Chapter 6 Exchanged Student pt 2
~Logan POV~
I looked at the exchanged student. I just got a bad feeling. I looked at Patton who was talking to Elijah. I started to feel light headed.
"Logan..Lo..gan.."I heard a distant voice calling my name but everything became blurry.
~Patton POV~
I was talking to Elijah about London but I started to get a bad feeling so I looked behind me to see Logan was as pale as a ghost.
"Logan. Logan!" I called his name but he didn't respond. He fell backwards I caught him before he hit the ground,"I'm sorry Elijah but I have to take Logan to the nurse's office," I said before leaving. I carried Logan to the medical room and laid him on the bed.
~Logan Pov~ (Dream)
I was walking the hall with Patton and the school alarm systems was going off. I pushed Patton in a room and shut the door. The doorknob was shaking. I looked at Patton and pulled him closer. I heard a rattle and it kept getting louder. Patton was in tears now. I turn around to see the glass break. The silhouette of a person with a gun was standing right in front of us. They grabbed Patton.
"No, Please no. Don't do it . Not him!" I yelled tear falling quickly down my face.
"PATTON!" I screamed in pain. The person pointed the gun at me.
I jolted a wake. I looked around my environment. I saw Patton was standing there.
"Patton," I called to him. He took out his earbuds.
"Are you okay Logan?" He asked moving closer to me. I shook my head. He pulled me closer to him.
"I'm sorry," I whimpered.
He looked confused,"For What?"
"For not saving you," I said in a low voice.
"Same dream?" he asked. I nodded,"Logan look at me?" He demanded and I obeyed,"Do I look dead?"
"No," I said softly. He grabbed my hand and placed it on his heart.
"Feel that?" He said.
"Yes Patton I feel your heart," I stated.
"I'm not dead, Okay," He said angrily pulling me into a hug,"When will you get that through your brilliant mind of yours,"He said in a hushed voice.
~Roman Pov~
I was waiting for Virgil to calm down. I looked around the hall and saw him.
"Roman, I'm so glad to see you?" He said in a joyful tone.
"Why? Aren't you supposed to be with Logan and Patton?" I asked wrapping my arms tighter around Virgil.
"Well, Logan passed out," He said and took another breath,"Then Patton took him to the nurse's office. So, I'm here looking for you."
I looked down at Virgil to see if she was okay. I looked up at HIM. I really don't like this guy. He just rubs me the wrong way.
"Well I guess that means. We have to show you around," I mumble. Virgil looked up at me and looked behind her.
"Hello, Sweetheart," Elijah said giving her a small wave. I feel something boiled inside me.
"Well we will show your classes now," Virgil said quietly. She started to walk to his first class. He walked in and we left the class room.
"I really don't like that guy,"I said grinding my teeth together.
"I know. Just deal,"She said looking at me.
"But why us?"I whined. Virgil rolled her eyes.
"I'll see you at lunch," She said walking to her class.
"I will be waiting for you, Hot Topic," I said as she was leaving. I walked slowly to my class room. I want lunch to come already.
What will Roman do to Elijah? Will Logan get over last year with Patton's help? Will we see supernatural creatures?
Am I losing my mind?
Shut up Demons!
Okay here some Shout out to casson24
Thank you all for reading
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