Every story begins with a simple sentence, which I'm told. Yet I tell this to myself a thousand times a day, when I think about writing this. I'm still not sure what form to write this story of sorts. I still think story is unjust for this... what, journal perhaps better known as diary. Also, there isn't much to expect from this story, I'm not quite sure either. Today has been off from the moment I woke up. So, this is just unexpected. Yet I find myself writing this said "story". Well this introduction is starting off rather less of a story but, an entry. For further introductions to fill this prologue to at least one page of 500 words. Who is the narrator and character of this diary, Adam or yours truly. I am... lost to say the least I can never decipher who or whom my identity is. As I say to anyone who asks it is my masks identity. Which I feel is total bullshit, but we will go with that, throughout this story, I feel, will be scattered thoughts of re-imagined events and memories. My characters have their own part to play in each phase or chapter. Some may be introduced and not accounted for. Some cases you will find yourself confused but, as the writer I should take into account the readers, your feelings and clarity of this journal. Tending to contradict myself or even give up on certain topics, rather left unsaid or to my procrastination. Some, insight to the title, well I find it sarcastic and a bit humorous. I feel as if it may be tied into later events or even my interesting relationship. Other than this you have such a vague description and I'm sure you still don't know what the story is about with this being my prologue. Well this is my story of event or my perspective of them. In the time frame of high-school as well as this past year. There are many things that I could include a back story to why I will be or am the way I am. But, I'm vague and still not going to put myself in a vulnerable situation with said information. You're welcome for teasing your curiosity if I have. This story is going to my on look of life as of now, the days in which I see and my routine, later to come after traveling back to a year ago. Pretty interesting huh that, maybe not in reality but, here writing this book I can travel to whatever era I find myself creating. Lets begin a year before now, for reference it's June 1st, Monday of 2020 (6-1-2020) and as of a side note tomorrow I will be getting my license, sorry a note for my future self. Well my prologue is coming to an end as I reach my marker of 500 words so I leave you will this subtlety of a prologue of whats to come.
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