Chapter Twelve
Immediately the assembly was over and students were dismissed to their various classes. Angela ran up to Mary and latched onto her arm.
"Tell me it's not true" Angela said
"It's not true"Mary replied and started walking
"You have no idea what I'm referring to do you?" Angela asked
"Nope!" Mary replied popping the P
"On Saturday when you came down looking out of it and a bit disheveled. Did something happen while you were up?" Mary stopped in her tracks.
"Why are you suddenly asking me about that?" Mary defensively asked
"No need to get all fired up. I asked because the latest rumor flying around school is about you and Dean" Angela replied
"What's surprising or shocking there?" Mary asked with an eye roll
"The fact that someone saw you walk out of a room looking disheveled and then few minutes later Dean walked out of the same room! Did you sleep with him?" Angela asked
Mary started coughing after hearing Angela's question.
"No. Why would anyone think that!" Mary asked
"You were both in the sane room for a long time and your make up was ruined when you walked out. Let's not even talk about how squeezed your gown was" Angela said with a smirk
Mary opened her mouth to speak but nothing was coming. She had no way of diffusing that rumor without saying the truth and that was something she didn't want anyone to know about.
She just started walking.
If people though she had sex with Dean at the party then fuck them.
She knew she didn't and that's all that mattered to her.
It was break time and the students were rushing to the cafeteria. Mary along with Angela were on their way to the science class. They quietly walked through the noisy hallway and passed many doors before reaching the SS3 Science class.
A frown formed on Marys face as she saw Kayode and Vivian the sleeper engaged in a passionate liplock right by the door.
As though the felt the eyes on them they pulled away from each other and after sharing a hug and a small peck Vivian walked away leaving an Annoyed Mary and Angela watching her back.
Mary shook her head and made her way to the classroom but not before seeing the wink kayode sent her way.
"Stupid womanizer" Angela mumbled
"I couldn't agree more, he is always seen with different girls and the part that annoys me the Most is that the girls know each other" Mary replied Unaware of the fact that Kayode followed them into the class.
"Are you jealous that it wasn't you?" Kayode asked in a cocky voice
"God forbid!" Angela exclaimed
"Tufiakwa!" Mary yelled gaining the attention of the remaining students in the class.
"Just so you know, I'm always here when you need me" He smirked
"God knows I'll never need the likes of you" Mary rhetorted
"By the likes of me. Do you mean charming? Every ladies dream guy?" He said with a huge grin
"No a womanizer!" Mary glared and walked away with a smirking Angela behind her.
She walked up to Dean who was sitting with Alex and Kefas. He stood up when she stood before him and raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner. He was wondering why she came to see him.
"What do you want?" Dean asked
"I need to talk to you" He opened his hands in a go ahead motion but she shook her head.
"In private" she added. He sighed and Walked out of the class with Mary in tow.
"You can go to the cafeteria. I'll meet you there" Mary told Angela who was following them
"Okay" she replied unsure if her decision to allow Mary talk to Dean alone was a bad idea or not.
Dean lead Mary to the janitors closet and opened the door for her. He stepped back for her to walk in first.
"Of all the places you had to pick this one?" Mary asked with an eye roll
He shrugged "You asked for privacy. Where did you think you can get that? The bathrooms?" He mocked
"You didn't have to be so annoying" She glared and walked into the room bringing back the memories of all the things she saw happen in the room. Which made her visibly shudder.
"So what did you want to talk about?" He asked
"I wanted to uhm...." Mary felt awkward and out of her element. Never in a hundred years did she think she would be standing before Dean not to insult him but to thank him.
"To have sex?" Dean asked in a mocking tone. Mary glared at him and his laughter died down
"I wanted to thank you for helping me the other day" she said while awkwardly shuffling her feet and staring at them.
"A thank you? Is that all you're going to say? I was expecting something along the lines of My handsome Knight in shinning armor thank you for saving me!" Dean saidin a girly voice with a mischievous smirk. Mary glared at him and folded her hands
"Too bad you are not a knight then" Mary replied
"But I am handsome. It wouldn't kill you to say that and thank me properly." He retorted Mary dramatically sighed and rolled her eyes. She seductively walked up to Dean and sensually ran her hand up and down his chest before placing them on his shoulder.
Dean stared at her with a shocked look as she leaned her face towards his. Their faces were so close that they were sharing the same breath.If they moved an inch more there lips would meet.
"You are the most handsome fool I have ever encountered" Mary said with a smirk.
And walked out.
Dean watched her retreating back and swore under his breath.
He followed her and saw Diane and Dorathy blocking her path. He walked up to them and stood behind Mary.
"What do you want?" Mary asked
"What were you both doing in the closet?" Diane yelled
Mary opened her mouth to answer but Dean placed his hand on her shoulder silencing her.
"Since when did you become the schools provost?" Dean said in a no nonsense tone
"What were you doing with her of all people and why are you touching her!?" She pulled his hand off Marys shoulder
"Are you my mom? Why can't I be with her?" He asked in a mocking tone which caused Mary to silently giggle. She was enjoying the show and the best part was that she didn't have to say anything.
The look on Diane and Mary's face was pure gold to her.
"Cause she is a nobody!" Diane yelled stomping her foot like a dramatic five year old.
"Well this nobody happens to be my girlfriend and I suggest you start showing her some respect before I lose the little tolerance I have" He glared at her and watched her hurt and humiliated face.
He turned to Mary with a dazzling smile. "Let's go babe" He placed his hands on her waist and lead her away.
When they reached a secluded corner Mary pushed his hand away and glared at him
"What?" He asked with a nonchalant look
"Why did you tell them I was your girlfriend?"
"Are you not? The whole school already thinks we are dating" He said and leaned on the wall with his hands in his pocket
"You didn't have to solidify the rumor!" Mary scowled
"I'm hurt that you don't want to be known as my girlfriend. Do you know the number of girls that beg me for that position daily?"
"Do you know that you're no where near my type?" Mary shot back
"Stop boasting your ego bat. You're not my type either and I only said that to get Diane to stop disturbing me."
"So you used me?" Mary glared
"Using is a big word. You just helped me get rid of a problem like I did yours the other day" Dean replied
"Thank your stars I'm in a good mood" She said and walked away
"Won't you give your boyfriend a kiss?" Dean yelled after her
"In your dreams" Mary scoffed.
Thank you all for reading!
Happy 600 votes to Mary and Dean.
Sorry for the grammatical Errors.
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