Chapter 2 Day
~Virgil pov~
I went to class and listen to the teacher talk what feels like hours. I kept looking at the clock waiting for the bell to ring.
I got up and headed to my locker to grab my stuff for my next class. When I felt someone hugged me. I looked behind me and saw Roman.
"Hey Princey," I said with a big smile. He smiled back.
"I hate my classes,"He said angrily.
"Why is that?" I said shutting my locker.
"Because your not it," He stated. I rolled my eyes and started to walk to class. He followed me to class," Bye see you at lunch, My queen,"
"See you at lunch, My king," I said walking into my class. Everyone looked at me and I slowly made my way to my seat. It was the same boring stuff all over again and still don't have homework.
I just got to the lunch room and took the senior's fast lane. I got through the line and headed to my usual table close to the windows. Roman, Logan, and Patton came in one by one and got to the table.
"Hey Virgil," Patton said. I looked up from my food.
"Hey guys," I said slowly, " Umm.. Where Sam and Jack?"
"They have to take the other line remember. They are only sophomores," Roman said sitting down next to me. We saw the principal walking towards us.
"I wonder what he wants?" I said looking at the principal.
"Hello, you four. I need your help to make a warm welcome to a foreign exchange students ," He said looking for our respond. My cousin came up to the table and took a seat.
"When is this going to happen?" I asked.
"Tomorrow," He said.
"Yes," Patton said.
"Of course," Logan said eating an apple.
"Sounds fun," Roman said looking at me.
"Fine," I said shrinking into Roman's side. Roman wrapped his arms around me. Some of the freshmen walked towards us and asked if they can sit with us,"Go a head," I said. They smiled and sat down. I looked at the others. I smiled and continue eating.
The lunch bell rang and we headed off to study hall and which was the same one. I walked to the desk that was close to the back. Roman, Logan, and Patton headed in the same direction. We started to talking about summer and then there was announcements that was coming through the intercoms. Telling us about drills that we are going to do through out the school year. I looked at Roman and got the flash back of what happened last year.
"Your alright love," He said getting up off his seat and wrapped me in a hug. Patton joined in pulling Logan in as well. Study ended and now it was English for me. Roman went to weight lifting. Logan got collage speech. Patton has cooking. I just arrived at the English class and saw seating arrangements. I sigh and went to my seat that was only two feet from the door. I listen to the lecture of the English teacher until the bell rings again ending another class. Last class of the day was Creative Writing.
"Thank god last class of the day," I said in relief.
"What does god have to do with this?" Roman said from behind.
"OMG! Roman you don't sneak up on me. You could've given me a heart attack," I said trying to calm my heart.
"Sorry but you are so cute when your scared," He said with a smile, "Last class,"
"Yep," I said looking at him.
"Well meet me outside of the school and I'll take you home, love," He said giving me a peck on the cheek before heading to his last class. I headed in my last class and sat down in the chair in the back row. We are writing stories and talking about different thing that makes a good story. I smiled and probably could write a story from last year to get it all out. I could journal as well to. The bell rang and I packed up my things and headed outside to find Roman.
"Hey hot topic," He said. I walked towards him and got in the car,"We still have to wait for your cousins. Oh here they come. Ready to go guys?" We all nodded. We pulled out of the school parking lot and headed to my place to drop of my cousins.
"I'll be staying at Roman's place tonight," I said to uncle. He nodded and we drove to his place.
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