Chapter 10 Save me from the Nightmare
~Patton Pov~
Logan been having nightmares. He haven't been getting enough sleep. I'm really worried about him. Two weeks a go, he past out from exhaustion. He really need help and I don't know if I could help him.
"Hey Lo. How ya feeling?" I asked in my usual hyper tone. He looked at me with dead eyes and nodded. I took a deep breath and shook my head,"Logan, please tell about your nightmares," I pleaded.
"Patton, I told you they are all about the day of the shooting and bombing," He said tiredly.
"I know but you like to keep things bottled up and while you do that I feel like I'm failing to help you," I said tearing up.
~Logan Pov~
I saw Patton about to cry. He's really worry about me. He thinks he failing me but it's the other way around.
"Patton, you're wrong. I'm failing you. For not get over this consistent fear of having that event happening all over again," I said guiltily. I hang my head low towards Patton. I can hear feet fall on the ground and a pair of loving arms around me.
"You'll never fail me, Sweetheart," Hearing his sweet, angelic voice in my ear make feel a little better.
"Thanks honey bear," I said cooing tone. He smiled in my chest. We heard the door opened to Patton's room. We looked toward the door. It was of course his mum.
"Hey kids is everything alright?" She asked us.
"Yea, we was just talking," Patton said smiling.
"Well you two need to get to sleep," She said closing the door. I looked at my phone to see it was about 10 o'clock pm. I looked at Patton.
"I probably should go home," I said grabbing my bag and getting ready to leave but Patton wouldn't have it.
"No! You're staying here for the night. It's to late to travel home," He said crossing his arms.
"Alright, I will call my parents to tell them that I'm staying here," I said dialing my parents number. Patton nodded.
"Hi mom, I'm staying at Patton's tonight. Yes I let them know. Alright goodnight. Bye," I said hanging up the phone. I set my bag down. Patton walked over his closet and grabbed a hold of a t-shirt and pj pants. I got changed. I felt Patton's stare.
"Um Logan. You got a scare on the side of you chest," He stated.
"Yea, I know," I said putting the t-shirt on.
"How did you get it?" He asked placing his hand on the scare.
"I got from shattered glass from the bomb," I said looking at Patton in his beautiful brown eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry," He whispered lowing his head.
"Its fine," I said wrapping my arms around him," But we should go to bed," he nodded. We walked over to his bed.
"Yea," I said yawning.
"I think you go talk to the school concealer," He said snuggling closer to me.
"You're probably right, but I don't think I need to anymore," I said kissing him on the top of his head. After a few minutes we both fell asleep in each other embrace. It's the first time in along time that I got some good sleep.
That good for them and hopeful nothing else happens.
You're planning something aren't ya.
You got no proof.
I'm you Ghost.
I leaving good bye
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