasaka's Temple making the head of the Tengu Clan look up and the stormy sky.
"Look! It's a Dragon!" the Clan Leader said as he pointed up to the sky, the other Youkai looked up and saw a large purple Dragon, with a light Purple underside, and wearing black armour on his shoulders, waist and a loincloth.
"Wait that's... that's Tannin! The Blaze Meteor Dragon!" said the Leader of the Kappa's in surprise.
"He works for the Devil Faction!" said one of the very few Nekomata left in the city, though she sounded uneasy.
"Have the Devils come to help us with this Dragon?!" exclaimed the Head of the Tengu Clan, sounding hopeful that their leader might be saved, Tannin landed between the downed and badly wounded Yasaka and the Death Song of Three Heads.
"Stay back, Evil Dragon! I, the Blaze Meteor Dragon, Tannin will not allow your reign of destruction to continue!" Tannin declared pridefully, trying to assert his dominance.
"Hissss.... another interruption?" Ni hissed as he and the other two glared back at Tannin.
"These Creatures love to butt in and help each other" (Y/N) growled as they stood back up fully.
"Oh look! He looks like those two we fought before!" San/Kevin said, meaning their battle with Ddraig and Albion.
"I wonder if he has as much power as those two?" (Y/N) wondered as his eyes narrowed at the Purple Dragon.
"You dare to interrupt us!? We shall turn our gaze upon you then!" (Y/N) roared as he rose to his full height, spreading his wings wide to show his own display and rattling the spikes on both of their tails.
Meanwhile, in the city of Kyoto, a Magic Circle appeared and the Devils began to appear, Sirzechs and his loyal Queen and Wife Grayfia stepping through into the rain lashed city, along with Serafall Leviathan, who had come dressed in her Magical Girl outfit, despite the seriousness of the situation, and Falbium Asmodeus.
"My word, so much destruction..." Serafall said in shock as she saw the deep trenches burned into the city, and the destroyed buildings around Kyoto.
"This Dragon is out of control, we must subdue it, before it destroys the city completely!" Sirzech said in a commanding voice, as the Devil Forces arrived as well to aid in the battle.
"With a power like that... it could destroy all of Japan!" Falbium said, sounding unusually serious and alert, compared to his usual slothful personality.
"Alright then, move out! Take positions to support Tannin with bringing this Evil Dragon down!" Sirzechs commanded loudly, motioning for the Devils to move out.
"Yes, Lord Lucifer!" the Devil Army replied, before they started to hurry off to face off against the Dragon, there were a few who were quite eager to do battle with the three headed Dragon.
"Grayfia, do you know about my sister?" Sirzechs asked her, with a serious look on his face.
"Or about my So-chan?" Serafall added in as she hurried over, hoping that her little sister wouldn't be involved in the battle.
"Rias and her Peerage will be staying to keep Kuoh secure along with Sona and her Peerage, just in case anything else were to happen" Grayfia said, her voice still serious as she looked at both Satans.
"That's good, as much as I trust my little sister, it would be bad for her and her Peerage to try facing off against a Dragon of such size and with the power to defeat Yasaka" Sirzechs said as he turned his gaze to Tannin and the Trio, who had spread their wings wide and raised themselves up to display their own dominance.
"Indeed... this Dragon must be quite powerful to do such a thing" Falbium said, watching as Tannin and the Brothers squared off with each other.
"Well there's no need to worry, we will defeat this Dragon and give him a serious time out! His attack will most likely cause some issues with the Youkai Faction, so we will have to be ready to answer any questions they might have" Serafall said with a sigh, feeling upset that she would have to deal with political situations when she would rather be watching her shows, or stalking her sister.
"And apologise for any losses suffered, though hopefully this might open more doors to further our relations to them for saving their Leader" Sirzechs said, as he was in thought about possible perks they could ask for their help.
"We should also be careful, this Dragon couldn't have done all of this alone" Grayfia said, thinking that this Dragon might have Rogue Devils or other Monsters working for it, or possibly other Dragons too.
"Yeah, for all we know this Beast may not be alone... we should be ready in case he has followers that will cause trouble elsewhere" Serafall said seriously, then there was a loud roar from Tannin, followed by a loud continuous roar from all three heads of the the Brothers.
Then Tannin flew at (Y/N), Ni and San/Kevin while the three braced for the impact, Tannin crashed into them and made a shockwave from the impact, before Ni and San/Kevin bit down on Tannin's shoulders and started to battle, Tannin was trying to wrestle them to the ground so they could be restrained, but he suddenly felt himself being pushed back, he looked at (Y/N) with slight surprise in his eyes, before (Y/N) whipped his head and smashed his horned head into the side of Tannin's head!
Tannin was dazed from the sudden blow, allowing Ni and San/Kevin to pull him up off the ground and then slam him into the ground, before (Y/N) raised one of his large feet up, Tannin recovered and dodged as the foot stomped down where he was moments ago!
Tanin then fires a jet of flames at then, but they raised their wing up and blocked the fire as the three charged up their Gravity Beams, they them flapped the wing, blowing the fire away before all three heads fired at Tannin, who crossed his arms to block the blow, the Gravity Beams struck him and the electricity surged through his body, making the Purple Dragon grunt and growl from feeling the electricity over his scales.
The three stopped their beams, the attacks had left some rather big burns on the scales of Tannin's arms, while some sparks continued to arc over his limbs and body, before he charged at the Brothers, Ni went in for an attack but Tannin batted him away and shouldering into them, making them move back slightly.
Tannin went to slash at them with his claws but the three heads arched their long necks and struck like serpents, (Y/N) bit down on Tannin's throat, while Ni bit onto his left shoulder and San/Kevin bit down on his right shoulder, then they beat their massive wings lifting themselves and Tannin up off the ground, before they slammed the Purple Dragon into the ground on his back, and then dragged him along the ground, destroying the country side and forests, while the three heads held their bites.
As they did, Tannin built up his fire and pushed (Y/N)'s jaws off his throat, and then fired a blast of fiery breath at them, the blast struck them in the chest, pushing them back and forcing Ni and San/Kevin to release their bites as they were thrown back from the force of the blast, but they then landed on the ground and dug their claws into the ground, slowing their momentum and digging in the claws of their wings and their feet, and stopping and now tanking Tannin's Flames.
"Brothers, I think it's time we try using "that" power" (Y/N) said with a sadistic smile twisting his scaly lips.
"Oh? Which one, brother?" Ni asked curiously, though still interested to actually test out this power on a living thing.
"Ooh! Ooh! Let's do the shiny one! Can we? Can we, please?!" San/Kevin asked excitedly, making (Y/N) chuckle, while Ni rolled his eyes, but was also smirking.
"Sure, let's give these Creatures a true display of our Radiant power~" (Y/N) said as he smirked, and started to concentrate on utilising one of the powers he and his brothers had been cultivating in their sleep, the Devils eyes widened as they suddenly felt the power withing the three shift!
"Tannin!! This Dragon... it's power is growing too large!" Sirzechs called out worriedly, feeling a terrible sense of dread wash over him as he felt the One Who is Many's power climb, and change.
"Wait... this power, it feels like-!!" Tannin said before suddenly there was a bright flash!
The Devils covered their eyes, and Tannin roared as he was dazzled and blinded from the light, forcing him to cover his burning eyes as he made a pained roar, the Devils also felt a wave of dread wash over them all as they felt this power coming from the bright flash.
"Prepare to face the true image of power!" (Y/N) said with a sadistic tone in his voice, drinking in the feeling of despair he felt from the surrounding Devils.
"A form we cultivated in our hibernation" Ni said, as he gave a smirk at Tannin, and the Devils around them.
"It's so pretty and shiny!" San/Kevin said jovially, as he admired their new appearance, the Devils were trembling at the energy they felt coming off of the trio, Tannin looked at them with his eyes squinted as he felt the same energy as well.
"Wh-What is this?!" Tannin said as he tried to clear his vision and look at his adversary, he saw the outline of the three headed Dragon, as a light shone from him, then the Trio spread their wings wide open and raised their heads in pride.
"Radiant Ghidorah!!" the three called out, as their golden scaled shone with an inner light, their eyes changing from Red to a golden colour, their presence radiated authority, power and a sense of regalness came from them, and most terrifying of all to the assembled Devils was the intense Aura of...
Holy Energy!
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