Kokabiel's face paled considerably as he stuttered and looked at the very angry Golden Wings of Demise, he could feel the power of the deadly Dragon rising higher than anything that he had ever felt before, for the second time in his long life, he felt hesitant on fighting.
"Wait, hold on! I apologise, I wasn't trying to command you, I simply-" Kokabiel said as he stepped back, feeling the pressure from Ghidorah's power, but... his excuse was cut off abruptly.
"Shut up" (Y/N) said to the Fallen Angel General, making the man shut up very quickly.
"You dared to speak as if you commanded me, as if you, a mere insect were my superior, I shall make certain everyone knows that I kneel to no one" (Y/N) said to him with a look of dark rage on his face, electricity arcing from his armour and body.
(Damn it! Why did I say something so stupid?! Now his attention is on me!) Kokabiel thought to himself as he was sweating in fear, clenching his teeth at the situation of having the Golden Dragon of Devouring's anger directed at him now.
This was bad, he had planned to initiate hostility between Heaven and the Underworld and have the Devils and Angels fight each other, and then lead the Fallen in to slaughter both sides and claim victory, he then looked to his left hand, seeing the symbol of his secret patron branded into his pale skin.
(No... I have his support for this, I cannot fail him now!) Kokabiel thought to himself as his look of worry morphed into a manic, blood thirsty grin.
"Yes, no matter what happens to me I have already succeeded! The Great War WILL be restarted!" the Fallen Angel General said loudly as he then summoned a huge Light Spear and threw it at the Golden Wings of Demise's Human form.
"Child's play..." (Y/N) said in annoyance as he raised his hand and back-handed the giant Light Spear away, making it fly and crash against the inside of the barrier surrounding them.
Outside of the Barrier that surrounded Kuoh Academy, Sirzechs, Grayfia, Azazel and Serafall felt the explosion that the Light Spear made against the Barrier, and sensed the power of the Golden Dragon of Devouring grow more and more.
"This is insane... this level of power!" Grayfia said as her heart was beating wildly in her chest, feeling for herself the power of the three headed Dragon, the mix of Divine and Devilish power coming from him making the air heavy and hard to breathe.
Sirzechs and Serafall remained silent as they continued to power the Barrier, hoping that they could at least limit the damage done to the town that Rias and Sona were both ruling over.
"Yeah... and I get the feeling that this isn't even close to his full power" Azazel said in a serious tone of voice, a drop of sweat rolling down his face as he imagined the devastation that he could unleash on a whim.
As the two Devil Kings and the Governor of the Grigori maintained the Barrier, Vali, the White Dragon Emperor could feel the power of the Dragon in Human form, and he felt his Battle mania stirring, imagining the scale of the fight he could get from facing him, unaware that his companion, Albion was having a massive panic attack at the idea of facing him again, along with the Red Dragon of Domination, Ddraig.
Kokabiel was suddenly sent flying as he was hit hard in the chest, feeling several ribs break from the impact of (Y/N)'s fist, the Fallen Angel General hit the ground and spat blood as he stopped himself with his wings, looking up at his opponent only to go wide eyed as he saw him pulling back his arm with a spear of Lightning in his hand, and then he threw the Spear right at him, Kolabiel beat his wings and flew upwards barely dodging the magical attack.
The Lightning Spear struck the ground leaving a crater behind, Kokabiel then spread his wings and fired feathers at (Y/N), the feathers were as hard as Steel and he hoped they would pierce him or at least distract him enough to prepare his next move.
(Y/N) stood there with a bored look on his face as the sharp feathers raced toward him, and he stood there as the feathers struck their target, many of them sticking into the ground like a hail of arrows but none of them managing to pierce him or his shining golden armour, simply bouncing off of him, or being deflected.
(Damn it! His power is far too large, is this the power of those he devoured before?!) Kokabiel thought to himself as he drew upon his power and formed a Light Spear larger than Kuoh Academy itself and threw it at his enemy.
"This is really starting to irritate me" (Y/N) said as he summoned a bolt of Lightning and struck the Gigantic Light Spear, shattering the Light Spear and then striking Kokabiel, burning away three of his wings and charring half of his face, making him yell out on pain.
((Y/N), come on, just destroy this bothersome Bird already!) Ni said in annoyance from inside of (Y/N)'s head.
(Yeah! He's stupid!) San/Kevin added in, his comment making (Y/N) chuckle a little, especially from San/Kevin and Ni agreeing on something for once.
"Yes, I think I'll devour his power and add it to our own" (Y/N) said as he then started to transform back into his true self before the terrified Kokabiel, the Devils and Azazel also watched in awe as his form shifted and grew.
"W-What in the?!" Xenovia said in shock as she watched the Deathsong of Three Storms rose to his true self, Rias and her peerage were all scared as they felt his power, along with Sona and her own peerage, even Vali was a little surprised as he saw Golden scales press against the barrier, which began to crack and splinter!
"Gah! T-This is too much! The Barrier's going to break!" Serafall grunted as the barrier strained, the cracks growing larger as both of his spiked tails crashed against the Barrier, and then... the Barrier shattered like glass as he spread his mighty wings and roared loudly!
"Sirzechs, we're here to lend you aid!" Ajuka said as he, Falbium and several of the other Devil Family Heads arrived, quickly seeing that the situation was quickly getting worse, the newly arrived Devils all trembling as they saw (Y/N) and his brothers in their true form.
"Ajuka! Thank the Satans, hurry! We must prepare the teleportation spell, and send them somewhere else, before they destroy the city!" Sirzechs said to his fellow Satan with wide eyes, he was actually scared, which also got Rias scared too as she looked to her older Brother and then back to the three headed Dragon.
(Y/N), Ni and San/Kevin looked to the sky with their wings spread wide and roared into the heavens, bathing in the glory of being in their true form and the power it held, while their other form also held their power, it always felt better to show their power in their true, Kaiju form.
Kokabiel stood in shock and awe at the sheer size of the Devil With Three Heads, and covered his ears from the booming, cackling roars the three heads let out, he then seemed to lose all semblance of sanity and started hurling as many Light Spears as he could at the massive creature, only for the Spears to bounce off of his scales.
"Kinda of itches..." San/Kevin said in a laid back way, looking completely unbothered.
"Yeah, it itches..." Ni growled with a sadistic grin on his face.
"Then I suppose we had best scratch this itch" (Y/N) said as he, Ni and San/Kevin then raised their heads up, all three of their long necks glowing as power gathered, Kokabiel saw what was coming and jumped aside just before the Electrical Gravity Beams struck the spot he was on before, blasting a large crater in the ground.
"Ugh! My ribs are broken... can't move as fast as..." Kokabiel grunted as he held his chest, distracted by the intense pain he felt, then he heard a growl and his eyes widened as he saw a large set of jaws speed toward him and chomp down on his upper body!
(Y/N) growled as Kokabiel started struggling and kicking, as he then felt his power being drained from his body at a rapid pace, it only took minutes before (Y/N) threw the Fallen Angel to the ground, barely clinging to life as ninety-five percent of his power was devoured by the Deathsong of Three Storms.
"Holy shit... he took him down!" Issei exclaimed in shock as he stood with his eyes wide and his jaw dropped, Ddraig had also seen what had happened and got even more worried about his Host being a dumbass and trying to attack him.
"Effortlessly too... that he could defeat a Fallen Angel of that station so easily..." Rias said as she trembled slightly from the power she sensed, which had increased slightly from devouring the power of Kokabiel.
"Looks like it's over... we'll just let him finish things and then get to work fixing the town" Sona said with a tired sigh as she looked to the school building, seeing the damage that had been caused already.
"We'll also explain everything to you all, you see-" Serafall said as she turned to talk with her little Sister, and with the help of Sirzechs explain about (Y/N) Ghidorah and how dangerous he was when...
"Well now, Kokabiel, I must say I am... disappointed" a new voice suddenly said, their voice echoing through the whole city, the Devils and Azazelall went wide eyed and looked around for the source of the voice, Kokabiel also looked surprised and worried.
Then, suddenly, the sky split open and a portal that looks to be made of flames opened above them all, making everyone look toward the sky, which rippled and changed into a deep, Blood-Red colour.
"M-My Lord...!" Kokabiel gasped in fear as he looked up at the sky and coughed up blood, terrified as he looked to the sky and saw a large form step through the portal and enter the Mortal World.
(Y/N), Ni and San/Kevin all looked to the sky as well and sensed the Divinity in the being who was descending upon the world, the three brothers were eager for the chance to kill and devour another God and gain even greater power from it too.
"I gave you a simple task, did I not? To begin a new war between your three Factions, and then the power generated from that conflict would allow me to gain what is rightfully mine" the voice said as a very large figure slowly descended from the red hued sky.
"M-My Lord, I have not yet failed, I can still-GAAAAAGH!!" Kokabiel said trying to appeal to his patron when suddenly his body burst into flames, burning his body to a blackened husk, which then crumbled to ash and soot as his Patron's feet hit the ground with two loud thumps, shaking the ground as he touched down.
The being was a man wearing Leather and Plate armour which had the image of Cerberus on the chestplate and both shoulder pads, he also had metal chains wrapped around his boots, greaves and his forearms, the most noticeable feature was his beard and hair which were burning like fire.
"But... I suppose you proved useful in another way, at long last, we finally meet, Golden Dragon of Devouring" the new arrival said as he turned his attention to the Devil with Three Heads, appraising the powerful Kaiju with interest.
While the newly arrived God and the Deathsong of Three Storms sized each other up, the Devils and Azazel all stared at the new arrival in shock and horror, now utterly terrified that this situation was beyond saving.
"N-No way... what is HE doing here?!" Serafall stuttered out as she had her hands on her head, messing up her hair as she freaked out from the stress of the escalating situation.
"Now it all makes sense... Kokabiel's confidence and his drive to start a new war, of course he'd work with a guy like that" Azazel said as his confident smile went away and was replaced by a serious and worried look, Vali also looked surprised by the sudden appearance of this new and powerful being.
"Brother, what is it? Why are you so worried?" Rias asked her big brother with fear in her eyes, she and all of the others felt overwhelmed by the power they could feel from both beings, making it hard for them to breathe.
"Rias, I think you may have to withdraw to the Underworld, this may become a fight even we cannot contain..." Sirzechs said in a grave voice and a serious frown on his face.
"Wait, what do you mean? Who is that?!" Issei asked him with worry for his house, his parents and also his porn stash.
"That man who just arrived... is Ares, the Olympian God of War" Serafall said shakily as she looked to the Deity and the Devouring Dragon, the two Peerages and their Kings were in shock and looked at the two beings in panic as well.
"A God? But, why would a God interfere like this? It makes no sense" Sona asked, looking like she was ready to faint from the shock and the thought of all the damage and loss of life they would see if they battled here.
"It's simple really... he wants to start another war, the more war there is in the world, the more power he gains, more than likely he plans to use that power to try and take control of Olympus from his father, Zeus" Vali said suddenly, causing the groups to look over to the White Dragon Emperor and realise what was happening, Serafall, Sirzechs, Akuja, Falbium and Azazel all had an idea that was what he planned, but had no idea it would affect them like this.
"What, so the Greeks Gods are real too?!" Issei exclaimed in surprise, making the others sweatdrop at how clueless he was to miss such an obvious thing what with the literal God of War just crashing down in front of them.
"Yeah Issei, pretty much all of the Pantheons exist, some just aren't as powerful as they were before" Kiba said to Issei while keeping his eyes on the two beings, who both sized each other up.
"Yes, your power is great indeed... I have wanted to meet you for a long time" Ares said with a smile on his face, looking very impressed with how much power he felt coming from the three headed Dragon.
"I seem to have many people who wish to meet the three of us, now, who are you?" (Y/N) said as he also observed the God of War, sensing the potential new energy he and his brothers could devour from this God.
"Ooh, look! Brother's, he has fire on his face!" San/Kevin said to Ni and (Y/N), looking excited.
"I am Ares, the God of War, Bloodlust and Courage, and I must say... you do not disappoint, Golden Dragon of Devouring" Ares said to the One Who is Many, ignoring the Faction Forces below who were watching them speak.
"Your power is vast, but I believe that you seek more, do you not? Perhaps we could form an alliance?" Ares said to him as he extended his hand toward the Golden Nightmare and clanched his fist tightly.
"An alliance, with you? Why would I even consider such a thing?" (Y/N) asked him with a raised, scaly brow.
"Yes, why would we team up with you, when we could just do as we wish as we always do?" Ni hissed at the God of War, baring his fangs at the God,while San/Kevil was just watching the God's burning head of hair and beard with interest.
"Why wouldn't you? I can sense it, you seek to dominate and destroy, to show your power and crush those weaker than you with your great strength, and gain more power from your conquests" Ares said to him with a knowing smile on his face, he could tell that the Brothers loved to sow chaos and terror in their wake, true Gods of Destruction in the making... a perfect ally to help him take Olympus, and perhaps destroy Athens for good measure?
"He does have a point, brother" Ni said to (Y/N), sounding intrigued by the idea of going into battle again after spending so long lounging around with nothing to do.
"Yes, the does sound quite appealing..." (Y/N) agreed as he was in thought, while it was nice to rest it was also fun to get into battle again, to revel in the screams of terror and despair coming from the lesser beings he exterminated.
"How can he be on fire and not hurting?" San/Kevin said as he tilted his head at the God of war, making both of his Brothers look at him with blank stares, before they sighed and chose to ignore his question.
"Just think of it, Ares, the God or War, and the Golden Wings of Demise... the Conqueror's of Mt. Olympus, waging war and sowing chaos all across creation, spilling blood, claiming skulls and glory, we'd be unstoppable!" Ares proclaimed proudly as he raised his arms above his head, his voice loudly booming across all of Kuoh.
The Devil Kings and the Governor of the Grigori watched with baited breath to see if this could indeed be the beginning of a new conflict that could bring about the end of this world, and all that live on it.
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