the new student is a nerd page 30
hello, I'm gonna be writing this at a chapter to this story. It's also go with the chapter in PS scared not gonna be no other stuff attitude, if I feel like putting it on, just gonna put a time scale, because actually, this chapter you're not gonna be some of that in this book actually actually like yet..
Fresh pop side jammy'O can wee kiss if you one two jammy'O .
Jammy'O side what about downstairs? They really sleep right now, I can't booze served on.
Fresh pop side jammy'O I love you for you in why you not tale me jammy'O ...
Jammy'O side at is ok my freshy I one two sipping in my bed in you can sipping let me hear you want to, I have no problem was ready. Be I do not one you two make me your in your dad in mom is ok in cool in super red he is a little fun...
Fresh pop side what your not really that at all... I is a cute in super red is not cute my jamjam..
Jammy'O side freshy hush, it's time I go to sleep now, but don't want to wake our feature kids doing.
Fresh pop side yeah, when I want to wake them up, he sighs, actually a friend of future anyway, so only postive chance we already are a real man, plus they sleeping on your spare bedroom anyway, besides my friend, my future time anyway, so maybe we need to take them back to the future..
Jammy'O side oh, I wish I draw a future but actually I can't right now, I'm too tired, plus my whole day talking with my friends and stuff like that, I don't feel like it so go to sleep already its getting night anyway...
Fresh pop side yeah, you was right, we don't want to wake them up anyway, they go to sleep anyway our future kids in anyway, go buy, we just play some video games and ethical person popcorn just the one night, actually we've been in the same room without separated, it's feels weird, I'm sleeping on the floor, ya family, some Kabul, please. Not now, and it made her helpful you didn't use this Kabul, and now they use theatre in a couple well good night..
Jammy'O side yeah, you already know about the cut, what song, my farm anyway, so you already know about that, anyway, what's some of your, I just saw it. Just say I really sorry not mean to get you all some. Rather get you all worried for nothing, besides its another day in this dimension high school anyway, we posed to do anyway, summer vacation coming up in something else is coming up it's the day when I be on this 22 days before its Helms in to set, when you see me differently, don't you come there at all just had a be safe. Be safe on earth day it's also means the red moon. It went all vampires. Y'all crazy over blood. Plus, we need blood to survive in a way.
Jammy'O side jay, you can still leave out the top man, let's get some rest. It's been a long day besides, I don't wanna wake up, no one besides you forgot me on the 8th floor, also closer to the ground, my apartment just free feat actually, from the ground is really higher, since we have a floor ground light, two hundred and three hundred drops was each one is yours must come by, and I tried to hide a big game from. From this, well, I'm not gonna let you meet him, besides, he's really the person you don't want to meet at..
Fresh pop side well, as first he seemed like a mean, I don't want something wrong, what they really doing, I don't understand it, you might find it to me, what this man girls over here soon is apartment to do. Can't just tell me what happened to the other master for use welfare. I used to live here in this apartment where you used to know, were you stay at now...
Jammy'O side so the other must use the left in his apartment, what I got, I was like and the other grade, I think when I heard this story about this monster who used to stay in the apartment were on Sam, yet now they say he was all the way dark skin or light trybut like tried to black was coming out of his life, they said the name is right here, he's the same apartment before the accident happened in the first life, so they saw me in a prayer for souls, they will try to bring him back by using it actually my soul, but at first I didn't have none, I don't have noat first, but actually, it's really strange to where to put it on the actually see him in my dreams and stuff, ain't tell me to do stuff, and I never listen, so the project was feeling, right? Actually project what doctorsale father actually did something wrong, we want to heal spared months, if I don't know often shall adopt them, and something told him that the next day, and the skin is turning black, bare bones turning black was Brenda skeletons and monstersplus, rabbit monsters to it's why nobody wouldn't take this flight, so I decided to take it the reason why I looked on the street and the reason why we had to catch our plane back and forth for school, because actually, my father, creator NATO, want me to actually so actually I decided to just get out the mop soon make my own decision, but actually, I was terrible mistake, wow, data story at night it's a really long story, but you get the picture right.....
Fresh pop side I didn't know that happened to you besides its all over now, I can not hurt you, I bother you no more, he sighs, whatever happens to you, got to be something wrong, besides, my mother and father, Shane king and queen on this universe, so they are the creators of your father actually, I was just little and a first rated him, they draw him first, and they gave him online and no soul, he also have feelings, but that was a producer, child.she took really carried him after these 2 writers decided to put him out side. That's why he is like this. That's why he doesn't see you a lot, actually, they gave me this piece of paper years ago, soon, whoever at this we are sorry about this project we won we want to take him back in to make sure you feeling all right and better, we can't have feelings in a lot of love and care but the other creator..
Jammy'O side stop stop stop in stop I know the story is not true because he's smelling on your face right now, when you spout, that means you started lieing happy, but I just don't get it, why you want, tell me this at your I was created by blueink'y sans in error sans go to Universal should never meet in the first place is it gets all the rules of Nature's Universe have a child out of the universe that mean DHL is half of a half of the other one and I even more with those are not more with cells that all they like soldiers..
Fresh pop side ok, I got you or I want you now, you owe me something, and you know what that feels right, besides actually dated for a couple years now, and I wonder to take them to the kingdom tomorrow to see after we gonna take them out to eat and stuff besides dancer the queen with the Donald surfer for all now, but she need to write the barrier means only she can do it...
Jammy'O side so that's why you didn't want to talk to my friends about what happened to the king in the coin, what happened to damn I know she don't know, why have a termination, actually, she doesn't got that much, actually, I just don't get it, why you did I want to just tell me about it..
Time 🕒 __
Wave fresh pop in jammy'O do at...
Fresh pop in jammy'O kiss in ------------ in ------------ in -----------------.....
Fresh pop side oh my jammy'O oh my start you love at in are you ok my boyfriend...
Jammy'O side p-please stop at oh my f-fresh p-pop w-why is f-fun freshy in I one two yesh so much in I love you my boyfriend...
Fresh pop side hey jammy'O I sorry if I one two got two your bathroom.
Jammy'O side I I got in my bathroom two in I can not got up for my bed right now, I don't feel like it...
Fresh pop side it's alright, how to carry you to your bathroom. I don't really mind at all. Actually, it was a accident, just happen, let's just go with at...
Fresh pop got jammy'O up meals, his bed and take him to his bathroom what I bathroom.
Jammy'O side don't you dare drop me at all besides I don't like right now, plus, I need some pain killers...
Fresh pop side ok, where your pain killers yet your medicine.
Jammy'O side they should be at the counter inside a cabinet on the left, on my painkillers in my medicine, but I need to take a single day. It's not two be sad .
Fresh pop side alright, I don't your pain medicine right here, and close the border is alright, I'm just gonna leave the bathroom alone, you are your own privacy, I understand, I just had to lie to you finish. And not to take me a shower.
Jammy'O side yeah, you're right, but you for giving my pain killers for me. And plus my privacy anyway...
Fresh pop side I need to go to the bedroom up..
Jammy'O side wow, water is wonderful, was I love the colors. Plus I can't get used to this.....
Fresh pop side oh, yeah, I'm not gonna look at your diary or nothing like that so that..
Jammy'O side please don't look at my diary, I have some stuff from there, but I don't want you to know about, so promise me, you don't look at my other are all..
Fresh pop side oh, yeah, and loss, we want them all when I am getting mad at the other one plus, why?...
Fresh start side do you mind keeping it down, it's hard enough to get some sleep. Actually, I was saying going to a big house plus families this book. I found this book, I don't know what it was some of the pages of it and I don't. I don't want to be does this....
Jam start side daddy I can not sipping in my brother he one not sipping daddy...
Jammy'O side oh, I forgot to tell you he pulls to bed, school tomorrow, he's coming from the other school, and plus he can't get out with us tomorrow. I'm not just can't wait for you to see my old best friend.out from she is actually not for miss universe actually he found other universe, but my other friend, she's really good at sports stuff like that kula hang out with don't get on his bad is your just see ..
Jam start side mommy I can not sipping or my brother mom in daddy...
Fresh pop side jam start in fresh start you two kids got two your bedroom ok...
Jam start side ok daddy ...
Fresh start side yo yo daddy cool 70 daddy..
Okay, everybody got to stop, right here for a minute. And also, I was in the kitchen, and I failed almost of water. I'm back the right to a story, and a few said, if you want to or following balance and water yeah ok.....
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